June 2019 .gov.au

June 2019

Busy days & long nights

Friendship Express arncliffew-p.schools.nsw.edu.au

We have managed to pack a lot of things into our short days this term. We've even had time to observe the winter solstice. On the 21st of June every year we experience the longest night in the southern hemisphere. The students did lots of beautiful art works to mark the occasion and Kindy made special apple rings coated in seeds to help the birds through these cold dark months. Pics p10&11 and artwork in Orange building.

Soccer has kept us warm this month and some fantastic soccer coaches helped the students to improve their skills. I have noticed an increase in the number of girls joining the soccer at lunchtime which is a great development. Perhaps we are training a future Matilda's star. Pics p8&9

I joined Kindergarten on a beautiful sunny day for a walk to Arncliffe Park. The children made the most of having so much space to run around in and enjoyed exploring their local area. The play equipment was also a big hit. Pics p6&7

As NAIDOC week falls in the school holidays, we chose to mark the occasion beforehand. The students and teachers performed the Torres Strait Island song `Taba Naba' and created a variety of art works that used Aboriginal symbols and decorative techniques. Pics p12&13, artwork on display in the office and video on the website.

On a more serious note reports went out to parents detailing the progress students have made during the first Semester. I have been impressed by the improvements in writing across the grades and language acquisition for our new arrivals. Well done everyone.

Al Zahra Kingdom Preschool came to visit again this month and enjoyed sharing our precious outdoor space with Jellybeans. Valuable community connections were made between students and teachers. Pics p5

Baby chickens were the other visitors to our school this month coming to both the Infants and Preschool as eggs in an incubator. The children and teachers watched excitedly as the chicks hatched and grew. Watching the hatching process has been a great preparation for our farm excursion next term. Pics p14&15.

2Green and 1/2 Yellow were drawing inspiration from volcanoes for their writing this week. Mr Hageman created an impressive volcano and `explosion' which the students drew as part of the planning for their writing. Everyone was captivated including me. Pics p16

I hope everyone has a safe and relaxing holiday and comes back to school ready for an action packed Term 3.

Vanda Quinn Principal

Term 2 ends: Friday 05.07.2019

Term 3 begins: Tuesday 23.07.2019


K Blue Adam: An enthusiastic learner in m usic Amy: Dem onstrating great num ber sk ills Jackson: W riting a sentence independently Tytus: P articipating in our m usic program Orgil: Great sentences and illustrations Zak: Great num ber w ork and sk ills Misheel: Sentence ideas Lilly: Perseverance w hen reading hard tex ts Khulangoo: Caring for her classm ates Zac: Participation in Friday dance

Anand-ochir: Trying his best in all areas Tsomo: Great counting and num ber sk ills Mikaela: Great ex pression during reading Billy N: I nteresting balloon artw ork Ayah F: I m provem ent in reading

K Red Nour: Recognising visuals m atching sounds Zeinab S: Great num ber sk ills Mikhail: I ndependently w riting a sentence Azalea: Trying to com plete phonics w ork Ashidmunkh: Recognising letter sounds Alisha: Recognising num bers 1 -10 Haobo: Using pictures to sound out w ords Reyhaneh: Trying t o sound out w ords Tugs: Participation in classroom discussion Owen: M ak ing som e friends of ten

Tselmeg E: Trying to w rite sim ple sentences Temuge: Trying to sound out w ords Anujin: Doing her best to com plete w ork Arya: Great holiday w riting Naranbilguun: Class discussion participation

K Pink Borgil: B eing an ex cellent class helper Aliyah: Great w ork during Geography Nayla: P articipating in P honics lessons Benjamin: Constructing a house from lego Ali: I dentifying day and night Irshita: Great dancing Kholah: Trying her best to com m unicate Ebi: Great participation at Arncliffe P ark Tergel: Practising her letter sounds Rayan: Participation in W int er Soltice Juliana: I dentifying dot patterns Abbas: Participating in the soccer program Damon: I m provem ent in singing lessons Tselmeg A: Sharing w ith others Nasanbayar: Typing his nam e in com puter

1 Purple Davaa: Settling back into Year 1 Yesui: Show ing off her num ber sk ills Aanandita: B eing an incredible speller Dodo: W ork ing really hard in reading groups Kalia: B eing an enthusiastic w riter Ruby: Aw esom e M aths problem solving sk ills Khuslen: Settling back into 1 P urple Bujmaa: For being an independent w riter Todo: For consistent effort in all areas Tugs A: Learning to say vow el sounds Jack: W riting a detailed information report Kenyon: Hard w ork in spelling Sodo : Confident speak ing, reading & w riting Khuslen: Planning and review ing her w riting Emujin: B eautiful W inter Solstice artw ork

