Introduction to Windows 95 Background Terminology
Introduction to Windows Terminology
indows is Microsoft’s operating system that provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI). Windows also provides web integration facilities to navigate the Internet, along with multimedia entertainment technologies. Some of the Main Areas in Windows 7 are pictured below.
Action Center – The action center monitors your system, including maintenance and security updates. It can be found in the notification area which is located in the lower-right area of your computer monitor.
Active and Inactive Windows – The active window is the window currently be used. It is the front or “foreground” window. A window can be made active by using the Alt + Tab keys. You can also left-click an application on the taskbar to make it active.
Aero Flip 3D – Shows your opened windows and allows you to click a window to view it.
Application Software – is software that is used by computer professionals (users) to create various types of outputs. Examples of application software include word processing (Microsoft Word), spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel), database (Microsoft Access), and presentation software (Microsoft PowerPoint).
ASCII Text Files – ASCII files contain ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) characters. Files saved in this format are easily imported into other applications. You
can import an ASCII file simply by using the File Open command from the software application.
Background Applications - are applications running in the background. Often referred to as inactive applications, you can make it an active application by clicking the application name located on the taskbar.
Backup and Restore – In order to back up your computer system, left-click the start button, choose the control panel, system and security, backup and restore. You can also restore within this menu as well.
Bit Map file - is a collection of connected dots, described by bits (binary digits).
Calculator - Windows has a calculator built-in to it. Left-click the start button, choose all programs, accessories, and calculator. Use the view menu to choose which calculator you want to use.
Character Map - The character map allows you to enter various symbols not found on the keyboard into your document file. Click the start button, all programs, accessories, system tools, and character map. Click the character(s) you want and click the select button, then copy to the clipboard, close the character map, click on the application from the taskbar in which you want to insert the characters, position to the correct location and right-click and choose paste.
Clipboard - This is a temporary holding area where copied and moved information resides. Highlight the material and choose the edit, cut (to move) or edit, copy (to copy) operations, click to the application in which the information is to be inserted or pasted and choose edit, paste from the menu.
Clock - The clock should be displayed in the lower right-hand corner of the taskbar. Double-click it to view the clock and other options.
Close Button - The close button is indicated by an X on the right of the application. Use it to close out an application from the computer's memory. You can also close an application by choosing the file menu then close. If the current file you are working on hasn’t been saved, the system will prompt with a message to save the file.
Closing Files - You can close a file by choosing the file, close command.
Computer - Computer will allow you to view various components of your computer system. Click the start button, computer. You can check on all of your secondary storage drives, use the menus or short-cut menu (right-click on an object to obtain the short-cut menu) to perform various tasks, such as copying, moving (cut), etc., as well as view system information, add or remove programs, change a setting, as well as gain entry to my network places, my documents, shared documents, as well as the control panel. In the Computer screen, you will see items such as local disk (C: this is the hard drive where all of your software or programs, as well as data files are installed), as well as other drives to indicate additional secondary storage devices.
Control Menu - The control menu (small picture at the top left of the window) of a window displays menu options such as restore (undo last minimize or maximize command), move (move a window), size (size a window), minimize (minimized window on the taskbar - application is still open), maximize (maximize a window to full-screen), and close (closes an application).
Control Panel - This menu allows you to control various operations, as well as adjust your computer’s settings. For example, the control panel will allow you to customize your computer, add and remove programs, set up your network, as well as manage user accounts. It will also allow you to view system information. The control panel will also allow you to adjust your system and security settings, network and internet settings, hardware and sound settings, install and uninstall programs, adjust settings for user accounts and family safety, as well as make adjustments to the appearance of your desktop. Left-click to choose the start button and then choose the control panel.
Copying Files - You can use Windows Explorer to copy files. You can gain entry to Windows Explorer by clicking on the folder icon contained on the taskbar. You can also gain entry to Windows Explorer by choosing the start button, all programs, accessories, and windows explorer. Right-click (pulls up a short-cut menu to manipulate the file (object) the file you want to copy and left-click on the copy command, choose the location where you want the file copied to and then right-click and left-click on the paste command. You can also drag-and-drop files as well. To select just certain files, click the first file and then hold down the CTRL key while you click the other files you want to copy. To copy multiple files, left-click the first file, press and hold the shift key and then left-click the last file to copy. You can also use the send to command to copy files.
Dates and Times - You can view and/or adjust the date/time by double-clicking or right-clicking on the time found on the taskbar.
Defragment - Fragmentation refers to the space organization of the disk. You should defrag your computer so that your computer runs more efficiently. You can view and correct fragmentations by choosing (left-click) the start button, all programs, accessories, system tools, and disk defragmenter.
Desktop - The desktop refers to the screen that you see after you enter your computer system. You can make changes to the desktop by choosing (left-clicking) the start button, control panel, and appearance and personalization.
