Mountain View School District


(Level 4)



Electromagnetic force is one of four main forces in the universe and has

many useful applications in everyday life throughout the world.

Electricity and magnetism are two forms of the single phenomena,

electromagnetic force.

Many scientists have contributed to this field, and their work is built upon

the foundation of previous research and discoveries.


Big Books

Read Aloud

Observation Charts

Inquiry Charts

Realia – magnets, iron filings

Picture File Cards

Cognitive Content Dictionary with Signal World

Poetry and Songs


Process all charts and learnings

Add to living walls

Team Exploration

Personal Exploration

Sharing of Team and Personal Explorations

On-going assessments – Learning logs, Interactive journals

Home-School Connection

Team Jeopardy game


Atoms have negatively charged electrons that spin around a nucleus of

positively charged protons and neutrons.

Charges fill space with an electric field.

Static electricity is associated with the gain or loss of electrons.

Electromagnetic forces can attract or repel.

Opposite electrical charges attract each other, and like electrical charges

repel each other.

Electric current is the flow of electrons.

A complete, continuous path of current is called an electric circuit.

Conductors are materials that allow energy to flow and carry out current.

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Simple, series, and parallel circuits can be built by using materials such as

wires, batteries, and bulbs.

Magnetic materials are sources of magnetic fields.

The Earth has a magnetic field caused by electrical currents.

Magnets have two poles; like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

Electric current, like magnets, produce magnetic fields.

Electromagnets are used in many simple devices, tools, and appliances.

Electromotive forces are produced in a wire whenever a magnetic field cuts

across the wire.

Safety when using electromagnetic forces


I. Electricity – Static Electricity/ Electric Currents

atoms, charge, electric field, electricity, circuits, simple circuit, series circuit, parallel circuit, batteries, bulbs, wire, resistance, current, voltage, short circuit, fuse, conductor, insulator, superconductor, electrical energy, potential energy, capacitors, AC – alternating current, DC – direct current, amperes, coulombs, watts, volts, ohms, joules, circuit breaker, conversion,

switch, lightning, ammeter, voltmeter, multimeter, ohmmeter

II. Magnetism

magnets, repulsion, attraction, repel, attract, compass, magnetic field,

poles, permanent magnets, geographic North Pole and South Pole,

polarized, domains, magnetic materials, ferromagnetic elements

III. Electromagnetic Force

electromagnets, electromotive force, motors, generators, doorbells,

induction, inductors, solenoid coil, temporary magnets, motion, energy,

transformers, power, watts, earphones




1.0 Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development

Students understand the basic features of reading. They select letter patterns and know

how to translate them into spoken language by using phonics, syllabication, and word

parts. They apply this knowledge to achieve fluent oral and silent reading.

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Word Recognition

1.1 Read narrative and expository text aloud with grade-appropriate fluency and accuracy

and with appropriate pacing, intonation, and expression.

Vocabulary and Concept Development

1.2 Apply knowledge of word origins, derivations, synonyms, antonyms, and idioms to

determine the meaning of words and phrases.

1.3 Use knowledge of root words to determine the meaning of unknown words within a


1.4 Know common roots and affixes derived from Greek and Latin and use this knowledge to analyze the meaning of complex words (e.g., international).

1.5 Use a thesaurus to determine related words and concepts.

1.6 Distinguish and interpret words with multiple meanings.

2.0 Reading Comprehension

Students read and understand grade-level-appropriate material. They draw upon a

variety of comprehension strategies as needed (e.g., generating and responding to

essential questions, making predictions, comparing information from several sources).

The selections in Recommended Readings in Literature, Kindergarten Through Grade Eight illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by students. In addition to their regular school reading, students read one-half million words annually, including a good representation of grade-level-appropriate narrative and expository text

(e.g., classic and contemporary literature, magazines, newspapers, online information).

Structural Features of Informational Materials

2.1 Identify structural patterns found in informational text (e.g., compare and contrast, cause and effect, sequential or chronological order, proposition and support) to strengthen


Comprehension and Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text

2.2 Use appropriate strategies when reading for different purposes (e.g., full comprehension, location of information, personal enjoyment).