1/2 Yellow Jada: I m pressive Yoga skills Enny: P articipating in group discussions Hassan: M ak ing great predictions in Science Ali EN: Participation in scientific discussion Betty: I m provem ent in reading Aaliya: Adding tw o num bers quick ly Ethan: For engaging in class discussions Charlize: W riting a great informative tex t

Bujka: For helping her classm ates Chingun: Show ing ex cellent soccer sk ills Abdul: Contributing to class discussions Zeynab: Fantastic effort w hen sk ip counting Jayden: B eing enthusiastic in soccer Jacobi: Great inform ative tex t on volcanos Nomin: Participating in class discussions

1 Orange Adeena: Great effort in persuasive w riting James: Alw ays doing his class job Phillip: I nterest and effort in Science Bodi: Ex cellent participation in soccer Moojig: Trying hard in M aths Sarah: Consistently w ork ing hard in class Ali M Ali: Consistent effort in Sport/ Fitness Valentina: I dentifying w ords w ith `ee' sound

Moojig: Contributing to class discussions Suld: B eautiful W inter Solstice artw ork Hussein J: Fabulous soccer sk ills in Sport Zaya: Trying hard to speak English Natalia: Enthusiastic and confident learner Jessica T: B eautiful hot air balloon artw ork Anusha: Consistent effort in Term 2



2 Green Tselmuun: I m provem ent in w riting Ruby: Great effort in Science Dylan: Consistent effort in class Johan: Great science project from hom e Hassan: I m provem ent in M aths Layla: Great participation in Science Joao: Contributions to class discussions Sodoo: Ex cellent w riting about lions Yesukhei: I m provem ent in reading Ayah: Great sk ills w hen publishing Erdenetuya: New vocabulary in w riting Dulguun: Participation in m usic Emma: Confidence in class discussions Tsetsenbileg: Enthusiasm during soccer Ethan: Great focus about volcanos

Jellybeans Jessica: B eing helpful Sodon: Observing cloud m ovem ent Emujin: Talk ing about her draw ing Amarkhuu: Playing nicely w ith friends Tsenguun: Look ing after out garden Leona: B eing part of a group Joseph: Talk ing about the Rainbow Serpent Tugsuu: Great dancing Misheel: B eautiful indigenous artw ork Amy B: Playing w ith friends in sandpit Urtaa: Show ing Grandm a our chick s Yesui K: M aintaining relationships Liam H: Com pleting puzzle w ith his teacher Misheel: Sharing ideas at grouptim e Amgalan: I nterest in lifecycle of chick en

Rainbows Shuuder: Creative role play Ali: Patiently w aiting for a turn Tamir: I nitiating play w ith others Hassan: Telling us about his fam ily Emma: B eautiful draw ings of her house Gegee: B eautiful draw ings of her friends Shuuder: A beautiful w atercolour painting Ashley: Fabulous dance m oves Gigi: Good k ick ing sk ills playing soccer Ameer: W elcom e t o preschool Zahraa: Reading other children's names Azzaya: Role playing being a t eacher Tuugii: Clever puzzle w ork George T: B eing gentle w ith our chick s Meg T: B eautiful Aboriginal artw ork


Enny O Sondor Caitlin Ayah D Mohammad D Hassan B

Ali J Kalia Bella Bujka Suld Erdenetuya Dodo



Zeinab B Kenyon Ayah F Leah Unku Yesu Zeinab H Ebi Dodo

Unku Yesui U Betty Amy B Enny Mikael Kholah Bujmaa

Enny O Mikhael Hussein J Bella x 2 Kenyan Bella Hoabo Ali F

June Birthdays......

Ujin(j) Saikhan-Erdene(J) Joseph(J) Amy(KB) Khulangoo(KB) Benjamin(KP) Juliana(KP) Erkhembileg(KP) Tergel(KP) Kholah(KP Rayan(KP) Naranbilgun(KR) Mariam(KR) Tulga(1O) Valentina(1O) Anand(1P) Yesui(1P) Jada(1/2Y) Hassan (1?2Y) Abbas (1/2Y) Ali Elzein(1?2Y) Ethan T(1?2Y) Emma(2G)


AZK visit Rainbows



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