Parish Lay Leadership - Roman Catholic Diocese of ...


Finance Council Chair………………….…..Kimberly Schoolcraft

Parish Pastoral Council ……..……………………..…Mary Regan

Religious Education Advisory Committee …….Melissa Moriarty,

Suzanne Harlow

RCIA ………………………………….Joline Lambert, Bob Stack

Bible Study………………………………………...Joline Lambert

Adult Education………Mary Federici, Joline Lambert, Bob Stack

Parish Organizations

Rosary Sodality……………..………Nancy Garen/Ursula Tuohey

Social Justice………………….…………….Andrea Cook-Hewitt

St. Joseph’s Workers………………………………………Fr. Dan

Men’s Ministry Group………………………...Deacon Paul Briere

Women’s Ministry Group…………………………..Mary Federici

Youth Group (JPII Crew)………………….………Lisa Laferriere

Affiliated Organizations

Cursillo Movement ……………………….………...Karen Scahill

Schoenstatt Community……………..……….…Diane Czerwiecki

Boy Scout Troop 821 …………………..………………..Joe Muto

Girl Scout Troops…………………….……..……....Pat O’Connor

Knights of Columbus………………………………Greg Perreault

Parish Ministries

Altar Servers………………………………..………….Sue Fratini

Baptismal Prep……………………………..…… Lou Mastroianni

Children’s Liturgy of the Word……………….……….Sue Fratini

Eucharistic Ministers, Readers……….………..……Beth Modlish

Homebound/Pastoral Care Ministry…………..........Mary Federici

Music Ministry – Adult & Youth Choir……………Melanie Peetz

Contemporary Music Group (Psalm 33).………………Tom Fucci

Soup Kitchen……………… …... Nancy Garen,, Sandy O’Connor

Sacristy.…………………..……….Irene King, Phyllis Chlastawa

……………………….Jim O’Connor, Irene Breton, Karen Scahill

Prayer Line………………..Pauline, 862-3885 or Diane, 568-9754

Office Hours

The Parish Office is located at the Parish Center. Entrance is across from the Mary Garden. Hours: Monday-Friday, 9:00AM-2:00PM. Sue is available to greet and assist you.

New Parishioners

Our Parish Family warmly welcomes new members to join our parish. Please register by a call to the Parish Office or fill out a registration card on the tables in the church and place in the collection basket. Registration is necessary for Religious Education and letters of eligibility for godparents and sponsors.

Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament is celebrated by appointment. Please call the Office to arrange. At least one Godparent must be a Confirmed, active parishioner in their parish, attending Mass weekly.

Sacrament of Marriage

The Sacrament of Marriage is planned by an initial meeting with a priest or deacon, at least one year in advance.

Sacrament of the Sick

The Sacrament of the Sick is administered by a priest, when requested. Pastoral care to the hospitalized sick and homebound is provided by the pastoral staff, and trained parishioners.

Hospital Visits

If anyone has a hospital stay, please have a family member call the parish and indicate whether the parishioner would like to have a visit, or if they would like their name on the parish list of the sick at Mass.


Parish Office: 413-562-3450

Parish Fax: 413-562- 9875

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 489, Westfield MA 01086

Website: olbs

Sue Fratini, Parish Secretary olbsoffice@

Fr. Dan Pacholec olbsfrdan@

Deacon Paul Briere deaconbriere46@

Mary Federici maryfministry@

Religious Education :

Director of Faith Formation:

Deacon Paul Federici deaconpaulf@ Coordinator of Elementary Grades:

Sheila Conroy sheilacon@ Coordinator of Middle/High School:

Lisa Laferriere olbsccd@ Melanie Peetz, Music Ministry 562-3450

Bob Stack, Facilities Manager 562-3450


Sat 3/14 3:15-3:45PM Confessions

4:00PM +Collette Valois Kimmel

Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Her Mother, Lillian Valois

Sun 3/15 7:00AM +Mr. & Mrs. Roosevelt Berube

r/b Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Dionne

8:30AM +Vincent Piper

9th Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Family

11:00AM +Louise Grimaldi

11th Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Her Daughter & Family


w/CONFESSIONS (many priests)