2.3 Make and confirm predictions about text by using prior knowledge and ideas presented in the text itself, including illustrations, titles, topic sentences, important words, and foreshadowing clues.

2.4 Evaluate new information and hypotheses by testing them against known information

and ideas.

2.5 Compare and contrast information on the same topic after reading several passages or


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2.6 Distinguish between cause and effect and between fact and opinion in expository text.

2.7 Follow multiple-step instructions in a basic technical manual (e.g., how to use computer commands or video games).

3.0 Literary Response and Analysis

Students read and respond to a wide variety of significant works of children’s literature.

They distinguish between the structural features of the text and the literary terms or

elements (e.g., theme, plot, setting, characters). The selections in Recommended Readings

in Literature, Kindergarten Through Grade Eight illustrate the quality and complexity of the materials to be read by students.

Structural Features of Literature

3.1 Describe the structural differences of various imaginative forms of literature, including fantasies, fables, myths, legends, and fairy tales.

Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level-Appropriate Text

3.2 Identify the main events of the plot, their causes, and the influence of each event on

future actions.

3.3 Use knowledge of the situation and setting and of a character’s traits and motivations to determine the causes for that character’s actions.

3.4 Compare and contrast tales from different cultures by tracing the exploits of one character type and develop theories to account for similar tales in diverse cultures (e.g., trickster tales).

3.5 Define figurative language (e.g., simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification) and

identify its use in literary works.


1.0 Writing Strategies

Students write clear, coherent sentences and paragraphs that develop a central idea.

Their writing shows they consider the audience and purpose. Students progress through

the stages of the writing process (e.g., prewriting, drafting, revising, editing successive


Organization and Focus

1.1 Select a focus, an organizational structure, and a point of view based upon purpose,

audience, length, and format requirements.

1.2 Create multiple-paragraph compositions:

a. Provide an introductory paragraph.

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b. Establish and support a central idea with a topic sentence at or near the beginning of

the first paragraph.

c. Include supporting paragraphs with simple facts, details, and explanations.

d. Conclude with a paragraph that summarizes the points.

e. Use correct indention.

1.3 Use traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., chronological order, cause and effect, similarity and difference, and posing and answering a question).


1.4 Write fluidly and legibly in cursive or joined italic.

Research and Technology

1.5 Quote or paraphrase information sources, citing them appropriately.

1.6 Locate information in reference texts by using organizational features (e.g., prefaces,


1.7 Use various reference materials (e.g., dictionary, thesaurus, card catalog, encyclopedia, online information) as an aid to writing.

1.8 Understand the organization of almanacs, newspapers, and periodicals and how to use

those print materials.

1.9 Demonstrate basic keyboarding skills and familiarity with computer terminology

(e.g., cursor, software, memory, disk drive, hard drive).

Evaluation and Revision

1.10 Edit and revise selected drafts to improve coherence and progression by adding, deleting, consolidating, and rearranging text.

2.0 Writing Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics)

Students write compositions that describe and explain familiar objects, events, and

experiences. Student writing demonstrates a command of standard American English

and the drafting, research, and organizational strategies outlined in Writing Standard 1.0.

Using the writing strategies of grade four outlined in Writing Standard 1.0, students:

2.1 Write narratives:

a. Relate ideas, observations, or recollections of an event or experience.

b. Provide a context to enable the reader to imagine the world of the event or experience.

c. Use concrete sensory details.

d. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.

2.2 Write responses to literature:

a. Demonstrate an understanding of the literary work.

b. Support judgments through references to both the text and prior knowledge.

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2.3 Write information reports:

a. Frame a central question about an issue or situation.

b. Include facts and details for focus.

c. Draw from more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,

other media sources).

2.4 Write summaries that contain the main ideas of the reading selection and the most

significant details.


The standards for written and oral English language conventions have been placed

between those for writing and for listening and speaking because these conventions are

essential to both sets of skills.

1.0 Written and Oral English Language Conventions

Students write and speak with a command of standard English conventions appropriate

to this grade level.

Sentence Structure

1.1 Use simple and compound sentences in writing and speaking.

1.2 Combine short, related sentences with appositives, participial phrases, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositional phrases.


