N E W S L E T T E R - Portarlington

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|Very Rev. Thomas Dooley P.P. Tel: (057) 8643004 ( Rev. Pat Hughes C.C., Tel: (057) 8646517 |

|Very Rev. Michael Noonan P.E. Tel: (057) 8623431 ( Very Rev. Jack Walsh P.E. Tel: (057) 8626401 |

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|Telephone: 057 8643004 - Email: portarlingtonparishoffice@ / Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm Monday– Friday |

|Anniversary Masses, Baptisms and Weddings can be booked by contacting the Parish Office during opening hours. |

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|DIOCESAN WEBSITE kandle.ie SAMARITANS 1850 60 90 90 or 0902 73133 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 087 7640557 |

|AWARE Lo-call Helpline 1890 303 302 MENTAL HEALTH ASSOC. 083 3476291 / 087 6966133 PHOENIX 1850 20 30 40 |

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|St. Michael’s Church, Portarlington |St. Paul’s Church, Emo |

|10am Daily Mass (Mon. – Fri.) |7.30pm (Vigil – Saturday), |

|6.15pm (Vigil – Saturday), |11am Sunday |

|9am & 12.15pm Sunday |Sacred Heart Church, Rath |

|St. John’s Church, Killenard |9am Sunday |

|10.30am Sunday | |

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – 29th June 2914


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|Mon. 30th June10am --- | |Portarlington |

|Tue. 1st July 10am George Moore, Garryhinch | |Sat. 5th July 6.15pm Margaret Doyle |

|Wed. 2nd July 10am --- |Saturday 5th July – 7.30pm |Sun. 6th July 9am Sadie Hainsworth |

|Thurs. 3rd 10am Seamie Dunne, Rosecourt & dec. |Mary Gleeson, Morette (1st Anniv.) |Sun. 6th July 12.15pm Anita Donoher |

|members of the Dunne Family, Seskin | |Killenard |

|Fri. 4th 10am --- | |Sun. 6th July 10.30am John O’Byrne |


| | |Sat. 5th July 7.30pm Sr. Anne Lynch |

|Saturday 28th June – 6.15pm | |Sunday 6th July 11am Sadhbh Hanneffy |

|Evelyn Reddy, Dublin (M.M.) | |Rath |

|John, Tony, Maura, Ann Marie & Andrew Reddy |Sunday 29th June – 9am |Sun. 6th July 9am Brian Nolan |

|William Higgins, Christopher & Margaret Broughall, |Tom & Mary Hughes, Ballintogher | |

|Ullard, Nora & Frank Lennon, Main St., Kathleen & | |EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS |

|Paddy Dwyer, Spa St., Moira Walsh (nee Maher) & John |DECEASED | |

|Walsh, Dublin | |Portarlington |

| |Prayers are requested for |Sat. 5th & Sun. 6th July – Team D |

|Sunday 29th June – 12.15pm |Mrs. Eileen Williams, St. Brigid’s Square, who was |Killenard Sun. 6th July – Team E |

|Willie Murphy, Cloneyhurke (M.M.), |interred during the week. | |

|James Bergin, Rathmore, Ena Moran, Droughill (6th |Also for Teresa Diggin (nee Corcoran), Killorglin, | |

|Anniv.), Deceased members of the Nelligan Family, |Co. Kerry (formerly Portarlington). |ORDINATION SINGERS |

|Monasterevin, Liam Carroll, St. Brigid’s Square, | |The ordination of Sean Hyland will take place in St. |

|Thomas & Elizabeth Murphy, Railway Cottage, Vincent,| |Michael’s Church on Sunday 13th of July with Bishop |

|Thomas & Dolores Murphy, Railway Cottage, Tom |CEMETERY MASSES |Denis Nulty. Choir rehearsals continue – The next |

|Cooper, Patrick St., George Moore, Garryhinch |JULY 2014 |practice will be held on Wed. 2nd July and the final|

| | |rehearsal on Wed. 9th July with practice. |

|Saturday 5th July – 6.15pm |Killenard - Fri. 4th July 2014 – 7.30pm | |

|Kathleen & Harry Murphy, St. Michael’s Park, Peter |Portarlington - Fri. 11th July, 2014 – 7.30pm |POPE’S COLLECTION PETERS PENCE |

|Broughan, Paul & Christy Mooney, Kilbride, Jason |Emo – Fri. 25th July, 2014 – 7.30pm |Collection takes place this weekend. Special envelope|

