Adlib Release notes 7.1

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7.1 Release notes


Adlib Information Systems

Copyright © 2013 Adlib Information Systems B.V. ® All rights reserved. Adlib® is a product of Adlib Information Systems B.V. ®

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Adlib Information Systems. Adlib assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is furnished under a licence and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such a licence. While making every effort to ensure the accuracy of this document, products are continually being improved.

As a result of continuous improvements, later versions of the products may vary from those described here. Under no circumstances may this document be regarded as a part of any contractual obligation to supply software, or as a definitive product description.


Introduction 1

1 New functionality 3

1.1 The Collection Cloud 3

1.2 Improvements in Adloan Circulation 13

1.3 Screen font adjustable again 18

1.4 The printing methods split up 20

1.5 Quickly opening recently edited records 22

1.6 Clean-up of title and status bar 22

1.7 The Change locations procedure simplified 23

1.8 Setting the size of thumbnail images 30

1.9 Progress bar for feedback link process 31

1.10 Copy all fields 32

1.11 Checking the spelling in the data language 33

1.12 Printing images via XSLT 34

1.13 Accessing the current user name in XSLT 43

1.14 Extended functionality for HTML fields 43

1.15 Grouped XML for export and output formats 45

1.16 Selecting a lookup field in Designer 49

1.17 Storage methods for image fields 50

1.18 Record lock manager separately available 51

1.19 New ADAPL reserved variable: &V 52

1.20 Debug mode supported by Designer import 52

1.21 Hiding screen tabs 52

1.22 Renamed options 54

1.23 Registering media fragments 55

1.24 A persistent Pointer files window 59

1.25 Invariant language option for import jobs 60

1.26 Key combinations and pop-up menu options 62

1.27 Exporting images 64

1.28 Selecting multiple records 71

1.29 Dragging thumbnails to pointer files 73

2 Other improvements 75

2.1 Display 75

2.2 Searching 78

2.3 Editing 82

2.4 Printing 92

2.5 Deriving 93

2.6 Access rights 94

2.7 Closing Adlib 94

2.8 Importing and exporting 94

2.9 SDI 95

2.10 Adloan 95

2.11 Designer 95

2.12 ADAPL 97

2.13 wwwopac.ashx 98

2.14 XSLT 98


These release notes describe a number of improvements in the Adlib executables, which are implemented in Adlib 7.1. This release is available from mid-October 2013 to all customers with a support contract, and can be downloaded from the Adlib web site.

You can simply install this software on top of your existing Adlib system (for versions 4.4 and higher). So you do not need to uninstall anything, but please make a backup of your databases and applications first.

From Adlib 5.0 a new license file is used: adlib.lic. If you are already using 5.0 or higher, you can use this upgrade immediately after installing; your license file has already been renewed, is in the right place and will not be overwritten by the upgrade. When you install this upgrade over an Adlib version that is older than 5.0, then the following applies: if you receive this release on CD, then on it you’ll find the proper license file; if you downloaded this release, then e-mail our helpdesk (helpdesk@uk.) for the necessary password and your license file. Place this file (you can make copies of it) after installation of the upgrade in your Adlib \bin and \tools or \executables folders (if present). The point is that the license file should be located in the same folders as your Adlib .exe files. How these folders are named is not important.

The release notes of previous major releases and service releases can be found on the Adlib website.

1 Backwards compatibility warning

New functionality in Adlib 6.6 for SQL Server and Oracle databases makes records that you change with this version or later versions inaccessible to older versions of Adlib (adlwin.exe as well as wwwopac.exe). Please, keep this in mind if you would first like to try Adlib 7.1 before making the definitive upgrade. This limitation does not apply to CBF databases.

This means that you have to update wwwopac.exe to 7.1 too. This may have consequences for your web application though because of some changes in the structured XML-format: previously, empty fields from field groups did not appear in the record XML, while from 6.6 they do.

You also need the latest version of Adlib Designer to implement functionality described in these release notes. However, when you modify your application in the new version of Designer, you won’t be able to edit that application anymore, of parts thereof, in older versions of Adlib Designer.

2 New functionality

1 The Collection Cloud

The Collection Cloud () is a special initiative by Adlib Information Systems, with which internet users can search the collections and catalogues of a great many museums, libraries and archives all at once, via a single website. The goal is to create a central, international and easily searchable online archive in the “cloud”, of the many objects and documents managed by these institutions all around the world. We welcome your participation!


When you have an Adlib Museum, Archive or Library application (Adlib Lite applies as well), you can take part (uploading your first 1000 records will be free: above that, a subscription model will apply) and use your application to easily publish your collection or catalogue (completely or partially, as desired) on the website of The Collection Cloud.

Apart from the installation of this upgrade to Adlib 7.1, you don’t need to buy any new software or install something: AIS manages The Collection Cloud on its own servers. An extra condition is that you have your own (freely requestable) MyAdlib account so that you can log on to The Collection Cloud. Per record in your database you then decide, in your own time of course, whether you want to make it accessible through The Collection Cloud: a single click on a button is enough to upload a (copy of the) all marked records. (With the same ease though, you can remove earlier uploaded records from The Collection Cloud as well.)

1 Uploading records

1. As soon as you’ve marked one or more records in the brief display of a search result or in the detailed display of a record, the Upload record(s) button becomes active in the Start menu when those records describe objects, archival items or documents. Click it to upload the marked records to The Collection Cloud. Uploading means that those records will remain stored in your own local database and that just a copy of those records (and only a fixed selection of fields*) will be sent to the database server of The Collection Cloud, via your internet connection.


2. The first time you do this, you’ll still have to log in explicitly using your MyAdlib login details; every next time though, this happens in the background, automatically using these login details.


If you do not have a MyAdlib account yet, you may create it now via the MyAdlib site link in the window. Mark the I accept these terms and conditions checkbox and click OK.

After your first login you’ll receive an automatically generated e-mail with important information about further use of The Collection Cloud.

3. Uploading proceeds automatically in three successive steps. Click OK in the last step to close the message.




4. You can now find your uploaded records on the website of The Collection Cloud:

|* Field selection for uploading |

|Of any record to be uploaded, the following fixed selection of fields will be copied (if filled):|

| |

|Common fields: priref, title, object_number, creator, creator.role; |

| |

|Museum fields:,,, |

|,,, production.period, |

|production.reason, description, material, technique, object_name, dimension.value, |

|dimension.type, dimension.unit, dimension.part, credit_line.; |

|Library fields:, author.role, corporate_author, publisher, year_of_publication, |

|place_of_publication, notes, material_type, dimensions, edition, pagination, illustrations, isbn,|

|digital_reference, keyword.contents, geographical_keyword,, copy.number, |

|abstract; |

|Archive fields: description_level,, content.description, |

|physical_description, object_history_note,, inscription.language, closed_until, |

|part_of_reference, parts_reference, related_object.reference. |

|Any other fields in the record won’t be uploaded. |

|The copied fields are as much as possible application version independent but have all been |

|defined in the Collect or Document database. Records from other databases cannot be uploaded; The|

|Collection Cloud server will check for this. For the fields to be copied, the field name is the |

|identifying factor, not the field tag. |

|Image fields are processed separately, yet any images linked to the record will be uploaded as |

|well. Note that uploaded images won’t be scaled down to a smaller format and the uploading of |

|large images may take some time. Also, the upload function won’t apply a watermark or any other |

|copy protection to images either. |


• You need to have an active internet connection to be able to upload records.

• If the Upload record(s) button is greyed out while you have one or more records marked, it may be that your access rights (as set by your application manager) are not sufficient to upload records to The Collection Cloud. If you are sure you have enough rights, it may be that your internet connection is not available temporarily or that the database server of The Collection Cloud is offline temporarily: then try again later.

• If some of the records you are uploading have been uploaded to The Collection Cloud before, then the records which are already present in The Collection Cloud will be update to the new uploaded version automatically. So you can’t create redundancy accidentally by uploading the same records more than once.

• In principle, the language in which your records have been registered is not relevant, but if your data has been created in, for example, Dutch, it won’t be easily accessible to foreign speakers.

• Of multilingual records, all language values will be uploaded (as far as they appear in the fields to be uploaded). After that, the language values will be displayed as separate occurrences per field in record detailed display in The Collection Cloud: on a single line, separated by semi-colons. So you can’t switch between data languages in The Collection Cloud: all language values will be presented together.


2 Removing records

1. Removing records from The Collection Cloud is easy. In the brief display of a search result, mark one or more records that were once uploaded to The Collection Cloud and click the Remove record(s) button all the way to the right in the Start menu.


2. During the automatic removal you’ll be kept up to date of the process by means of a progress bar.


3. Afterwards you’ll be notified of the number of records removed from The Collection Cloud. Click OK.



• You can only remove records which were uploaded before by you or your colleagues. The Collection Cloud uses the original record number and the name of your institution or company (retrieved via your MyAdlib login), as the identifying aspects of a record.

• The Remove record(s) button will only become active if at least one of the marked records has ever been uploaded to The Collection Cloud and your access rights to this functionality (as set up by your application manager) are sufficient.

• There’s no harm in including records in the marked selection, which have never been uploaded to The Collection Cloud: of course those records cannot be removed, but they won’t generate an error message. So if you want to remove all records (belonging to a certain database) ever uploaded to The Collection Cloud, then just mark all records in that database and click Remove record(s).

• Removing records from The Collection Cloud will never delete those records from your own database. Do keep in mind to use the Remove record(s) button in the Collection Cloud section of the Start menu (not the Delete button in the Record section of the same Start menu).


3 Searching in The Collection Cloud

Via , the standard URL to The Collection Cloud, you search the full database by default if you select simple or advanced search without having clicked one of the institution logos. However, if you first click the tile of a specific museum, library or archive, then you can only find records which have been uploaded by the relevant institution.

In The Collection Cloud you can search for records in three ways: via the Simple search tab, via the Advanced search tab or via browsing through already displayed object images.

Simple search – click the Simple search label, type one or more complete or partial words in the entry field above it and press Enter (or click the magnifying glass).


• You will only find records which contain all entered words, in random order but all together, in one of the tags TI (title), OC (object category), BE (description) and VV (creator) of the record.

• Entering multiple search keys is only sensible if you think they all appear in the title or description. A record won’t show up in the search result if not all search keys together appear in any one of the search fields in the record. So you can’t search on an object category and a word from the title simultaneously, for example.

• If you search on a creator name, then only enter the surname or just the first couple of letters of the surname.

• To search on an object category, you typically enter a single term or just the first few letters of it.

• Of each search key you enter, it is assumed that you’d also like to find words starting with that key: in Adlib jargon this is called “automatic (right) truncated searching”. So if you were to search on com for instance, you could find records containing words like combination, compliment, computer or company in the search fields.

For example, if you search on the two keys tree magi, you could find a record with the title The Magic Apple Tree.

Advanced search – click the Advanced search label, type a complete or partial search key in one or more of the entry fields and click Go or press Enter.


• Adlib implicitly searches all entered terms combined with a Boolean AND: this means that a record can only be found if all searched terms appear in the appropriate fields in the record.

• All entered search keys are searched automatically right truncated.

• In the When fields from and to you can enter a date. You can enter dates in ISO date format or as a European date. Valid input would be, for example: 1553, 1999-04, 2012-07-26, 01-12-1705 of 10/07/2000. If you enter both a from and a to date, then the search is limited to all dates in between the two, but you can enter just a from or to date as well.

• Click the Clear button if you want to empty all search fields at once.

|Search fields |

|In the background, Adlib always searches multiple fields simultaneously, dependent on the entry |

|field in which you’ve entered your search key(s), namely: |

|Who: creator,, corporate_author,,; |

|What: title, description, abstract, object_name, keyword.contents, content.subject, |

|object_category, creator,, corporate_author,, |

|; |

|Where:,, geographical_keyword, content.subject, |

|place_of_publication; |

|When:,, year_of_publication, production.period. |

Searching via browsing – as soon as you’ve selected the collection of a particular institution or when a search has produced multiple records, you can browse through the results by clicking the arrows pointing left and right next to the search result, both in the brief display and in the detailed display.


You can also click a tile directly to open that record in detailed display.


4 Adjusting your own entry to the collection

In the near future, the functionality of The Collection Cloud will be extended further. You’ll then be able to use a custom URL to allow visitors to search records from your own institution exclusively and then it will also be possible to adjust the design of your own part of The Collection Cloud somewhat. In the meantime you can have our helpdesk set up an image of the logo of your institution to be displayed next to your uploaded records. (Large images will automatically be resized to more suitable dimensions.)