Mon 3/16 7:00AM People of the Parish

7:00-8:00PM CONFESSIONS (Chapel)

Tue 3/17 7:00AM +Kevin Regan

r/b Ed Rau & Elizabeth Newman


7:00PM Evening Mass


+Michael & Josephine Ragone

+Bill Cannon & Jeanne Cook

r/b Bob & Trish Ragone

Thu 3/19 9:00AM MASS - Lenten Series – Fr. Gary Caster

+Art Schoenrock r/b Kathy Harrington

Fri 3/20 7:00AM Communion Service


Sat 3/21 8:00AM +Edward Dunn

1st Anniversary Remembrance

r/b Family

3:15-3:45PM Confessions

4:00PM +Charles Hague

Birthday Remembrance

r/b Family

Sun 3/22 7:00AM Vincent Piper

Birthday Remembrance

r/b Family

8:30AM +Raymond Bisson r/b Tom Layman

11:00AM +Edward & Kajetan Adamites

r/b Ella Adamites & Family


I want to wish the 14 men from our Parish who are on Retreat this weekend at the Passionist Retreat Center, my very best and promise of prayers! A Retreat is a great opportunity to get away and meet the Lord in a new place in the company of other good people! My thanks to Paul Lussier and John Strauss for helping to coordinate the Retreat!

Special thanks also to Sheila Conroy and the adults who assisted our children in putting on our Children’s “Living Stations of the Cross” last Friday – I love seeing it each year - moving as always! God Bless you all!

Just wanted to give you all an update on the “Ergie Snow Shovel” Fundraiser for our Parish. Well if there was ever a year to sell snow shovels and get the word out about this fantastic new “back-saving” shovel – it was this Winter! Thanks to our parishioner Ralph Thresher, who designed and patented the shovel, for giving a portion of all sales to the parish. To date to we have sold 130 shovels and have made for the parish over $750!

Also thanks go out to Mr. Jack Danahey our parishioner and also our “Adjunct” Religious Education Teacher. Several years ago Jack took on the job of preparing some of our children who are older, for their First Reconciliation and First Communion. Jack never realized the wonderful skills he has as a religious education teacher, but when we asked him a few years ago if he would take on a few children who were older than the traditional age, he readily said “yes”, and God gave him all the gifts he needed. That’s just how God works! Jack will tell you himself how much he enjoys working one-on-one with these children, and how proud he is of them on the day they receive their Sacraments for the first time. He is always there teaching and supporting them. I just want to thank Jack for saying “yes” to God, and to us whenever we ask his help!

Speaking of Religious Education – we are always trying to make our program the best that it can be. I have our Religious Ed Coordinators – Sheila Conroy and Lisa Laferriere to thank for that as well as Deacon Paul Federici who oversees our Program. Recently Deacon Paul and Sheila met with the elementary teachers to go over curriculum for each grade and what we hope the children who move up from a grade, will have learned in our Faith. I also want to thank our Religious Education Advisory Board, made up of Chairs – Melissa Moriarty and Suzanne Harlow, and members – Cindy Monti, Laura Robitaille, and Beth Modlish. This group meets monthly and addresses issues like the calendar of classes, registration, issues regarding curriculum and textbooks, etc. Any parent who might like to serve on this Board which meets monthly, generally on the third Wednesday of the month, can contact me for more information – we would love to have you!

Spring really is coming, and a great sign of that is the St. Patrick’s Day Road Race next weekend in Holyoke. And beyond that, we look forward to our own local road race called “Run Westfield”, begun two years ago by our parishioner – Mike Tierney. This 5K Race has quickly become a major event on the local running calendar, and a special event for Westfield itself. The race begins up by Westfield State University and culminates in downtown Westfield with a kind of “street festival”. The race and all the festivities are really well done by Mike and his “Run Westfield” Team. The date for this year’s race is Saturday May 16 at 1:00Pm – the weekend before Memorial Day. Groups of 25 can form a “team” that will receive some special race perks like their own “Color Tee Shirt” with the name of their “Team” on back of the shirt. Mike would love to see us have a Parish “OLBS” Team in the race! That means we need to find 25 people who would like to enter this race – remember its only 3.1 miles, and if you can give up on the idea of coming in No. 1, you don’t have to “race” at all – you can even walk it! Teams can also choose a “charity” to raise money for – like for instance the “OLBS Youth Group”, or the “OLBS Soup Kitchen or Samaritan Inn”. Sounds like fun! Interest Forms for the Race will be available in the coming weeks. For more information please go on the “Run Westfield” website: .