|Bigler, Walsh Island, Thomas, Mary Ann & Brigid | |available in your box of envelopes or any envelope |

|Geoghegan, Cushina, John Murphy, Cloneygowan, |FIRST FRIDAY – JULY 2014 |may be used. |

|Michael, John & Mollie Nolan, Alice Eakins, |Friday next, 4th July, 2014 is the First Friday | |

|Cloneyhurke |of the Month. Masses as follows: |TEACH MHUIRE PRAYING COMMUNITY |

| |Portarlington: Friday at 10am |Mass for Healing will be celebrated in St. Paul’s |

|Sunday 6th July – 12.15pm |Killenard: Friday at 7.30pm in Killenard Cemetery |Church, Emo on Tues. 1st July commencing 8pm. |

|Maureen Scully, Cloneyhurke (M.M.) |Emo: Friday at 9.15am |Celebrant Fr. Jim Bermingham |

|Hugh Keogh, St. Michael’s Park, Kay Lyons, Treascon, |Rath: Friday at 7.30pm in Killenard Cemetery |All very welcome. |

|Frances Naughton, Station House (13th Anniv.), | | |

|Christina & Jim Byrne, Cloneygowan, Mary Kiernan, |CONGRATULATIONS |BAPTISMS |

|Crowe Lane |Congratulations to Fr. Michael Noonan |We welcome into our |

| |who celebrated the 60th Anniversary of his Ordination|Christian Community through |

| |last week. |Baptism: |

|ANNIVERSARIES - KILLENARD |Congratulations also to Fr. Pat Gaynor, | |

| |Walsh Island on occasion of his Golden Jubilee. |Portarlington Parish |

| | |Edward Thomas Casey, Derrymore |

| |ORDINATION |Kyan Eamonn Meade, Foxcroft Avenue |

|Sunday 29th June – 10.30am |OF |Emo Parish |

|Sean Connell, Noreen Fleming, Dan & Mary McEvoy, |SEAN HYLAND |Aoibheann Roisin Gormley, Carriglea |

|Ailish O’Flaherty, Deceased members of the Maher |Ordination Mass: Sean Hyland will be ordained to the| |

|Family, Woodview, Catherine Kavanagh, Tom, Sheila & |Priesthood by Most Reverend Denis Nulty (Bishop of |EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT SUN. 6th JULY |

|Elizabeth Kavanagh, Lough, Sarah, James, Eileen and |Kildare & Leighlin), in St. Michael’s Church, |2014 |

|Vera Carroll, |Portarlington on Sun. 13th July at 2pm. All are |Emo 3-7pm Denis Daly & Jenny Dunne |

|Ann & John McGrath, Thomas, Kathleen & Oswald |invited to attend this Ordination Mass. |Rath 2.30–6.30pm Ann Lowry & Colette Behan |

|McGrath, Closelands, | | |

|Dolores Costello, Lea |Mass of Thanksgiving: |CHURCH COLLECTORS JULY 2014 |

| |Will be celebrated on Wed. 16th July at 7.30pm in St.|St. Paul’s Church, Emo |

|Sunday 6th July – 10.30am |Michael’s Church, Portarlington. Refreshments served|Sat. 7.30pm Seamus Fitzpatrick & Liam Fitzpatrick |

|John Costello, Crowe Lane & Lea (M.M.) Thomas & |afterwards in Portarlington G.A.A. Centre. All are |Sun.11am Paul O’Connor |

|Margaret Grattan, Rathleash, |invited to attend. |Sacred Heart Church, Rath |

|Patrick & Mary Murphy, Tierhogar, William & Bridget | |9am John Lowry & Bosco Carroll |

|Coleman, Closelands, Seamus Tynan, Sheila (Judith) | | |

|McCabe (nee Costello) | | |

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|The 100th Anniversary of the outbreak of the First |[pic] |Congratulations to Breda Flanagan, Gracefield on |

|World War occurs this year. |Holding their annual Tractor Run for Cancer. This |winning Gold and Silver at the Limerick Games. |

|To mark the event an Ecumenical Evening of |year Crumlin Children’s Hospital will be the |Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed so |

|Remembrance will be held on Friday 29th August as |recipient to help them purchase much needed |generously to our recent collection at Super Valu. |

|part of Heritage Week 2014. An exhibition of |equipment. All tractors are welcome from vintage to |Best wishes to Paul Cleary who is the candidate |