1.3 Identify and use regular and irregular verbs, adverbs, prepositions, and coordinating

conjunctions in writing and speaking.


1.4 Use parentheses, commas in direct quotations, and apostrophes in the possessive case

of nouns and in contractions.

1.5 Use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to identify titles of documents.


1.6 Capitalize names of magazines, newspapers, works of art, musical compositions,

organizations, and the first word in quotations when appropriate.


1.7 Spell correctly roots, inflections, suffixes and prefixes, and syllable constructions.


1.0 Listening and Speaking Strategies

Students listen critically and respond appropriately to oral communication. They speak

in a manner that guides the listener to understand important ideas by using proper

phrasing, pitch, and modulation.

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1.1 Ask thoughtful questions and respond to relevant questions with appropriate elaboration in oral settings.

1.2 Summarize major ideas and supporting evidence presented in spoken messages and

formal presentations.

1.3 Identify how language usages (e.g., sayings, expressions) reflect regions and cultures.

1.4 Give precise directions and instructions.

Organization and Delivery of Oral Communication

1.5 Present effective introductions and conclusions that guide and inform the listener’s

understanding of important ideas and evidence.

1.6 Use traditional structures for conveying information (e.g., cause and effect, similarity and difference, and posing and answering a question).

1.7 Emphasize points in ways that help the listener or viewer to follow important ideas and concepts.

1.8 Use details, examples, anecdotes, or experiences to explain or clarify information.

1.9 Use volume, pitch, phrasing, pace, modulation, and gestures appropriately to enhance


Analysis and Evaluation of Oral Media Communication

1.10 Evaluate the role of the media in focusing attention on events and in forming opinions on issues.

2.0 Speaking Applications (Genres and Their Characteristics)

Students deliver brief recitations and oral presentations about familiar experiences or

interests that are organized around a coherent thesis statement. Student speaking demonstrates a command of standard American English and the organizational and delivery strategies outlined in Listening and Speaking Standard 1.0. Using the speaking strategies of grade four outlined in Listening and Speaking Standard 1.0, students:

2.1 Make narrative presentations:

a. Relate ideas, observations, or recollections about an event or experience.

b. Provide a context that enables the listener to imagine the circumstances of the event or


c. Provide insight into why the selected event or experience is memorable.

2.2 Make informational presentations:

a. Frame a key question.

b. Include facts and details that help listeners to focus.

c. Incorporate more than one source of information (e.g., speakers, books, newspapers,

television or radio reports).

2.3 Deliver oral summaries of articles and books that contain the main ideas of the event or article and the most significant details.

2.4 Recite brief poems (i.e., two or three stanzas), soliloquies, or dramatic dialogues, using clear diction, tempo, volume, and phrasing.

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B: Speak with few words/sentences, Answer simple questions with one/two word response; Retell familiar stories/participate in short conversations/using gestures

EI: Ask/answer questions using phrases/simple sentences

Restate/execute multi-step oral directions

I: Ask/answer questions using support elements

EA: Identify main points/support details from content areas

A: Identify main points/support details from stories & subject areas

Respond to & use idiomatic expressions appropriately

Comprehension, Organization & Delivery of Oral Communication

B: Uses common social greetings

EI: Identify main points of simple conversations/stories (read aloud)

Communicate basic needs; Recite rhymes/songs/simple stories

I: Speak with Standard English grammatical forms/sound

Participate in social conversations by asking/answering question

Retell stories/share school activities using vocabulary, descriptive words/paraphrasing

EA: Retell stories including characters, setting, plot, summary, analysis

Use Standard English grammatical forms/sounds/intonation/pitch

Initiate social conversations by asking & answering questions/restating & soliciting information

Appropriate speaking based on purpose, audience, subject matter; Ask/answer instructional questions

Use figurative language & idiomatic expressions

A: Question/restate/paraphrase in social conversations

Speak/write based on purpose, audience, & subject matter

Identify main idea, point of view, & fact/fiction in broadcast & print media

Use Standard English grammatical forms/sounds/ intonation/pitch


Concepts about Print, Phonemic Awareness, Decoding & Word Recognition

B: Recognize familiar phonemes

Recognize sound/symbol relationships in own writing

EI: Read orally recognizing /producing phonemes not in primary language

Recognize morphemes in phrases/simple sentences

I: Read aloud with correct pronunciation of most phonemes

Use common morphemes in oral & silent reading

EA: Use knowledge of morphemes to derive meaning from literature/texts in content areas