5 Setting up access rights

To enable the uploading of records to The Collection Cloud, no setup is required: by default you can upload records from within the Objects, Archives and the Library catalogue.

If Adlib Designer is available to you, you have the possibility to set up access rights for this functionality, to limit its use. Therefor you must first add the Publish records to TheCollectionCloud method to the desired data sources in your application definition. Proceed as follows:

1. Suppose you want to apply access rights to the ability to upload records to The Collection Cloud from within the Internal object catalogue data source in your Museum application. Then open the Museum application definition in the Application browser of Adlib Designer or higher.

2. Expand the Internal object catalogue data source node, right-click the Methods header and select New > Method in the pop-up menu.


3. In the properties of the new method now set the Method type to Publish records to TheCollectionCloud. Also provide one or more translations of a name for this method: that name can only be seen here in the Application browser, in the methods list, not in your Adlib application.


4. Now specify the desired access rights on the Access rights tab. If you do not set access rights, then in principle all users still have the possibility to upload and remove records (as far as access rights set on a higher level do not prevent that, of course).

Further note that uploading cannot be separated from the possibility to delete records from The Collection Cloud: the Full and Write access rights allow for uploading and deleting, while Read and None access rights switch both functions off for the relevant users.

2 Improvements in Adloan Circulation

1 A Location column on the Issues and Returns tabs


In Adloan Circulation, in the list on the Issues and Returns tabs a column has been added to display the current site of the copy. This allows a library with multiple locations to see directly where a copy has been issued. ( 5140)

2 Adjusting the due date for multiple copies at once

Now it’s also possible to provide a new due date for multiple copies on loan at once. Ctrl+click all copies on loan that you want to change, then right-click the selection and choose Change due date in the pop-up menu. Type the new date by overwriting the old one (do not click the date first, start typing directly) en press Enter. The new date will be applied to all selected copies. ( 4676)


3 Outstanding subscription fee on Issues and Returns

Any outstanding subscription fee is now also displayed on the Issues and Returns tabs, similar to the way outstanding fines and loan fees are presented. ( 5890)


4 A Shelf mark column on the Reservations tab

On the Reservations tab, in the list of reserved copies, a Shelf mark column has been added. Reservations are mostly made on title, in which case a shelf mark won’t be available, but when a reservation is made on copy number, it is handy to have its shelf mark available here, for instance if a copy reserved by telephone or website is already present on the shelf and must be retrieved by a co-worker.


Although the new column is directly visible in Adloan 7.1, it will only be filled with the shelf mark after a reservation on copy number when you’ve made some changes to the reserv database structure through Adlib Designer. You can do that as follows:

1. To be safe, create a backup of your database(s) and your Adlib \data folder first.

2. In the Application browser of Adlib Designer, open the \data folder, and in it the reserve database structure definition. Create a new field in the Fields list: right-click Fields and select New > Field in the pop-up menu. For this normal field, provide the tag ey and the field name copy.shelfmark: that name can be entered for the other languages as well. The maximum length of the field must be set to 64. Leave the other options as they are.


3. In the reserv database structure now select the copy.number (r0) field and open its Linked field mapping properties tab. In the upper list (Copy fields from linked record) two mapped fields are present already; a third one must be added here. In the Source field in copies column, click the left … button in the third, empty row: choose the shelfmark field (tag ey) from the list of fields that opens and click OK. Back in the field properties, click the right … button (in the third row again, now in the Destination fields in RESERV column), select the new copy.shelfmark field (tag ey again) and click OK.


4. Save the changes in the reserve database structure.

( 4931)

5 Payments visible per location

A new option for Adloan Circulation allows for the possibility to have payment information during issuing, returning and reserving displayed only if that information pertains to the current site, even in the Payments for borrower window. So when the option has been set, loan fees, fines and subscription fees are only visible to co-workers of the location which must collect the payment. The home site of a copy is leading for the loan fees and fines while the site to which the borrower has been registered is leading for the subscription fee.


The option is called Payments per location and can be found on the Adloan properties tab of the Adloan (Library loans) parameters pbk in the Application browser of Designer. By default, the option is switched off so that all payments remain visible to all sites.

6 A wider Payments window

And finally, the Payments window has been broadened so that all columns in the Fines per copy and Loan fees per copy lists are more easily readable.


3 Screen font adjustable again


Back by popular demand in 7.1, is the ability to set the font used on detail and list screens. In the View menu, click the Change font button to open the Font window.


You can set the font type, style and size to lay out field and screen labels and data on said screens (and only there) as desired. The default font is Segoe UI, Regular, 9 points.

Further, you’ll still have the existing possibility to set a different font per individual field label or box label, if you would like to emphasize certain fields. You do this by opening a screen in the Screen editor, by right-clicking the label to be adjusted and opening its Properties via the pop-up menu; then double-click the example of the field label underneath the Justification drop-down list and you’ll be able to choose a different font type in the Font dialog. Fonts that you set this way have priority over the general font which you set via the Change font button in Adlib itself.


4 The printing methods split up

Previously, all available printing methods in Adlib were only accessible from within the Print wizard (except for the recently added Print label option). You opened the Print wizard via the Print button in the File menu (to the left of the Start menu):


Via the first page of the Print wizard, you can print individual or marked records to Word, print using an existing output format or in a style you create interactively by going through the subsequent steps in the Print wizard.


In 7.1, this options page of the Print wizard will only still appear if you use Ctrl+P. From the File menu however, you’ll have to start these three printing methods separately from now on, as can be seen below.


The three most common ways of printing can now be started as follows:

• To print to an earlier created Word template, click the Find Word template button (which is equal to the Search wizard option Create a report with Microsoft Word templates); you will be asked to select the desired template in the Template window.

• On the other hand, move the mouse pointer to the Output formats button (the Search wizard Create a report with a predefined output format option) to print using a ready-made output format. An output format is either an ADAPL program, a Word template or an XSLT stylesheet set up as such, that prints data from the selected records in a specified way (selected fields in a specific layout). The application manager may even set up a combination of adapl and template output.

When the mouse pointer hovers over the Output formats button, a submenu opens next to it, containing all available output formats. Click one of them to use it for printing. Which output formats are available depends on your application.

Note that via the Windows registry Adlib remembers per data source (dataset/database) the last chosen output format, even if you printed with another printing method the previous time(s). In the list of output formats, a square orange background is added to the icon of the format, as can be observed in the screenshot above for the Brief object print (1 object per page) output format. You can use this next time by clicking the label of the Output formats button (not the arrow next to it): this will make Adlib print by means of the last used output format immediately.

• From now on, the interactive way of printing is started directly via the Open Print wizard button (which is equal to the Create a report with the Print wizard option). As usual, this allows you to interactively create a print adapl without having to program. Choose this possibility if the existing output formats are not what you want right now and you don’t want to program an adapl or make a Word template: then, printing this way is fast while you can still decide which fields you want to print. Note that you can’t print images this way.

5 Quickly opening recently edited records


After you’ve chosen a data source in step 1 of the Search wizard, the File menu (to the left of the Start menu) now contains a list of nine most recently edited records in this data source. Only the record number of each record is displayed. Just click one of the records to open it in display mode immediately. This is convenient if you still have data to change or add to recently edited records. This way you don’t need to search for them. The list is available everywhere in Adlib, so you can switch from the detailed display of one record to another.

By the way, only edited records will make it to the list: if you’ve only viewed a record in display mode, it won’t appear in the list.

This functionality is only available in the ribbon (under Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2, or newer Windows versions.)

6 Clean-up of title and status bar

Until version 7.1 you could find the software version, build number and platform (x86/x64) in the title bar of your Adlib application and the database type (CBF, SQL or Oracle) in the status bar at the bottom of the Adlib window.

To clean up the appearance of the title and status bar, this particular information will no longer be displayed there. Instead, click the Info button in the View menu to obtain this information.



The other information in the title and status bar will still be present.

7 The Change locations procedure simplified

|Functionality also in earlier version |

|This functionality was initially intended for Adlib 7.1, but was still implemented earlier in a |

|service release of version 7.0 and only later described in the accompanying release notes. The |

|same chapter is reprinted here, for the sake of completeness. |


Figure 1.1: A screenshot from a 4.2 application: other application versions may show different screens and fields.

On the Location | Future movements screen tab in the object catalogues of 4.2 model applications and higher, you can register the normal location, the current location and any planned future movements.

The Change locations procedure allows you to simultaneously change the current location of one or more marked records in the Brief display, when you are actually moving objects. You can start this function either via the key combination Ctrl+E or from within the Edit menu: click the Change locations option.


The Change object locations window opens.

1 The Change object locations window


Figure 1.2: The Change object locations window as presented in 4.2 model applications and higher.

In the first section of this window you can enter the new current location (for alle marked objects), the movement date and time (which doesn’t need to be today), a remark about the suitability of the new location, the name of the authoriser for the new location and any notes about the new location.

In the second section you register any details about the movement, like the movement method, its reference number, a contact person and possibly some notes about the movement.

Only the Location field is mandatory for this procedure, the rest is optional.

The Progress box displays a summary of the progress of the running procedure. Any errors will be listed here too.

The List buttons behind the Location, Authoriser, Method and Contact fields allow you to select an existing term or name. Actually, these are validated fields and you can only enter an existing term or name here, with or without the help of the List function.



Figure 1.3: The Change object locations window as presented in 3.4 model applications and older: you can’t enter movement details here.

As soon as you type a term or name in such a field and leave it, the value will be validated. If the value doesn’t exist, you’ll be notified so and you will still have to choose an already existing term or name. Before, during or after entering a value, you can click the List button behind the field to open the Find data for the field… window, in which you can validate the value yourself before Adlib does.

In the first entry field underneath Find, you must select a field from the linked record in which you would like to search for a value (one or more fields are available*); if only one field is available, it will be selected by default. In the next entry field you must enter a partial or complete value to search on (you cannot leave the entry field empty). Then press Enter or click the Search button to retrieve all values from the relevant index, that start with the search key. Subsequently select one of the found keys and click Select to copy the value to the Change object locations window.


* Which fields are available in the drop-down list underneath Find, is determined by the link definition of the current linked field. Only the linked field itself and any merged-in fields which have been indexed in the linked database, will appear in the list. Moreover, the list displays the field names as they have been specified in the linked database, and those might be slightly different from the labels presented in the user interface.

In fields in the linked database that are represented by a drop-down list, you can only search on the interface language neutral values of the list: in package_location for example (the possibly merged-in field with the linked field location in custom applications, in which you have registered whether the record pertains to a location or a package) you can choose from exactly two values to search on: package and location.

2 What the procedure does

As soon as you click the Apply button, the procedure starts processing all marked records one by one. From Adlib 7.0 this involves the following:

1. If the processed record already contains a current location, all its details will be transferred to the location history. The date entered in the procedure will become the End date (Removel date) of the previous location just created. In 4.2 applications and higher, the history can be found on the separate Location history tab, while in older applications the history is summed up underneath the current location. Any movement details, as entered in the 4.2 Change object locations window, will also be added to the previous location just created.

2. The details of the new location you entered in the Change object locations window, will be copied to the record fields for the Current location.

Note that any registered, planned Future movements will be ignored by this procedure from now on, so they won’t have any effect on what you’re doing. Any future movement data won’t be used or checked or deleted. This behaviour is now in line with that of the Adlib Movement module, which ignores future movements as well. It is possible that a next version of Adlib will contain a separate method to process any registered future movements or to purge them.

The Normal location will be kept intact, of course.

The procedure can be aborted during its progress, using the Cancel button. The procedure will finish its work on the currently processed record and will then stop. So the changes in already processed records won’t be made undone: the procedure will only be aborted and the progress report will tell you which records have been processed up until then.

Further note that the procedure will process the marked records in record number sequence, which is not per se the order in which the marked records are listed in the Brief display.

