N E W S L E T T E R - Portarlington

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|Very Rev. Thomas Dooley P.P. Tel: (057) 8643004 ( Rev. Pat Hughes C.C., Tel: (057) 8646517 |

|Very Rev. Michael Noonan P.E. Tel: (057) 8623431 ( Very Rev. Jack Walsh P.E. Tel: (057) 8626401 |

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|Telephone: 057 8643004 - Email: portarlingtonparishoffice@ / Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm Monday– Friday |

|Anniversary Masses, Baptisms and Weddings can be booked by contacting the Parish Office during opening hours. |

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|DIOCESAN WEBSITE kandle.ie SAMARITANS 1850 60 90 90 or 0902 73133 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 087 7640557 |

|AWARE Lo-call Helpline 1890 303 302 MENTAL HEALTH ASSOC. 083 3476291 / 087 6966133 PHOENIX 1850 20 30 40 |

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|St. Michael’s Church, Portarlington |St. Paul’s Church, Emo |

|10am Daily Mass (Mon. – Fri.) |7.30pm (Vigil – Saturday), |

|6.15pm (Vigil – Saturday), |11am Sunday |

|9am & 12.15pm Sunday |Sacred Heart Church, Rath |

|St. John’s Church, Killenard |9am Sunday |

|10.30am Sunday | |

Sunday 20th April 2014 – Easter Sunday

| | |LECTORS |


| | |Portarlington |

|PORTARLINGTON |Sunday 20th April – 10.30am – Easter Sunday |Sat. 26th April 6.15pm Margaret Doyle; |

|Mon. 21st April Denis Kavanagh, St. Michaels Pk |Peter Murphy, Closelands (M.M.), Martin Slevin, |Sun. 27th April 9am Eileen Dunne; |

|Tue. 22nd April Elizabeth Gibson St. Michaels Pk |Ballycarroll, Dave Fitzmaurice Jnr., Killenard, Rita |12.15pm Paul Mitchell |

|Wed. 23rd April Katie Doyle, Grangeclare |McDonnell, Springfield, Edward & Annie Nolan, Shiphouse |Killenard |

|Thurs. 24th April --- |Sunday 27th April – 10.30am |Sun. 27th April 10.30am Maureen Molloy |

|Fri. 25th April Helen Langton, Crowe Lane |Phil O’Hora, Killenard, Thomas & Margaret Mullen, Thomas|Emo |

| |& Charles Mullen, Mary & Jim Kennedy, Patrick (Paddy) |Sat. 26th April 7.30pm Kieran McEvoy |

|( |Hughes, Ballintogher & Dublin |Sun. 27th April 11am Sr. Anne Lynch |

| | |Rath |

|Saturday 19th April – 9pm – Easter Vigil | |Sun. 27th April 9am Deirdre Hartigan |

|Frances Wyse, Orchard Drive (M.M.) | | |

|Phil & Bridie Lynch, Blackhall, Arthur & Phyllis |ANNIVERSARIES - EMO |EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS |

|Hutchinson, Droughill & deceased members of the Hooks |Saturday 19th April – 9pm | |

|Family, Mai Lalor & Johnie Lalor, Cloneyhurke, Rose & |Edward Fenlon, Killimy Road, Emo |Portarlington |

|Tom McGuinness, Bishopswood Road | |Sat. 26th / Sun. 27th April Team B |

| |Saturday 26th April – 7.30pm |Killenard |

|Sunday 20th April – 12.15pm – Easter Sunday |Frank Langford, Emo (9th Anniv.) |Sun. 27th April Team E |

|Frank Shaw, formerly Patrick St. (M.M.), | | |

|Angela Byrne, Cushina (1st Anniv.), Michael Collins, | | |

|Station Rd. (13th Anniv.), John & Eileen Hickey, The | | |

|Square, Mary Hickey, Jamestown, James & Margaret | |All Trocaire boxes should be returned as soon as |

|Dunne, Tinnecrannagh, Ted McKenna, Cloneyhurke, | |possible. Please do not leave the Trocaire boxes|

|Deirdre Maloney, Ann Maloney, Mona Budenbender, Liam |ANNIVERSARIES - RATH |on the seats or around the Church. |

|Bennett, Shiphouse, Patrick Delaney, Bracklone St., | | |

|Joan & Larry O’Mahony, Patrick St., Brigid Delaney, | |MARRIAGES |

|Spa St., Michael Hoey, St. Patrick’s Tce. Willie |Sunday 20th April – 9am – Easter Sunday | |

|Slattery, Deceased members of the Slattery Family, |Patrick Dunne, Coolroe, James & Elizabeth Doyle, |Portarlington Parish |