A: Use roots & affixes to derive meaning

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Vocabulary & Concept Development

B: Read aloud simple words in stories/games Respond to social & academic interactions (simple questions/answers)

Demonstrate comprehension of simple vocabulary with action

Retell simple stories with drawings, words, phrases

Uses phrases/single word to communicate basic needs

EI: Use content vocabulary in discussions/reading

Read simple vocabulary, phrases, & sentences independently

Use morphemes, phonics, syntax to decode & comprehend words

Recognize & correct grammar, usage, word choice in speaking or reading aloud

Read own narrative & expository text aloud with pacing, intonation, and expression

I: Create dictionary of frequently used words

Decode/comprehend meaning of unfamiliar words in text

Recognize & correct grammar, usage, word choice in speaking or reading aloud

Read grade level narrative/expository text aloud with pacing, intonation, expression

Use context vocabulary in discussions/reading

Recognize common roots & affixes

EA: Use morphemes, phonics, syntax to decode/comprehend words

Recognize multiple meaning words in content literature & texts

Use common roots & affixes

Use standard dictionary to find meanings

Recognize analogies & metaphors in content literature & texts

Use skills/knowledge to achieve independent reading

Use idioms in discussions & reading

Read complex narrative & expository texts aloud with pacing, intonation, and expression

A: Apply common roots & affixes knowledge to vocabulary

Recognize multiple meaning words

Apply academic & social vocabulary to achieve independent reading;

Use idioms, analogies, & metaphors in discussion & reading

Use standard dictionary to find meanings

Read narrative & expository text aloud with pacing, and intonation

Reading Comprehension

B: Answer fact questions using one/two word response

Connect simple test read aloud to personal experience

Understand and follow one-step directions

Sequence events from stories read aloud using key words/phrase

Identify main idea using key words/phrases

Identify text features: title/table of contents/chapter heading

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EI: Use simple sentences to give details from simple stories; Connect text to personal experience; Follow simple two-step directions; Identify sequence of text using simple sentences; Read & identify main ideas to draw inferences; Identify text features: title, table of contents, chapter headings; Identify fact/opinion in grade level text read aloud to students

I: Orally respond to comprehension questions about written text; Read text features: titles, table of contents, headings, diagrams, charts, glossaries, and indexes; Identify main idea to make predictions & support details; Orally describe connections between text and personal experience; Follow multi-step directions for classroom activities; Identify example of fact/opinion and cause/effect in literature and content texts

EA: Give main idea with supporting detail from grade level text

Generate & respond to text-related comprehension questions

Describe relationships between text & personal experience

Identify function of text features: format/diagrams/charts/glossary

Draw conclusions & make inferences using text resources

Find examples of fact, opinion, inference, & cause/effect in text

Identify organizational patterns in text: sequence, chronology

A: Make inferences/generalizations, draw conclusions from grade level text resources

Describe main ideas with support detail from text

Identify patterns in text: compare/contrast, sequence/cause/effect


Penmanship, Organization, & Focus

B: Write alphabet

Label key parts of common object

Create simple sentences/phrases

Write brief narratives/stories using few standard grammatical forms

EI: Write narratives that include setting and character

Respond to literature using simple sentences, drawings, lists, chart

Write paragraphs of at least four sentences

Write words/simple sentences in content areas

Write friendly letter

Produce independent writing

I: Narrate sequence of events

Produce independent writing

Use variety of genres in writing

Create paragraph developing central idea using grammatical form

Use complex vocabulary & sentences in all content areas

Write a letter with detailed sentences

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EA: Write detailed summary of story

