Installing To Windows 10 (64 bit)

Pre-Installation settings (Turn off user account controls)Control Panel47536101143000At the Desktop, Right Click on the Windows Start Icon and select Control Panel244665528638500Select User Accounts 49961804361223812507429500Select User Accounts again40874951778029559251079500Select Change User Account Control Settings523621049530250126529273500Drag Slide-bar to Never Notify3150870367665Select OK460692515557500 Change PC Settings (Windows 10)299275511430000SettingsClick on Windows IconClick on Settings 30638346058102956956201938003206338464120032772352603500Click on Update and Security Select Recovery Select Restart Now 5435605334000534389259030222068641143Restart ScreenSelect the box labeled Trouble ShootIn Trouble Shoot Menu select Advanced Options28232105842015240059690Select Startup Settings3219450554355-114300563880Under Startup Settings select the Restart box in the bottom right corner17780182753000506902741170900In the next screen you will either select Disable Driver Signature Enforcement or press either 7 or F7. This will then restart the computer with the DSE disabled.Run as AdministratorOnce computer has restarted after the DSE has been disabled, open File Explorer (Click on Windows start menu, Select File Explorer from List) (Make sure Installation Disk is Loaded) Select This PC from the list Right click on the Accutome B-Scan software disk and select OpenLocate SetupRight click on Setup and select Run as Administrator395732035750500-49784036068000-16490192406650014859027305002527376-317500 ................

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