Installing Third-Party Software


Professional Services Group

How to Install

Market Vision, Version 7.0

Crystal Reports, Version 8.0

for NI Products v8.0

Revision 1.2

December, 2001

Procedure 1: Installing Market Vision 7.0

This procedure explains how to install Market Vision 7.0 on a Workstation.


This procedure assumes the following:

• You have installed or upgraded your program server to Newmarket International Product v8.0.

• You have successfully installed the workstation setup program.


To complete this procedure, you need to access the Ngs directory on the program server.


To install Market Vision from your workstation:

• In the Ngs\Mvsetup directory on the program server, double-click Setup.exe. The Market Vision Setup program prepares the Install Shield Wizard.

• In the Welcome dialog box, click Next.

• In the Select Components dialog box, do one of the following:

o If you are installing Market Vision on a standalone workstation, or on the first workstation on a network, select the Server Setup box.

o If you are not installing Market Vision on a standalone workstation, or on the first workstation on a network, remove the check from the Server Setup box.

By default, the installation should automatically detect which case applies to the situation and the checkmark will be present or absent accordingly.

• Click Next.

• The Market Vision setup takes about five minutes.

• In the Setup Complete dialog box, select Yes, I want to restart my computer now. To complete the setup program, you need to restart your workstation.

• Click Finish.

• The Market Vision installation is complete.

Procedure 2: Crystal Reports 8.0 Installation

This procedure explains how to install Crystal Reports 8.0.


To complete this procedure you will need:

• The Crystal Reports 8.0 installation CD.


This procedure assumes the following:

• The base Newmarket Product has been installed on the server.

• A network connection exists between the server and the workstation being installed with Crystal Reports.


There are two ways to install Crystal Reports 8.0 on a workstation: locally, with the install CD in the CD-ROM drive; and across the network, with the client referencing a network resource where the installation files have been prepared.

The Newmarket Standard for installing Crystal at client sites will include installing the network installation source in NGS\CRWPRO8 on the Application Server (or another network resource, if it would appear to be more suitable).

Note: This is NOT the same type of network installation as in previous versions of Crystal; this “Network Install” creates an Installation Source, not a partial Crystal application that can be run across the network. The following section discusses the preparation of the network installation source.

To install Seagate Crystal Reports to the network

Use this procedure to install Seagate Crystal Reports onto your network. When this procedure is complete, end users will be able to access the Setup.exe or the scr.msi file from the network to install Seagate Crystal Reports onto their local machine.

1. Initialize the administrator’s installation by running the Setup.exe with an additional command line switch. For example:

Setup.exe /a

Note: The is the location of the Seagate Crystal Reports setup.

The Admin Installation dialog box appears.

2. In the Admin Installation dialog box, click Browse to choose the network location where you want the Seagate Crystal Reports files to be located.

3. Click Next.

4. In the Admin Installation Verify Ready box, click OK to begin copying the files to the network.

5. Once the network installation source is in place, copy the TOOLS\RdWiz folder into the …\NGS\CRWPRO folder, right alongside the Setup.exe and accompanying files.

Before users install from the network

When the files are finished copying to the network, users who have the Microsoft Windows Installer can double-click the scr.msi file to begin the install. If users do not have the Microsoft Windows Installer configured on their machine, copy the following files from the CD to the network:

|For Windows 9.x |For Windows NT or Windows 2000 |

|instmsi.exe |instmsiw.exe |

|Setup.exe |Setup.exe |

|Setup.ini |Setup.ini |

Note: Copy these files before any users begin installing from the network.

Copying these files to the network location will ensure that when a user launches the setup, the user’s operating system will be detected and the appropriate Microsoft Windows Installer package will be installed, if not already present on the user’s workstation.

Installing Crystal Reports for Newmarket on a Workstation

1. Access the network that contains the Seagate Crystal Reports installation files. Double-click on crw.msi or, if running on a workstation not equipped with the Microsoft Installer, double-click on Setup.exe.

2. In the Welcome dialog box click Next.

3. In the License Agreement dialog box, click I Accept the License Agreement and then Next.

4. The Select Installation Type dialog box appears; select Custom and click Next. The Destination Folder can be left with the default path.

5. In the Select Features dialog box, expand the Data Access Feature by clicking on the plus symbol next to its icon. Select the Microsoft SQL Server feature by clicking on its icon, and choose Entire feature will be unavailable. The remainder of the selections can be left as-is. Click Next.

6. Click Next to begin the installation; Crystal Setup will initialize and prepare the workstation for installation. Files will be updated and copied in time with a progress indicator bar while you are regailed with shameless advertisements about this product.

7. Eventually you will be presented with the Seagate Software Registration Wizard; click Next.

8. Under the Registration Options, select I already have a Seagate Software registration number and want to enter it now. In the space provided, enter the 10-digit Newmarket OEM Registration Number and click Finish. A message box will appear indicating registration is complete, and the installation program will finish.

9. Once the dialog box appears indicating successful installation of Crystal on this workstation, click Finish.

10. Navigate to the RdWiz folder located in the same folder as the setup installation source. Open this folder and double-click on RdWiz.exe. This will launch the Wise Installation Wizard, which will begin installation of the Crystal report compiler.

11. One the Installation Wizard finishes, this completes the technical installation of Crystal Reports; all that remains is to configure it for network dictionaries. Restart the computer if prompted to.

12. Start Crystal Reports for Newmarket. When prompted to select a report to open/start, click Cancel.

13. On the File menu, select Options…

14. An Options settings box will open; choose the Data Source Defaults tab and locate the Crystal Dictionaries section.

15. Browse to the network location where the Newmarket Crystal Dictionaries are stored; by default this will be under NGS\Dictionaries. In the default dictionary field, fill in \*.dc5. Click OK.

16. This concludes Crystal 8.0 Installation and configuration. If installing on a Terminal Server environment and the property has purchased a 5- 10- or 15-user license for CRW, run the utility Keycode.exe (provided separately). This will open a small applet window providing information gleaned from the registry and a short list of user license keys. Select the key for the appropriate number of users and click Write Key. Close this window and the entire Crystal installation is finished!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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