Arrange compositions with organizational patterns

Independently write responses to literature

Use complex vocabulary & sentences in all content areas

Write a persuasive letter with relevant evidence

Write multi-paragraph narrative & expository for content areas

A: Write short narrative for all content areas

Write persuasive composition

Write narratives that describe setting, character, objects, and events

Write multi-paragraph narrative & expository compositions

Independently use all steps of writing process

Writing Conventions

B: Begin own name and sentences with a capital letter

Use period at end of sentence

EI: Begin proper nouns & sentences with capital letter

Use period at end of sentence, and use some commas

Edit for basic conventions

I: Produce independent writing

Use standard word order

EA: Produce independent writing with correct capitals, punctuation, and spelling

Use standard word order

Edit for basic conventions

A: Use correct parts of speech

Edit for punctuation, capitalization, and spelling

Produce writing with command of standard conventions


Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level Appropriate Text

B: One/two-word oral responses to factual comprehension questions

Word/phrase oral response identifying characters and settings

Distinguish between fiction & non-fiction

Identify fairy tales, folktale, myth, and legend using lists, charts, and tables

EI: Orally answer factual questions using simple sentences

Orally identify main events in plot; Recite simple poems

Orally describe setting of literature piece; Orally describe character of a selection

Orally distinguish among poetry, drama, and short story

I: Paraphrase response to text using expanded vocabulary

Apply knowledge of language to derive meaning from text

EA: Describe figurative language (simile, metaphor, personification)

Distinguish literary connotations from culture to culture

Identify motives of characters

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Describe themes stated directly

Identify speaker/narrator in text

Identify main problem of plot and how it is resolved

Recognize first & third person in literary text

A: Describe characteristics of poetry, drama, fiction, & non-fiction

Evaluate author’s use of techniques to influence reader

Describe directly stated and implied themes

Compare and contrast motives of characters in work of fiction




1. Electricity and magnetism are related effects that have many useful applications in everyday life. As a basis for understanding this concept:

a. Students know how to design and build simple series and parallel circuits by using components such as wires, batteries, and bulbs.

b. Students know how to build a simple compass and use it to detect magnetic effects, including Earth’s magnetic field.

c. Students know electric currents produce magnetic fields and know how to build a simple electromagnet.

d. Students know the role of electromagnets in the construction of electric motors, electric generators, and simple devices, such as doorbells and earphones.

e. Students know electrically charged objects attract or repel each other.

f. Students know that magnets have two poles (north and south) and that like poles repel each other while unlike poles attract each other.

g. Students know electrical energy can be converted to heat, light, and motion.


6. Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in the other three strands, students should develop their own questions and perform investigations. Students will:

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a. Differentiate observation from inference (interpretation) and know scientists’ explanations come partly from what they observe and partly from how they interpret their observations.

b. Measure and estimate the weight, length, or volume of objects.

c. Formulate and justify predictions based on cause-and-effect relationships.

d. Conduct multiple trials to test a prediction and draw conclusions about the relationships between predictions and results.

e. Construct and interpret graphs from measurements.

f. Follow a set of written instructions for a scientific investigation.


4.1 Students demonstrate a understanding of the physical and human

geographic features that define places a regions in California.

2. Distinguish between the North and South Poles


Callan, Jim. Amazing Scientists; John Wiley and Sons, Inc., NY 1997

Christelow, Eileen. What Do Authors Do?, Clarion Books, NY 1995

Cole, Joanna & Degen, Bruce. Magic School Bus and the Electric Field Trip;

Scholastic, NY 1997

Da Silva, Wilson. A Guide to Modern Science, Fog City Press, CA 2002

Lafferty, Peter. Magnets to Generators; Gloucester Press, NY 1989

Lehrman, Robert. Physics, The Easy Way, Barron’s Educational Series, NY 1998

Oxlade, Chris. States of Matter; Heinemann Library, Chicago, Il 2002

Oxlade, Chris. Atoms; Heinemann Library, Chicago, Il 2002

Parker, Steve. Electricity; Dorling Kindersly, Inc., NY 1992

Tocci, Salvatore. The Periodic Table; Children’s Press, NY 2004

Raintree-Steck-Vaughn. Electricity and Magnetism; NY 2002

Ramsey, W. Physcial Science, Holt, NY 1997

Schreiber, Anne. Magnets, Scholastic, NY 2003

Stockley, C. Usborne Illustrated Dictionary of Physics, EDC Publishing 2000

VanCleave, Janice. Magnets, John Wiley & Sons, NY 1993

Whalley, Margaret. Experiment with Magnets and Electricity; Lerner Publications

Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota 1994

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District Texts

Discovery Works, Grade 4, Houghton Mifflin – Science

Avenues, Grade 5, Hampton-Brown

Internet Resources

Types of Magnetism, Materials by Design


Electricity & Static Electricity static

Ultra simple Electric Generator amateur

Circuit Diagrams EducationResources



Mountain View School District


(Level 4)