Records which couldn’t be edited by the procedure, for instance because those records were just being edited by colleagues, can be saved in a pointer file afterwards so that you can check what was going on and/or try to execute the procedure on those records again at a later time.

|Technical details |

|The Change locations procedure uses hard coded tags. If you want to customize an application, it |

|might be handy to have an overview of the relevant tags. To start with, Adlib distinguishes |

|between 4.2 model applications and older model applications. This distinction is made on the |

|basis of tag 2A (current_location) in the database collect. If the tag is present, the software |

|assumes that it concerns application version 4.2 or higher. So, this tag in that database should |

|not have a different purpose, in whatever application, if you want to be able to use the |

|procedure described here. |

|For application version 4.2 and higher, the following applies: |

|Field in Change object locations window |

|Tags to be filled in database collect |

| |

|Location |

|2A (Current location) |

| |

|Date/Time |

|2C/2G, the start date and time of the new current location (and SE/Sh, the end date and time of |

|the now previous location, if present) |

| |

|Suitability |

|2E |

| |

|Authoriser |

|2F |

| |

|Notes |

|2D |

| |

|Method |

|mT (Movement method) |

| |

|Reference |

|mR |

| |

|Contact |

|mC |

| |

|Notes |

|mN |

| |

| |

|2R (current executor) |

| |

| |

|When the details of the current location are automatically transferred to a new first field group|

|occurrence of the location history (which of course happens before the procedure enters a new |

|current location), the following tag mapping is used in 4.2. |

|Current location fields |

|Location history fields |

| |

|2A (Current location) |

|ST |

| |

|2C/2G (Date/Time) |

|SS/SH |

| |

|2E (Suitability) |

|S3 |

| |

|2F (Authoriser) |

|SP |

| |

|2D (Notes) |

|LM |

| |

|2R (current executor) |

|2V (executor history) |

| |

| |

|In the 4.2 model application, 2R and 2V have not been defined in the database structure yet and |

|are not visible on the screen (they will be in a future model application), but they will still |

|be stored in the record. In principle that is not problem. If you want, you can define 2R and 2V |

|as text fields with a length of maximally 100 characters in the collect database (2R not |

|repeatable, 2V repeatable) and place them each on their applicable location screen, right above |

|the Authoriser field for example, to make this data visible. |

|For application version 3.4 and older applies: |

|Field in Change object locations window |

|Tags to be filled in database collect |

| |

|Location |

|ST |

| |

|Location type |

|LT |

| |

|Date |

|SS, the start date of the new current location (and SE(2), the end date of the now previous |

|location, if present) |

| |

|Notes |

|LM |

| |

| |

|Before the procedure enters a new current location, a new, empty first occurrence of the field |

|group for the location details is created. This means that the data from the old first occurrence|

|simply moves down to the second occurrence, which makes the old current location the new previous|

|location. The relevant tags in 3.4 are the following: |

|Current location fields |

|Location history fields |

| |

|ST(1) (Location) |

|ST(2) |

| |

|LT(1) (Location type) |

|LT(2) |

| |

|SS(1) (Start date) |

|SS(2) |

| |

|LM(1) (Notes) |

|LM(2) |

| |

|S3(1) (Suitability) |

|S3(2) |

| |

8 Setting the size of thumbnail images


From Adlib 7.1, the View menu also contains de new Change layout function (see image below). The button is active when the brief display of a search result is presented. Click the button to open a submenu in which you can choose from four options to set the size of the thumbnail images which can be seen on the three screen tabs of the brief display of a search result, like on the Brief display objects, Thumbnails and Filmstrip tabs. With the Normal thumbnails option you set the size to the size it always was until now. Adlib will remember your choice and will display the thumbnails with the selected size every time the brief display is active, although you are free to adjust the size again at any moment.


9 Progress bar for feedback link process

From model applications version 4.2 (and in some older, later customized applications), feedback links have been implemented. These ensure that any changes made to authority records, like making a preferred term in the Thesaurus a non-preferred term or like deleting a name in Persons and institutions, cause all records in other databases that are linked to the relevant term or name, to be automatically updated.

This process starts when you save the changed authority record and might take a while, especially if many catalogue records link to the current term or name. From Adlib 7.1, a progress bar will show the progress of this process. The progress bar displays a two-step process, first calculating how many records need to be updated (although the number won’t be displayed), followed by the actual updating.

If during the first step it turns out that one or more of the catalogue records to be updated are currently being edited by someone else, you’ll be notified so and the feedback link process won’t be executed for any of the catalogue records. In that case you cannot save the changes in the thesaurus record. Just try again at a later time, when no-one else is working in the database. ( 5747)


10 Copy all fields


In the Edit menu, the Copy all fields function has been added: you can use it to copy the entire contents of the currently displayed record (in display or edit mode) to the Adlib Clipboard. The function is intended to be able to quickly copy the data of a single (exemplary) record to multiple other pre-existing records still containing little data. This case presents itself, for example, when you were to use the new (or shortly to be released) Adlib Ingest program to create a batch of reproduction records all at once, containing just the image reference and possibly some metadata. You might then proceed by opening a new reproduction record, fill in a number of fields applicable to multiple batch entered reproduction records and then (while the new record hasn’t been saved yet) click Copy all fields to store the data on the Adlib Clipboard. Subsequently you can open the relevant minimally filled-in reproduction records piece by piece and complete the contents of the opened record with the general copied data, using the Paste all fields function.

Of course the Copy field function is still present as well, to copy fields to the Adlib Clipboard individually: this comes in handy if the base record you are copying from, also contains data which you do not want to copy, like management details (input and edit dates) or unique codes or references.

Note that pasting with Paste all fields only works correctly in repeated fields and in empty, non-repeated fields: pasting in filled-in, non-repeated fields may give problems (see chapter 11.1.4 in the Adlib User Guide for more information about this). When you copy and paste field occurrences from field groups via Paste all fields, the values from the clipboard will be added as new occurrences beneath any existing field group occurrences in the target record. The coherence within the pasted field group occurrences remains intact, and their sorting order remains correct as well. And if a value from a non-repeated field is pasted in an empty, non-repeated (according to the data dictionary) target field there is no problem of course, but if the target field already contains a value, then that value won’t be overwritten by the value to be pasted, because of safety considerations: you will first have to empty the target field before you can paste a value into it.

11 Checking the spelling in the data language

If you use multilingual databases and in Adlib 7.1 you check the spelling of the (non-linked) text fields on the current screen, then automatically the dictionary for the current data language will be used (if installed on your computer).

You set the current data language via the relevant button in the Edit menu. If the button is greyed out, your databases are not multilingual.


If the record is in edit mode, you can open the spelling checker via Ctrl+F7 or by using the proper button in the Edit menu. At the bottom of the Check spelling window you can see the currently selected dictionary and language.


Figure 1.4: The Dutch dictionary will automatically be selected when the data language is Dutch.

By the way, all (non-linked) text fields on the current screen will be checked in the current data language, even fields which haven’t been made multilingual. If because of this some fields are being checked in the wrong language, you can skip them by repeatedly clicking the Ignore button or by temporarily selecting the proper Dictionary language manually.


Figure 1.5: The English dictionary will automatically be selected when the data language is English.

(See chapter 11.1.5 in the Adlib User Guide for more information about the possibilities of the spelling checker.)

12 Printing images via XSLT

The image reference (aka reproduction reference) in your Adlib records does usually not consist of a full path to an image file. In 3.4 applications for example, it is a relative path by default, like ..\images\BM0034.jpg (relative to the application folder). In 4.2 applications on the other hand, by default a storage path has been set for the image field, so that only the image file name is present in the image reference field.

When you previously had to create an XSLT stylesheet to print images referenced this way in Adlib records, you had to hard-code the path to your images folder in your stylesheet and combine it with the image reference from records, to be able to provide the HTML output with full paths to image files.

From Adlib 7.1 though, you’ll no longer have to hard-code a path to the images folder into your XSLT stylesheets. Instead, three new Adlib parameters are available for use in XSLT stylesheets: retrievalPath, thumbnailRetrievalPath and baseUrl. When you print selected records from Adlib using an XSLT output format, Adlib will pass the relevant path in the appropriate parameters to the stylesheet:

• retrievalPath: will contain the path or URL as set in the Adlib Designer Retrieval path option of an image field in the data dictionary. (See the Designer Help for more information about this option.) If the option has not been set, the path set in the Storage path option above it will be used instead. If neither has been set, as is often the case in 3.4 applications and older, the parameter will be empty.

• thumbnailRetrievalPath: will contain the path or URL as set in the Adlib Designer Thumbnail retrieval path option of an image field in the data dictionary. If the option has not been set, the parameter will be empty.

• baseURL: will contain the path to the current Adlib application folder (the folder containing the adlib.pbk file).

It’s up to you to choose which ones to use in your stylesheets. Stylesheets for 3.4 applications or older will usually only require the baseURL parameter, while newer applications require as least the retrievalPath and possibly the baseURL.

If you don’t want users to be able to print your high resolution images and you have thumbnail images available in a separate folder set up in the Adlib Designer Thumbnail retrieval path option of an image field in the data dictionary, then you may use the thumbnailRetrievalPath parameter instead of the retrievalPath parameter.

Below you can see two examples of complete XSLT stylesheets for printing some object record data plus a linked image; these stylesheets (made for unstructured XML) can be downloaded from our website as well, after the release of 7.1.

From each record, the object number, the title, the creator(s) (maximally two) and the object name(s) (maximally three) and only the first linked image will be printed. Exactly five records should fit on a single A4 page: images will be scaled to a fixed height.

The result of printing to either stylesheet will look something like the following:


First a code example for a 4.2 model application in which the Storage path option for the reproduction.reference image field (tag FN in Collect) has been set to a relative path (like ../images/%data%).

List of objects



font-family: Verdana;

font-size: x-small;




border: solid 1px black;

border-collapse: collapse;


Object number:




Object name:

Some comments about the code:

• Note the declaration of the Adlib parameters retrievalPath and baseURL at the top. You’ll have to add these declarations to your stylesheets yourself.

• The node specifies two CSS styles, one for the text to be printed and one for the some properties of the border of each table in which a record is to be printed.

Note that if you choose to set a background colour for the table or one of its cells, it won’t be printed by default, because of a default page setting for not printing background colours, in Internet Explorer.

• A record will be printed in a table within a table. The outer one has one row of two cells. The right cell will contain the object number, the title and another two by two table. The first column of the inner table will hold the labels for Creator: and Object name: whilst the second will contain possible multiple occurrences of these fields. The left cell of the main table will contain the image itself.

• To control the space occupied on the page by each printed record, the height of the image is fixed to 180 pixels: it will be scaled automatically while maintaining the aspect ratio. If too much text would be printed - this can happen if you add fields – the height of a single table will expand and five records will no longer fit on a page, breaking up your printout. To apply to most cases, this example stylesheet limits the text by allowing maximally two creator names and three object names to be printed: see the Output formats menu) or to export them to a standard or custom export format (available as export types through the Export wizard in Adlib). One way to create a custom output format or export format is to build an appropriate XSLT stylesheet. Adlib stores records as XML and when you execute an XSLT export format or output format, this XML is passed on to the stylesheet which converts the XML to the desired format: this target format would need to be HTML if it concerns an output format, or any desired format (XML, HTML, plain text, etc.) if it concerns an export format.

Until Adlib 7.1, the source Adlib XML format passed on to XSLT stylesheets was of the unstructured type by default. Since this type has its drawbacks, Adlib 7.1 is capable of passing on Adlib XML of the grouped type as well. (Please see chapter 16.1 The Export wizard in the Adlib User Guide for a description of these two XML types.) Which XML type must be generated by Adlib, can now be set per XSLT Output job or Export format via Adlib Designer 7.1.

1 Setting the option

Output jobs (aka output formats or print formats) as well as Export formats (not to be confused with Export jobs which consist of the properties of an actual export procedure that can be run from within the Export job editor), are registered per data source (like the Internal object catalogue for example) underneath an application definition (like that of Adlib Museum 4.2) in the Application browser of Adlib Designer.


The XML type for an output job can be set in the XML type option on the Output job properties tab of a selected output job. See the Designer Help for more information about setting up output jobs.)


The XML type for an export format can be set in the XML type option on the (inaptly named) Export job properties tab of a selected export format. See the Designer Help for more information about setting up export formats.)


As mentioned, earlier created export formats and output formats always had to be based on unstructured XML. In Designer 7.1, unstructured XML will always be assumed for existing formats so you won’t have to change anything to your existing export formats and output formats, nor to your existing XSLT stylesheets. For new XSLT export formats and output formats, the option will default to Grouped though.

2 Advantages of grouped XML

The main advantage of the grouped type over the unstructured one is that it becomes easier to process repeated occurrences of grouped fields. In unstructured Adlib XML, all fields and field occurrences are just listed in one long list inside the node, whilst in grouped Adlib XML, fields are grouped within a field group node (if a relevant field group exists in the data dictionary) and that field group node is repeated for each field group occurrence.

Whenever you create an XSLT stylesheet for unstructured Adlib XML, which must be able to collect field data per field group occurrence, you have no choice but to always count the “position” of every processed field occurrence because that’s the only way to retrieve the other fields from the same position. In grouped Adlib XML on the other hand, there’s no need for such a workaround because every field group occurrence is contained within its own field group node. Matching an XSLT template to a field group node automatically provides access to all grouped fields with the same occurrence number (in other words: at the same position).

