System Requirements Document - Angelfire

Wide Area Augmentation System

Navigation Infrastructure Environment Simulator (WAAS-NIES) Project

System Requirements Document

Version 1.2

SRD Document History

|Date |Version |Description |Author |

|February 15, 2006 |1.0 |Initial draft issue |Clay R. Bailey |

|March 2, 2006 |1.1 |Draft Updates |Clay R. Bailey |

|March 17, 2006 |1.2 |Updates |Kalyn L.Bullock |

| | | | |

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 5

1.1 Purpose 5

1.2 Scope 5

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 5

1.4 Reference and Applicable Documents 5

1.5 Document Overview 5

2. System Overview 6

2.1 WAAS-NIES System Architecture 6

2.2 Assumptions and Constraints 6

2.3 User Characteristics 6

2.4 Assumptions and Dependencies 6

3. Requirements 7

3.1 User Requirements 7

3.2 System Requirements 7

3.3 Interface Requirements 10

Table of Figures

Figure 2.1-1……………………………………………………………………WAAS-NIES Hardware Architecture

System Requirements Document


The Systems Requirements Document (SRD) establishes the system level requirements for the Wide Area Augmentation System Infrastructure Environment Simulator (subsequently referred to as WAAS-NIES). These requirements have been derived from several sources, including the client: Corbin Holtz from the Lockheed – Martin Corporation. The major functional elements of the WAAS-NIES require developmental integration of innovated graphics and computer technology. The System Definition Document must be in compliance with and satisfy the requirements in this SRD.

1 Purpose

This SRD specifies the engineering and qualification requirements for the WAAS-NIES. The contents of this document will serve as the basis for the design and testing of the WAAS-NIES. Upon approval, this document will become part of the WAAS-NIES technical baseline.

2 Scope

This Systems Requirements Document (SRD) applies to the WAAS-NIES.

3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

|COTS |Commercial off-the-shelf |

|GEO |Geostationary Satellites |

|GPS |Global Positioning System |

|GUI |Graphical User Interface |

|GUS |Geostationary Uplink Site |

|ICD |Interface Control Document |

|SEM |System Engineering Management |

|SEMP |System Engineering Management Plan |

|TBD |To Be Determined |

|TBS |To Be supplied |

|UHCL |University of Houston Clear Lake |

|WAAS |Wide Area Augmentation System |

|WAAS-NIES |Wide Area Augmentation System Infrastructure Environment Simulator |

|WMS |Wide Area Master Station |

|WRE |Wide Area Reference Station |

|WRS |Wide Area Reference Station |

4 Reference and Applicable Documents

|W-1 |WAAS-NIES Statement of Work |

|W-2 |Risk Management Plan |

|W-3 |System Design Definition |

|W-4 |Concept of Operations |

5 Document Overview

The following provides a summary of each section contained within this System Requirements Document:

Section 1introduces the WAAS-NIES and describes the purpose of this document.

Section 2 gives an overview of the WAAS-NIES system.

Section 3 identifies the requirements of the WAAS-NIES system.

System Overview

The Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) is a GPS-based navigation and landing system that provides precision guidance to aircrafts at thousands of airports and airstrips, where there is currently no precision landing capability. WRSs and integrity monitors are widely dispersed data collection sites that contain GPS/WAAS ranging receivers that monitor all signals from the GPS, as well as the WAAS geostationary satellites. The reference stations collect measurements from the GPS and WAAS satellites so that differential corrections, ionospheric delay information, GPS/WAAS accuracy, WAAS network time, GPS time, and UTC can be determined. The WRS and integrity monitor data are forwarded to the central data processing sites. These sites process the data in order to determine differential corrections, ionospheric delay information, and GPS/WAAS accuracy, as well as verify residual error bounds for each monitored satellite. The WAAS-NIES provides a simulation of the accuracy of the WAAS system that monitors GPS constellation of satellites. The WAAS-NIES subsystem hardware is scalable to meet requirements for simulating the WAAS system. The software of the WAAS-NIES subsystem is portable to other platforms (such as a PC) to allow re-use in smaller-scale simulations for single-task use.

1 WAAS-NIES System Architecture

The WAAS-NIES system architecture is defined in the WAAS-NIES System Definition Document.

The hardware architecture is shown below:


Figure 2.1-1 WAAS-NIES Hardware Architecture

2 Assumptions and Constraints

Assumptions and constraints are provided in the WAAS-NIES System Definition Document.

3 User Characteristics

It is assumed that the users of the WAAS-NIES system will be specifically trained for its use.