Observation Charts

Inquiry Charts

Direct Experiences


Read Aloud

Big Book

Cognitive Content Dictionary

Learning Logs

Scientific Awards

Comparative Input


Pictorial Inputs – atom, 3 states of matter, electrical charges and fields,

circuits, magnets – Earth, permanent, electromagnets

Narrative Input

Comparative Input

10/2 lecture

Read Aloud/Shared Book Experiences


Demonstrations/Explorations/ Labs (static electricity, compass, circuits,

magnetic fields)

Videos – Bill Nye, Lightning …

Listen and Sketch

Timeline of Scientists and their contributions



Cooperative learning techniques for cross-cultural respect and

decision making

Personal Interaction for bonding/respect

Exploration Report/Picture File Cards


Farmer in the Dell

Process Grid

Team Points

Flexible groupings




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Group Frame

On-going processing of charts


Total class modeling – English, Primary language, all genres

Small Groups – Cooperative Tasks, Flex Groupings – by need & choice

Focused reading

Shared, guided, and flexible group reading

Interactive reading

Cooperative Strip paragraphs

Expert Groups

Mind Mapping

Oral book sharing

Flip chants

Ear-to-ear reading

Big Books

Textbooks and trade books

Reader’s Theater

Group Frame

Individual Practice and Choice (Student’s own language)



All genres and domains

Interactive Journals, Learning Logs, Mind-mapping

International Library

Read Aloud by teacher and students of a variety of literature

including students’ work

Writer’s Workshop


Metacognition – Mini-lesson and Conferencing

Author’s Chair (Works in Progress only)

Author’s Day (Sharing of Completed Works)




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Guided imagery

Scientific Explorations





Field trips



Personal exploration


Assessments matched to outcomes/standards

Practical – building of circuits, compass, electromagnet

Team exploration

Jeopardy Game

Process charts and learnings

On-going assessments

Group Frames, Learning Logs, Interactive Journals

Running Records/Writing Inventories

Home-School Connection/Family Involvement

Alternative assessment strategies

Videos, plays, presentations, demonstrations, building projects,

Big Books, Portfolios

District tests

Teaching of study skills and test-taking skills


Mountain View School District


(Level 4)


DAY 1: (Electromagnetism)


Cognitive Content Dictionary with Signal Word

Scientist Awards – standards

Observation Charts

Inquiry Chart

Big Book



Pictorial Input – Magnets

10/2 Discussions, primary language groups

Learning Log

ELD Review

Read Aloud


Poems/Songs – Matter, I’m a Magnet


Exploration Report/Picture File Cards


Comparative Input Chart

Learning Log

ELD Review


Writer’s Workshop



Author’s Chair


Process charts

Interactive Journals

Home/School Connection




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DAY 2: (Electromagnetism)


Cognitive Content Dictionary with Signal Word

Process Home/School Connection

Review with Word Cards – Timeline, Magnets Input, Comparative Input

Poem – Electrons Here, Electrons There

Big Book Review



Narrative Input

Learning Log



Chant – I Know a Physicist

Process T-graph

Personal Interaction

INPUT (not for demo purposes/ for classroom implementation)

Pictorial Input - Electricity

Learning Log

ELD Review


Flexible Groups – Expert Groups

Team Tasks

Writer’s Workshop



Author’s Chair


Process Inquiry Chart

Interactive Journals

Home/School Connection




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DAY 3: (Electromagnetism)


Cognitive Content Dictionary with Signal Word

Process Home/School Connection

Highlight Poetry

Big Book/Read Aloud

Review Input Charts

Narrative input – Conversation Bubbles/Word Card Review


Direct Experience

Learning Logs

Listen and Sketch – The Legend of Magnes


Farmer in the Dell (Sentence Patterning Chart - SPC)