3 Examples

Suppose you wish to create an output format based on an XSLT stylesheet, to print the object name(s) and the notes pertaining to the object name, of a museum object. The object_name and object_name.notes fields, as specified in the data dictionary of the Collect database, are part of a field group called Object_name. Because of this grouping you can repeat these two fields (and the others belonging to the group) as a group in the Adlib record. When you print these group repetitions, you will want to keep them grouped of course: you don’t want a list of all object names followed by a list of all notes.

For unstructured Adlib XML you would have to tackle this problem as follows:

Field group handling for unstructured XML

For grouped Adlib XML on the other hand, you could code this as shown below:

Field group handling for grouped XML

The output of either stylesheet is structured like this:

object name in field group occurrence 1 of record 1

object name notes in field group occurrence 1 of record 1

object name in field group occurrence 2 of record 1

object name notes in field group occurrence 2 of record 1

object name in field group occurrence 3 of record 1

object name notes in field group occurrence 3 of record 1

object name in field group occurrence 1 of record 2

object name notes in field group occurrence 1 of record 2

object name in field group occurrence 2 of record 2

object name notes in field group occurrence 2 of record 2

16 Selecting a lookup field in Designer

For every linked field that is defined in a database, a lookup field must be selected in the linked database.

An important condition is that the lookup field has a term index in the linked database; other types of indexes do not apply. A list of available fields in the linked database can be opened via the … button behind the Lookup field property.

From Adlib Designer, that fields list is limited to fields which actually have a term index. This way you can’t accidentally select a field with a different type of index as the lookup field.

Note that fields do not have to be text fields per se, to have a term index. The Type column in the Database fields window indicates the field type, not the index type.

Further note that fields in the linked database which do have a term index in there but haven’t been defined in the data dictionary of that database (which is a rare situation), do not appear in the list of lookup fields. Then still define the field in the linked database to solve the problem.


17 Storage methods for image fields

On the Image properties tab of an image field and on the Application field properties tab of an application field in the Application browser of Adlib Designer, the Storage type option has been added. This option allows you to explicitly indicate the storage method for an image or file to be linked in Adlib. This is optional for File system and URL, since Adlib itself is already capable to make the distinction between fixed paths and URLs, but it is mandatory for a call to Adlib Ingest*.

Adlib Ingest is a tool that, to this end, can be used to add currently linked images directly to a DAMS (Digital Asset Management System). Adlib Ingest is currently still under development.

To ensure backwards compatibility, the option defaults to Undefined. Urls and fixed paths in the Storage path option will automatically be recognized by Adlib. So you don’t have to make any changes to your current system. However, you may improve system performance during the linking of images and files slightly by setting a storage type for existing image and application fields now, corresponding to the type of the already set Storage path of course. If Storage path is empty, Storage type should have been set to Undefined.


18 Record lock manager separately available

When a user starts editing a record, Adlib applies a record lock. This prevents colleagues from editing the same record simultaneously: as long as there is a lock on a record, others can only view that record, not edit it.

The Record lock manager, since long part of Adlib Designer, can be used by the application manager to view all active record locks and possibly delete them. Deleting is necessary if a record in edit mode hasn’t been closed normally, because of a computer crash or something similar: the record lock will then remain and no-one can edit the record anymore.


However, Adlib Designer is not available to you if you use Adlib Basis or Adlib Lite. So, in that case you couldn’t remove record locks in the normal way. That is why the Record lock manager is now available to all Adlib customers freely, as a separate tool, so that everyone can manage record locks easily and quickly.

Documentation about the functionality of the tool can be found in the Designer help which opens when you click the Record lock manager help button.


(If the actual help texts are not visible in the Designer Help, then place the Record lock manager and accompanying files locally on your own pc and try again. Because of Windows security, this type of help files can’t always be opened over the network.)

Either the tool is free to download from the Adlib website or the program is now part of the Adlib software by default as soon as you install Adlib 7.1. (At this moment, no further information is available about this.)

19 New ADAPL reserved variable: &V

In ADAPL, a new reserved text variable is available: &V. During the execution of an update import (the Update tag option in the import job must have been filled), this variable will contain the record number of any currently updated record. On the other hand, if from the exchange file a record is being processed which is currently being added to the database as a new record (because there's no existing record to update), then the variable will be empty. You can use the variable in an adapl associated with the import job, to distinguish between updated records and new records.

20 Debug mode supported by Designer import

When you specify an import job in the Import job editor of Adlib Designer, you have always been able to associate an adapl procedure with the import job, to process data before it is inserted into the database.

From Adlib 7.1 it is possible run such an import job even when the associated adapl has been compiled in debug mode (which can be done from within Designer too: see the Designer Help for more information about that). When you have done so, the ADAPL Debugger tool automatically opens when the adapl is executed during an actual import procedure run from within Designer. The Debugger provides a programmer-friendly way to debug adapls. ( 5896)

21 Hiding screen tabs


In Adlib 7.0, a new method was introduced to hide a screen tab by clicking the little cross in its label. This possibility has been removed in Adlib 7.1 already, because it appeared that users sometimes clicked the cross accidentally, thereby hiding the screen tab unintentionally.

Two ways remain to hide a screen tab. Use the Select screen tabs button in the View menu to hide screens by marking them in the list. (Deselect a marked screen to show it in the detailed display again.)


You can also right-click the label of a screen tab you wish to hide and click Turn off tab in the pop-up menu.


Click the Show all screen tabs button in the View menu to display all hidden screens again.

22 Renamed options

1 Show all fields

The Show all fields checkbox in the Expert search window has been renamed to Show all non-indexed fields too. Its functionality hasn’t changed though. Normally, when the checkbox hasn’t been marked, the list above it only displayed indexed fields: the advantage of searching in indexed fields is that it is much faster than searching in non-indexed fields. If you still want to be able to select non-indexed fields from the list as well, then mark the checkbox first: now, both indexed and non-indexed fields will be listed. The indexed fields are flagged here by the following new icon:


The icon will only be used when both indexed and non-indexed fields are present in the list (when the checkbox has been marked). When the checkbox is left unmarked, all listed fields are indexed fields, so to flag all of them with an index icon would then be redundant.


2 Show hierarchy

The second renamed option is Show hierarchy, a checkbox that is present with some access points in the Search wizard (for Adlib SQL or Oracle databases only). Its functionality hasn’t changed. The new Use relations label is just more appropriate, because any terms or names related to the search key will be included in the search when you mark the checkbox: a non-preferred term will automatically be replaced by its preferred term, equivalents will be searched and any narrower terms will be found.


If related terms are not relevant to your search, you may improve performance by deselecting the checkbox.

23 Registering media fragments


When the Media Viewer is visible, the Media context menu in the ribbon contains two new buttons: Set start point and Set end point.

[pic] [pic]

These buttons become active after you’ve linked a movie or audio file to a record and if this functionality has been set up properly in your application (see the next paragraph). The functionality allows you to set a start point and end point of a fragment in the linked movie or audio file, to which the current record must apply. This way you could create several catalogue records, all linking to the same Visual documentation record for a media file, yet all describing a different section of that movie or audio file.

It works as follows:

1. Suppose you’ve created a Visual documentation record for a movie file called Wildlife.wmv and from an object record you have made a link to this record, then on e.g. the Reproductions tab in the object record you can play the entire movie in the Media Viewer as you would expect. You can use the Play button in either the Media Viewer itself or the one in the Media menu in the ribbon.


2. With the Pause button (in menu or Media Viewer) you can pause the movie at any point.


3. To mark a fragment, pause the movie at the desired start point and click the Set start point button in the Media menu. The start point value (in seconds) then appears in the newly created field on this screen. In the example presented in the screenshot above, the field is named Movie fragment start point. If you want the fragment to start at zero, there’s no need to define a start point.

4. Click either Play button to continue the movie and pause again when you reach the desired end point. Then click the Set end point button to mark the location. The value in seconds will automatically be entered in the special field for it. If you want the fragment to end at the very end of the movie, there’s no need to define an end point.

5. You can empty any of the two fields if you want to start over or if you do not wish to specify a fragment after all. You can also overwrite earlier set points by clicking the Set start point or Set end point button again. You’ll find that if you’ve already set both points, it depends on where the movie is currently paused whether the Set start point or Set end point buttons are active or not.

6. After you’ve set a start or end point, and on a later viewing the movie is not running yet when the screen tab has been opened, then the Play buttons in the ribbon menu and the Media Viewer function differently. The one at the bottom of the Media Viewer always plays the movie from beginning to end, regardless of a start or end point, while the Play button in the Media ribbon menu always plays the movie from your custom start point to the end point.

1 Setup


By default your application has not been prepared for this functionality, so you will have to do that now if you want start using this option.

1. Create a backup of your application, just to be sure.

2. In the Application browser of Adlib Designer 7.1 or higher, open the image field with which you want to associate start and end points, the reproduction.reference (tag FN) field in the collect database for example, and open the Image properties tab.

3. At the bottom of the tab you can see the Inpoint tag and Outpoint tag properties. Enter a new tag in both entry fields; if Designer doesn’t replace the tags by field names then the tags do indeed not exist in the database yet. The example above shows tags M1 and M2, but you can choose other tags as well.

4. Now create field definitions for both tags in this database, as numerical fields. You can assign any descriptive field name. The fields need not be repeatable.


5. Save the changes in the database structure.

6. Now open the screen on which you want to place these new fields. In Adlib Museum 4.2 the repro.fmt screen would be a good place for it.

7. Create two fields on this screen to display the numerical values that represent the start or end point when the user has actually marked these points in a linked media file. Best set the fields to Read and write so the user can empty the fields if desired. Further, they should be not repeatable and of the numerical data type.


8. Save the changes to the screen file, close Designer and restart your Adlib application to be able to test the results of your work.

24 A persistent Pointer files window

From Adlib 7.1, the Pointer files window remains opened after you’ve chosen a pointer file and it remains opened until you close it manually or until you start editing or outputting marked records in some way. The window closes automatically as well when you return to Step 1 of the Search wizard. Still, in detailed or brief display, amongst others, you can leave the window open, for instance to be able to quickly view several pointer files, one after the other.

Preferably drag the Pointer files window to an unused spot on the right side of the Adlib window, so that it doesn’t cover other dialog windows or record data. Adlib will remember the current position of the Pointer files window for next time.


25 Invariant language option for import jobs

When you define an import job in the Import job editor of Adlib Designer, you have the option to specify a Default language at the bottom of the Options tab. This option provides a way to specify the language attribute (using a standard language code) with which an imported value (originally without language attribute) has to be stored in a multilingual target field during import.

From Designer 7.1 you have the additional option to Make this the invariant language, by marking the relevant checkbox behind the Default language. Previously, you could only add the invariancy flag manually when editing a record, per multilingual field, via the Edit multilingual texts window (to be opened by right-clicking the field). The (optional) invariancy flag for a value in a particular language allows the user to see this value in all other data languages of the field as well (as long as it’s empty), to ease translation or to always have data present in the field, even if it concerns data in the wrong language.

Import jobs with the Make this the invariant language option can also be run by the 7.1 version of import.exe.

( 6060)


26 Key combinations and pop-up menu options

Some existing functions have been assigned key combinations and pop-up menu options to allow you to start the function more easily.

1 Media functions:

|Function name |Key combi |Notes |

|[pic] |Ctrl+= |With the Media Viewer present, hold the |

| |or |Ctrl key and press the key with a = and + |

| |Ctrl++ |character on it or the + key on the |

| | |numerical keypad (repeatedly if required) |

| | |to zoom in on the image. |

|[pic] |Ctrl+- |With the Media Viewer present, hold the |

| | |Ctrl key and press the key with a - and _ |

| | |character on it or the - key on the |

| | |numerical keypad (repeatedly if required) |

| | |to zoom out from the image. |

|[pic] |Ctrl+0 |With the Media Viewer present, hold the |

| | |Ctrl key and press the key with a 0 and ) |

| | |character on it to zoom the image back to |

| | |window fitting size. |

2 Edit function

|Function name |Key combi |Notes |

|[pic] |Ctrl+L |Delete the field (group) occurrence which |

| | |currently contains the cursor, by holding |

| | |the Ctrl key and then pressing the L key. |

Functions for the Media Viewer which were already present in the Media menu of the ribbon, are now available in the right-click pop-up menu of the Media Viewer as well:


27 Exporting images

The File menu has a new option called Images. This allows you to export images from marked records (to a different file format if desired) and edit any present IPTC metadata* of the images. In this case, exporting means that a (possibly modified) copy of each original image linked to the record, will be placed in a different folder.


|* What is image metadata |

|Many image files contain not just the image itself, but also so-called metadata: information |

|about the image, like camera settings and other technical details (added to a photo automatically|

|by a digital camera, according to the EXIF standard) and/or descriptions of the photographed |

|subject and the name of the photographer and such (as can be added manually by some photo editing|

|software and by Adlib, according to the IPTC standard). IPTC metadata has no overlap with EXIF |

|metadata and so-called IPTC headers may occur in Adobe Photoshop, JPEG, TIFF and PNG image files.|

|(For more information, see ) It depends on the way in which an image has been|

|created and edited if, and which, metadata is present. |

|And then there's also Windows metadata which is available by default for all types of files and |

|which contains the file properties, like the creation date and file size and such. The Windows |

|metadata is very limited, but is all you have when images do not support any EXIF or IPTC |

|metadata. |

|With some software, like Adlib, metadata can also be extracted from an image. Adlib can read EXIF|

|and IPTC photo metadata. Also, Windows metadata, EXIF metadata and some IPTC headers of an image |

|file can easily be viewed by right-clicking an image file in Windows Explorer, after which you |

|select Properties in the pop-up menu and open the Details tab in the Properties window. |

Proceed as follows:

1. In a search result, mark the records from which you’d like to export the images and choose File > Images. The Image export window opens.


