Run cmd as administrator windows 10 shortcut
Run cmd as administrator windows 10 shortcut
When the command prompt is turned on in Windows, it runs in user mode by default and has no administrator rights. If you need to execute commands as an administrator from your user account, then you need to run the command prompt with administrator privileges. An easy way to access the command prompt as an administrator is to create a shortcut to the command prompt, and set it to run as an administrator. Create an administrator command prompt shortcut to create this shortcut, right-click over your desktop and select new | Abbreviation from the pop-up menu. In the dialog box to create a shortcut, enter the following text in the type item editing site box and click the next. C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe enter a name for shortcuts, such as cmd, in the box Type a name for that shortcut, and then click Quit. The shortcut is added to your desktop. Right-click the shortcut and select properties from the pop-up menu. In the properties dialog box, make sure that the shortcut tab is active and click the Advanced Options button. The dialog displays advanced properties. Click the Run check box as administrator to run this option and click OK. When you double-click the new shortcut to open the command prompt with administrator privileges, the next dialog may be displayed, warning against running a program that makes changes to the computer. To continue opening the prompt, click Yes. You'll get this claim every time you try to run the program because it's being upgraded. If you don't want uac prompt, you can disable UAC completely, which I don't recommend or disable UAC for one specific application using an external tool. The command window is opened with administrator rights as shown in the address bar of the window. Note: Any commands running under this command window will make changes to your computer as an administrator, so be careful what you are running in this window. Enjoy! Most of the time, opening the command prompt as an ordinary user is all you need. Sometimes, however, you'll need to open the command prompt as an administrator so you can run commands that require administrative privileges. Windows offers a lot of different ways to open the command prompt, and with a lot of these methods you can also open the command prompt with administrator privileges. We've already shown you how to do this in Windows 7 and Vista, so here we're going to focus on three quick ways you can open the command prompt with administrator privileges in Windows 8 and 10. Option 1: Use the List of Power Users (Windows+X) provided by Windows 8, Windows 8, 10, and 10 power users that you can access by pressing Windows+X or just right-clicking the Start button. From the Power Users menu, choose command prompt (administrator). Note: If you see PowerShell instead of the command prompt in the Power Users menu, this is a key that has been updated by windows 10 creators. It's very easy to switch back to show the command prompt in the Power Users menu if you want, or you can try PowerShell. It can do pretty much everything in PowerShell that you can do in prompt commands, plus a lot of other useful things. Related: How to place the command prompt back on the Windows + X Power Users list when you run the command prompt with administrator privileges, you'll likely see the user account control window requesting permission to continue. Go ahead and click yes. Once you get the administrator window: The command prompt is open, you can run any command, whether it requires administrative privileges or not. Option 2: Use the Start menu you can also open the administrative command prompt using only the Start menu (or start screen in Windows 8). Start hitting, type command, and you'll see the command prompt listed as the main result. Right-click this result and choose Run as an administrator. Option 3: Use the playbox if you use the playbox to open applications, you can use it to run the command prompt with administrator privileges. Press Windows+ R to open a playbox. Type cmd in the box and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter to run the command as an administrator. However, you have three very easy ways to run commands under the command prompt as an administrator. My preference to run CMD is to use Windows + R ? cmd type ? Enter. But this does not open it with the rights of the administrator. Is there a way to write your way through the command prompt with administrator rights? Geeks and IT professionals love the Command Prompt (CMD), and for good reason: it allows you to perform many administrative tasks with ease. We think it's good to make a list of all the fourteen ways we know to open the command prompt, so you can choose what suits you best. Knowing how to open CMD as an important administrator is also important. So, to read and choose your favorite way to open the command prompt: Note: We wrote this tutorial using Windows 10 with may 2020 update. If you're using an older version of Windows 10, some things may look different or may not work as expected. 1. How to open the command prompt from the Start menu on your Windows 10 computer, open the Start menu and go to the Windows System Shortcuts folder. There, you'll find the command prompt shortcut: click or click on it to open CMD. How to open the command prompt from the Windows 10 Start menu if you want to run the command prompt as an administrator, right-click or hold down the shortcut, then open the submenu More and finally, click or press Run as an administrator. Alternatively, you can also hold the Ctrl and Shift keys to press and click or click the command prompt shortcut to launch CMD as an administrator. Running the command prompt as an administrator in the Start Menu of Windows 10 in Windows 10, one of the quickest ways to open the command prompt is to use search. Inside the search field of the taskbar, enter the command or cmd. Find cmd to open command prompt in Windows 10 If you want to run the command prompt as an administrator, use the Run link as an administrator from side of the search pad. Alternatively, you can also right-click (or hold, if you use a touch screen) on the command prompt search result, then choose run as an administrator. Running as a command prompt administrator in Windows 10 is one of the fastest ways to open the command prompt in Windows 10 is via the operating window. Press the Win+ R keys on the keyboard, then type CMD, then press Enter on the keyboard or click/click/click OK. Start the command prompt using the operating window if you prefer to use shortcuts, then you must create a shortcut to the command prompt. This guide shows you how to do this: How to create shortcuts to apps, files, folders, and web pages in Windows. Basically, you should right-click or hold down an empty space on your desktop or in any other folder, then go to New in the contextual menu, and click or click shortcut. Then, in a shortcut creation processor, point to a new shortcut to cmd, and give it a name (such as a command prompt, or :) Old school terminal, then save it. Create a command prompt shortcut instead, you can download our range of shortcuts and use what we have created: download the largest library of