-35560037846000213106039687500453136038227000Christ Church StocksbridgeCrane Moor Methodist Church99695140335Tuesday 19th May 2020400000Tuesday 19th May 2020Green Moor Methodist ChurchDear I can’t believe it is nearly 10 weeks since the lock-down started. We have indeed been sorely tested, but remained resolute I think. Our brave and skilled NHS staff and care staff continue to bring utter respect from us, in how they have handled the crisis, and comported themselves. It is a true depiction of what I think of as the English identity of service, compassion, low-key attitude, silent bravery, loyalty and duty; putting skills to new uses; adapting and making do with inadequate equipment. And it is visible in them all, English roots or not. I’m glad that I have heard back from our new MP, Miriam Cates, who has joined now with the Stocksbridge leaders to endorse the idea of an event at Christ Church when this is all over, to honour our local NHS, care and essential workers.I have some lovely news for you. As I expect most of you know already, Jenny Utting and Josh Wren are now engaged and are planning their wedding. We’ve met Josh several times, especially when he was a part of our last production. Who can forget his Russian Security Soldier double act with Josh Utting: “The Two Josh’s”? Well, they have said that they very much want to be married at Christ Church, and have the whole congregation share in the service, as the church and its congregation mean a lot to Jenny, and Josh has appreciated his welcome into our community.With the Covid-19 epidemic weddings have been cancelled for many months. They have found that venues they are looking at for the spring of 2021 are almost fully booked, because they are handling the re-booking of weddings that have been cancelled. They are only being offered Sunday bookings. So Jenny and Josh have asked me if it would be possible to hold it at Christ Church on a Sunday, and if I would be prepared to celebrate the wedding for them. We considered various options, including having a ‘normal’ service at 10.45, and then the wedding after that, or thinking if we could have the wedding as ‘the service’ on which-ever Sunday is chosen. I said it could not be on Palm Sunday, or Easter Sunday, or a first Sunday in the month, but in principle I agreed I could do this. Because they need to book soon, it is not possible to have a Leadership Team meeting or Church Meeting at present. I consulted with John Cornell as Chair of the Leadership Team, Mike Clarke as Church Secretary and Frank Hardman as Choir Master, over having one service at 12.00 that morning. This will facilitate people travelling from some distances, and fit in with the wedding venue. They agreed that this made sense. We will all be able to be there, as the congregation, with their guests, for their marriage. They are then thinking about coffee and cake downstairs for everyone, while the photos are taken, and before the invited guests go off for the reception. Because we cannot hold the meetings at present we agreed that Mike will circulate this item by email to the Leadership Team this week for their confirmation, and I would include this news in this letter, so that everyone knows we have made this decision. I think we will all be looking forward to the day!I’ve had messages from people that have connected with us through Facebook and here is a flavour of the variety of some of their [edited] messages to me:Ruth Winter wrote on Facebook: “Hi Ian. I have connections with the church before it became Christ Church, when it was Stocksbridge United Reformed. My grandparents were married there. They are Dorothy and Ken Brindley. My Gran was in the choir for many years. My Mum and Dad were married in the church; Susan Winter (nee Brindley) and Donald Winter and I was christened there in 1982. I used to come when I was a child sometimes when we visited my grandparents. I don’t know whether she still is but my grandma’s mum possibly was buried in the grave yard attached to the church and she’s called Mrs Hughes and I’m not sure but I think her first name was Dorothy. Both my grandparents are buried in the cemetery up on Nanny Hill in Stockbridge and I have been back to visit since losing both my parents, I came when our preacher Revd Graham Wassell was preaching.” I expect some of the current members will know all this.Mandy Aitken, whom we know from Steel City Beacon, wrote on Facebook: “Hi Ian I hope you're well. Well as a churchgoer I just missed some reflection and connection to a community. I guess using Christ Church for Beacon I've become attached and appreciate the commitment and kindness you show to the community. Best wishes and thank you for messaging me.”Linda Woby, who asked to go on the mailing wrote on Facebook: “Thank you. must be so difficult for you in these times. I hope you keep well and stay safe. I am glad I have joined you because everyone makes me feel at home.”Jo Farey, who used to work with me at learndirect, wrote on Facebook: “Hi Ian, I had a watch/listen to your service at home while I’m working from home (dining table). I’m researching what’s being offered in communities across Rotherham for Covid at the moment, so it was relevant listening. I thought it was lovely and what a brilliant service to offer to your community. I hope you don’t mind me having a listen, or as I imagine, sitting at the back as a visitor. Religion isn’t part of my life, but it’s still nice to take the time out to think about things. I lost my Dad last November, so a bit of reflection is helpful. Keep well and love to Gwen.”Jennifer Harrison’s brother in Barnsley has also asked for the mailing to watch the service, and Jennifer has kindly supplied a load of stamps.179832067691000We’re meeting people whom we would not have expected to meet. Some of them may become friends in time. For others it is a contact that helps them. Who could have imagined this would happen? The Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways.Bless you all. Rev Ian Lucraft -1524009458960Christ Church Stocksbridge LEP, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, S36 1DY : 0114 288 7899Rev Ian Lucraft, 136 Wadsley Lane, Sheffield, S6 4EE ianlucraft@ : 0114 234 7153 : 07428 744 014 Website for Worship is : and on Facebook at @christchurchstocksbridge00Christ Church Stocksbridge LEP, Manchester Road, Stocksbridge, S36 1DY : 0114 288 7899Rev Ian Lucraft, 136 Wadsley Lane, Sheffield, S6 4EE ianlucraft@ : 0114 234 7153 : 07428 744 014 Website for Worship is : and on Facebook at @christchurchstocksbridge ................

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