4 Assumptions and Dependencies

The WAAS-NIES user interface is supplied by the Environment Simulator.

The WAAS-NIES will be used in the future to demonstrate the potential to achieve vertical position accuracies of meters at specific user sites.


This section of the document lists specific requirements for the Wide Area Augmentation System Infrastructure Environment Simulator. Requirements are divided into the following sections:

1. User requirements: These are requirements written from the point of view of the WAAS-NIES end users and include any user interface requirements.

2. System requirements: These are detailed specifications describing the functions the WAAS-NIES must perform (functional requirements) and how well they must be performed (performance requirements).

3. Interface requirements: These are requirements for interfaces between the WAAS-NIES and other systems (external interface) and requirements between major subsystems within the WAAS-NIES (internal interfaces).


C = Critical

E = Essential

N = Non-Essential

1 User Requirements

|Requirement ID |Criticality |Requirement |Rationale |Subsystem |

| | | | |allocation: |

|SRD-001 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall verify that the user |Different users may perform various |SW |

| | |selected software version is loaded during |functions on the WAAS-NIES, thus may | |

| | |initialization. |require different software versions | |

|SRD-002 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall allow user control of |The Environment Simulator provides the|SW |

| | |software version selection through external |WAAS-NIES user interface for software | |

| | |input during simulation initialization. |version control. | |

|SRD-003 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall allow user control to input|The user will have the capability to |SW |

| | |coordinates. |input coordinates within the specified| |

| | | |range. | |

|SRD-004 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall allow user to visualize |The system will update often, to allow|SW |

| | |real time feedback. |the user to see the status of the | |

| | | |activities being performed. | |

|SRD-005 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall allow the user to select |The user will be able to select from |SW |

| | |input/output directory files. |existing files, instead of deriving | |

| | | |coordinate points. | |

|SRD-006 |C |The WAAS system should operate on Windows 98-XP|The simulator must operate on the |SW |

| | |platforms. |specified platform, because it is not | |

| | | |capable to operate on other systems. | |

2 System Requirements

Functional Requirements

|Requirement ID |Criticality |Requirement |Rationale |Subsystem |

| | | | |allocation: |

|SRD-007 |C |WAAS-NIES shall simulate communication between|This is required for the signals to be|SW |

| | |the WMS and satellites in space. |sent between the satellites and the | |

| | | |ground stations. This is key for the | |

| | | |WAAS system. | |

|SRD-008 |C |WAAS-NIES shall have simulation of all 25 WRS |There are 25 WRSs in the U.S. |HW, SW |

| | |sites. | | |

|SRD-009 |E |A development environment shall be made |Required for the software maintenance |HW, SW |

| | |available for the development of WAAS-NIES |of WAAS-NIES applications software and| |

| | |software. |databases. | |

|SRD-010 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall simulate 2 WMSs. | |SW |

|SRD-011 |C |The WAAS-NIES development environment shall be|Precludes the development environment |HW, SW |

| | |isolated from the simulation environment |from inadvertently affecting | |

| | |during simulation sessions. |simulation sessions. | |

|SRD-012 |E |Storage shall be provided for up to 10 |Required to save different versions |HW |

| | |WAAS-NIES application software versions |for use by different users. | |

|SRD-013 |E |The storage for the WAAS-NIES application |User must be able to define the |HW, SW |

| | |software versions and the visual model |version of software needed for each | |

| | |database versions shall be accessible during |simulation session. | |

| | |WAAS-NIES simulation initialization for | | |

| | |download of the user-specified version | | |

| | |WAAS-NIES application software and | | |

| | |user-specified visual model database. | | |

|SRD-014 |C |The WAAS-NEIS shall provide an accurate |Signal transmission and reception |SW |

| | |simulation of the selected segment within the |records will be accessible for user | |

| | |WAAS. |simulation sessions. | |

|SRD-015 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall provide the simulation | |SW |

| | |capability to detect and report interference | | |

| | |between two designated signals. | | |

|SRD-016 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall provide the capability to |Assumes that the Environment Simulator|SW |

| | |accept celestial and target state data, and |provides celestial and target state | |

| | |correlate the simulation of sun glare with |data. | |

| | |this data. | | |

|SRD-017 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall allow custom shading of |To render a realistic visual model of |HW |

| | |vertices and pixels. |complex objects within the system. | |

|SRD-018 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall provide the capability to |Maintainability and supportability |HW |

| | |update the computer image generation hardware.|requirement. | |

|SRD-019 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall receive input signals from|The user will select the data input |SW |