Windows shortcuts. In this package, there are also a lot of other useful shortcuts to download and use. If you want to turn on the shortcut as an administrator, right-click (or hold down on it, if you're using a touch screen), then click or click the play option as an administrator from the contextual menu. Running as a command prompt shortcut administrator if you prefer to have a clean desktop, you may prefer to install the command prompt to the taskbar or to the Start menu. To find and open the command prompt in the Start menu for Windows 10, click or click Start, scroll down the app menu, and then open the Windows system folder. Right-click or hold down the command prompt shortcut. In the menu that is opened, you have installation options to start for the Start menu and more. When you choose more, the menu extends with the first option to install on the taskbar. Install to start and pins on the taskbar: Command prompt in Windows 10 from now on, use the shortcut you installed to open the command prompt. Also, if you want to run the command prompt as an administrator, use the menu by right-click on the shortcut installed on the Start menu or taskbar, and click/click the run option as administrator. Running the command prompt as an administrator using its installed shortcut includes Windows 10 a hidden list of power users, which you can access from your desktop. The fastest way to launch it is to press the Win+ X keys on the keyboard, but you can also do this with right-clicking (or pressing down) the Windows logo from the bottom left corner of the desktop. In the early versions of Windows 10 (before the creators are updated), this list includes two command prompt shortcuts: one to run as a normal user and one to run as an administrator. Command prompt in the Power User (Win+X) menu after the creator update is released, replace Windows 10 command prompt With Powershell shortcuts. However, you can configure Windows 10 to return to view command wave shortcuts in its power user list. You can learn how to do this in this tutorial: Add the control panel and command prompt to the WinX list in Windows 10. 8. How to open the command prompt from the File Explorer address bar you can also open the command prompt using the address bar of file explorer. All you have to do is type cmd in the address bar and press Enter. Open the command prompt from File Explorer for more details, read this tutorial: How to run commands from File Explorer in Windows 10. Unfortunately, you cannot open the command prompt as an administrator using this method. You can also open the command prompt using its cmd.exe file. Open File Explorer, go to the section where Windows is installed, open the Windows folder, and enter System32. There, you're going to find cmd.exe - the executable file used by the command prompt. Open the command prompt by running cmd.exe also, the easiest way to open it as an administrator is to right-click (or press it and hold, if you have a touch screen) and then click/click the option to run as an administrator from the contextual menu. Running as a administrator.exe a rather cumbersome way, but the process of launching prompt commands in Windows is to use one of Microsoft's old web browsers to do so. Start Internet Explorer or microsoft's old edge (no one is based on Chromium) and enter this command in the address bar: . Press Enter and then, in the dialog box that opens, click or press the Play button. The Command Prompt from Microsoft Edge only opens command prompt windows with standard user rights, not administrative privileges. 11. Open the command prompt from task management you can open the command prompt using task management. Launch task management (a quick way is by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Esc). If you're getting a compressed view from task management, first click on more details in the bottom right corner of the frame. Open the file menu, select Run a new task, and type cmd in the construction window of a new task. Press Enter on the keyboard or press ok button and open the command prompt. Start the command prompt using task management as well, if you want to run the command prompt as an administrator, tick the checkbox to create this task with administrative privileges before pressing enter or the OK button. Start the command prompt with administrator privileges from task management if you have a microphone installed on your Windows 10 computer or device, you can also tell Cortana what you want to do. Then ask Cortana to open the command prompt. Telling Cortana to open the command prompt in just one moment, Cortana realizes what she wants and launches it right away Unfortunately, there is no order you can use to prompt Cortana to turn on the command prompt as an administrator. 13. How to open the command prompt when you run Windows 10 using advanced startup options if you need to run advanced commands in the command prompt and your Computer Windows 10 is no longer working properly, you may need a way to open CMD in the boot, before Windows 10 completely get the same. To do this, you can use recovery options. Here's how to do it: Open the Settings app and go to Update & Security. Select Recovery on the left side of the window, and click or press restart now in the advanced startup section from the right. Enter advanced start-up options from Windows 10 on the Option Choice screen, press troubleshooting. The troubleshooting button of the select option screen then, click or press advanced options. The advanced options button of the troubleshooting screen this brings you to the advanced options screen. Here, you should get an entry called prompt command. Click it or click on it. Open the command prompt from windows 10's recovery options, your computer or device is restarted through Windows 10 and then you are asked to choose a user account from the list of administrators configured on your computer. Select it and enter your password if asked to do so. Choosing the administrator's account to finally use it, Windows 10 opens the command prompt as an administrator. The command prompt is opened and you can now use CMD to do anything you want, including performing advanced tasks such as boot repair or section management using diskpart, for example. 14. How to open the command prompt while installing Windows 10 we have another neat way to open the command prompt even when Windows 10 is not installed on your computer. It also works when your Windows 10 is damaged and cannot boot properly. Use Windows 10 installation media to turn on your computer or device. When you show the Windows 10 setup processor, simultaneously press shift + F10 keys on the keyboard to open the command prompt. Press Switch + F10 to open the command prompt when you install Windows 10 it's as simple as it is! how do you want to open the command prompt? These are all the ways we know to launch a command prompt in Windows 10. It can help you find the right way to open it, depending on what you are doing on your Windows 10 computer. If you know other ways, feel free to share them in the comment below. Also, if you are looking for some good articles on how to use prompt command, feel free to read our recommendations below. Below.
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