Disk Cleanup – Use this utility to remove or clean the drive of unwanted files. Left-click the start button, all programs, accessories, system tools, disk cleanup. You can also left-click the start button, computer, right-click the drive you want to cleanup, left-click on the properties button, and then left-click Disk Clean Up.
Erasing Files - Use Windows explorer to remove files and folders you no longer need. Left-click the start button, choose all programs, accessories, and windows explorer. Select the drive, folder, file(s) you want to erase then right-click and then left-click on the delete command. Confirm the deletion. You can also delete a file by locating the file(s) and then right-click the file, then left-click the delete command. Confirm the deletion. If the file(s) you want to erase resides on the hard drive (known as the C: drive), Windows will place it temporarily in the Recycle Bin until you permanently remove it. You can also erase files by left-clicking on start, computer.
Exiting Windows - Leave Windows and shut down your computer by left-clicking the start button, shutdown. Other choices can be shown by left-clicking on the arrow key next to the Shut down button. These choices include Log off, Lock, Restart, Sleep, and Hibernate.
Exiting Applications - Exit software by choosing the file, exit commands. You can also close an application by left-clicking on the close button. Identified by an X, the close button is located on the top right-hand side of the screen. If you exit an application without saving the changes to the file, the system will prompt with a dialog box as to saving operations.
File Extensions – (see also file names)
Files are comprised of a filename a period and a character extension (filename.extension). The file extension is usually tagged on to the filename via the software application where the file was created been created. The file extension usually indicates the content of the file. Some of the file extensions include:
filename.docx – Word document
filename.xlsx – Excel spreadsheet – document template
filename.accdb – Access database
filename.pptx – PowerPoint presentation
filename.txt – text file (ASCII file)
filename.rtf – rich text format.
filename.bmp – bitmap graphics file
filename.jpg – graphics file
filename.gif – graphics file
filename.html – hypertext markup language (webpage) file
filename.exe – executable program or file
File Names - Windows allows your filename to be up to 255 characters, including spaces. It can contain any characters except for \ / : , ; * ? “ < > | File extensions are noted by a period followed by characters which are usually assigned by the Window-based software product where the file was created.
File Property – File properties shows items such as what software product the file was created in, the date it was created, modified, and accessed, as well as how large the file is. To view the file properties of a file, left-click the start button, computer, and then locate the file you want to examine, right-click the file to view its file properties.
Finding Files and Folders – To find files or folders, click the start button and then type in what you are looking for in the start search text box.
Firewall – A firewall is a product that protects your computer system from unlawful entry. To view the firewall, left-click the start button, choose System and Security, and then choose Windows Firewall.
Folders - Folders (directories) are used to organize files in related areas. You can create folders by using Windows Explorer. Left-click the start button, all programs, accessories, windows explorer and then click the location where you want to create the folder and then use the File, folder menu, type the name of the folder and press the enter key. Proceed with copying and/or moving files into the newly created folder. You can also left-click the start button and then choose computer.
Fonts - Fonts are styles of print. In general, fonts are applied in a document by highlighting the material (left-click and hold the button down while you drag over the material), and then left-clicking the font, as well as the point size.
Foreground Applications - The active window is considered the foreground document. Left-click the application on the taskbar to bring it to the foreground.
Gadget – An item that is contained or added to the desktop. Examples of gadgets include the calendar and clock. To view and add a gadget to the desktop, right-click an empty area on the desktop and left-click Gadgets, choose which gadget you want to add to the desktop by double-clicking (left-click) it.
Gigabyte - One gigabyte is about one billion bytes. Gigabyte is abbreviated GB.
Help - Access help by left-clicking the start menu and choosing Help and Support. Left-click in the Search Help textbox and type in your topic to review. Left-click your choice topic.
Icon – Icons are pictures allocated to the desktop window. The icon is used to represent a file, folder, or software program. To add a software program that will be represented by an icon, locate the file by left-clicking the start button and then right-click and drag the program to the desktop area. To delete a desktop icon, right-click it and left-click Delete. Confirm the deletion. To rename an icon, right-click it and left-click rename, type in the new name and press the enter key.
Maximized Window - Applications can be maximized by clicking the box located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. This button is also used as a restore to undo a previously maximized window. See also minimized window below.
Megabyte - A megabyte is one million bytes or characters. Exact measurement is 1,048,576 characters. Megabyte abbreviation is MB.
Menus - The menus are another way to access commands. Use the mouse and point to the menu of your choice and left-click the name of the menu, then choose the command (by left-clicking it) of your choice. You can also press the alt button to activate the menu and then type the letter of the menu you want to access.
Minimized Window - Minimized applications appear as button displays on the taskbar. A window can be minimized by choosing the window control menu and choosing minimize or by clicking the minimize button ( _ ) located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. To maximize the minimized application, click the application on the taskbar.