|artifacts associated with the war is also being |present-day. Sunday 6th July. Meeting at the |representing Portarlington Special Olympics as Mayor |

|arranged. If you would like to help by contributing |Fisherman’s Inn, Fisherstown – Tractor run will |of Portarlington. |

|information, or lending artifacts for the exhibition,|commence at 1pm. Fun area for Children. Further | |

|please contact David Orford at 057-8623852, Rev. |information contact 087 9188630 |MAYOR / MAYORESS OF PORTARLINGTON |

|Leslie Stevenson or the Parish Office. | |CANDIDATES |

| |EMO / RATH PARISH LOTTO 24.6.14 |Rugby Club – Kieran Kavanagh |

|SUAIMHNEAS PRESENTS |Numbers 8, 9, 17, 22 |Port. G.A.A. – Noreen Mooney |

|Mindfulness & Mysticism |Jackpot Winners: Gráce Daire & Seán Moore |Port. Community Centre – Hugh Emerson |

|Exploring Mindfulness, Meditation and Contemplation |C/o Pat Nolan |Port. Special Olympics – Paul Cleary |

|with John Doherty. |€25 to each of the following: |Kestrels Basketball – Jackie Dunne |

|1-Day Workshop / Sat. 19th July 2014. |Colette Behan & Sheila McNeir |Senior Citizens – Bernie Hurley |

|Suaimhneas, Emo, Co. Laois 057-8626541 |Garrett Smith, Emo Shop; The Foy Boys C/o Rose; |Gracefield G.A.A. – Deirdre Doyle |

|suaimhneas.ie |Lauren, Owen & Jack C/o Maeve |Babrion Gales Camogie Club – Fiona Stynes |

| |Frank Duffy C/o Mary Frances |Results will be announced on the 10th July at the |

|COUNSELLING SERVICE |Jackpot next week: €1,000 |Orchard Hotel, Portarlington. |

|If you suffer with depression, anxiety, low self | |All very welcome. |

|esteem – Low cost counselling now available. |ST. CONLETH’S LADIES FOOTBALL | |

|Portlaoise – phone 087 9177049 |Raffle: First prize 2 tickets to Garth Brooks & |FRENCH |

| |Several other prizes. Draw takes place 7th July in |Four days refresher course |

|FUN DAY |O’Dempsey’s Club House. Tickets €20 / Limited 99 |Leaving & Junior Certificate levels. Native French |

|O’Dempsey’s & St. Conleth’s invite you to join them |Ticket draw. Contact Amanda on 086-1266266. |Speaker. Venue: Portarlington Community Centre. 7th |

|for their Family Fun Evening on this Sat. 28th June | |– 10th July, 2014. |

|from 4pm until late. A fun packed evening is |PORTARLINGTON GAA CLUB |Contact Nicole on 086-1937388 |

|guaranteed with activities, football, refreshments, |Lotto Week 25 | |

|snacks and dancing. Come along for a great evening.|Numbers Drawn 20-22-25-32 - No Jackpot Winner. |JUNIOR TENNIS CLUB |

| |Jackpot next week €5,600 |Summer Activities program starts this Tuesday 1st. |

|Admission €3 per adult children free. |General News |July, every weekend afternoon. Come on the days that |

| |Noreen Mooney is Portarlington GAA Clubs candidate in|suit you. Eight weeks of tennis activities for €50. |

|PORTARLINGTON FRENCH FESTIVAL |the Mayoral competition – Your support would be |Offer includes free membership for 2014. Mini Fun |

| |appreciated – Buy a line |tennis for under 7 every Monday & Thursday at 2.30pm |

|Portarlington French Festival is inviting all homes &|(1 Line = 1 Vote) |Tennis Coaching: New adult beginner class with Tony |

|businesses in Portarlington to set up a Heritage |What's going on? |Lok on Tuesdays at 2.15pm Coaching available for all |

|Window showing a little bit of their history. It can|Keep up to date with what's going on in Portarlington|levels and ages. Phone 087 1231135 for further |

|be anything from a photo of your |GAA Club by liking our Facebook page or following us |information. |

|parents/grandparents/business along with an item of |on Twitter @PortGAA or our new | |

|memorabilia. It doesn’t have to be anything grand or|website  |EMO G.A.A. SUMMER CAMP |

|excessive but we think it would be of great interest | |Emo GAA Grounds - July 14 - 18 |

|to both our locals and visitors. Queries to Carmel |SUMMER CAMP |10 am - 12.30 pm for ages 4 - 6 |

