Tracing SQL Processes to X3


“How To…” Guide

Change the folder level password for the database & Enterprise Management ecosystem

Change the folder level password for the database & Enterprise Management ecosystem 1

Overview 1

1. Open Sage Safe Enterprise Management Console 1

3. change the X3 service account (sagert) Windows password 4


This document describes the process of changing folder level password for the database to its related process in X3. Each folder connects to the database using a login that matches the folder's name. This is the primary account in the database responsible for all interaction back and forth between the application layer and the database for that specific folder. This account has a default password that can be altered.

Open Sage Safe Enterprise Management Console

Launch the Safe Enterprise Management Console.






• Do NOT change the password directly in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. This does not change the password in the SAFE Enterprise Management Console and will result in errors logging into Enterprise Management or the SAFE Enterprise Management Console.


• When you change the password in the SAFE Enterprise Management Console, it automatically updates the Microsoft SQL Server database accordingly.

Password Requirements:

• Allowed characters: (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) which means no special characters

• The password field has a size of 250 characters, however:

o Version 6 and earlier will only work with 8 characters or less (the console will not inform you of this)

o Version 7 and later can use a password up to 32 characters.

To alter the password for the login associated to the folder in the database perform the following:

1. Open the Sage SAFE Enterprise Management Console. If there is no desktop icon, the console.exe can be found in a location similar to C:\Sage\SafeX3\Safe Enterprise Management Console.

2. Click Solutions

Note:  If you are logged in as a Windows profile who did not configure the solution, you will need to click the import button and import the solution

3. From the top menu ribbon, select folders

4. Select the folder for which you want to change the password

5. Click the Password button 

6. Enter the former password (tiger) and click Ok

7. Enter your new password and then click Ok

8. Confirm the password and click Ok

9. Click the Yes button when prompted to Confirm configuration?

10. Click OK

11. Click Close

12. Exit the Sage Safe Enterprise Management Console

Note: You can confirm that the login has the new using SQL Server Management studio. When connecting to your instance, use SQL Server Authentication, the Login will be the folder name (i.e. SEED) and the password will be what you entered within the console.

2. Changing the ‘sa’ password in SQL server



• Special characters should work but if you run into problems, use common special characters only.

Password Requirements:

• For Sage X3 version 6 and earlier, the max characters is 8. If you attempt to enter 9 characters or more, the SAFE X3 Console will not warn you. SQL will change to 9 characters, however, Sage X3 will only retain 8 characters. This will result in the error message in the title of this article.

• For Sage Enterprise Management version 7 and higher, this value has been increased. Limit the characters to 20.

1. Open the SAFE X3 Console

2. Select your solution

3. In the Data - Application, top section, locate the "Password for 'sa'" line

4. Double-click in the Value column

5. Enter the new password

6. Click OK

7. Click Save

Note:  Certain characters such as the "&" character in the sa password may cause various SAFE X3 Console configuration errors. Do not use special characters unless necessary.

change the X3 service account (sagert) Windows password

1. Login to Windows using the service account. For example, this could be sagert, sagex3, x3run, or any other Windows account used for the service.

2. For any existing folders that you may be concerned about functional tasks:

a. Stop the Accounting Task in Usage, Batch server, Accounting tasks (VALPCE).

b. Deactivate the batch server by going to, in Product Update 9 and earlier, Usage, Batch server, Server deactivation (BATCHSTOP) or in V11, this has moved to Administration, Administration, Endpoints, Batch server (entity: batchServers)

Note: If you do not follow these steps, the Accounting tasks may reflect Restart in progress, see KB ID 79976.

3. Understand what service accounts need to change:

a. Go to Windows services (from the start menu, type Services)

b. Sort the Log On As column and take note of which services will need the password changed.


4. Change the Windows service account password

a. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL or CTRL+ALT+END if in a remote session

[pic] [pic]

b. Enter the Old password, the New password, and the Confirm password

c. Click Submit (arrow icon)

d. Click OK

5. Open the Sage X3 SAFE Management Console. If there is no desktop icon, the console.exe (Application) can be found in a location like C:\Sage\SafeX3\Safe X3 Console.

6. Click Solutions

b. If there is an existing solution, click on Delete the console from the solution ( [pic]) button

c. If there is not an existing solution or after you clicked on Delete the console from the solution, you need to click Import a solution existing in the console ( [pic]) button

5. Import the Solution

0. Click New

1. Server name: localhost or server name or IP address

2. Port number: Default was 1818 (this is the port assigned to ADXADMIN)

3. User: the Windows service account

4. Password: The new Windows password

5. Keep password: check


7. Click Next

8. Select the Solution and click Ok


9. In the Main process server  block located on the bottom of the grid, enter the new password in User account password

10. Click Ok

11. Click Application and Yes to "Confirm configuration?"


12. Click OK when the Configuration completed

13. Click Close 

Note: The main runtime service is now started and using the new password.

8. Start the Syracuse web service

l. Go to Windows services (from the start menu, type Services)

m. Double-click the service (ie. Sage Syracuse - NODE0) to open Properties

n. Select the Log On tab

o. Enter the Password and Confirm password


p. Click Apply

q. Click OK

r. Right-click on the Sage Syracuse service and select Start

8. For other components and services, you will need to reconfigure in the console. (Example: Print server)

12. In the console, select from the left panel, Safe X3 Print Server

1. If there is an existing print server, click on Delete the management of the Safe X3 Print server by this console ( [pic]) button

2. If there is not an existing solution or after you clicked on Delete the management of the Safe X3 Print server by this console, you need to click Add a Safe X3 Print Server component existing in the console ( [pic]) button

13. Select the Server name: from the drop-down. It will use the values that you entered when importing the solution


14. Click Next

15. Select the print server and click Ok

Note: If an update is required: 


1. You will need to change the password on the Windows service itself

a. Go to Windows services (from the start menu, type Services)

b. Double-click the service (ie. Safe_X3_SrvEdt_V2_EDT_DEFAULT) to open Properties

c. Select the Log On tab

d. Enter the Password and Confirm password


a. Click Apply

b. Click OK

c. Click OK

d. Right-click on the service and select Restart

e. Close the Windows services window

12. Double-click the Value field for all.processsrv.svcpasswor

13.   Enter the new Windows password and click Ok

14.   Click on Configuration



8. Click OK to Configuration completed

9. Click Close

10. Close the Safe X3 Configuration console


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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