
Reasons for the SeasonsStandard: S3CR2Demonstrate an understanding of Dinek’eji Aak’eego hane’ and activities (e.g., traditional activities, preparing for winter, animal hibernation, migration, and natural events) exemplify understanding by using correct terminologies for seasons, directions, various phases of the day, names of animals, plants, and objects in the immediate environment.7DCC4 PO1 I will explain ways to be thankful or land and its resources.7DCC4PO2 I will show respect and take care of the natural resources.7DCC4PO3 I will describe ways to appreciate the natural elements of earth and shy.7DCC4PO4 I will present the teachings that I have learned to appreciate from earth and sky.Student Friendly: -I will compare and contrast the facts about the four seasons using Din4 vocabulary. (Din4 vocabulary development)-I will read a story about traditional Din4 activities that happen in the fall season and discuss activities with a partner and in groups.-I will draw a diagram showing the relationship between the Earth and the sun and how seasons occur.-I will create a prediction based on selected vocabulary from the “Sun and Seasons” text and revise that prediction for accuracy after reading. (Reading and comprehending expository text in English)-I will explain how seasons are different in the northern and southern hemispheres.-I will form definitions of the greenhouse effect based on prior knowledge, class discussion, and viewing diagrams. Concepts (Nouns)Skills (Verbs)KnowledgeCognitive ProcessTraditionalHibernationMigrationNatural eventsSeasonsTiltAxisNorthernHemisphereSouthern GreenhouseGlobal warmingidentifyexplaindescribepresentcomparecontrastdraw diagramcreatepredictread Factual Conceptual? Procedural Meta -Cognitive Remember Understand Apply Analyze EvaluateCreateDOK Level Big IdeasThe seasons are caused by the Earth’s tilt on its axis. The earth travels in a loop around the Sun each year. Summer happens with the hemisphere it tilted towards the Sun and Wind happens in the hemisphere tilted away from the Sun.When the Northern Hemisphere is having winter the Earth is closest to the sun and it is farthest away in the summer.It is summer in June in the Northern Hemisphere because the sun's rays hit that part of Earth more directly than at any other time of the year. It is winter in December in the Northern Hemisphere, because that is when it is the South Pole's turn to be tilted toward the sun.Essential Questions1. Given that the sun is a source of heat, what conclusions might you make about seasonal changes on Earth?What does the earth’s orbit or tilt have to do with the changing of seasons?Does the distance of the Earth to Sun a significant factor in causing the Earth’s seasons?Explain 3 things that happen with changing of season from summer to fall. What does the weather and daylight have to do with the leaves changing?At what angle is the Earth tilted at with respect to the sun?How do the sun’s rays impact the Northern hemisphere during the summer solsticeWhat holidays, traditional activities, and clothing do you associate with fall?When the Northern hemisphere is experiencing autumn, which season is the Southern hemisphere experiencing?During which season is the Earth closest to the Sun? Why are noontime shadows longer in winter than in summer?What is Global warming? How do we know Earth is warming now?In your opinion, has human activity caused the world's climate to change over the past 100 years?Performance Task / Model Product ExampleThis lesson will help students understand the relationship between the Earth and the sun and how this relationship affects observable phenomena on Earth, such as the seasons. Also understand the global development and environmental issues, global warming and the impacts of the greenhouse effects.Introduce the key vocabulary in English and text and identify key vocabulary. What happens to the Earth to make the seasons change? Students will write their ideas on What I Know chart to surface prior knowledge.Students will read selected text on the Reasons for Seasons. Students will highlight the vocabulary as they read.Students will reinforce their understanding by diagramming the Earth and sun during different seasons. ................

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