Speaking of St. Patrick’s Day, next Saturday March 21 at 4:00PM is our St. Patrick’s Mass – please join us and the Westfield Colleen – our parishioner, Kristen Bonsall, and her Court, for this special Mass featuring Sacred Irish Music. Following the St. Patrick’s Mass will be our “Family Irish Night” in our Parish Hall, with corned beef sandwiches, refreshments, the entertainment of “Sarah the Fiddler”, and our gigantic “Themed Gift Basket Raffle”! Please join us!

This Wednesday ends our Lenten Series with Fr. Gary Caster and his “Short Course in Love”. It’s been wonderful having Fr. Gary here for these 5 Wednesdays. We’ll have a Reception in the Parish Hall with light refreshments after this Wednesday Evening’s Mass. But our Lenten Series of Wednesday Evening Masses will continue on March 25 at 7:00PM with a special Mass with Veneration of the Relic of St. John Paul II. The following Wednesday – April 1 at 7:00PM we will have a “Healing Mass” with Fr. Bill McCarthy. Mark your calendars and continue on our Parish Lenten Path!

God Bless, Fr. Dan


Is burning this week in loving memory of



requested by wife & mother Doris Dolat



Please join us this Wednesday evening at 7:00PM for our Lenten series with Fr. Gary Caster. Fr. Gary will be the celebrant and his homily this week will be “The Paschal Mystery. Do You Understand What I have Done?” This will be Fr. Gary’s final Wednesday evening with us – there will be a special reception in the Parish Center with light refreshments after the Mass. Or join us for Mass on Thursday Morning at 9:00AM with Fr. Gary who will offer a synopsis of his talk from the evening before!



This Monday evening March 16th, our parish will welcome guest speaker Carolee McGrath, a reporter for Real to Reel. Carolee is a wife and mother who will speak about the Graces we as women all pray for, to get through our daily challenges. Join us for a light supper at 6PM followed by Carolee’s talk at 7PM. For food planning, please register with the office, 562-3450.


Please join us for a special St. Patrick’s Mass to be held next Saturday March 21 at the 4:00PM Mass. We will celebrate Irish Heritage, Music and Faith. Our parishioner - 2015 Westfield Colleen – Kristen Bonsall, and the Members of her Court, including parishioner - Kensi Riley, will attend the Mass. After the Mass, please head over to the parish center for Family Irish Night!


The JPII crew presents the 2nd annual Family Irish Night on March 21st immediately following the 4:00PM Mass in the parish center! We will have entertainment by Sarah the Fiddler & Friends, a room with activities for the kids including face painting and games, corned beef sandwiches (mac & cheese available for kids), a basket raffle and more! Tickets can be purchased in advance at the parish office for $5 or for $8 at the door ($20 per family maximum price).


The beautiful themed baskets for Irish night will be on display in the parish office wing after all Masses this weekend. Please stop over and check out the amazing baskets. There is truly something for everyone!! Tickets will be sold after all Masses, basket winners will be pulled at Family Irish night on March 21!


A First Class Relic of St. John Paul II has been given to our Diocese and was received just last month at St. Cecilia’s Parish in Wilbraham. The relic is of a piece of Pope John Paul II’s blood stained robe that he wore when he was shot by an assassin many years ago. The Relic will be brought to our church on Wednesday March 25 at 7:00PM for a special Mass in which all the faithful who attend will be able to venerate the relic and receive a special blessing. Fr. Daniel Cymer, Parochial Vicar at St. Cecilia’s Parish in Wilbraham, will be the Celebrant of the Mass. Our Contemporary Music Group – “Psalm 33” - will provide the music that night.


