Community Building - Manoa PTO

Volunteer Opportunities

(PTO officers and chair openings announced every spring.)

1st day Coffee/Coco: Fun way for parents to socialize during morning drop off after a long break.

~2 Co-chairs: Coordinate coffee/coco station outside the playground for parents to socialize during morning drop off. Takes place on the first day of school in September and January.

5th grade Promotion: Graduation ceremony and reception for rising 6th graders.

~2 Co-chairs from 5th, 4 Co-chairs from 4th: Coordinate parent volunteers to prepare dishes for reception after ceremony, purchase a gift for each 5th grader, and decorate the gym & cafeteria the night before. Assist with decorating, set up, waiting on attendees & cleaning up the reception held in cafeteria. Takes place on the last day of school. 4th grade parents to chair the next year. Planning begins late winter.

5th grade T-shirts: 5th grade t-shirt design contest. Winning design is printed & distributed to each 5th grader for class picture & then to take home as a souvenir.

~1 Chair: Coordinates a 5th grade t-shirt design contest around spring break, have the winning design printed & distributed to each 5th grader for class picture & then to take home. Picture appears in the yearbook.

5th grade Unity Party: District wide 5th grade gathering to promote meeting other rising 6th graders.

~3 Co-chairs: Coordinates lunch for 5th graders during district wide Unity party towards the end of the year, also runs a station for the whole group.

5th grade Video: Video shown during graduation ceremony of each child’s time at Manoa.

~1 Chair: Collect pictures of the 5th graders & create a slide show to music at promotion day ceremony, make a copy available to each 5th grader online via a Google drive.

Amazon.Smile: Easy way for parents to help the PTO. Through your browser on , choose Manoa PTO as your charity and we receive a percentage on certain items.

~Treasure handles income.

Assemblies: 2 whole school assemblies and 5-8 kindergarten music assemblies.

~1 Chair: Chooses, schedules (January & May) and coordinates 2 assemblies during the school year for the entire student body. Coordinate Kindergarten Music assemblies, with kindergarten teacher’s 1x/mo.

AtoZ (Directory & Registration): The PTO’s online directory of all our members.

~2 Co-chairs: Gather contact & school info into an organized online resource. Maintain the registration site. Gather information for the directory, emails & interested volunteers for the chairs. Work done mainly at the beginning of the year, sporadic through out the remainder of the year. Maintain an accurate list of all members.

Back to School Night (K-2, 3-5): Nights that parents are welcome to hear principal speak and meet your child’s teacher with a visit to their classroom. Chance to register in person with the PTO.

~2 Co-Chairs: Assist parents with registering & paying dues. Promote any beginning of the school year fundraisers & events and welcome new families throughout the school year. Collect all dues and turn them over to the treasurer. Coordinate parent volunteers to promote PTO registration, membership, and purchases. Usually held the second Tuesday & Thursday of the school year.

Back to School Social: Fun day for students to meet their teacher, students in their class and get acquainted with Manoa again after the summer break. Usually coordinated with Sneak-a-Peek through guidance.

~2 Co-chairs: Coordinate a social for students to find out who else is in their class.

Back to School Postcard: Postcard with all the PTO events and date of B2SS.

~1 Chair: Creates and sends mailing on information needed in the beginning of the school year. 

Bingo Night: Fun family night, come and hear teachers call Bingo numbers to win cool prizes.

~2 Co-chairs: Coordinate a fun night of family bingo usually in February/March. Assist with decorating & manning the prize or concession stand. Organize Bake Sale.

Book Fair: Weeklong book fair where students come down with their class to purchase books, also 2 family shopping nights.

~3 Co-chairs: Coordinate with Scholastic, coordinates all volunteers, run, and redeemed rewards from Manoa’s book fair. Coordinate money with district, handle all money during fair. Takes place national education week, usually 2nd week of November. Planning is sporadic for ~6mo.

Box Tops for Education: Clip Box Tops that you find on items from the grocery store, send them into school. Manoa PTO receives 10 cents for every box top.