Modem - A modem is a communication device that allows for communication among computers via communication lines, such as telephone and cable systems. A modem is used to convert analog and digital signals.
Mouse Operations – left-click, double-click (press the left mouse button twice in succession), drag (point, click and hold the left mouse button down while moving the mouse), point (move the mouse pointer on the screen by moving the mouse), right-click on the right mouse button will display a shortcut menu.
Moving Files - Use Windows Explorer to move files from one location to another. Left-click the start button, choose all programs, accessories, and windows explorer. Click the drive, folder, and file you want to move. To select multiple files to move, click the first file and then shift-click the last file prior to using the menus. To select certain files to move, click the first file, and use the CTRL button and click each additional file you want to move. Use the edit, cut menu to place the files in the clipboard. Click to the new location and use the edit, paste menu to move the file. You can also use the short-cut menu (right-click) to carry out various operations. You can also move files by left-clicking the start button, then choose computer.
MS-DOS - (Microsoft Disk Operating System) - You can run in the DOS operating system environment via Windows. Upon booting to Windows, press function key F8 and choose command prompt only. This will start MS-DOS instead of Windows. Proceed with entering DOS commands. Use the Help command for further information.
Multitasking - Windows gives you the ability to run more than one application system at a time. You can toggle to another application by clicking on the button representing the application on the taskbar. In addition, you can press alt + tab keys to toggle to all of the opened application. Release the buttons when you want to enter a specific application.
Network - A network is a collection of computers that are connected together using various communication channels, for example, telephone, coaxial cable, fiber optic cable, microwave, satellite, for the purpose of sharing resources. Networks can be of various topologies: bus, ring, tree (hierarchical), star. Networks are also discussed in terms of size: These include local area networks (LANs), metropolitan area networks (MANs), and wide area networks (WANs).
Notepad - Windows contains a simplified text editor for entering text files. This software application is usually used by computer programmers to enter instructions when create software. To use the notepad, left-click the start button, choose all programs, accessories, and notepad.
Object - Depending on the context in which it is used, the term object takes on different meanings. In Windows an object refers to information of various modes like text and graphics. These objects, often termed OLE (object linking and embedding), will allow you to copy, cut and paste them to other applications. Also, some applications have an insert object command in order to incorporate it into other applications.
Opening Files - You open the file in the application that it was created in. Keep in mind that other software packages may be able to open them as well via conversion techniques. See also starting a software program below. Once the software has been loaded into the computer (using the start, all programs, and then selecting the application you want to use), use the file, open commands to retrieve the file. Be sure to correctly identify the drive, directory (folder), and filename of the file you want to open. You can also double-click the file in either Computer or Windows Explorer. The system will usually load the software where the file was created, then load the file in the software product.
Paint program - The paint program is a graphics product which will allow you to create bit map images. To enter paint, left-click the start button, all programs, accessories, and paint. Use the paint tools to create your drawing. Use the file menu, print command to print the document. Use the file menu, save as command to save the file for the first time or to save a file under another name. Use the file menu, save command to update changes made to the file. Be sure to indicate the appropriate location. Use the file menu, close command to close the file out of the computer’s memory. Use the file menu, exit to close the software application out of the computer’s memory.
Personalizing the Desktop Display - To change your desktop properties, right-click on the desktop area and make any necessary adjustments.
Printers - You can indicate a printer in Windows by clicking the start button, control panel, printers and other hardware.
Printing - To print a file, choose the appropriate menu, print command within the software product you are using.
Properties - You can change some operational activities in Windows via the properties command. To access it, click the right-mouse button. Windows should display a shortcut menu. Choose properties from the menu.
Protocol - A protocol is the set of rules or procedures that need to be established before making a computer communication connection.
Recycle Bin - The recycle bin is a holding area for files that have been deleted from the hard drive, usually indicated by letter C. The recycle bin icon is displayed on the Windows Desktop. Double-click (left-click) the recycle bin to see files that have been previously deleted. If you want to restore or undelete a file, click the file and choose the file restore command. To remove the recycle bin contents, choose the file empty recycle bin command.
Renaming Files- You can use the Windows Explorer to rename files. Left-click the start button, all programs, accessories, and windows explorer. Right-click the file you want to rename, left-click the rename command and type a new filename for the file and press the enter key. You can also use start, computer to rename files. Note: You should not change the extension of a filename for it usually tagged on automatically via the software where the file was originally created.
Right-clicking – Right-clicking on any object will display a short-cut menu which will then allow you to manipulate the object.
Saving files - To save files in an application program, choose either the save as command or save command usually from the file menu. Use the save as command if you are saving a file for the first time or if you want to save the file under a new name. Choose the save command if you are saving updates and changes to a previously saved file. Be sure to specify the correct location when saving your work. You may also indicate another save format as well.
