Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting - Microsoft

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Stillington Centre,

Lowson Street, Stillington

Tuesday 8th January 2019


Chair: Cllr. L Weatherill

Cllrs: A Allford, J Corbey, B Peakman, J Turner, C Sykes

PCSO S Edge and PCSO A Todd

Mrs. G Dunn, Clerk

1. Apologies for Absence

There were apologies from Cllrs. S Fisher.

2. Declarations of Interest in Items on the Agenda

There were none.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting

Cllr. J Turner signed the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th December 2018 as a true and correct record. They were approved by Cllr. C Sykes. It was noted that the meeting had not been quorate.

4. Public Discussion

The PCSO’s provided a summary of the crime figures from the area for the last year and outlined incidents reported during the last month. All of the figures for the area are relatively low. Issues around doorstep scams were discussed and PCSO Edge said she may be able to get more window stickers to discourage cold calling for distribution.

5. Community Plan – to discuss the draft plan and summary document

The Clerk had completed the write up all of the Community Plan activities and had drafted the outcomes for the Parish Councillors to consider. The document and the summary were discussed and copies were taken away for further consideration before final versions are produced and distributed. The PCSO’s asked if a copy of the final version could be sent to them for their information.

6. Finance

a. To consider the payment of accounts to be presented to the meeting

Cheque No. 101040 – G Dunn - £368.07 – Adults Christmas Party Costs – Community Plan

Cheque No. 101041 – Zurich - £299.86 – Insurance Premium – Policy renewal

Cheque No. 101042 – Tellemachus Ltd. – £225.77 – Whitton Defib. wifi monitor equipment

Cheque No. 101043 – Stockton Country Parish PCC - £70.00 – 2019 Advertising Fee

Cheque No. 101044 – G Dunn - £478.76 – Salary for December 2018 (309.00) Community Plan Admin Work December 2018 x 12.5hrs (£125.00) Expenses Dec 2018 £35.76 – includes refreshments and materials for Community Plan pre-school events.

Cheque No. 101045 – Contractor – £180.00 - Gardening Work, Cassidi Gardens

Cheque No. 101046 – Cllr. J Turner – 45.00 – Reimbursement for refreshments for Xmas events

The payments were proposed by Cllr. Weatherill, seconded by Cllr. Sykes and agreed by all Councillors present.

b. To consider the precept and expenditure for 2019/20

The Clerk circulated an update about the current status of the Parish Council’s accounts and also a budget proposal for 2019/20. The Council will have a relatively small credit balance at the end of the financial year. The budget for 2019/20 was discussed – the outcomes of the Community Plan report were taken into account with the preparation and discussion of the budget proposals. The Clerk had been informed verbally that the Stockton Country Parish will be making alternative arrangements for the maintenance in St John’s Churchyard over the summer of 2019. The Council agreed that they will be happy to support the new arrangement financially but will need some guide as to the level of support required. The Clerk agreed to ask the local PCC representative to put the details in writing for the Parish Council’s consideration. The Clerk was asked to inform SBC that their staff will not be required to maintain the Churchyard in 2019. The Clerk agreed to obtain an update on the timescale for the traffic calming scheme for Whitton and ascertain if a contribution from the Parish Council will be required. It was agreed that funding should be allocated for refurbishment/replacement of the planters. It was agreed that £500 should be allocated to gardening costs for various locations, £600 to fund community events – similar to those that had been popular engagement activities for the Community Plan Project - and £1000 allocated to support the establishment of a playgroup – mainly to cover the additional hours of work that will be undertaken by the Clerk. The Clerk will seek grant aid for the development of the Parish Council allotment site and to support the playgroup. Options for a digital skills project were discussed, Cllr. Corbey has a contact who may be able to run some sessions, he will get more information about this - or the Stockton Digital Village project may be able to provide sessions. The Clerk will update the budget list to take the above into account and circulate it. Subject to these updates it was proposed by Cllr. J Turner and seconded by Cllr. L Weatherill and agreed by all present that a precept of £8957.00 should be requested from SBC which, when combined with the Government Funding Allocation of £1243.00, will give an income of £10200 for next year.

7. Progress Reports

a. Christmas Events Feedback

Less people had attended the switch on of the lights in Stillington and Whitton than in previous years – at both events, and particularly in Whitton, the weather was fairly inclement. The Christmas Party had been well attended and enjoyed by all present.

Ongoing items – any comments or additional information

The Clerk will contact the SBC Road Safety officers for an update following the meeting at William Cassidi School in December.

It was agreed that the Clerk will contact all residents in old Stillington and ask if anyone is willing to host a Community Public Access Defibrillator as the initial response from SBC states that there is not a suitable location for a CPAD to be linked to the street lighting electricity supply.

8. Parish Council Vacancies – to discuss filling the two vacant positions

The Clerk will continue to publicise the 2 vacancies in the Parish News and on the website. The Clerk pointed out that Local and Parish Council elections will take place in 2019 so this will create additional publicity and recruitment opportunities.

9. Correspondence – December 2018

SBC Planning Lists

SBC Play Area Inspection Sheets

SBC Liaison re. Honeypot Wood Notice Board

SBC Liaison re. speed limit near new development

SBC Planning decision – White House Farm, Whitton

SBC Liaison re parking outside of William Cassidi School

SBC Response to request for quote for defib. installation in Old Stillington

SBC Christmas Card from Mayors Office

SBC Precept request 2019/20

SBC 2018 Electoral Roll

NEAS 2019 Defibrillator check sheets and thank you for defibrillator checks

Barclays Statements

Catalyst Bulletins

Civic Voice War Memorials News

CLCA Updates from NALC

Cleveland Connected Police alerts and updates

Info. Commissioner Updates

North Star Housing Liaison re overgrown bushes, Bellsmoor Close

M&G Investments Statement – Cassidi Trust

NALC Newsletters

Local Resident Update re wifi connection for Whitton defibrillator

SLCC News Bulletins

Zurich Insurance Police renewal information

10. Planning - to discuss any new and ongoing planning applications

There was nothing to discuss.

11. Councillors reports and items for future agenda

A live electric fence has been placed below a stile between Whitton and Carlton. Some dogs have received an electric shock. The Clerk will ask the SBC ROW Officer to look into this.

The Clerk to ask SBC if the bushes along the pedestrian entrance to Forest Park can be cut back.

The Clerk to find out when the white lines are due to be re-painted at various locations in Stillington.

The Clerk to report that one of the belisha beacons and its associated street light outside of William Cassidi School is not working.

An item about the state of various roads in the Parish is to be added to the next agenda.

12. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 5th February 2019 in Stillington Village Hall.

Signed: ……………………………………….. Dated: ………………………….…….

Proposed: …………………………………… Seconded: ……………………………….


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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