Green bean kindergarten | From my classroom to yours ...

Kindergarten Lesson Plans- january (Week 1)

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Sight Words | play, with |

|Predicatable chart | I like to play with ____. |

| |Read 4 sight word sentences. Name the circled word and its |

|Letters |initial letter/sound. Place the sentence on the “Letter Expert” |

|(review-all letters have |wall according to the beginning letter of the circled word. |

|been taught) | |

| |Read “The Mitten.” Name animals |Retell “The Mitten” using animals |View “The Mitten” song on YouTube.|Read “The Hat.” Name the animals |Retell the hat and the mitten |

|Reading |during story retell by placing |cut outs. Cut out animals. Retell |View a reader’s theater on |and retell using puppets and a |stories then compare “The Hat” to |

| |puppets into large butcher paper |story to a partner using animals |YouTube. See: http:greenbean |large butcher paper hat. Create a |“The Mitten” on a Venn Diagram. |

| |white mitten. Create a mitten. |and mitten. |kindergarten. |hat. |Vote favorite on a picture graph. |

| |Review Ordinal Numbers- Practice |Introduce “time”-what takes more or|Introduce order of the day-what is|Review“time”-what takes more or |Review order of the day-what is |

|Math |first, second, third, fourth, fifth, |less time: show picture/act out and|done in the morning, afternoon and|less time: show picture/act out and|done in the morning, afternoon and |

| |sixth-tenth using the calendar. |let students decide (brush teeth, |night. Sort pictures. |let students decide (brush teeth, |night. Sort pictures. |

| |Complete pet show paper. |bath, eating) | |bath, eating) | |

| | Read “A Bed for Winter” and retell |Continue book from yesterday then |Make a number book using ordinal |Continue book from yesterday then |Work on incomplete books and choose|

|Writer’s Workshop |where animals sleep in winter |use remainder of time to read |numbers (first, second, third, |use remainder of time to read |books to take home to read to |

| |(squirrel, mouse, bear, bat). Write |stories to each other. |fourth) to tell the order of what |stories to each other. |parents. |

| |about an animal. | |happens. | | |

| | Seasons- Discuss “Winter” things |Make 4 sections on chart paper |Create a winter tree onto a tree | Create a Spring tree with buds |Create a Summer tree with many |

|Social studies |(weather, clothing, animals) and make|listing each season and a tree |branch drawing by adding winter |growing, grass, sun, etc. |leaves, blooming flowers, etc. |

| |a class concept web with pictures and|drawing with branches only. |things (snow, snowman, no leaves) | | |

| |words. |Discuss/draw/ write things for | | | |

| | |each. | | | |

Learning Stations

|Reading |Poetry |Writing |

| | | |

|Retell a story using puppets and props. Provide the large |“Ten Little Snowmen” poem. Glue in poetry journal, then draw or cut |Use the winter word wall to label winter clothing in pencil, then |

|mitten and animals to re-tell and act out. |out ten snowman and color. |color, cut out and paste to a person cut-out. |

| |“I’m a Little Penguin” poem. Glue poem to a penguin craft. Provide | |

| |tracers for a penguins body parts. | |

|Art |Word study |Computer |

| | | |

|Make a winter scene with white crayons and paint onto a |Provide letter square tiles and Jan Brett’s “The Hat” flash cards, |Access websites: to play “The Quiet Machine, |

|window drawn on black construction paper. |containing winter clothing words. The students will match the |, , KidPix software, WebQuests |

|Make a snowman by cutting/gluing circles |letters then draw and write. |research project, or Waterford early learning |

|Puzzles & games |Manipulatives |Blocks |

| |Copy or create a design with foam/wooden shape pieces | |

|Use the timer to see how long it takes to put together a |Make a pattern with tiny erasers |Use wooden blocks to build a real and pretend building. Tell how it|

|puzzle of choice. |Build letters with unifix cubes |can be used and what makes it special. Draw it in Learning Station |

|Record in Learning Station journal. |Lego’s-make a new design |journal. |

|Compare to last week’s time. Did you get better? |Use magnet blocks to create 3-D images | |


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