|Kitty Byrne, (5th Anniv.) Deceased members of the |Killeshin, Michael & Monica Costello, Upper Lea, |Barry Murphy, St. Joseph’s Tce., & |

|Byrne, Power & O’Dwyer Families, Johnny Moore, Athy, |Deceased members of the Keogh Family, Kildare |Caroline Murphy, Botley Court |

|Mary Wilson, Cushina, John & Mary Lawlor, Wexford, |Sunday 27th April – 9am |John Paul Crowther, Kilbarrock, Dublin & Niamh |

|John & Eileen Clarke |William Brennan, Jamestown |Dempsey, Barrowbank |

| | |Paddy Earley, Cushina Road & |

|Saturday 26th April – 6.15pm |YOUR PRAYERS ARE REQUESTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: |Carina Murphy, Lough |

|Bill Storey, Garryhinch (M.M.) |Mary McNamara, Spa View & formerly Ballinruan, Tulla, |Emma Brophy, Lough & Garry Marshall, Kilbeggan |

|Joseph, Bridget & Eamonn Coleman, Kilnacourt, Thomas &|Co. Clare. | |

|Ellen McEvoy, St. Michael’s Park, Hugh Emerson & | |KILDARE & LEIGHLIN DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK |

|Grainne Emerson, Bishopswood, Mary Hoey, St. Joseph’s |EASTER COLLECTION FOR THE |Sunday 1st June – Pilgrimage led by |

|Tce. (8th Anniv.), Christy & Maisie Quinn, Droughill, |PRIESTS OF THE PARISH |Bishop Denis Nulty. Further details later. |

|Johnny Whelan, Bishopswood, Annie & James Knight, |This collection will be taken up at all Masses | |

|Seskin, Agnes Cahill, Droughill, |this weekend. | |

|Elizabeth O’Neill, Marian Hill, Bernard & Ellen | | |

|Yarrow, St. Michael’s Pk., Christopher O’Brien, St. |BAPTISMS | |

|Michael’s Pk., Deceased members of the O’Brien Family,| | |

|Ballycarroll |We welcome into our | |

| |Christian Community through Baptism: |The Priests of the Parish wish all Parishioners a|

|Sunday 27th April – 12.15pm |Portarlington Parish | |

|James & Annie Knight, Seskin, Sean Moran, Droughill |Campbell George O’Brien, Patrick’s Ave. |Happy Easter |

|(9th Anniv.), Deceased members of the Moran Family, |Cole George O’Brien, Patrick’s Ave. | |

|Monasterevin, Molly Evans (10th Anniv.), Albert Evans,|Thomas Anthony Harty, Woodlands Park | |

|Thomas Keegan Jnr. & Snr., Harry Byrne, Bridget |Jay, Shea, Amber, Krystle and Axl Gaffney, | |

|Knight, Mary Knight, Elizabeth Knight, Patrick St., |Sli Na Mona | |

|( |Amelia Maria Koloda, Kilnacourt Woods | |

| |Isaac William Canavan, Corrig Lodge | |

| |Aaron Christopher Ryan, Killenard Lodge | |

| |Killian Paul Edward Lynch, Whitefields | |

| |Aoibhínn Mary-Ann Dillon, Crann Nua | |

| |Éabha Ann Maher, Ballybrittas | |

| |Michael James Costello, Upper Lea | |

| |Emo Parish | |

| |Tadhg Daniel O’Connell, Ballintogher | |


|Life in the Spirit Seminars |The students of Maynooth College are holding an OPEN DAY|JACKPOT WON! |

|St. Patrick's Boys National School, Patrick St. |on Sat. 3rd May beginning at 10am | |

|, Portarlington. Start Time 7.30pm. |for all those considering PRIESTHOOD. The day |Winning Numbers 3, 10, 17, 24 |

|Seminar 1 God the Father loves you personally |will include informal chats with the students, a short |Congratulations to the lucky winner: |

|22, April 2014, Speaker: Sean Hyland (Deacon) Teach |video, a tour of the college, testimonies, Mass |Colin Delaney C/o Pat Gorman |

|Mhuire Praying Community |and lunch. Further details |€25 to each of the following: |

|Seminar 2 Jesus saves you and sets you free |from maynooth.ie\seminary |Cathal Lalor C/o Martha; Lauren, Jack & Owen C/o |

|29, April 2014, Speaker: Noel Byrne (Lay Evangelist) | |Maeve; Hilary Lawlor C/o Hilary; John Maher C/o |

|St. Patrick’s Prayer Group, Carlow |MOUNT ST. ANNE’S RETREAT & CONFERENCE CENTRE, KILLENARD |Ann Lowry; Lucy Scully C/o Hilary. Next Jackpot |

