2018 Colin Seward Winter Solstice Party


2018 Colin Seward Winter Solstice Party

The annual solstice party was a great success this year. It was held at the Fort Worth Botanical Gardens. We had about 90 people in attendance representing all the area non-believer groups. The food was great as always.

Matt Dillahunty was our guest of honor and performed a magic show that included some great lessons in skepticism.

There were about 15 people at the after party where Matt continued to entertain everyone with card tricks and rubber band tricks well into the night.

Please sign up on our Facebook page or site to receive all event announcements..


Fort Worth Gay Pride Parade

Metroplex Atheists participated again this year in the Fort Worth Gay Pride Celebration in downtown Fort Worth with a booth promoting our support for LGBTQ rights.

The regular anti-gay religious nut cases were there and Brandy Jones had plenty to say to them during the festival. Of course all efforts at reason fail since these people`s ears are plugged with faith holding in their bronze age absolute beliefs.

Please join Metroplex Atheists next year in supporting the LGBTQ community by volunteering to help out in our booth. To volunteer please send an email to director@.

Q4 2018

Banner Advertising Campaign Update

Metroplex Atheists is planning a light pole banner advertising campaign in downtown Fort Worth in a few months. We have signed and submitted the contract and are awaiting approval of our advertising artwork. The theme of our campaign is to expose the exclusionary and divisive nature of our current national motto--In God We Trust. If you would like to help us with this effort then please go to and click on the donate button. Any amount will be greatly appreciated and help cover the expense of the rental and the production of the banners.

Metroplex Atheists Business Meeting Location





Irving, Texas--monitor Metroplex Atheists Meetup announcements for the exact date and location


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Q4 2018


Our Adopt-A-Highway program serves two purposes for us. First it is a way to show that atheists care about their community and secondly it is a way to get our name displayed to the public. Participation in our quarterly clean ups has been declining and we need your support to continue to benefit from this program. Please check our site for clean up dates. We do these pick ups once a quarter from about 10AM to 12PM on Sundays including a lunch so it does not take much time. So please come out and join us for our next clean up.

MA Membership

Metroplex Atheists membership enrollment is now accessible on our web site. Membership is not required to participate in any MA event but by joining, at any of the membership levels we offer, you help us to continue to provide a wide variety of events and other services to the non-believing community in the Metroplex.

You can also join by filling out a membership form, available from an officer of MA at any of our events or social gatherings, and return it to an officer or mail it in when completed.

MA To Be On National TV

United Shades of America, a CNN documentary series that has been airing for several years on Sunday nights in prime time, came to the Metroplex Atheists wednesday night social event at J. Gilligans to film part of an upcoming episode. W. Kamau Bell, a comedian and the host of United Shades of America, talked with Randy Word, his daughter Kelly Williams (a Christian), Courtney Stewart, Nathaniel Walters and Charlee Vance. The episode focuses on DFW mega churches and local atheists groups. United Shades of America was nominated for an Emmy for outsdanding unstructured reality program in 2016. Stay tuned to Metroplex Atheists FB page and for the scheduled airing date..

Separation of Church and State

Possibly the most important initiative of Metroplex Atheists is the fight for the complete separation of church and state as well as religious civil liberties for non-believers under the Civil Rights Act.

Please report any violations of separation of church and state or religious civil liberties to Metroplex Atheists at director@.

THE ATHEIST VOICE is a quarterly publication of Metroplex Atheists. For more information, please visit our website:

To submit an article or letter to the editor, please email us. The Atheist Voice Editor: editor@


Q4 2018


Because we must. Because we have the call. Because it is nobler to fight for rationality without winning than to give up in the face of continued defeats. Because whatever true progress humanity makes is through the rationality of the occasional individual and because any one individual we may win for the cause may do more for humanity than a hundred thousand who hug superstition to their breasts.` ? Isaac Asimov, when asked why he fights religion with no hope for victory

Metroplex Atheists is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organized for the purpose of education, maintaining Constitutional separation of government and religion, protection of atheists' rights and to provide social meetings for those of similar worldviews. We are affiliated with American Atheists, Secular Coalition of America and the Dallas Fort Worth Coalition of Reason.

Contact Info

Web site: Email: director@

Phone: 817-945-3146


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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