|on 087 2076194. |A fun packed week of arts, crafts, costume-making and|10 am - 2 .30 pm for ages 7 + |

| |games. |Train with players from your Club & County |

|GOOD LUCK |Summer camp 1: July 14th - July 18th |Costs: €40.00 for 1 child / €60.00 for 2 children |

|St. Conleth’s would like to send best wishes to St. |Summer camp 2: July 28th - Aug 1st |€70.00 for 3 children |

|Paul’s girls in the upcoming Féile which takes place |Venue: Over Lyle’s Footwear Shop, Main Street, |Pre-booking is essential - Contact Darren on |

|in Roscommon. |Portarlington. |087-1370968 or Donna on 086-3183703 with the name & |

| |Tutor is Royal academy of dance registered  |age of your child/children |

|ST. PAUL’S L.G.F.A. |Contact Ailbhe on 086-3025524 for further details and|Registration on Monday July 14 from 9.30am in the Emo|

|The club would like to wish the U14 girls the best of|booking. |Community Centre |

|luck as Laois representatives in the Féile Peil na | |See Facebook for further info. |

|nÓg this weekend in Roscommon. We thank the members |LAOIS WALKING FESTIVAL 2014 |emogaa |

|of the community & the families of the Girls Club, |The Derries and Rathdaire Lake | |

|who are very supportive of the girls as they head off|Thurs. 3rd July at 7.30pm – 9 Km, Grade B, 2 Hours. |MONDAY NIGHTS DANCING |

|to Roscommon. A final word of thanks to those who |Meet opposite Rathdaire Church. Ballybrittas Walks – |In aid of Portarlington St. Michael’s Conference of |

|have generously given sponsorships & donations to the|Like us on Facebook! |St. Vincent de Paul |

|club. | |Venue: The Gandon Inn, Emo |

| |LOUGH DERG PILGRIMAGE |Mon. 30th June – Dancing to The Ranchers |

|PORTARLINGTON CREDIT UNION |Pilgrims on Lough Derg touch into a deeper awareness |7th July – Dancing to J & S Sound / 14th July – |

|DRAW RESULTS – JUNE DRAW |of God in their lives. Daily boats to the Island |Dancing to Adrian Ryan / 21st July – John & Terry / |

|[pic] |from 10.30am until 3pm 7 days a week until |28th July – Tony Bird |

|€10,000 to Joe Byrne, Bracknagh |13th August. No booking necessary. Further info. |Adm. €5 – All very welcome. |

|€3,000 to Nora Kelly, St. Josephs Tce. |Contact Maureen or Sharon | |

|€2,000 to John Wright, Tierhogar |071 9861518  email:  info@ |TOWN TWINNING |

|€1,000 each to Pascal Dolan, Avondale & John Nolan, | |The Portarlington Arts & Heritage Committee are |

|Lea Road |OUTDOOR HEATED SWIMMING POOL |hosting a meeting with Ian & Madge Pinge of |

|€500 each to Derek McEvoy, St. Josephs Tce. & Robert |Grand opening of Ballinakill Outdoor Heated Swimming |Portarlington Australia on Mon. 7th July at 8pm in |

|Mahony, Clonanny |Pool on Sun. 6th July. Family Fun Day. Contact |Oriel House, Main St., Portarlington. The topic of |

|Next draw will take place on the 20th September, |Anthony Christie 089 4581165 swimanalysis.ie |discussion is the town twinning.  If you |

|2014. | |are interested or know someone that has |

| |COFFEE MORNING / CAKE SALE |an interest in following through with this could you |

|GRACEFIELD GAA CLUB LOTTO 23.6.14 |Macra Hall, Mountmellick |please reply to the invitation. This is an open |

|Jackpot €10,200 - No Winner. |Saturday 12th July, 10am to 3pm |meeting and all are welcome.  |

|Numbers 6 - 22 - 26 - 13. |All proceeds in aid of the Neurosurgery Fund, | |

|Jackpot next week €10,400 |Beaumont Hospital. Home baking -  Buns, Cakes, |TEXT ALERT |

| |Tarts, Bread & lots more. Raffle on the day. All |St. Brigid's Community Text Alert is now up and |

| |welcome, Please Support |running and signs shall be erected in the area |

| | |shortly, however in the meantime if you notice |

| | |something or see someone acting suspiciously, please |

| | |phone the following number. |

| | |Portlaoise Garda Station 057-8674100 |


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