2. Click the empty button behind the Selected target folder entry field to select a folder somewhere on your system or network, to which the images to be exported will have to be copied.

3. Underneath Selected output format, select the file format to which all copied images must be converted, or keep the original file format. You can convert images to BMP, JPEG, GIF, TIFF or PNG.


It is inherent to some conversions that quality loss will occur. GIF images for instance, have a colour depth of maximally 8 bit. So a conversion from a, let’s say, 24-bit JPEG image to GIF means that certain colour information will always be lost: the picture will be constructed using fewer colours. Even an explicit conversion from JPEG to JPEG is not without loss, because the compressed image will be rebuild anew.

The copied image will only be identical to the original and will therefore definitely retain all present EXIF and IPTC metadata, if you select the Same as the original file format option here.

JPEG and TIFF support EXIF and IPTC metadata, PNG just IPTC. BMP and GIF do not support EXIF or IPTC metadata, so a conversion to such a file format always means that any metadata present in the original will have been lost in the exported copy.

After a conversion to JPEG or TIFF (even when the original is also JPEG or TIFF), very small changes may be visible in EXIF metadata, for instance because non-standard EXIF metadata had to be converted to a standard value.

The Windows metadata of the copy, like the creation or modification date and the path to the images folder, may also be different from the original. (Note that Windows metadata is always present in files under Windows.)

4. In case you select JPEG as the target format, you must set an Image quality next: set it to 100 percent to optimise the resulting images as well as possible, while lower percentages produce lower quality (but smaller files as well). Using the Image orientation option, you could even rotate or mirror the images, if desired.


5. By default, the exported images will keep their original dimensions, but if you’d like to set the same maximum height and width for all images, then mark the Export the images to new dimensions checkbox and provide the (maximum) dimensions in pixels. Normally, you’ll probably want images to retain their original aspect ratio and therefore you’ll keep the relevant checkbox marked: the image will then be resized until at least one of the dimensions becomes equal to either the maximum height or width. However, if you don’t mind a distortion of the copied images up to the point where they fit the specified frame exactly, then deselect the Keep the original image aspect ratio checkbox.


6. For the JPEG and TIFF target formats (PNG is not supported here), the Export image metadata drop-down list will be become active, which lets you decide what to do with image metadata during the export. You could choose to either:

- retain any present EXIF and IPTC metadata (in which case any template set in the Image metadata mapping template drop-down list below will not be used);

- remove all EXIF and IPTC metadata from the exported images;

- add new IPTC metadata to the images (retaining any other present metadata).

For the other target formats and when the target format is equal to the original, this option has been set to Keep original metadata by default, which means that any present metadata will be saved in the copy only if the new file format allows for it.


7. For the Export new metadata option (for TIFF and JPEG), you’ll be required to select one of the available templates* in the Image metadata mapping template drop-down list. The template specifies which IPTC metadata must be added to the converted images. Then click the Start button to actually execute the conversion. (If you click Start while not having selected a template, then the procedure will be executed as if you had set Keep original metadata, instead of Export new metadata.)

* If the Image metadata mapping template drop-down list is still empty, you’ll have to create a suitable template first. See the next paragraph for instructions.

1 Creating mapping templates

To be able to add IPTC metadata to JPEG and TIFF images, or to overwrite existing IPTC metadata, you’ll have to create one or more mapping templates. You can do that as follows:

1. Click the Manage button. A pop-up menu will open, showing the available options. (If the button is not active, the Selected output format must first be set to JPEG or TIFF and the Export image metadata option must be set to Export new metadata.)

2. First click Change template folder to select a folder you find suitable for storing your templates. If desired, you can create a new subfolder for those templates in your main Adlib folder.

(The Open template folder option opens the relevant folder in Windows Explorer, so that you may view its contents.)

3. Subsequently click New template in the pop-up menu to open the Metadata mapping window.



4. First enter an applicable template name and description. The template will be saved with this name, but Adlib does still add the name of the current database as a prefix first (although not visible here): this allows Adlib to populate the Image metadata mapping template drop-down list with templates applicable to the current database only.

Then right-click somewhere in the large empty box and select New mapping from the pop-up menu to insert a single mapping line. You may insert as many mapping lines as you need.

(A redundantly inserted line can be removed by right-clicking that line and choosing Delete selected in the pop-up menu.)


5. Click the first mapping line, starting with Free text, to activate it. Then select the data type you wish to add as metadata: you may either add a text you enter here or add data from the record.

Click the button with the suspension points (…) behind Free text to choose something other than Free text. The only other option is Field name. Double-click Field name to select this type.


6. a. In the Source entry field, again click the button with the suspension points, this time to select a field from your database, from which you’d like to copy data. (Double-click to copy the field.) Finally, in Destination, choose (double-click) one of the available IPTC headers to write the field data to. If you happen to pick an IPTC header which already contains data in the original image, that metadata in the copy will be overwritten by the new data.


b. For the Free text data type, you must type a text of your own in the Source entry field. Underneath Destination you must choose the IPTC header in which that text must be stored later on.

7. All templates you create, will become available in the Image metadata mapping template drop-down list, but you will only see the templates which are applicable to the current database. Always select the proper template to be used for the conversion, before you click the Start button.


An earlier created template can be edited or removed by first selecting it, after which you click the Manage button and then select Edit template or Delete template from the pop-up menu.


|The Image export window may open slowly |

|If you have marked many records and you open the Image export window, the actual opening of that |

|window may take a little time. That’s because the procedure has been designed in such a way that |

|all marked records are loaded into memory during the opening of the window, ready to export. This|

|might be annoying when opening the window, but has the advantage that the data no longer needs to|

|be loaded after the procedure has started: this allows you to continue working in Adlib when the |

|export is in progress. |

|Do note that this procedure will only process the records that you had marked before you opened |

|the Image export window. Any records that you would mark after the window has already been |

|opened, won’t be included in the export. |

28 Selecting multiple records

The Thumbnails and Filmstrip tabs of a search result now allow you to select multiple records in order to mark them all at once afterwards. Since these tabs omit a checkbox for each record, this new functionality enables much faster marking of records in these views than having to select and mark a record at a time.

In either Thumbnails or Filmstrip view, simply hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard down while clicking thumbnails: they will all be selected with a light blue highlight bar, as can be seen in the screenshot above.

To select a whole range of records at once, you can work even faster by first clicking the first record in the range, then pressing and holding the Shift key while clicking the last record in the range.


When you hold the Ctrl key while clicking an already selected record, it will be deselected.


After you’ve selected all the records you need, click the Mark record button in the Start menu to mark the selected records. Marked records on these tabs are indicated by a dark blue (or dark red) highlight bar when not selected.


Note that if any of the selected records were already marked, then after clicking the Mark record button those records will now be unmarked.

29 Dragging thumbnails to pointer files

From Adlib 7.1 you can drag one or more thumbnails from the Thumbnails and Filmstrip tabs to a pointer file in an opened Pointer files window, to add the relevant records to the pointer file. You may even create a new pointer file this way.


1. Make sure that a search result is present in the brief display and that you have opened the Pointer files window.

2. Select one or more thumbnails of records you wish to add to a pointer file, on one of the Thumbnails and Filmstrip tabs. It concerns selected records here, not marked records: one way to select records would be to Ctrl+click the desired thumbnails.

3. Click one the selected thumbnails again, keep the mouse button pressed down and drag the mouse pointer to the desired pointer file. The mouse pointer changes into an arrow accompanied by a plus sign.

4. Release the mouse button. The standard window for the writing of a pointer file appears. Now you can do two things:

a. accept the pointer file number and click OK the append the selected records to the existing pointer file. Any records already present will be retained. (Selected records which already occur in the pointer file, won’t be doubled.) Before you click OK, you can still change the title if that is required.


b. you can change the pointer file number to a number that does not exist yet and also change the title. This way you’ll create a new pointer file based on the pointer file you initially seemed to want to overwrite. For example: suppose you have a pointer file 3 pointing to 9 records; then you add 2 records, but before saving you change the pointer file number to 4 (and you also change the title); now a pointer file 4 will be created, pointing to 11 records, while pointer file 3 remains unchanged.

You can also drag selected records to an empty spot in the Pointer files window. As soon as you let go of the mouse button, the Write results to pointer file window will appear, now allowing you to create an entirely new pointer file which will point to the selected records only. (If yo do not provide a pointer file number, Adlib will automatically assign the next free number.)

Further keep in mind that existing pointer files that are based on a search statement and which therefore can be updated automatically using the Profile button, can no longer be profiled after manually adding records.

3 Other improvements

In 7.1 the following functionality has been improved:

1 Display

1. Adlib messages could hide behind the Search wizard. If an action or procedure generated an error message or other message, the message window was sometimes hidden behind the Search wizard. Also, when the message did appear in front of the Search wizard, it would hide behind it when you clicked the Search wizard window. You had to drag the Search wizard to the side to show the message (again) and click OK in it to be able to continue working. ( 5285, 5258)

2. Fields could be covered by long text from field occurrences above them. When several occurrences of a free-text field contained long text, the text could cover fields beneath these occurrences, making them inaccessible. ( 4164)

3. After switching between applications, you could no longer scroll through the Brief display. After a search, you could scroll through the Brief display using the mouse wheel or the Page up and Page down keys. However, when you temporarily switched to another Windows application and then switched back to Adlib, you could no longer scroll through the Brief display this way. ( 4694)

4. When the list of pointer files wasn’t completely built yet, the Select button would always retrieve the first pointer file from the list. When you open the Pointer files window and it contains a long list of pointer files, it takes a few seconds to built up that list. If you selected a pointer file and clicked the Select button while the list was still building, the first pointer file would be retrieved instead of the selected one. (Double-clicking on a pointer file would correctly retrieve that pointer file though). ( 5672)

5. Buttons in the Find data for the field window displayed the file name of the linked database. In the Find data for the field window (which shows a list of available terms for a linked field), the Force record and Create record buttons contained the name of the relevant linked .inf file (not a user-friendly name). The labels have now been simplified and no longer show the database name.

