Rumsey Hall Lower School Afternoon Enrichment Program …

Rumsey Hall Lower School Afternoon Enrichment Program (AEP)

Winter 2018

Kindie to Primes Activities

Legomania: Kindergarten ? Primes Join us for a Lego building afternoon activity. We'll spread out the Lego bricks and build, build, build! As the winter goes by, we'll take on new challenges each week and perhaps work towards a group creation. If the weather is good, we may take brick breaks to go skating or sledding.

Winter Fun: Kindergarten ? Primes Experience the wonders of winter this season. In this "winter wonderland" activity, students will explore the woods, boot skate on the ponds, sled down many of the hills on campus, make snowmen, build snow forts, create snow angels, and do anything else their outdoor imaginations inspire. It's all about being outside so bundle up!

Super Yogis: Kindergarten ? Primes First, we'll start with a little bit of Super Junior's playtime. Then we'll add some yoga and mindfulness fun--stretches to make us strong, poses to help us breathe deeply, activities to make us live better. Yoga and mindfulness can make us stronger, more flexible, more aware, and happy so why not give it a go?! Dress for flex

Super Games: Kindergarten - Primes Spend a cozy winter afternoon inside playing games. Some will be classics (Sorry,Uno, etc...) and some will be invented (bean bag, memory, and whatever comes to mind!). Required: a sense of fun, fairness, and an ability to follow the rules for a fantastic fiesta!

Oodles of Indoor Fun: Kindergarten - Primes Ever have days where going out into the cold is not on the top of your priority list? Then get ready to have oodles of fun with this activity after school where we will make forts, finger knit, water color paint, make playdough, play games, read books... and lots, lots more! This will surely keep you all engaged, cozy, and warm.

Pre-Primes - IIIrd Form Activities

Survival Skills: Ist-IIIrd Form Learn wilderness survival techniques while exploring our campus' beautiful forests. Participants in this activity will learn how to start a fire (with and without matches), track animals, build shelters, cook food without electricity or gas, and, well, the possibilities are endless. In general, this is an activity for students that love the great outdoors.

Sew Fun: Ist Form-IIIrd Form Design, draft and sew an article of clothing that is truly one-of-kind. Learn to draw and design, draft a pattern and then sew and assemble something fun to wear! This class will cover the basics of creating a 3D article of clothing from a 2D drawing.

Cost: $35.00 for 8 class sessions (non-refundable), billed to your child's account.

Creation Station: Primes - IIIrd Form Think of the Creation Station as a low-tech maker-space. What's a makerspace, you say? It's basically a place where people can share tools and ideas to make cool stuff. In this class, we will examine simple inventions, such as bookmarks or mousetraps and see if we can't design better ones. And, of course, we will engage in various maker-space exercises, such as the infamous Marshmallow Challenge.

Cookie Magic: Ist-IIIrd Form Have you ever wandered into a fancy bakery and wondered how they created such beautiful cookie designs? Well, you're in luck because the magic and secrets to decorating cookies is coming to Rumsey this winter. In each class you will learn a different decorating technique such as creating 3-D cookies and even making your own cookie jewelry. Come join the delicious magic and endless fun!

Cost: $30 per student (non-refundable), billed to your child's account.

Winter Fun: Pre-Primes ? IIIrd Form Experience the wonders of winter this season. In this "winter wonderland" activity, students will explore the woods, boot skate on the ponds, sled down many of the hills on campus, make snowmen, build snow forts, create snow angels, and do anything else their outdoor imaginations inspire. It's all about being outside so bundle up!

Afternoons at the Improv: Primes- IIIrd Form Calling all comedians and want-to-be actors and actresses! In each class, we will engage in different improvs and games such as Freeze and Justify, the Martha Game, and What are you Doing? to name a few. If you loved the Taft Improv group that visited, now is your chance to be part of the fun. We may even perform at the end of the term!

Yoga: Primes - IIIrd Form Yogis in this class will balance Kundalini kriyas and Hatha yoga asanas with game playing, singing, dancing, meditations, mantra chanting, and guided rest (savasana). Students will learn various yoga poses from Kundalini Yoga (developed by Yogi Bhajan) as well as Hatha Yoga (developed by BKS Iyengar). You will need loose, comfortable clothing, and a yoga mat.

Slime: Primes - IIIrd Form The slime sensation is coming to Rumsey Hall this winter! We will experiment with many different recipes to make slime. There will be glitter slime, edible slime, and even Valentine slime! Come join the fun and get ready to be slimey!

Cost: $10 per student (non-refundable), billed to your child's account.

Study Club: Primes ? IIIrd Form Is your schedule too busy? Do you want to have more free time at home? Study Club is your chance to get your homework done before you leave the school campus. Teachers provide the quiet atmosphere; you provide the brain power. The supervising teacher is always there to help.

Legomania: Pre-Primes ? IIIrd Form Join us for a Lego building afternoon activity. We'll spread out the Lego bricks and build, build, build! As the winter goes by, we'll be taking on new challenges each week and perhaps work towards a group creation. If the weather is good, we may take breaks to go skating or sledding.

Scrapbooking: Primes ? III Form Save your favorite memories forever by putting pictures, mementos, and keepsakes into a special book you will decorate any way you want! You can decorate each page with borders, stickers, and stamps. You can put fancy frames around your pictures and add mementos such as ticket stubs, cards, postcards, invitations, letters, pictures, photos, etc. The possibilities are endless! One of the best parts of scrapbooking is the scraps. You don't need to be a great artist or spend a lot of money to make a memory album that will bring you, your family, and friends joy and happiness for years to come. You only need to make it with love. Students will need to bring a scrapbooking album with them on the first day of class. The decorations will be provided.

Cost: $30 per student, billed to your child's account.

Group Tennis Lessons: Pre-Primes? IIIrd Form Looking to improve your tennis game or are you brand new to tennis? Either way, this activity is for you. Rumsey's AEP tennis program will follow the guidelines of the USTA Quick Start Program with equipment appropriate to student's size. The 8 and Under groups will be using red balls and play on a 36' court. 10 and Under groups use orange balls and play on a 60' court, and 12 and Under groups use green balls. This specialized equipment increases the fun and allows students to compete and play matches much sooner. Students need their own tennis rackets for this activity.

Cost: $20 per student per class (non-refundable), billed to your child's account.

Zen Moments: Pre-Primes-IIIrd Form Take time to paint, draw, and create around the Rumsey campus. Do a little yoga, construct a Zen garden, get creative on Treasure Island, breathe deeply, create Mandalas...the sky's the limit. This activity will give you time to focus on the pure enjoyment of the moment.

Games by the Fire: Pre-Primes- IIIrd Form Spending a quiet afternoon settling in by the fire at Farmen Hall is a great way to get out of the cold winter. From Monopoly to Chutes and Ladders, there are games for everyone to enjoy. Use the School's games, bring your own, or help your instructor pick out some new ones for our classroom collection.

The Games People Play: Pre-Primes - III Form Like a good game? Join us to play games of luck and games of strategy. This includes board games and outdoor games. Also, this is a class where you can create your own games. Come join! Game on!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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