|Seminar 3 Jesus is Lord of your life |Upcoming Events at Mount St. Anne’s, Killenard, |€5,000 – Draw will take place on 28th April. |

|6, May 2014, Speaker: Martin Dunne (Living Water |Portarlington, Co. Laois | |

|Community) Newbridge |Series of 4 talks (April / May) Guest speakers Bishop |MILLINERY / HATMAKING CLASSES |

|Seminar 4 You are called to be a disciples of Jesus |Denis Nulty / Johnny Murtagh / Alice Leahy & Mary |‘Millinery for Beginners’ Weekly Class. |

|13, May 2014, Speaker: Fr. Ruairi O’Domhnaill (Kildare|Kennedy Further details nearer the time.  Contact |Starts on Tues. 29h of April, 10am to 12.30pm. |

|& Leighlin Vocations Dir.) |Catherine on 057-8626153. |Series of 5 classes, 6 people maximum to a class.|

|Seminar 5 You will receive the Holy Spirit | |This is a fun and sociable class, a chance to use|

|20, May 2014, Speaker: Eddie Stones Emmanuel House of |NATIONAL VIGIL FOR LIFE |your craft skills in a new way. Cost €120. Basic|

|Providence, Clonfert, Galway |Saturday 3rd May 2014 from 3-4pm – Merrion Square, |materials included. Please see details of |

|Seminar 6 Growth in the Spirit 27, May 2014, |Dublin. Further info. phone Maria on |Workshops and comments from previous students on |

|Speaker: Sr. Mary O’Duffy (Evangelisation 2000) |086-4069660 / Denise on 087-2668702. NationalVigil |niavriley.ie 087-6274259 |

|Raheny, Dublin |forLife@ | |

|Seminar 7 You then are the Body of Christ | |PORTARLINGTON GAA |

|(Community) 3, June 2014, Speaker: Martin |O’DEMPSEY’S G.A.A. |Portarlington GAA Club will be running "Stars in |

|Moran (Community of Nazareth) Dublin |14/04/2014 Lotto Results No’s 08,12,14,17 |Their Eyes" – June bank Holiday weekend. We are |

|Seminar 8 Mass (You shall be my witnesses) 10, June|No Jackpot winner this week |looking for talented Singers & those not so |

|2014, Fr. Jim Bermingham (Spiritual Director) Teach |Match 3 winners were: Michael & Aaron Costello |talented to contact 086-2712121 |

|Mhuire Praying Community |Promoter: Brian Noone |portarlingtongaaclub@. |

| |Open Evening - O'Dempsey's GFC in partnership with Laois|Membership 2014 – Fees now due. Contact Niall |

|ACCORD PRE-MARRIAGE COURSES |GAA are hosting an open evening in the Club House on |Slevin, Janet Bennett or Adrianne McCarthy. |

|May 23r & 24th / Sept. 5th & 6th / Oct 10th & 11th / |25th April at 8pm.  It's an exciting time for our club &|portarlingtongaaclub@ |

|Nov. 7th & 8th. All are held on Friday |we want to hear your thoughts & ideas for our future | |

|evening/Saturday commencing 8pm on Friday & concluding|development. Please come along to our social night & |ST. CONLETH’S FOOTBALL CLUB  |

|at 5pm on Saturday. Course Venue: Maldron Hotel, |help us shape the future of our great club in our |St Conleth’s are holding a CAKE SALE on Sunday |

|Midway, Portlaoise. Booking through accord.ie of |community .. |(29th April) after 10.30 mass in Killenard Hall. |

|phone 057-8661581 |Run 6k Killenard - Training ongoing for the 6k on May | |

| |11th / Mon. & Wed. 7-8pm. Contact Louise 087-7854640 |Easter football workshop for u6/ u14s April 25th |

|ST. PATRICK’S COLLEGE, MAYNOOTH |or Michelle 087-7659609. |in Mc Cann Park Portarlington at 10am till 1pm |

|New courses for 2014 | |registration at 9.30am sharp €10 per child or €20|

|Master’s Degree in Theology (MTh) |MONDAY NIGHT DANCING |per family. We wish you all a very happy Easter.|

|Higher Diploma / Diploma in Pastoral Theology. Other |Dancing every Mon night in The Gandon Inn from 10 till | |

|postgraduate course on offer from Higher Diploma to |12.   Music in the coming weeks as follows:- |Training & Venues - Check Facebook for details of|

|Doctorate level. Further info. maynoothcollege.ie|14th April Tony Nugent & Gerry Walsh / 21st April John &|training and venues. |