6. The status bar indication of marked records didn’t change after selecting another pointer file. When you opened a pointer file and marked all records in it, after which you went back to the expert search language and pointer files window and selected a different pointer file, then the number of marked records as noted in the status bar wasn’t updated to zero. ( 2831)

7. A displayed term in the search result was not updated after changing capitals to lower case letters in the term. When you had a term or name in the Thesaurus or in Persons and institutions of a SQL database, which had upper case letters in them, and you changed one or more of those to lower case, then after a search on the relevant term or name the search result still contained the term or name in the previous spelling, with the upper case letters. ( 4893)

8. In display mode it was possible to select a term from the favorites list and show it in the record. When you had added a term to your favorites list in the right-click pop-up menu for a field and you opened another record in display mode, right-clicked the relevant field and tried to insert the new favorite, then it was indeed inserted in the display of the record even though the record was not in edit mode. The inserted value was not saved in the record, so no data corruption could have taken place. ( 5743)

9. Under Windows XP, the Media Viewer showed incomplete images in portrait format. Of images in portrait format, the lower part of the picture was not displayed in the Media Viewer, if you ran Adlib under Windows XP. ( 5746)

10. The default Filmstrip tab in the Media Viewer could lead to performance issues. When an object record had more than one image linked to it, the Media Viewer opened on the Filmstrip tab by default, but when many images were linked to the record this could result in performance issues because all the thumbnail images had to be loaded. With the fix, the Media Viewer opens with the Normal tab by default again. ( 5783)

11. Changing the icon size in the old toolbar, when the Search wizard was displayed, greyed out most of the icons. When in step 2 of the Search wizard, you selected Options > Toolbar > Icon size > Large icons in the menu of Adlib (running under an older Windows version causing Adlib to still display the old toolbar), then as a result most of the button icons in the toolbar were now greyed out. You needed to go back to the previous step in the Search wizard to activate all buttons again. ( 5868)

12. Changing the icon size in the old toolbar only had effect on the open QBF. When you had opened a Query by form in Adlib, subsequently selected Options > Toolbar > Icon size > Large icons in the menu of Adlib (running under an older Windows version causing Adlib to still display the old toolbar), then as a result only the icon size of the buttons in the QBF window were changed, not that of the buttons in the general toolbar. ( 5869)

13. Resetting the old toolbar using large icons greyed out all buttons. When in step 2 of the Search wizard, you selected Options > Toolbar > Icon size > Large icons in the menu of Adlib (running under an older Windows version causing Adlib to still display the old toolbar), locked the toolbar and then clicked Options > Toolbar > Reset toolbar, then as a result all of the button icons in the toolbar were now greyed out. ( 5870)

14. Changing to large icons in the old toolbar hid tab labels. When you selected Options > Toolbar > Icon size > Large icons in the menu of Adlib (running under an older Windows version causing Adlib to still display the old toolbar), while the search result or a single record was being displayed, then several tab labels were overlapped by the larger icons. ( 5871)

15. Incorrect labels in Import wizard step 3. In step 3 of the Import wizard, the label of the error box was only partly visible while the label of the instructive text box was always in English. ( 5915)

16. Screens that had been hidden in one dataset were also hidden in other datasets in the same database. When you had manually hidden certain screens in e.g. the Books dataset, then those screens would also be hidden in e.g. the Audio-visual materials dataset in the same database.

The fix is backwards compatible, meaning that if you relied on the old behaviour, then it won’t change as long as you do not select other screens to hide. Newly hidden screens will be hidden in the current dataset only. ( 5929)

17. Under Windows XP, the label printer options were incorrectly displayed. Under Windows XP, the classic menu bar and toolbar did not contain a button for the label printer function and the submenu with available templates for that printer. Incorrectly, the templates did show up in a submenu of the Import function (where any preset import jobs should be present). ( 6071)

2 Searching

18. Field names with a hyphen in them were not always handled correctly by the expert search language. Since hyphens appearing anywhere in a search statement are now treated as “AND NOT”, you must enclose typed field names containing a hyphen (a minus sign), by double quotes. However when you picked such a field name from the list in the Expert search window, Adlib did not put double quotes around it automatically, as it should have, to prevent an erroneous syntax. With this fix, whenever you pick a field name containing a hyphen from the list in the Expert search window, Adlib puts double quotes around it automatically. ( 5510)

19. Searching on a date combined with a WHEN statement gave error 189 (numeric value out of range). When you searched a SQL database on a date field with = combined with a WHEN statement, like = 2011-04-08 when edit.time = 13:03:02, Adlib reported an error 189: Numeric value out of range. ( 5162)

20. A generic search didn’t retrieve all records. When you searched the Reference code access point in the Archives (catalogue) with the Show hierarchy checkbox marked, and you clicked the All keys button for the found keys, then not all records were retrieved. ( 4843)

21. Non-preferred term subsitution didn’t work in the Expert search language. When you used the Expert search language in a SQL database to search on a non-preferred term, you couldn’t find any records because in the executed search the non-preferred term wasn’t substituted by its preferred term.

Note that with the fix, the term substitution takes place in the background, not visibly in the Expert search language. ( 5598)

22. Double-clicking on a found term with hidden narrowers started a generic search, and vice versa. After a search on a thesaurus term, when in step 4 of the Search wizard you double-clicked a term whose narrowers are not displayed, a generic search was started. On the other hand, when the narrowers were displayed, double-clicking the broader term started a search solely on the clicked term. ( 5833)

23. It was impossible to start a generic search on a thesaurus term after using the Generic button in step 4 of the Search wizard. After a search on a thesaurus term, clicking the Generic button in step 4 of the Search wizard did expand all narrowers of the selected term, but subsequently it was not actually possible to start a generic search, not by double-clicking a broader term, not by clicking the Show button and not by clicking the All keys button. ( 5834)

24. It was impossible to search generically on a term which was a narrower itself. After a search on a thesaurus term and expanding one of the found terms in step 4 of the Search wizard, after which you selected a term down in the hierarchy which was a 1st-level narrower of the expanded term, it was impossible to search generically on the selected 1st-level narrower term: you could only retrieve the record for the 1-st level narrower term itself, not its narrowers. ( 5836)

25. When searching on a linked field, the list of found terms didn't always include all relevant terms. When searching on a linked field, step 4 in the Search wizard didn’t always display all terms which are not in use themselves, but whose narrower terms are in use. ( 5837)

26. Searching a linked field on a term which is not a unique term in the validation database didn't always return records with an equivalent term. When you searched a linked field for a term which is not a unique term in the validation database, and this term has an equivalent term, the result didn't always include records which contain the equivalent term. When in the validation database the record number of the non-unique term with the equivalent is higher than the record number of the non-unique term without the equivalent, the records which contain the equivalent term were not retrieved. ( 5849)

27. Ctrl+F5 and Ctrl+F6 didn’t work for the Thumbnails display. Scrolling to either the last record or the first, using Ctrl+F5 respectively Ctrl+F6, didn’t work in the Thumbnails display of a search result. ( 2937)

28. Marked records from the previous search remained marked after a new search with a QBF. When you had marked several records in a search result and performed a new search with a QBF, then the records from the previous search result remained marked even if they weren’t visible in the new search result. You could observe this in the status bar for example, where the total number of marked records is indicated, but also when performing batch procedures on the marked records. ( 5370)

29. A truncated search on an enumerative field created the wrong SQL query. A truncated expert search on an enumerative field in a SQL database returned the wrong result since the created SQL query (applied in the background) was wrong; it didn't search truncated but it searched for a specific term. ( 5619)

30. A SQL error appeared when searching on a merged field. When you used the Expert search language to search on a merged-in field (in a SQL database), Adlib reported a SQL error: Invalid column name ‘displayterm’. ( 5697)

31. Under Windows XP, the Pointer files option in the toolbar of a QBF was always greyed out. When you had opened a Query by form in Adlib, under Windows XP, the Pointer files button in that form was always inactive. ( 5712)

32. In the Expert search language it wasn’t possible to select your query with Ctrl+A. Any typed search statement in the Expert search language could not be selected by pressing Ctrl+A. ( 5713)

33. A QBF search did not work for fields with an ISO date index. When you used a Query by form to search on an ISO date indexed field in a SQL database, no records were found. ( 5721)

34. Sorting of pointer files list was not persistent. After sorting the list in the Pointer files window by clicking one of the column headers and subsequently opening one of the pointer files, the next time you opened the window, the list had lost the sorting you applied. ( 2655)

35. Adlib (and other programs) sometimes froze after trying to close the application. When you double-clicked the little cross in the top right corner of the Search wizard, the Close application confirmation message was hidden behind the Search wizard. When you then dragged the Search wizard to the side and double-clicked the little cross again a couple of times, the Yes and No buttons disappeared from the Close application confirmation window and all active software became non-responsive. ( 5702)

36. The search key after a WHEN operator was always implicitly truncated. When you executed a search containing a WHEN operator via the expert search language or a Query by form, then the search key entered behind WHEN was always implicitly truncated. ( 5937)

37. Sorting the brief display didn’t include any stop sign. When you had searched the Thesaurus and the brief display of the search result included any non-preferred terms (indicated by a stop icon in front of it), and you sorted the brief display differently, then the stop sign remained at its original position in the list until you started scrolling through the list, after which the stop sign was presented in front of the proper term again. ( 4823)

38. A merged-in integer field could not be searched. An expert search on a merged-in integer field returned a SQL error 189: Invalid column name 'displayterm', even though the merge source field was indexed correctly in the linked database. ( 5969)

39. The gateway to the Gemeinsamer Verbundkatalog returned wrong results. When you tried to derive records from the German GVK, available as an external source in the Books dataset of Adlib applications, incorrect search results were returned. ( 5976)

40. After sorting a search result, using the arrow keys to go through the list wasn’t possible anymore. When you had sorted a search result, you could not use the up and down keys on your keyboard anymore to select the next or previous record in the list. ( 5680)

41. The No records found message was sometimes hidden behind the Search wizard. When you had opened different software on your computer, and during the running of a Search wizard search in Adlib (which wouldn’t yield results) you switched to one of the other active programs, then on return to Adlib you would see the Search wizard again, but not the No records found message hiding behind it. ( 5701)

42. A date range search on fields with the European date presentation format didn’t process incomplete European search dates correctly. When you performed a date range search on incomplete European dates, for example from date 07/2013 until 2016, then the search result would not contain the proper records. ( 5878)

43. An AND search with the Search wizard was far slower than using the Expert search. When you used the Search wizard and the OR and AND button to consecutively execute a query like field 1 = A OR field 1 = B AND field 2 = C, then the last part of that search was very slow. A similar search using the Expert search language was much faster. ( 5667)

44. Truncation on ISSN in Query by form was not possible anymore. It was not possible anymore to insert a truncation asterisk (*) behind a partial ISSN in the Query by forms available for library datasets, so you had to fill in a complete ISSN to be able to search on it. ( 5944)

3 Editing

45. Adlib did not remember the selected folder for templates or files to link to. When you print records to a Word template which hasn’t been set up as an output format, Adlib will open a Windows Explorer window to allow you to search for the template on your system. The folder with which the Explorer opened previously, was always Libraries\Documents. From now on though, Adlib will save the path to the templates folder selected by you, in the Windows registry, so that when you print next time, the proper folder will open in the Explorer window immediately.

A similar solution applies to application fields. Application fields are fields in which you can link a file, a text file for example, to a record, using the Find file button. (Digital reference is such a field.) Previously the Explorer window opened in the current application folder by default. From now on, Adlib remembers the path to the files folder selected by you, per dataset and per field. The next time you want to link a file to a record from the same field, the Explorer window will open with the same folder.

46. .5 wasn’t recognized as a decimal value anymore. When you typed .5 or some other decimal value (without a zero in front of it) in a numerical field, it wasn’t recognized and the dot was removed, so just 5 remained. ( 5512)

47. A user with write access rights could not edit a record opened by skipping the Brief display. When you were assigned a role which had write access rights to the current database, and when searching in Adlib you picked a single found key from the last step in the Search wizard to open a record in detailed display directly (and thus skipping the Brief display), you couldn’t edit the record. You could only edit the record if you had opened it from within the Brief display. ( 5518)

48. $ADMIN didn’t overrule $REST. When you were assigned the $ADMIN role while for a data source in an application the $REST role had been assigned None access rights, then you couldn’t access that data source even though you had $ADMIN rights (implicitly full rights). ( 5519)

49. Substituting a non-preferred term by all its preferred terms didn’t work. When you enter a non-preferred term, which has two or more preferred terms, then on leaving that field you have to choose the preferred term to replace the non-preferred term with. You can also select All keys to insert all preferred terms in separate occurrences of the linked field. In previous versions however, when you chose All keys, only the first preferred term was actually inserted. ( 3757)

50. A storage adapl ran twice for records which were saved after being updated from another reverse linked record. When you added a reverse linked value (like a title for an exhibition) to a record and saved it, the reverse linked record (which had to be updated) was stored twice and thus the storage adapl was executed twice as well. ( 5617)

51. After deleting a domain from a thesaurus term record, catalogue records containing that term could no longer be found using an access point for that domain. When a domain is deleted from a thesaurus record, the indexing of the thesaurus term is changed so that the term cannot be found on the domain anymore, which happens when you search an access point associated with that domain. For example: the material access point in an object database can only find terms associated with the material domain. However, catalogue records that are linked to the relevant thesaurus record would not lose the term since the actual stored value in the record is the record number of the linked thesaurus record. This would make for a confusing situation though.

The implemented solution makes sure that when a domain is deleted from a thesaurus record and you save the record, Adlib checks whether this domain-term combination is still in use in the catalogue. If so, you receive a warning that the domain-term combination is still in use in one or more catalogue records. If you choose to delete the domain from the thesaurus record anyway, the term itself will also be deleted from the relevant field (associated with the domain) in all relevant catalogue records! This functionality is only operational when feedbacks links exist between the thesaurus and the catalogue database(s), as in model application 4.2 and higher. ( 5137)

52. The Change object locations procedure removed other changes in an edited record. When you put a record in edit mode, made some changes to it and then started the Change object locations procedure for this record while still in edit mode, the changes you made before starting the procedure were removed.