On Wednesday April 1 at 7:00PM we will welcome Fr. Bill McCarthy from “My Father’s House” Retreat Center in Moodus, CT. who will offer Mass and the Sacrament of Anointing and Healing. Please join us!


Ladies, save this date: Sunday May 17, 2015. Rosarians from the four pairshes in Westfield will unite for a Mass and Breakfast. This first time endeavor is an opportunity for Rosarians to pray together, exchange ideas, and to socialize with their counterparts. Holy Trinity Church will be the host parish for this event. Rosarians from St. Peter & St. Casimir, St. Mary and Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament will join with Holy Trinity in attending the 10:30AM Mass. All Rosarians will meet at the Church at 10:00AM to recite the rosary prior to the Mass. A full breakfast will be prepared by Holy Trinity Men’s Holy Name Society immediately following the Mass in their social center. There will be a speaker (to be announced). The event is open to Rosarians only and tickets must be purchased prior to the event. Tickets are $12 per person and will be available through each Rosary Sodality President the first week in April. If you have any questions, call Nancy Garen at 568-1275.




March 1, 2015

Regular and Development (Gold) $10,663

Budget Requirement per Week 10,295



We thank the following who have made donations to the General Church Fund:

In memory of: Alfred Drapeau

Lyman Sheet Metal Co. Dorothy DeRose

Charlotte & Dick Roberge Richard Bernier

Barbara & Carl LeGrand Kathleen Tudryn

Robert & Jean Wainwright Michael Superson

James & Michelle Moreau John DeRose

Jane & Bob Winnie Robert Kelley

Robert & Arlene Drapeau Joanne Kovalski

Edward & Marjorie Lanucha Beverly Drapeau

Kathryn & Jake Mason The Schmutz Family

Erich & Marilyn Janes Joan Daly

Superintendent Paul Barbani, Board of Trustees, Veterans and Staff of Holyoke Soldier’s Home

In memory of: Sal Porcello

Daniel B. Brunton Elementary School Sunshine Committee


Last Friday evening, the children of the parish presented a special “Living Stations of the Cross”. We thank the following children who participated for their fine job:

Matthew Moriarty (Jesus), Maria Bonfitto (Pilate), Camryn French (soldier), Lillian Winslow (soldier), Madison Topor (Mary), Brandon Barnes (Simon of Cyrene), Jenna Sadakierski (Veronica), Madelina Crouss, Rachel Bonfitto & Julia Bonfitto (Joseph Of Arimathea, women and friends), Kira French (woman), Sarah Moriarty (reader), Andrew O’Sullivan (reader).

We also thank the adults and older students who assisted: Jacob Dionne, Rebecca Dionne, Celina Billerbeck, Jose Martinez, Kelly O’Sullivan, Mary Lou Bonfitto, Stan & Dory Sadakierski, Jamie Barnes and Melanie Peetz.


To request prayers for yourself or a loved one, please call Pauline at 862-3885 or Diane at 568-9754


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Soon our diocese will take up the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Collection. The CRS Collection funds six Catholic agencies that work to serve our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. Through humanitarian aid, resettling displaced individuals and families, and advocating on behalf of victims, the CRS Collection allows us to see every encounter with a suffering person as an opportunity to help Jesus in disguise.

During drought seasons, the only water available in Ethiopia and other areas of East Africa runs deep underground - often as deep as 1,000 feet. CRS worked with other aid partners to bring in rigs that can drill down to these depths. Taking into account the nomadic nature of many people in this region, they made wells along community migratory paths so they can continue to graze their herds and move them according to their needs. These water sources make a tremendous difference in the community. Livestock stay healthier and produce more milk, which means that the people have more food and rely less on outside resources. However, more work remains to be done. Many of the wells serve double the population they were made for, and program managers fear that the communities will be unable to continue their pastoral work if more wells are not added.

Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC) is a dedicated network of legal immigration programs that promote the dignity and protect the rights of immigrants. Religious Immigration Services (RIS), a department of CLINIC, assists Catholic religious workers with visas. In 2013, they helped a priest from Kenya enter the United States on a religious worker visa so that he could serve as a chaplain for the Little Sisters of the Poor and St. Anne’s Home in San Francisco. The home gives elderly people of limited financial means a place to live with dignity. Since its foundation in 1901, the home has welcomed more than 20,000 elderly men and women of all faiths, nationalities and backgrounds. Thanks to the CRS Collection, they now have a chaplain.

