Windows 2000 work around for Support_Dll



• PENNDOT ECMS and Help Desk Units are offering a potential solution for those Business Partners whom have not migrated to Windows XP SP1 and are still running Windows 2000.

• PENNDOT ECMS/PENNDOT Help Desk are not supporting solutions for the Windows 2000 system users.

• PENNDOT is not responsible for any issues, damages and/or corruption that may be incurred by the using/installing this solution to the Business Partners systems or their data.

Windows 2000 work around for Support_DLL

The following documents are intended to help those running Windows 2000 and are having difficulty downloading/installing the Support_DLL. This documentation is designed to allow you to download the cab file in question, extract the cab file and then install the INF file in the extracted cab. It is expected that this be attempted by a knowledgeable IT staff personnel. It is still strongly recommended that Business Partners upgrade their systems to Windows XP (SP1 is necessary) as PENNDOT/PENNDOT Help Desk no longer supports Windows 2000.

Requirements to accomplish these tasks are as follows:

• Admin rights to the target machine in which the Support_DLL is going to be installed on

• Access to the internet

• Windows 2000 on the target system

• IE 6.0 or better

• WinZip (recommended)

• Ability to adjust the Security and Privacy settings in Internet Explorer

The following will be a step by step set of instruction in which to follow to accomplish the task of installing the Support_DLL.

Installation Instructions

Connect to the site

You will need to access the internet and enter the following URL address:

This is a screen shot of what this page should look like or very similar.


Log in to ECMS

UserID and Password

Your UserId and Password that you presently used for ECMS:


• Userid: dllsetup

• Password: password1

• Example:


• You will need to click the ‘Go’ button then to enter into the System.

There are a couple of possibilities of what can happen at this point:

If you have already installed the ‘Certificate’ from PENNDOT

• You enter into the application

If you have not installed the ‘Certificate’ from PENNDOT

• You are prompted about installing ‘Certificates’ from PENNDOT

Certificate Installed

You enter into the ECMS Application.

Certificate not Installed

Instructions on installing the Certificate:

Attempting to access the ECMS system from a client that has never accessed ECMS before will require a Certificate to be installed/accepted on their machine. Typically after they log in to the system prior to the application actually starting they will be prompted about the Certificate. Below is the process to install the Certificate.

Installing the Certificate


• Click the ‘View Certificate’ – your ‘Issued To’ will be different


• Click the ‘Install Certificate’


• Click ‘Next>’


• Accept the default selected and Click ’Next>’


• Click ‘Finish’


• And the above message box should appear and click ‘OK’

You will need to install it a second time as well to make sure that it has actually installed on your machine – so repeat the process


• You will view the Certificate, now click ‘Install Certificate’


• Click ‘Next>’


• click ‘Next>’


• click ‘Finish’


• click ‘Yes’ to add it to your store


• click ‘OK’


• click ‘OK’ at the bottom of the Certificate

Now close out of that area and return to the ’Security Alert’ pop up


• Click ‘Yes’

▪ at this time you should be allowed into the application

▪ you may have to log out then log back in, if this is the first time into the application


The following is the process to download MDAC2.7 sp1 and the VB60 run time files. Both are needed to have the application to function properly. And both should be installed prior to downloading the support_DLL.


Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) is needed to be installed client’s pc. This process is a two part download.

• First to check what version of MDAC you are currently running

o Download the Com Checker from the Microsoft Site:

o Install the Com Check on the client machine by clicking on the downloaded file

o Run the application after it has been installed

o Verify the version of MDAC present

o If MDAC version is 2.7 or greater then go to the Installing the VB60 run time files

o do not install a version that is less your present version

• Install the MDAC 2.7 sp1 refresh on the client system.

o Download it form the Microsoft Site:

o Click on the downloaded file and the installation of the files will happen automatically

▪ If newer version of the files being installed on the client machine are already present then when prompted about the overwrite choose to keeper the newer version of the file

VB run time files

This self extracting file from Microsoft is part of the required Visual Basic Run time files which VB designed applications need to run on a client machine. The process is:

• They can be downloaded from the Microsoft site at :

• The cab file will be loaded to the client system and only needs to be clicked on to start the unpacking process

▪ If newer version of the files being installed on the client machine are already present then when prompted about the overwrite choose to keeper the newer version of the file

Downloading the .CAB file from ECMS

Prep for the Download

It is best to clean out your Temporary Internet Files and Cookies. It will make finding the CAB file easier to find in this folder later.


Click the ‘Settings….’ button on the General Tab


• Click the ‘Delete Files….’ Button – clears the Temporary Internet Files folder of files

• Click the ‘Delete Cookies…..’ button – clears all the cookies form the Temporary Internet Files folder

We are now ready to download the CAB file from ECMS.

Verify Correct Environment for the Download

• After you have logged on to the system you should see this where the UserId and Password was located.


• What we are looking for is the ‘your name here’ at the top of the Nav bar area: the above example shows “Setup Support Dll”

Find ‘Support DLL Setup’ on Nav Bar

Go to ‘References’ on the Nav Bar and ‘click’ on it to expand the ‘References’


Start the Download

Select the ‘Support DLL setup’ and ‘click’ it


NOTE: this should start the download process – this process may take a couple of minutes to finish

• The download process is complete when you see the following ‘ECMS Home Page’ button on your screen


Problem Downloading the Cab file

If during the downloading of the ‘Support DLL setup’ you get the following icon to appear in the lower right corner of your Internet Explorer :



• Lower your Privacy settings in IE to ‘Accept All Cookies’

• Lower your IE Security for the Internet to ‘Low’

Verify the Cab has been downloaded to your machine.

The following process will walk you through the process of verifying the Cab file has been downloaded to your machine.

• Open a IE session

• Go to the Internet Options from Menu bar/Tools/Internet Options

• Click the ‘Settings… ‘ button on the General Tab

• Click the ‘View Files…’ button

• Check the Temporary Internet Folder for the file

Go to the Internet Options from Menu bar/Tools/Internet Options


Click the ‘Settings….’ button on the General Tab


Click the’ View Files…’ button


This will take you to the ‘Temporary Internet Files’ folder see the below image

Check the Temporary Internet Folder for the file


The ECMS_Standard.CAB needs to be moved from the temp folder in order to be uncompacted.

Unpacking the Cab and installing the Cab

The following will walk you through the unpacking/unzip the cab file and installing those files with INF file….here are the associated steps

• Navigate to the Temporary Internet File via the ‘Menu/Tools/Internet Options/Settings…./View Files…./’

• Find the and right click on it

• Select ‘Unzip/Extract to here…’

• View the extracted cab and look for the ECMS_Standard.INF file

• Right click on the ECMS_Standard.INF file and Select ‘Install’

Find the and right click on it

• Select ‘Unzip/Extract to here…’


View the extracted cab and look for the ECMS_Standard.INF file


Right click on the ECMS_Standard.INF file and Select ‘Install’


Final Instructions

At this time all the files should installed to the correct location on your machine. You should attempt to enter the ECMS application. Enter into the Price Proposal, Department Estimate, and any other areas you would be interested in and view an agreement. This will verify the DLL’s are installed and functioning properly on your machine.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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