JUNE Thursday 21st Winter Solstice (shortest day of the year ...

JUNE Thursday 21st Tuesday 26th

Winter Solstice (shortest day of the year) - "Short day" at school--Gold coin donation Grade 5 Pilgrimage Mass in Sale 9.30am - 2.30pm

Wednesday 27th Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews.

Friday 29th

End of Term 2 - 1pm dismissal

JULY Monday 16th

School Closure Day

Tuesday 17th Term 3 Commences--8.45am

Tuesday 24th Hot Lunch Orders Due Back

Friday 27th Hot Lunch Order Day Dog Safety Incursion Grade Prep--Grade 2

Tuesday 31st Lawn Bowls Tournament Grades 4 & 5

AUGUST Wednesday 8th

P&F Group Meeting--6pm

Monday 20th-24th Book Week

Thursday 30th

Storytime for 2019 Preps--2pm

Friday 31st

P&F Hot lunch order Day.

Uniform shop will be open every Thursday between 2.30pm & 3.00pm. Please call by the office for assistance.

Do you like to Sing?

Why not join the Angel Choir here in our Morwell Catholic Parish. Practice is every Friday at the Sacred Heart Church 6pm -7pm, and then sing

during Mass every 1St Sunday of the month. Come and be a part of the Angels .

Contact Marie D'Alia: 0419899091


PARISH PRIEST Fr. James Fernandez ASSISTANT PRIEST Fr. Edwin Ogbuka (Presbytery 51338132) PARISH OFFICE - 5134 2849 4 Wilson St. Morwell 10am - 1pm mwellcathpar@.au Secretaries: Margherita and Diana ITALIAN MINISTRY Sr M. Elizabeth, MFIC 5134 2964 MORWELL WEEKEND MASS TIMES Sat 6.00pm Sacred Heart Sun 9.00am St Vincent's Sun 10.30am Sacred Heart WEEKDAY MASS TIMES- This Week Tue 9.15am Sacred Heart Wed 9.15am St. Vincent Thur 9.15am St Vincent Fri 9.15am Sacred Heart ROSARY for VOCATIONS Sat 5.30pm Sacred Heart 5.30pm Lumen Christi Sun 8.30am St. Vincent 's EXPOSITION Friday 2pm to 6pm Sacred Heart RECONCILIATION by appt. or: Sat 5.30 ? 5.45pm Sacred Heart Sun 8.30 ? 8.45am St. Vincent's

Telephone:(03) 5134 3718 Fax:(03) 5133 9240 EMAIL: principal@shmorwell.catholic.edu.au

Thursday 21st June 2018

Dear Parents, Guardians & Friends,

Since the inception of a formal education for all children in the late 1600s much has changed. Educational theories, designs of classrooms, endless arguments about funding and the introduction of digital technology have all been part of the educational landscape. Two things that have always remained constant is the absolute commitment to the learning of every child that attends a school and their safety while they are in the school's care. The findings of the Royal Commission and the Victorian Governments inquiry into institutional abuse of children has challenged the assumption that schools were an environment where children were safe. In August 2016, seven Child Safe Standards were implemented and must be adhered to by all schools in Victoria.

Standard One is about creating a culture of child safety. At Sacred Heart we have been working very hard on making sure that we have training, procedures and policies to meet this obligations but it is a collaborative process with parents.

Below are some simple ideas that can be utilised in everyday life that promotes the idea of safety in a variety of situations.

If you have not done so, please review the procedures, policies and documents that are on the school's website under the "Student Wellbeing" menu.

Teachable moments

Often opportunities or `teachable moments' arise in our daily lives that can be used to start a discussion, or are useful for considering recognise, react and report strategies. For example:

A television show about surf lifesavers could lead to a discussion about water safety

using a zebra crossing could lead to a conversation about how to safely cross the road

planning what your child should do if you are late collecting them from the pick-up zone

giving advice on how to answer the phone or front door

By talking about safety in everyday situations, you will help your child to build knowledge and develop skills to recognise, react and report if they are in an unsafe situation.

Discuss `What ifs'

Whilst you cannot predict when your child may find themselves in an unsafe situation, speaking with them about what they could do in a variety of situations can help them to be prepared. Using `What if' questions for a range of safety situations is useful. For example:

? What if there was a fire in the house?

? What if they get lost at the local shopping centre?

? What if they access or get shown rude pictures online?

? What if an adult asks them to help search for a lost dog?

Answering questions

If you are uncomfortable talking about a topic, be honest with your child and tell them that even though you may feel embarrassed, you are willing to talk about the topic because it is important. And remember, parents don't have to know all the answers. If you are unsure of the answer to a question, be honest and then find out together. What is most important is that your child knows they can approach you if they have a question about safety, now and in the future.


On Sunday I was present as Cianna, Lucas, Hayden, Anne, Phoebe and Orlando received the Sacrament of Confirmation. We were so fortunate to have Bishop Patrick at the Mass and I think that his message of being open to the Holy Spirit and allowing the gifts we have to flourish was very inspiring. His simple prayer of "Come Holy Spirit" shows that prayer does not need to be long, laborious or complicated to be powerful. My prayer is that we all take the time to think of these three simple words and allow the gifts of the Holy Spirit to flow through us.


The opening and blessing of the building was a wonderful celebration of what we have achieved and the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Thanks to the countless parents who assisted with the afternoon tea and the preparation of the school prior to Friday.

Yours in Catholic Education




Prep Orange Gr 1/2 Blue Gr 1/2 Green Gr 3/4 Red Gr 4/5 Purple Gr 5/6 Yellow

Pearl Emily Gracie

Bryleigh Tristan

Carissa Xavier Darcy

Siennah Hayden





Prep Orange Isabella


Gr 1/2 Blue

Gr 1/2 Green Ruby


Gr 3/4 Red William


Gr 4/5 Purple

Gr 5/6 Yellow Declan



Term 2 will finish next Friday 29th June at 1pm. Please note that there will be no

school bus available to collect the children. Could all bus travelers please make alternate arrangements.

Regional Cross Country

On Thursday 14th June, Claudia Baldaccino ran in the 9/10 year old girls Regional Cross Country event at Lardner Park in Warragul. Claudia is to be congratulated on her tremendous effort for finishing 44th in the region, and representing Sacred Heart School. Well done Claudia on a fantastic finish. You should feel very proud!

Out of Dough Lunch Orders

Over the winter months Out of Dough will not be providing lunch order services on a

Friday. These lunch orders will recommence in Term 4.

Hot Lunch order days will still be available on the last Friday of the month. The next

one will be on Friday 27th July.

Congratulations to Cianna, Lucas, Hayden, Anne, Phoebe and Orlando who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday. May the Holy Spirit always be your guide and protection.

Feast of the Sacred Heart Fair

On Friday 8th June we celebrated the Feast of the Sacred Heart. Fr James commenced the day with a whole school Mass and had the children involved by displaying their knowledge around the meaning of our Feast Day. Later in the day the most Reverend

Patrick O'Regan blessed and officially opened the refurbished educational block which was then followed by the School Fair.

At lot of fun was had by all, and big thank you to all who volunteered and gave of their time to make the day a huge


Parent & Friends Group News

The Parent & Friends Group wish to thank the many people who have helped with their fund raising efforts during term 2, and hope the school community enjoy a

safe and relaxed school holidays.

Lost Property

There are numerous windcheaters and jumpers with no names being held in the lost property box in the office. Please call in to collect your missing items before the

end of this term.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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