The fix is that this procedure is no longer available for a record in edit mode. Also, from now on the Change object locations procedure is only available at all when the Location change procedure method has been added to the current data source in the current application and when any access rights set for that method allow the current user to use this functionality. ( 5521)

53. It was impossible to link a second image to a record when those images were to be stored in a DAMS. When you tried to add a second image to an object record using either drag and drop or the Find image file function, the reference to this second image was not converted into an appropriate DAMS (Digital Asset Management System) reference and the image wasn’t displayed in the Media viewer. ( 5628)

54. In a zoom screen, the Find data for the field… window could not be opened by double clicking a linked field. When a record is in edit mode, one of the ways to open the Find data for the field… window is by double-clicking a linked field. When you tried this in a linked field in a zoom screen, the window wouldn’t open. ( 5149)

55. An extra blank line was added to long text fields. If you typed more than 4 lines in a free text field, an extra blank line was added at the end automatically. ( 5647)

56. It wasn’t possible to save an image file with a capitalized extension, from within the Media viewer. When you tried to save a displayed image with the Save as button in the Media viewer while the file name of the image had an extension in capitals (like .JPG), then the image wasn’t saved and you didn’t get an error message either. ( 4926)

57. The Records featuring keyword function wasn’t working correctly in SQL. When you used the Records featuring keyword function (in the Find data for the field window) for a name that appeared twice in the linked database, records featuring either one of both identical names were returned instead of only the records linking to the selected name record. ( 5668)

58. Linking to one of two identical names was problematic. When you entered an existing person name in an object record, while two records for that name existed in the linked database, the linking process would force the user to select the name from the list twice; and the second time, the name records would be displayed in a different order, without showing additional record data to keep the two names apart, making it impossible to accurately select the correct name record to link to. ( 5673)

59. The used-for field was always filled with a name in lower-case letters, even when the linked record had capitals in the name. When you edited a record in Persons and institutions and entered an existing name containing capitals and lower-case letters in the Used for field, then after saving the record, the name was presented lower-case letters entirely, while the linked record for that name hadn’t changed. ( 5536)

60. The Find data for the field window could display terms in bold layout even if they didn’t have the correct link domain. When you had entered a narrower term in a linked field associated with a domain, subsequently opened the Find data for the field window to validate the term and unmarked the Show only … filter option, then all terms linked to the relevant domain were correctly diplayed in bold, but a term identical to the entered one, while not linked to the correct domain, was also displayed in bold. ( 5838)

61. After adding an occurrence to a sorted field group with Ctrl+Enter, the cursor wasn’t always in the newly added occurrence. After adding an occurrence to a sorted field group with Ctrl+Enter, you would expect the cursor to be in the newly added occurrence, but this wasn’t always the case. Depending on the way of sorting it could be that the newly added occurrence had been moved to another occurrence number than the current occurrence number + 1 (the current occurrence then is the occurrence in which you pressed Ctrl+Enter). The cursor would always be located in the current occurrence + 1 though, whereas you would want it to be located in your newly added occurrence no matter where in the repeated field list this new occurrence has moved to. ( 5559)

62. After adding a linked field occurrence to a sorted field group, the field occurrence following the added occurrence seemed to be corrupted. After adding a linked field occurrence to a sorted field group, the linked field occurrence following the added occurrence seemed to be corrupted. The displayed value of this following occurrence was identical to the next occurrence, although the link reference value was still correct. When the detail screen was redrawn, e.g. by switching back and forth to another tab, the displayed data was correct again. ( 5608)

63. Subfolders were not included in the image reference when a relative storage path had been set while the images were already located in a subfolder thereof. When for an image field a relative Storage path had been set and you had stored your images in a subfolder of that storage path, then when you dragged an image from that subfolder to a Visual documentation record, the image was actually copied to the storage path folder ifself (to which also the reference was created), while the desired behaviour would be that the image would not be copied and that the created reference to the image would simply contain the subfolder name. ( 5655)

64. Adlib froze when you changed a multilingual thesaurus term. When you changed the term in a thesaurus record while the Italian data language was active, Adlib would freeze when you tried to save the edited record. ( 5705)

65. Broader terms were missing from the More than one preferred term found … window. When you entered a non-unique term in a validated field and left the field, the More than one preferred term found … window opened to let you choose the correct term from a list, but any broader terms (extra information to help you make your choice) of the non-unique terms were not displayed in this list. By hovering the mouse pointer over a term, a broader term could be displayed in the tooltip though. ( 5708)

66. New data with capitalisation in a linked field was converted to lower case. When you entered a new term or name with upper case letters in a validated field in a SQL database and then put the cursor in another field, the upper case letters were automatically converted to lower case. ( 5763)

67. The first occurrence of the location.authoriser was not transferred to the new second occurrence of the location field group during the Change locations procedure. When the Change locations procedure was executed in a 3.5 model application, it didn’t move the location.authoriser field (tag SP) to the next occurrence, which corrupted the data of the current location and the location history. ( 5778)

68. If a sorting order had been defined for a field, a new occurrence was always inserted as the first or last occurrence. When you inserted a new occurrence for a repeated field for which a sorting order had been set, by using any of the buttons for inserting a new occurrence, then the new occurrence was always inserted as the top or bottom occurrence, depending on the sorting order. The fix makes sure that the occurrence is inserted in the intended location and that sorting of the occurrences will only be done when the record is saved. ( 5535)

69. A newly made occurrence of a sorted field was sorted when the occurrence content was cleared. When you created and filled a new occurrence of a sorted field, and then emptied it either by using the Backspace key or the Empty field option, the occurrence was moved to a different place in the sorting order. ( 5773)

70. An existing occurrence of a sorted field was cleared when a new empty occurrence was sorted. When you created a new second occurrence of a sorted field from within the first occurrence, filled it and then emptied it either by using the Backspace key or the Empty field option, the occurrence was moved to a different place in the sorting order but the cursor remained in the second occurrence which was now meant to display an existing occurrence but had been emptied automatically. ( 5774)

71. The Empty field option also emptied a second occurrence when a repeatable field was automatically sorted. For example, when you emptied the second field occurrence of a sorted field by using the Empty field option in the Edit menu, both the first and second occurrence were emptied. ( 5700)

72. The More than one preferred term found window was sometimes displayed even though the correct record was already selected. If you entered a non-unique term (present in different domains) in a linked field, opened the Find data for the field window and selected the term which had a broader term and deselected the Show only… checkbox to show terms from all domains, then the selected term was now displayed twice, once with and once without a broader term. When you then selected the term without the broader term (from the other domain) and clicked the Select button, the More than one preferred term found window appeared, again showing the two terms, but this was not necessary because you had already selected the correct term record in the previous step. ( 5839)

73. After selecting a term from the More than one preferred term found window, sometimes the wrong record was linked. When you validated and selected a non-preferred term in a linked field, whilst this term had more than one preferred term, then if you selected the second listed preferred term in the More than one preferred term found window and clicked OK the linked field was still filled with the first listed preferred term and the accompanying link reference value. And when you clicked the All terms button in the More than one preferred term found window instead of selecting the second term, to link all preferred terms, then as many occurrencese of the linked field were created and filled, but all of them linked to the first listed preferred term. ( 1732)

74. The Write set option was not available in the Objects data source of a Museum application. When working in the Objects data source, you couldn’t save a search statement or a selection of records as a pointer file. ( 3150)

75. The Add word option in the spell checker didn’t work. Nothing happened if you clicked the Add word button in the Check spelling window, to add a new word to the custom dictionary. ( 4688)

76. An HTML field on the first displayed detail screen tab in a new record was not editable initially. When there was an HTML field on the detailed display screen tab you get to see first when creating a new record, the HTML field was not editable until you switched back and forth to and from another screen tab. ( 5882)

77. Pointer files to which records had been added could still be profiled. When you had created a pointer file based on a search statement and later you manually added some other records to it, you could still profile (update) the pointer file, after which it only contained the records resulting from the search statement again, without the manually added ones. The fix makes sure that you can no longer profile pointer files to which records have been added manually. ( 4023)

78. The default option in the term-to-be-deleted-is-in-use window was Yes. When you delete a term from an authority database, Adlib checks if the term is in use, and if so, reports this and asks if the record should be deleted anyway. The active button in the message window used to be Yes, but this implied the risk that an unattentive user could accidentally delete terms used in the catalogue by just pressing Enter. ( 5898)

79. It was impossible to remove a term type occurrence from a thesaurus term record in a 3.4 CBF application. When you removed a Term type occurrence (domain) from a thesaurus record and tried to save the record, the application stopped working and the record remained locked. ( 5905)

80. In the Find data for the field window no term was selected after closing the zoom screen for that term. When you opened the Find data for the field... window for a linked field, subsequently selected a term and clicked the Details button, then the zoom screen opened as expected. However, after closing the zoom screen, the term was no longer selected in the Find data for the field window. This could be confusing if you had a lot of identical terms in your database. ( 5912)

81. A term in a linked field was already being underlined during input of the term. When you typed a term in a linked field, the term was immediately underlined, even though it had no function yet until after storage of the record. The fix ensures that linked terms and names are only underlined after storage of the record. So in edit mode you won’t see underlined values anymore. ( 5917)

82. The Edit menu buttons became inactive after putting a zoom screen into edit mode. When you opened a zoom screen by clicking the Details button in the Find data for the field… window and then put the zoom screen into edit mode, the Edit menu buttons became inactive as soon as you hovered the mouse pointer over the zoom screen. ( 5931)

83. After selecting a value for a sorted, repeated linked field, the cursor didn’t return to the proper occurrence of the field. After you selected a value from the Find data for the field window for a particular occurrence in a repeated and sorted linked field, the occurrences were sorted but the cursor was not moved to the new occurrence. ( 5560)

84. A search-and-replace handled no more than 1032 characters. When you tried to replace a short text or empty value in a long text field by a text longer than 1032 characters, using search-and-replace, then only the first 1032 characters of that text were actually inserted in the field. ( 5695)

85. The Change object locations procedure changed the wrong record when the active record was accessed via the related_object.reference field. When an object record was opened by clicking the related-object link in another object record, then the Change object locations procedure changed the location of the previous record (with the link in it), not the record currently being viewed. ( 5959)

86. In the Find data for the field… window, a found linked term was not always selected. When you opened the Find data for the field… window from within a linked field, and in the entry field at the bottom of the View table tab you typed a partial term, then the term matching the partial term as much as possible was not selected automatically in the list above. So you couldn’t press Enter to insert the term in the record directly: first you had to select the term manually. ( 5814)

87. The Change location procedure could still be executed when a non-existing new location was entered. The Change location procedure could still be executed when a non-existing new location was entered. The location field link definition does not allow the creation of new linked records, so the procedure should not accept a new location. The result was that the object record ended up with an empty Current location field. The old current location was moved to the location history. ( 5596)

88. A typed location was not processed by the Change location procedure. When a valid location was entered in the Change location procedure by typing it (not by searching for it), then that location was not copied to the location field in the relevant records. ( 5973)

89. The Multiple preferred terms found window had no Details button. When you enter a non-preferred term in a linked field, and several preferred terms are available, you have to choose between them via the Multiple preferred terms found window. However, this window had no Details button (like in the Find data for the field… window) to allow you to view the record details of each preferred term in a zoom screen before selecting one of them, which could make the choice difficult sometimes. ( 5840)

90. The Multiple preferred terms found window for search-and-replace showed no context. When you enter a non-unique term during search-and-replace, and several preferred terms are available, you have to choose between them via the Multiple preferred terms found window. However, this window showed no hierarchical context of the term, which could make the choice difficult sometimes. ( 5955)

91. A search-and-replace on the Normal location field required a confirmation for each replacement if the substitute term was not unique, even when the Confirm replacement option was off. When you executed a Replace in record action for the location.default field while you had deselected the Confirm replacement option, then you still had to confirm each replacement if the replacing term you had entered was not unique. ( 5953)

92. Copying a text with special characters to an ANSI database, split the special characters up into two separate characters. When you copied a text with special characters (like ç ) to a text field in an ANSI encoded Adlib database, then those special characters were split up into two separate characters. ( 5983)

93. The focus of the cursor was incorrect after a new field group occurrence had been sorted automatically during editing. When adding a new occurrence to a field group with sorting enabled, then the new occurrence was always added as the first occurrence, since the field used for sorting was empty. As soon as data had been entered in the field being sorted on, the new occurrence was sorted again to its correct position, but the cursor remained in the first occurrence. ( 5895)