~1 Chair: Collects box tops monthly from the classrooms, count with volunteer help, mail to General Mills, announce & reward monthly, top 3 annual classroom prizes. Maintain a tracking poster outside the cafeteria. Count box tops & email the totals. Promote clipping box tops. Entire school year.

Dining-with-a-cause: You dine at a designated restaurant and Manoa PTO gets a percentage of your bill.

~2 Co-chairs: Coordinate with restaurants that would like to participate. Takes place 4-5 times per school year.

Disney on Ice: The PTO reserves a block of seats at the group rate of a performance. Usually after Christmas.

~2 Co-Chairs (1 for each date): Promote and coordinate sales and pick up of tickets.

Facebook: Post, answer questions and helps engage the community on social media.

~1 Chair: Post Manoa school, PTO & related community information as needed or requested. This is a year round position.

Faculty Appreciation Luncheon: Nice luncheon for the faculty and staff during National Teacher Appreciation week.

~3 Co-chairs: Coordinate a nice luncheon on ½ day in May during “National Teacher Appreciation Week,” solicits parents to donate food & drinks. Setup, wait on staff & clean up.

Fall Fest: Fundraiser in the fall with Cow Plop bingo, carnival attractions, raffle baskets, kids pie baking contest, and fun for the whole family.

~5 Co-chairs: Coordinate our biggest fundraiser usually takes place in the fall. Supervise or assist in the attractions & events. Coordinate volunteers. Planning begins in spring, ramps up in September.

Field Day: Fun filled active day where kids travel to each station and compete against their classmates. Promotes teamwork and active play.

~2 Co-chairs: Works with the gym teacher to coordinate parent volunteers & helps keep stations running smoothly, usually takes place in the spring. Assist with set up, keeping water stations running smoothly & clean up. Each student receives a token item and a snack.

Fun Fair: Nothing but fun at this event! There’s carnival attractions, teacher pie eating contest, DJ, craft, prizes and more.

~5 Co-chairs: Coordinate a fun evening on the playground. Supervise or assist in the attractions & booths. Planning begins in January, ramps up in spring.

Gardening: Help with designing & maintaining the gardens. 2 workdays throughout school year (Nov & April), help maintaining during summer always appreciated.

~2 Representatives: Design, create & maintain beautiful & educational gardens.

Holiday Fair: Large vendor event with crafts, games and a secret shopping area for kids. Held in early December.

~3 Co-chairs: Coordinate a children’s gift shop with volunteers on the stage. Coordinate parent volunteers to make & sell food & drinks in the cafeteria. Coordinates various vendors to sell products through out lobby, hallway and gym. Man the concession stand, kids games, raffle baskets, or kids holiday shop.

Homeroom Parents: Plan and run 3 homeroom parties held throughout the year. Help hand out popsicles during end of year picnics. Build relationship with teacher and be a path for information.

Homeroom Photographer: Take pictures at homeroom parties & various events throughout the school year for the yearbook. Rotating.

~3 Co-chairs: Provide information to the parents about the PTO, organize & host homeroom celebrations (Halloween, Winter Holiday and Valentine’s Day) Lead to all homeroom parents. Disseminate info to individual class homeroom parents; relay the needs & wants of class to PTO & admin. Order and coordinate handing out of popsicles during picnics.

ICD Rep: Intra-District Council, representatives from each PTO/HASA in the district come together once a month to discuss issues facing our schools.

~2 Representatives: Attend IDC meetings & report information at monthly PTO meetings. Entire school year.

Kid Stuff Coupon Books: Coupon books sold at various events in the beginning of the school year. PTO receives 50% profit.

~1 Chair: Coordinate and sell coupon books in the beginning of the school year, September thru December.

Learning Express: Parents purchase items at the Havertown location and the PTO receives 10%.

~1 Chair: Coordinate week in November and promote.

Manoa Mail (Newsletter): Weekly newsletter reporting news in school, PTO & community.

~2 Co-chairs: Publicize in a positive way the regular activities of the Manoa students and the organization.