CLINIC and CRS are two of six worldwide Catholic relief agencies funded by the CRS Collection. These agencies work to provide food, water, disaster relief and other vital assistance to Jesus in disguise of suffering people each day.

Please be generous in the Catholic Relief Services Collection. Your support truly makes a difference.

In Christ, Most Reverend Mitchell T. Rozanski


Our Parish RCIA Candidates have entered into an important phase of their preparation to receive the Easter Sacraments. Lent is a time of more intense prayer and reflection for them. Please keep our Candidates in your prayers this Lent – Bobbie Jo Reed, Eric Niedziela, Tammy Dougherty, Jeremy Rudzik and Andrea Babinski.


We conducted a survey of those who would be sending their children to our Vacation Bible Camp this summer to see which of two weeks would be best - July 27-31 or August 3-7. All but one response came back that the week of August 3-7 was preferred, so we will plan to schedule our Vacation Bible Camp – “Everest”, for that week – thanks to all who participated in the survey!



We are now taking recipes for a “New Chapter” of our Parish Cookbook – “A Taste of Heaven”. Anyone who would like to submit a recipe for an entrée, soup, appetizer, dessert, etc., should put their recipe in an envelope, marked “Cookbook” and place it in the collection basket at Mass over the next several weeks.


This weekend throughout the Diocese of Springfield, Catholics will be given the opportunity to pledge their Time, Talent and Treasure to the Annual Catholic Appeal. Each year, the Appeal provides funding to more than 30 agencies across western Massachusetts. These programs provide weekend meals to the elderly, pantry and clothing items to those who are in need, tutoring services to youth and pregnancy support to women in crisis. Your ONE GIFT goes a long way to Serving with Love your neighbors in need. Thank you for your support of the Annual Catholic Appeal.

MARCH 21/22


4:00PM Lynn Nault 7:00AM Sandy O’Connor

8:30AM Kharmen Saruca 11:00AM Rob Stevenson


4:00PM Rochelle Benoit, Bob Ragone, Lisa Stawasz

7:00AM Mike Skehan, Lee Reynolds, Pat Mack

8:30AM Mary Regan, Donna Bourbeau, Marilyn Orszak

11:00AM Mikey Hebda, Rosemary Adams, Diane Sullivan


Monday Confessions from 7-8PM in the Confessional room off the chapel

Wednesday “Lenten Series” Mass with Fr. Gary Caster at 7PM in the church. This is Fr. Gary’s last Wednesday evening with us – a reception in the Parish Center with light refreshments will follow the Mass

Thursday 9AM Mass with Fr. Gary Caster (synopsis of his “Lenten Series” homily)

Friday Stations of the Cross at 7PM in the church.


Holy Cross Church, 221 Plumtree Road, Springfield, is hosting an evening of prayer, adoration, reflection and music on Thursday, March 19 starting at 6:30PM. Dewey Szarkowski of Catalyst Catholic Ministry will be the guest speaker. “Lead by Faith” will provide the music. The event is free and open to the public. All ages are welcome. For further information contact Michael Kakley at 413-896-9930.


A Day of Mercy, featuring Vinny Flynn, best-selling author and speaker, will be held on Saturday, March 21, at Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Parish, 70 Marshall Street in North Adams. The schedule for the day will include talks on “7 Secrets of Divine Mercy” and “The Sacraments of Mercy”, lunch, adoration, confession, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. The Day of Mercy is free. For more information please call 413-663-5316.



Holyoke Catholic High School is pleased to announce that six full four-year scholarships will be available to entering freshman this September. These scholarships will be available for six incoming ninth grade students based on grades, character, references and income eligibility. The Holyoke Catholic High School entrance application and scholarship application can be found on our website at . For more info contact Ann Rivers at 413-331-2480 ext. 1132. Application deadline for these scholarships is April 1.



Flyers are in the gathering space or call 452-0812.[pic][pic]


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