|or contact 01-7084772 |Terry / 28th April Adrian Ryan / 5th May Tony Bird / | |

| |12th May Twice Shy / 19th May J&S Sound. Adm. 5. All |PORTARLINGTON SPRING CLEAN   |

|SUAIMHNEAS PRESENTS |welcome. |If you wish to get involved in next year’s event |

|Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation | |phone David Maher (086) 3475357. |

|Thurs. May 1st & 8th 7.30 - 9.30pm |COMMUNITY TEXT ALERT MEETING | |

|Sacred Stillness Course |Text Alert Scheme |ST. BRIGD’S SOCIAL CLUB |

|Facilitated by John Doherty |A meeting has been arranged on Thursday 8th May in St. |CLONEYHURKE / GARRYHINCH |

|Starts 24th May - Wednesdays: June 04th, 11th, 18th, |Brigid’s Social Club Cloneyhurke at 8pm |EASTER DRAW RESULTS |

|July 02nd, 09th 16th Sat. July 26th. |with a view to setting up a community text alert scheme |1st Prize (2 tickets to Garth Brooks) |

|Contact Anne or Mai at 057-8626541 |in the area. Representatives from the Gardai and |Heather Fletcher |

| |Muinter na Tire shall attend to explain how the system |2nd Prize €100 - Sean Browne, Portlaoise |

|PORTARLINGTON TENNIS CLUB |works and answer questions. |3rd Prize Hamper – Christy Carey, Kilkeeran |

|There are still a few places left in Tony Lok's Junior|All are welcome. |4th Prize Toaster – Christy Whelan, Wexford |

|Tennis Coaching classes on Thursdays. Two places left| |Several more prizes won. |

|in the Adult Beginners class on Tuesday at 8pm. If |LOUGH DERG ONE DAY RETREATS |Thanks to all who supported this Easter Draw and |

|interested ring 087 1231135 |‘One Day Retreat’ to Lough Derg, a guided day of prayer |a Happy Easter to all. |

| |and reflection, including the celebration of Eucharist. | |

|CARE TO DRIVE SERVICE |Come spend time in this unique, sacred, holy Island |CHILD MINDER NEEDED |

|The Irish Cancer Society’s Care to Drive service is |where people have prayed for centuries. One Day |Ballybrittas/Killenard area - Caring, reliable |

|seeking volunteer drivers to drive patients from Laois|Retreats begin on Sat.3rd May & follow on:  4, 5, 10, |child minder wanted to mind two children in |

|to & from their chemotherapy treatments in the Dublin |11, 13, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25 and 26th. Booking essential |children’s own home.  2pm to 5.30pm, Mon-Fri. & |

|hospitals. The service is free to the patients & all |– Ph: 071 9861518 028 686 32391, info@ |school holidays.  Non smoker. Some light |

|drivers’ expenses are paid. Contact Gail on 01-2310 | |housework. May suit mother with young child.  |

|566 or transport@irishcancer.ie |TABLE QUIZ |Please contact 086 3851830. |

| |Gracefield FC U.15 Schoolboys are holding a Table Quiz | |

|5K RUN / FAMILY DAY OUT |in the Hawthorn Bar on Friday 26th April at 9pm. Table |DIABETES IRELAND |

|5K Run/Family Day Walk / Run will take place on Sun. |of four €40 / loads of spot prizes on the night please |Diabetes Ireland new “It Makes Cents” Coin |

|27th April commencing 11am at the Heritage Golf & Spa |support. For more info please contact Barry 0871874094 |Collection launched… 1c & 2c for Type 1 & Type 2 |

|Hotel, Killenard. To donate or for Sponsorship Cards |or Donna on 0877561457. |Diabetes… did you know there is €34m worth of 1c |

|phone Fintan 087-9850348 / Peter 087-9872417 / Marie | |& 2c coins in Ireland. With 1 in 3 families in |

|087-7589896. |MONTESSORI |Ireland affected by diabetes why not save these |

|Notice for Runners: Sign in at 10am – Entry fee €10. |Opening soon - Muddy Puddles Montessori – Gracefield, |small coins for the work of Diabetes Ireland and |

|Tea / Coffee will be served afterwards. |Portarlington. Contact Bernie |help us meet the ever growing demands on our |

|Proceeds to Portarlington Lourdes Fund. |on 087-7152978 |services. Call 1850 909 909 or |

| |muddypuddlesmontessori@ |email info@diabetes.ie to find out more details |

|THANK YOU – IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION | |and to register for your pack. Small Change Big |

|Sincere thanks to all who contributed to the recent |FOUND |Difference! |

|Church Gate collection in aid of the Irish Kidney |Sum of money found in Portarlington. | |

|Association. Total amount collected €830. Thanks to |Contact 087 1398897 | |

|our collectors also. | | |


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