WATER TREATMENT WEBQUEST - Winston-Salem/Forsyth …


Name_________________________________ Date__________________________________

SAFE DRINKING WATER! How do we get it? What process does water go through to become safe enough to drink? Read the following websites to find out. Use this diagram and the one on the second website to help you learn about this process. (All links are found on my website!)

Go to:

Water enters the treatment plant from a river, reservoir or well and is first screened to remove leaves, twigs and other large objects.

Write 2-3 sentences describing what happens in the next steps of the water treatment.

Coagulation: _________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Sedimentation: _______________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Filtration: ___________________________ ___________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Disinfection: _____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ (Sometimes other treatments such as fluoridation or pH adjustment may occur at the end of this stage.)

Storage:________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ (After storage, water travels via pipelines to homes and businesses.)


WINSTON-SALEM'S DRINKING WATER ? Find out how we get our water! Go to ; and read about Winston-Salem's Water Treatment Plant.

1. Name Winston-Salem's three water treatment facilities.

2. Together, how much drinking water are Winston-Salem's facilities able to produce per day?

3. From where do Winston-Salem's treatment facilities draw water?

4. Does Winston-Salem add fluoride to the water? a. Why or why not?

5. Why is chlorine added to our water?

Now that you know how water is made safe to drink, what happens to water that goes down the drain or toilet? Follow the path the WebQuest takes you to discover the answer! Go to Read what wastewater is and why we treat it. 1. Wastewater is ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. What are some reasons why we treat wastewater?

a. ___________________________________________________________________________ b. ___________________________________________________________________________ c. ___________________________________________________________________________ d. ___________________________________________________________________________ Now go to to identify and briefly describe the steps of the wastewater treatment process.

Step 1: _______________________This is _____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Step 2: _______________________This is ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Step 3: _______________________This is ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Step 4: _______________________This is ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Step 5: _______________________This is ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Step 6: _______________________This is ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

Step R: _______________________This is ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

WINSTON-SALEM'S WASTE WATER! Go to the following address: and answer the questions below.

1. On average, how much wastewater or sewage does each residence (house) in Winston-Salem/Forsyth County produce each day?

2. How many gallons in total of wastewater is produced by Winston-Salem/Forsyth county residents?

3. About how many miles of sewer mains (pipes) move wastewater throughout Winston-Salem/Forsyth county?

4. Name Winston-Salem's two water treatment plants.

5. The _____________________ Wastewater Treatment Plant began operating in 1958 with the capacity to treat _________ million gallons of wastewater per day.

a. How many gallons of water does this plant treat today?

b. Where does this plant release its treated water?

6. The ______________________Wastewater Treatment Plant is located on the southern border of Forsyth County and is permitted to treat ___________________ gallons per day of wastewater.

a. Where does this plant release its treated water?

7. What types of things is Winston-Salem/Forsyth County's wastewater treatment system designed to handle?

A Typical Treatment Plant (H85-H89) Read p. H85-H89 in the blue/grey textbook and respond to the following.

1. Define floc. 2. What is added during the coagulation process to form flocs? 3. What is the difference between the first and second filtreation process? 4. What is the purpose of adding sodium of lime to water? 5. What is the purpose of aeration? 6. Why do you think that water from an aquifer would need less treatment than

water from a lake or river?

7. What is sludge? 8. How can sludge be useful? 9. What is a septic tank? 10. What is a leach field?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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