94. The record lock warning displayed an incorrect lock creation time. When a record was in edit mode and another user tried to edit the same record, the expected record lock warning came up, but it showed an incorrect lock creation time, namely 1 hour ahead of the correct time. ( 6002)

95. Pasting the content of a Rich text field from the Adlib Clipboard added an extra empty occurrence to the field. When you copied the content from a Rich text field, after which you opened a new record and pasted the copied content into the empty Rich text field, then the data was correctly pasted into the first occurrence of the field, but a second, empty occurrence of the field was created as well. ( 5681)

96. A write-back field, associated with a field defined as both linked (non-linkref) and internally linked, was written to the wrong occurrence in the reciprocal record. When you had registered a related object in a record 1 and in a record 2 (for that related object) the reverse link had been made in the second occurrence of the related object field, and you assigned a value to the write-back field (part of a field group with the related object field) in record 1, then when you saved record 1, the value from the write-back field was written to the first field occurrence of the write-back field in record 2 instead of to the second occurrence (to accompany the related object in that second occurrence). ( 5972)

97. When entering (part of) a term in a linked field, the Find data for the field… window sometimes displayed an empty term list. When you had entered part of a term in a linked field and then left the field by clicking another field (not by using Tab), then the Find data for the field… window opened twice (one hidden behind the other) while both term lists were empty. Only when you triggered a redraw of the list, for instance by editing the searched term in Find data for the field… window, the term list was displayed okay. However, if you then selected a term by double-clicking it, one of the Find data for the field... windows remained open. ( 5858, 5859)

98. Sometimes when using a QBF to find a record to link to, an hourglass prevented you from continuing. In certain applications, sometimes when the cursor was in a linked field and you had to proceed via a Query by form to open the Find data for the field… window, clicking the Search button would present the Windows hourglass (to indicate a waiting state) which would never go away. Only after pressing the Esc key on your keyboard, you could return to the QBF, try again and this time succeed. ( 5888)

99. Linking a pointer file to an object didn’t assign the domain correctly. When you linked a pointer file from Persons and institutions or the Thesaurus to a catalogue object, while the referenced records did not already have the domain of the linked field, then only the first newly linked authority record was assigned the domain from the linked field: the other linked records didn’t get the new domain. ( 4546)

100. When monolingual data was promoted, the index of a multilingual, normal field was only updated after manually reindexing the index. When you had made a monolingual field into a multilingual field by changing its definition in Designer, and then opened and saved a record with this field, then even though the existing monolingual data had been promoted to multilingual, the index for the field had not been updated, with the consequence that you couldn’t find the record when searching on the field value in the relevant data language. After reindexing the index manually in Designer, the value was added still and the record could now be found on that value. ( 5665)

4 Printing

101. Activating the print preview hid the Adlib window behind another Windows program. When you were about to print a selection records to an output format, and you clicked the Preview button in the Print window, some other already active Windows program moved to the foreground, hiding the Adlib window (partially or wholly) behind it. ( 5491)

102. The print preview contained a non-functional scroll bar. On display of a print preview, a horizontal scroll bar was displayed right above the status bar of the Adlib window. The scroll box could be dragged but that had no effect on the preview. After clicking the preview window pane, the scroll bar disappeared. ( 5493)

103. Printing to an XSLT stylesheet worked only once. After printing or previewing output via an XSLT stylesheet, you could not print or preview to the same output format again. Adlib sometimes even crashed on trying. You had to close and restart Adlib to be able to print to the XSLT stylesheet again. ( 5629)

104. Data_language and ui_language not usable in XSLT output formats. The data_language and ui_language system variables introduced in Adlib 6.6.0, to be used in an XSLT stylesheet, were only usable when that stylesheet was applied to a web browser box. With this fix, the relevant system variables can also be used in XSLT stylesheets for printing. ( 5805)

105. Fonts used in RTF fields were not printed to Word correctly. When printing an RTF field to a Word template, the resulting font did not correspond with the font used in the RTF field. Special characters were also printed incorrectly. ( 5864)

106. Media Viewer printing was disabled when working under Windows XP. When you ran Adlib under Windows XP and in the Media Viewer of a record in detailed display you clicked the Open the print wizard… button, then nothing happened. ( 5693)

107. After selecting the option to print more than 1 copy, still only a single copy was printed. When you selected an output format to print to and in the last Print window you changed the number of copies from 1 to 2, then only 1 copy was actually printed. ( 6033)

5 Deriving

108. It wasn’t possible to cut a record if you didn’t have delete rights on the source record. When deriving a record from one dataset to another in the same database while the source record must automatically be deleted when you save the derived record, you needed full access rights to the source dataset. If you only had write or less access rights, Adlib could report an error when you tried to save the derived record, about a duplicate object number (or other unique field), because the source record couldn’t be removed. The fix makes sure the source record is removed automatically after saving the derived record. ( 5599)

109. Deriving an object record which had related records was not possible. When you tried to derive an object record having related records in the same dataset, you got the error message: Circular reference. The error did not occur when you derived an object with parts. ( 4066)

6 Access rights

110. After setting record access rights for $REST to None, the record would still be visible. When for an individual record you had set access rights None for the role $REST, it would still be visible to users falling under $REST. ( 5892)

7 Closing Adlib

111. Users who weren’t allowed to close Adlib, could still close the Search wizard. When in Designer the Allow the user to shut Adlib option had been switched off, you would still be able to close the Search wizard by means of the cross in the upper right corner of the Search wizard window. This would leave an empty Adlib main window in which you couldn’t continue working. ( 5098)

112. Sometimes an Adlib application couldn’t be closed because the confimation message was hidden behind the Search wizard. If you opened an Adlib application and almost immediately clicked the white-red cross in the upper right corner, before the Search wizard was displayed, then the message asking you to confirm the closing of the application was hidden behind the Search wizard, making it seemingly impossible to really close the application. ( 5386)

8 Importing and exporting

113. Protected fields could still be exported. The contents of a field to which a user had None access rights, could still be exported. This was a problem when such access rights had been set to hide a field and its contents completely from certain users (because of confidential data for example). By exporting the field or the entire record, those users could still view the data in the resulting exchange file. ( 5325)

114. The Export wizard resolved all links for the records it processed, making the export process often longer than necessary. The Export wizard resolved all links for the records it processed, even when only a limited number of fields was actually being exported. This could cause the export to run much longer than actually needed. Now, the fix makes sure that only any selected linked fields will be resolved, which can save a lot of time. ( 5107)

115. Double-clicking a field didn’t select the field. Double-clicking a field in the field list in step 2 of the Export wizard didn’t select the field. ( 5924)

116. In the Import wizard, warning 150 was incorrectly labeled as error 150. When your import procedure happened to generate a (non-fatal) warning 150, you could see it was actually labeled as an “error” and therefore it was confusing that the error counter was not incremented by 1.

The error counter is not incremented for warnings. ( 5970)


117. Sdi.exe returned invalid XML when a pointer file generated an (e-mail) error 332/362. Sdi.exe returned invalid XML, like incorrect brackets and double quotes, when a pointer file generated a (mail) error 332/362. ( 5564)

118. An SDI limit was applied incorrectly, causing the pruning of the search result sometimes to select the wrong records. When you had set the Limit option for an SDI profile to something other than zero and you had set Pruning to New or changed records, then sometimes records were selected that shouldn’t have been, and vice versa. ( 5380)

10 Adloan

119. Screen tabs in Adloan Circulation could disappear. When running Adloan Circulation on Windows XP and clicking between the tabs and fields, the screen tabs could disappear. You had to restart the application to get the screen tabs back. ( 5579)

120. Adloan didn’t register the seconds in the issuing or returning time. In the time registered when a copy was issued or returned, only the hours and minutes were included. ( 5625)

11 Designer

121. Importing created a copy of the target .inf file. When you ran an import job from within Designer, it would create a copy of the destination database .inf file in the folder containing the import job. ( 5387)

122. When copying a database structure to the same folder, without overwriting, Designer did not copy the file at all. When copying a database structure to the same folder, Designer first asks for your confirmation to overwrite the existing file. If you chose No, Designer did not copy the file at all. With the fix, the copied file is now pasted in the same folder but under a different name (when you choose No to overwrite). ( 1685)

123. When associating a link screen to a field, the wrong path to the file was retrieved if the link screen was in the \data \zoom folder instead of \screens. When you edited the properties of a data dictionary field and on the Link screens tab you associated a link screen with this field by clicking the … button to allow you to search for the file, then after selecting a screen file in a folder other than \screens, only part of the path was entered in the field property. ( 5725)

124. The Record lock manager could not remove any locks if there were several thousand of them. After stopping a feedback link process to several thousand records while replacing used-for terms, there will remain as many record locks. When you tried to delete all of these locks using the Record lock manager, you would find that none could be removed and that the Record lock manager didn’t respond anymore. ( 5748)

125. A tag could be introduced in the database more than once. When you had opened the properties of a new or existing field in a database, subsequently clicked the … button behind the Field tag property and from the appearing list you chose some existing field tag by double-clicking it, then the tag now appeared in the database twice, with different field names. You could also type an existing tag in the Field tag setting.

The fix makes sure you can no longer enter and save an existing tag in the Field tag property. If you do try, a warning appears about the duplicate tag and you cannot leave the property box until you’ve emptied it or entered a unique tag. ( 1709, 5328)

126. Designer did not retrieve source fields from a linked database if the source database is in a different folder. For any linked field (except internal links) only the tags (not the field names) of the source fields were displayed on the Linked field mapping tab of the field properties. It was also not possible to use the … (browse) button. ( 5876)

127. Deleting an index from a SQL-based application didn’t delete the table in the SQL database itself. When you used Adlib Designer to delete an index from an application running on a SQL database, then the corresponding table in the SQL database wasn’t removed as well. ( 4239)

128. The Data languages list wasn’t sorted alphabetically. The Data languages list on the Advanced properties tab of an application definition opened in the Application browser was not sorted alphabetically, so it was hard to find the desired language. ( 3628)

129. Using $REST to restrict record access didn’t work. When you had set the authorization type for the current database to Specified rights and in a record you had specified that role $REST must have Read-only access rights, then all users to whom $REST applied still had write access to the record. ( 5703)

130. Stripped indexes could not be created. When you had set the Key type of an index to Stripped, then Adlib Designer could not actually create the index. ( 3339)

131. A reference to a no longer existing dashboard stylesheet caused Adlib to take very long to open. If the deprecated Adlib menu style option on the Advanced tab of your application properties had once been set to a dashboard stylesheet, while later the relevant file had been removed, then Adlib took a very long time to open.

Since the dashboard was deprecated functionality already, it is now no longer supported by the software. The option can not be set in Designer anymore.

132. For Adlib Oracle-based applications, Adlib Designer did not show the Automatic numbering properties tab. When you modified a field definition in an Adlib Oracle database and you marked the Automatic numbering field checkbox on the Field properties tab, then the Default values properties tab was duplicated, instead of displaying the Automatic numbering tab. ( 5457)


133. The ADAPL function MID$ didn't process special characters correctly. Special characters and letters with diacritical characters were processed incorrecly by MID$, for instance by replacing them by a space. ( 5913)

13 wwwopac.ashx

134. The API SCAN functionality returned partially incorrect Adlib XML. The and nodes in the part of the XML returned by the SCAN function always contained the value 0. In the Internet Server web application this caused the term list on a search form to have no Next/Previous browse buttons. ( 5821)

135. A pointer file from which a record had been deleted, could not be opened anymore. When you had a pointer file and you deleted one of the records it pointed to, trying to open the pointer file via a wwwopac.ashx search would generate an unhandled exception error: DatabaseRecordNotFoundException. ( 6020)


136. Javascript in XSLT caused an internal error. When you had included Javascript code in your XSLT stylesheet (for a web browser box or for output, export etc.), then on transformation of the record data (possibly after clicking Yes to the Windows Securit Warning), you would receive an error message saying: COM Error: XMLField::ApplyStylesheet() failed with error code 0x80004005 at location xmlfield.cpp:374. The reason for the failure was; Security settings do not allow the execution of script code within this stylesheet. A default setting in MSXML 6.0, disallowing scripts in XSLT, was the cause of the message.

The fix is that Adlib makes the required setting in MSXML before applying any XSLT stylesheet. The Windows Security Warning will still appear if the stylesheet is being used for the first time this session, but you can click Yes to it because it concerns your own stylesheet. ( 6018)



Removes records from The Collection Cloud.

Removes records from your database!


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