Nominating Committee: Obtain new nominations for open Executive Board Officer positions.

~1 Chair: Appoint two more members. Invite & seek nominees for officer openings; give descriptions, contact interested members, and explain what position entails; create and send an electronic ballot with nominee’s bios & job description; announce results. During spring.

PSSA Reward: 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders receive a treat after testing is complete.

~1 Chair: Order and hand out popsicles as a treat in coordination with teachers in May.

Publishing: Type & bind books for the 4th graders.

~3 Co-chairs: Encourage & assist 4th grade students with publishing books, coordinate volunteers in typing & binding books. Coordinate with teachers, during March – May.

Reading Night: Fun evening of age-based groups in story time & craft followed by book bingo.

~2 Co-chairs: Coordinate an evening of story time/craft in age-based groups, followed by milk & cookies and book bingo. During Book Fair in November.

Skate Party: Skating at the Skatuim for the Manoa community.

~1 Chair: Held on half day in January. Coordinate skating, rentals and food with Skatium.

Someone Special Dance: Bring someone special to have a good time dancing and playing games in the gym, bake sale in the cafeteria.

~2 Co-chairs: Coordinate a fun night of families dancing in the gym, usually February. Assist with decorating, crafts, games & supervising attendees. Organize bake sale.

SpiritWear: Manoa gear for kid and parents.

~2 Co-chairs: Coordinate seasonal sales with retail store. Sell at PTO events, year round.

Track Meet: District wide, 4th & 5th graders compete in running events.

~2 Co-chairs: Decorate Manoa’s track team seating area (banner, balloons, face paint…), purchase & hand out water bottles & pretzels to Manoa track participants.

Variety Show: See Manoa students display their talents onstage. 5th graders MC the event.

~2 Co-chairs: Coordinate students who wish to show their talent in a variety show, usually takes place in the spring after spring break in the HHS auditorium. Make decorations or assist with the production of the variety show.

Website: Site where all Manoa PTO information can be found, in one spot.

~2 Co-chairs: Maintain information on the site year round, sporadic.

Welcome Packets: Documents of important information about the PTO.

~1 Chair: Put together & distribute information as needed in the beginning of the school year.

Yearbook: Manoa’s student body and the fun year they had.

~3 Co-chairs: Work all year to take pictures of the students & designs the yearbook. Assist with advertising, collecting pictures, designing and distributing yearbooks. Set up, advertise & track purchases. Label & distribute to homerooms. Contact for any parent that has pictures that are good for the yearbook.

Young Writer’s Day: This is a fun day for the kids where all types of writers are brought in. These professionals include sports writers, journalists, songwriters, and authors. They do one hands on workshop with the students, followed by assemblies that day for the children.

~2 Co-chairs: Works with Mary Beth Lauer to coordinate writers & schedule times for the writers to spend in the classrooms. Usually takes place the first Friday of December.

YWD Luncheon: Lunch for all teachers and writers in the library.

~3 Co-chairs: Coordinates parent volunteers to prepare dishes & then serves lunch for the writers & all teachers. Brief breakfast, setup & break down.

PTO Officer positions:

- The President is responsible for overseeing the mission of the organization and the big picture for the organization.

- The Vice President assumes the President’s duties in their absence, any duties as assigned by the president, is a member of all committees, and is responsible for the program portion of the organizational meetings.

- The Treasurer receives all money owed, disburse the same when expenditures have been authorized, keep accurate account of receipts & payments, present statement at meetings, present accounting to audit committee when asked and submit a complete audit at least at 1st meeting, prepare & present a proposed budget for the year at 1st meeting.  

- The Recording Secretary keeps an accurate and true record of all proceedings of organization. They also are responsible for the minutes to be distributed to all executive board members & posted to the general PTO no later than 4 weeks after the meeting.  

- The Corresponding and Recognition Secretary is responsible for majority of correspondence of the organization and admin of the PTO's Facebook page. Responsible for all recognition for staff and PTO members throughout the year.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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