| | |the data file or manually. |file or will type in the coordinates | |

| | | |within range. | |

|SRD-020 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall initiate the environment |The environment simulator is needed to|SW |

| | |simulator to utilize the input signal. |simulate the error (i.e. ionospheric)| |

| | | |from the environment. | |

|SRD-021 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall receive |The location of each WRS is needed to |SW |

| | |WRS locations from the input files. |calculate the delta error and should | |

| | | |be provided. | |

|SRD-022 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall gather the signals from |The simulated WRS sites all collect |SW |

| | |each WMS location. |data about the signal. The simulated | |

| | | |WMSs need to process all the data from| |

| | | |the WRSs. | |

|SRD-023 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall calculate error. |The purpose of the WAAS-NIES is to use|SW |

| | | |the information from the simulated WRS| |

| | | |sites to calculate the delta error in | |

| | | |the signal. | |

|SRD-024 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall create and send |These messages are sent, to enable the|SW |

| | |augmentation message to the display area and |GUI to be created for the user, and | |

| | |satellite. |also to send output data to the | |

| | | |satellite. | |

|SRD-025 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall provide a GUI to show |The user will be able to view the |SW |

| | |graphical representation to the user. |graph of plotted coordinate points, in| |

| | | |order to compare the environment | |

| | | |versus the input points. | |

|SRD-026 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall save graphs as a JPEG |This important so that the files will |SW/HW |

| | |file. |occupy minimal disk space and | |

| | | |accessible on any PC. | |

| |

|Performance Requirements |

|SRD-027 |C |WAAS-NIES will be able to send GPS information|The Environment Simulator provides the|SW |

| | |to simulated spacecrafts with accuracy of |WSP user interface for signal | |

| | |meters. |reception control | |

|SRD-028 |C |The WAAS-NIES must be designed to operate at |Spare capacity is required to keep the|HW |

| | |70% of the processor, memory, and input/output|simulator operating at peak | |

| | |capability. |functionality and to allow resources | |

| | | |for maintenance. | |

|SRD-029 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall provide the capability to |The Environment Simulator provides the|HW, SW |

| | |detect and report collisions between two |WSP user interface for signal | |

| | |designated paths of signals. |reception control | |

|SRD-030 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall be designed for 150% |To meet the expandability requirement |HW, SW |

| | |expandability. |to be able to add more satellites. | |

|SRD-031 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall receive multiple reports, |The user will be able to view the |SW |

| | |simultaneously, while scanning. |occurring activities while the system | |

| | | |continues to function. | |

|SRD-032 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall refresh every 10 seconds. |The display will be updated so that |SW |

| | | |the user can view any changes being | |

| | | |made. | |

|SRD-033 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall be user friendly. |The simulator will be easy for users |SW |

| | | |to use with minimal training. | |

|SRD-034 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall be capable of storing |The system will need to store reports,|SW |

| | |reports. |so that the data can be retrieved at a| |

| | | |later date. | |

|SRD-035 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall regulate data settings |The user will be allowed to input |SW |

| | |based on user input, |data, but within the specified range, | |

| | | |in order to produce valuable results, | |

| | | |i.e. graphs. | |

3 Interface Requirements

|Requirement ID |Criticality |Requirement |Rationale |Subsystem |

| | | | |allocation: |

|SRD-036 |E |WAAS-NIES will come with a manual and help |The simulator should not be complex |HW |

| | |software to help the user. |and be able to have material to help | |

| | | |users. A detailed read-me file could | |

| | | |take the place of the help file. | |

|SRD-037 |C |The WAAS-NIES development system shall be |For isolation and security purposes. |HW, SW |

| | |isolated from the WAAS-NIES during simulation. | | |

|SRD-038 |C |The WAAS-NIES shall be capable of outputting |To allow for future use of the image |HW |

| | |the rendered image data to the Environment |data by the Environment Simulator. | |

| | |Simulator. | | |

|SRD-040 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall receive signals from input |The WAAS-NIES needs to interface with |SW |

| | |data files. |the input data files provided by the | |

| | | |user. | |

|SRD-041 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall be capable of receiving |The GUI needs to be the prime |SW |

| | |signals through the GUI from the user input. |interface between the user and | |

| | | |WAAS-NIES. | |

|SRD-042 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall send reports to the output |Reports are sent to the output files |SW |

| | |file. |so it can be stored in the system. | |

|SRD-043 |E |The WAAS-NIES shall send reports to the GUI. |Reports are sent to the user so that |SW |

| | | |they can be viewed. | |

4. Appendices



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