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IT Essentials Review 5BName ____________________1. Boot sequence refers to the sequence of the devices that the OS will check when booting a computer. It can be HDD-DVD drive-Network.2. The Master Boot Record (MBR) is the information in the first sector of any hard disk or diskette that identifies how and where an operating system is located so that it can be boot (loaded) into the computer's main storage or random access memory. 3. Pressing the F8 key during the boot process opens the Windows Advanced Startup Options menu, which allows you to select how to boot Windows. Startup Options are:a. Safe Mode – Starts Windows but only loads drivers for basic components, such as the keyboard and display.b. Safe Mode with Networking Support – Starts Windows identically to Safe Mode and also loads the drivers for network components.c. Safe Mode with Command Prompt – Starts Windows and loads the command prompt instead of the GUI interface.d. Last Known Good Configuration – Enables a user to load the configurations settings of Windows that was used the last time that Windows successfully started. It does this by accessing a copy of the registry that is created for this purpose.4. The Registry is a hierarchical database that stores low-level settings for the Microsoft Windows operating system. 5. A dual-boot or multi-boot system can be created in MS Windows, provided the harddisk has more than one partition. Upon boot-up, the user will be prompted to choose the desired OS to boot.6. The Disk Management Utility This utility can be used to complete the following tasks:?View drive status?Extend partitions?Split partitions?Assign drive letters?Add drives?Add arrays7. The root level of the Windows directory structure, the partition, is usually labeled drive C. It contains directories, called folders. In these folders, computer files can be kept. Directories may contain subdirectories. Subdirectories are commonly called subfolders.8. Drive Mapping refers to using letters are used to name physical or logical driveseg. D:, E:, etc.9. Windows system filenames follow some rules:a. Maximum of 255 characters may be used.b. Characters such as a period (.) or a slash (\ /) are not allowed.c. An extension of three or four letters is added to the filename to identify the file type.d. Filenames are not case sensitive.10. Windows filename extension examples:?.docx- Microsoft Word?.txt - ASCII text only?.jpg - graphics format?.pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint?.zip - compression format11. The Task Manager allows you to view all applications that are running, and to close any applications that have stopped responding. To start Task Manager,?CTRL-ALT-DEL and select Start Task Manager, or?right-click the taskbar and select Start Task Manager.12. Windows 7 Libraries allows for easy organization of content from storage devices on local computer and network. These libraries are virtual folders that present content from different locations within the same view. Four default Libraries - Documents, Music, Pictures, and Videos. To add a file to a library, right-click it, select [Include in library], and then choose which library to add the item. To create a new library, open a folder and select [Include in Library] > [Create new library].13. Different user account can be created on an OS, such as guest, administrator, etc.14. The Windows Firewall Utility implements a security policy by adjusting the following settings:?Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall?Change notification settings?Turn Windows Firewall on or off?Restore defaults?Advanced settings15. A firewall is a system that provides network security by filtering incoming and outgoing network traffic based on a set of user-defined rules. It aims to reduce or eliminate the occurrence of unwanted network communications while allowing all legitimate communication to flow freely. In most server infrastructures, firewalls provide an essential layer of security that, combined with other measures, prevent attackers from accessing your servers in malicious ways.16. The Event Viewer allows user to view a log file. This log file contains a history of all events that had taken place on the computer. It can be useful for troubleshooting.17. A hard drive gets fragmented after long use – Files are broken into smaller parts and saved all over the hard drive. The Disk Defragmenter software can be used to defragment the hard drive and allow it to perform better.18. The software CHKDSK checks the integrity of files and folders by scanning the hard disk surface for physical errors.19. A computer can be accessed remotely if allowed by the OS at “Remote Desktop”.20. The command “Cmd” brings up the command prompt. Here, valid commands can be entered.21. The command “Run” allows commands to configure settings and modify system settings.22. A Virtual Machine (VM) allows one OS to be run in another OS. One example is the VMWare. Multiple VMs can be run in one OS. 23. The software that creates and manages a virtual machine on a host machine is called the hypervisor, or Virtual Machine Manager (VMM).24. Windows Virtual PC is the virtualization platform for Windows 7.25. Preventive Maintenance must be done to minimise computer downtime.26. The CLI ‘at’ command launches tasks at a specified time using the command line interface.27. If a computer crashes, the OS can roll back to a restore point using the System Restore Utility. The restore utility only operates on OS and application files.28. A restore point must be created. It is usually done before updating or replacing an OS.29. The Microsoft Backup Tool is used to perform hard disk backups. A backup strategy should include:a. how often the data must be backed up (weekly, monthly, yearly)b. the type of backup to perform c. make copies of the files that have changed since the last backup.30. Type of Backups:a. Normal (Back up selected files and folders)b. Copy (Backup selected files and folders)c. Differential (Backup selected files and folders that changed since the last backup)d. Incremental (Backup selected files and folders that changed since the last backup)e. Daily (Backup selected files and folders that changed during the day)31. Troubleshooting refers to the process of finding the cause of a fault. The 6 recommended step to troubleshooting are:Step 1 Identify the problem.Step 2 Establish a Theory of Probable Cause.Step 3 Test the Theory to Determine Cause.Step 4 Establish a Plan of Action to Resolve the Problem and Implement the Solution.Step 5 Verify Full System Functionality and Implement Preventive Measures.Step 6 Document Findings, Actions, and Outcomes. ................

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