Screen saver - A screen saver is a program that will protect your monitor. Once you’ve indicated a screen saver activation and wait time, when you leave your computer idle for that given amount of time, the screen saver will automatically turn on. To use Windows screen saver, left-click the start button, control panel, then double-click on the display icon. Click the screen saver tab to indicate a screen saver as well as the wait time before the screen saver is activated. Once the screen saver has been activated, you can deactivate it by either pressing a keyboard key or by moving the mouse pointer.
Search engine access using Explorer Bars – Use the explorer bar to access search engines. Open the window in which you want to use the explorer bar, choose the view menu, explorer bar, select the bar you want. Follow with menu usage.
Shortcut Icons -You can create a “shortcut” icon to execute commonly used applications and files. To create a shortcut icon use windows explorer. Left-click the start button, all programs, accessories, windows explorer, select the file that will represent the shortcut icon, select the file create shortcut command, drag the shortcut icon representing the file to the desktop area. To delete a shortcut icon, right-click the icon and left-click the delete command.
Shortcut Menus - Press the right mouse button to obtain access to the shortcut menu, then use the left mouse button and highlight the menu of your choice. Continue with selected operations.
Sound Recorder - To capture, edit, and play sound files, Left-click the start button, choose all programs, accessories, and sound recorder.
Spyware – Spyware are programs that are automatically installed onto your computer without your knowledge. These programs, once installed, collect information on your computer activities. Be sure to purchase an anti-spyware product to ensure the security of your computer system. Many anti-virus programs contain an anti-spyware program included as well.
Starting a software program - To load an application program, left- click the start button, choose all programs, click the program you want to enter. You can also start a program from either a created icon representing the application or from windows explorer. From windows explorer, left-click the start button, choose all programs, accessories, and windows explorer. Locate the folder that contains the file and double-click it. If windows explorer can determine its application content, it will load the software in the computers memory, followed by the file to be retrieved or opened. If windows explorer needs to further information as to which software program the file was created in, choose the view options and select the file types tab to add further information.
System Software- System software is software that runs in the background, controlling all hardware operations, as well as coordinating software applications. It is the software that runs the hardware. Windows, Linix, and Unix are examples of operating systems classified as system software. It is loaded into the computer’s memory when the computer is turned on (also known as the startup time).
Taskbar - The taskbar is located at the bottom of the Windows screen. Use the start button for entry to most applications. Applications that are running are shown on the taskbar. Make an application active by clicking on its corresponding task button. You can also drag the taskbar to make it larger or smaller on the screen. The notification area, found at the bottom right of the screen, provides further details, such as the time.
Virus - A virus is a program that has been written maliciously to harm both hardware and software. To safeguard you system, always obtain software from a reputable source. Also, you should purchase, install and continuously run an anti-virus software program on your computer to detect and remove viruses.
Wallpaper - You can change the background desktop screen or wallpaper. To change the wallpaper, left-click the start button, control panel, and then left-click on appearance and themes. Change the background by clicking on change the desktop background.
Wildcard characters - Use the * and ? when you need to reference a group of similar files. Use the * to find files containing any characters in any positions. Use the ? to find characters within specific positions of a filename. These types are characters are used in areas such as the find command.
Windows Desktop - The main screen of Windows is called the desktop. Typically the desktop contains icons that represent software applications, along with the taskbar area (for multitasking activities) which is located at the bottom of the screen. Typically you point and double-click on the icon to access it. Icons that may be located on the desktop include an Internet Browser, the recycle bin, as well as other applications. To access various applications, left-click the start button, all programs, followed by the application you want to load into the computer’s memory.
Windows Defender – Windows Defender is an antispyware software product that is packaged with Windows. If your anti-virus software comes with spyware, you may want to turn Windows Defender off.
Windows Explorer - This program allows you to work with various folders and files on your computer system. For example, it will allow you to view the content of the various drives on your computer by double left-clicking on it. It will also allow you to create new folders to organize other folders and files, as well as copy, cut (move), rename, and delete files. To access windows explorer, left-click the start button, choose all programs, accessories, and windows explorer. You can also gain entry to it by left-clicking the folder contained on the taskbar. You can also gain entry to it by right-clicking the start button. You can also gain entry to it by left-clicking the start button, computer.
Windows Updates – Windows updates allows for the computer to receive updates on various software products, as well as security patches. To work with windows updates, left-click the start button, then choose the control panel, system and security, windows updates.
WordPad - Windows is packaged with a free word processing product called WordPad. Although it has limited capabilities, it can be used for writing simple reports and memos. To use wordpad, left-click the start button, choose all programs, accessories, and wordpad.
References: Nelson, S. L. Publisher: Microsoft Press. Grauer, Hogan, and Poatsy, Publisher: Prentice Hall.
The Control Panel
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