Windows 8.1 Security

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Windows 8.1 Security

TechNet Event November 25th, 2013

Martin Weber Technology Solution Professional Microsoft Switzerland Ltd.

In the news...

Microsoft Exposes Scope of Botnet Threat

By Tony Bradley, October 15, 2010

Microsoft's latest Security Intelligence Report focuses on the expanding threat posed by bots and botnets.

Researchers Discover Link Between TDSS Rootkit and DNSchanger Trojan

By NICK BILTON , May 2, 2011

TDSS rootkit, the hard-to-remove malware behind numerous sophisticated attacks, appears to have helped spread the DNSchanger Trojan.

Windows 8 and 8.1 Security Capabilities

Securing the Sign-In Secure Access to Resources

Securing the Boot Securing the Code and Core Securing the Desktop

Securing Device with Encryption

First Class Biometric Experience Multifactor Auth for BYOD

Trustworthy Identities and Devices Virtual SmartCard

Provable PC Health

Improved Windows Defender Improved Internet Explorer Improved System Core Hardening

Pervasive Device Encryption Selective Wipe of Corp Data

What's New in Windows 8.1 Security

Refresh and Reset Enhanced BitLocker Drive Encryption Protection New Secure Boot Options

Tools for Windows 8.1 Recovery

Windows Tools & Techniques:

? System Restore ? Safe Mode and related

New Windows 8.1 Refresh and Reset capabilities

Windows 8.1 Refresh vs. Reset



Keeps customizations and data

Does not keep customizations and data

Keeps Windows 8.1 Apps

Does not keep Windows 8.1 Apps

Does not format before reinstall

Formats the drive before reinstall

Groundbreaking Enterprise Security

Builds on Windows 7 Technologies Enhanced BitLocker Protection UEFI Support for Trusted Boot Windows Defender and Windows Firewall

BitLocker Enhancements in Windows 8.1

Encryption of Full Disk or just the data at rest (aka "used Disk Space") Encrypt during installation Support for eDrives, iSCSI and Fiber Channel Drives


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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