Flip Chants



Flex Groups – Expert Groups

Team Tasks


Process Grid – Numbered Heads Together


Cooperative Strip Paragraph

Respond, Revise, Edit

Strip Book

Reading/Writing Workshop

Mini-lesson, Write, Author’s Chair


Process Inquiry Chart


Home/School Connection




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DAY 4: (Electromagnetism)


Cognitive Content Dictionary with Signal Word

Student’s Choice - Stumper Word

Process Home/School Connection



Story Map of Narrative

Read Aloud


Flexible Group Reading

Team Tasks

Clunkers and Links

Group Frame - ELD Retell (Narrative)

Reading/Writing Workshop




Turn in Learning Logs for Evaluation

Process Charts




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DAY 5: (Electromagnetism)


Cognitive Content Dictionary with Signal Word

Student Choice – Stumper Word

Process Home/School Connection




Flex Group Reading with Cooperative Strip Paragraph

Team Tasks

Team Presentations

Found Poetry

Ear to Ear reading with Poetry Booklet

Reading/Writing Workshop



Author’s Chair

Focused Reading - Read the Walls

Personal CCD



Letter Home

Process Inquiry Chart

Process Week – “What helped you learn?”

Chant – Superstar



By Lillie Ruvalcaba

I just thought you’d like to know…

Our earth is a giant magnet. A compass detects magnetic fields, including Earth’s magnetic field.

I just thought you’d like to know.

I just thought you’d like to know…

Magnets have two poles, north and south. Like poles repel each other and unlike poles attract each other.

I just thought you’d like to know.

I just thought you’d like to know…

Electrically charged objects attract and repel each other.

I just thought you’d like to know.

I just thought you’d like to know…

Electric currents produce magnetic fields. You can even build your own simple electromagnet!

I just thought you’d like to know.

I just thought you’d like to know…

Both simple series and parallel series circuits use things like wires, batteries and bulbs.

I just thought you’d like to know.

I just thought you’d like to know…

Electrical energy can be converted to heat, light and motion.

I just thought you’d like to know.

I just thought you’d like to know…

Electricity and magnetism are related effects that have many useful applications in everyday life.

I just thought you’d like to know.

The Important Book about Electricity

By Marita d’Arnaud

An important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

Electricity is one form of electromagnetic force. A force is a push or a pull.

Electricity is related to magnetism, the other form of electromagnetic force.

Electrical energy, which comes from charged particles, allows us do many things

like play a PlayStation II game, toast bread in a toaster, and drive an

electric car.

But an important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

An important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

Negatively charged electrons(-) in atoms spin around a nucleus of positively

charged protons(+) and neutrons(0), which have no charge.

When atoms lose or gain electrons, the atoms become charged.

Charges fill space with an electric field.

Opposite charges attract each other, and like charges repel each other.

But an important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

An important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

When negative charges move from one object to another, charge builds up on

both objects.

One object will have a positive charge. The other will have a negative charge.

This buildup of charges is called static electricity.

Built-up charges can leak out harmlessly or “jump” causing an electrical

discharge, like lightning or an electrical shock.

But an important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

An important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

A stream of moving electrons produces an electric current.

An electric circuit is a complete, continuous path of current.

Conductors, like copper and aluminum, are materials that allow current to flow

easily. Insulators, like rubber and plastic, do not allow current to flow.

But an important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

An important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

Simple, series, and parallel circuits can be built using materials such as wires,

batteries, switches, and bulbs.

As current flows through a bulb, electrical energy is converted to heat and light


As electric current flows, a magnetic field is produced. A moving magnetic field

creates an electric current.

Electricity allows us to turn on lights, play videogames, use a microwave, and

watch television.

But an important thing to remember about electricity is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

The Important Book about Magnetism

By Marita d’Arnaud

An important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

Magnetism is one form of electromagnetic force. A force is a push or a pull.

Magnetism is related to electricity, the other form of electromagnetic force.

Can openers, magnetic levitation (Maglev) trains, and screwdrivers use magnets.

But an important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

An important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

Magnetic materials include metals and metal alloys like iron, nickel, and cobalt.

Magnets come in different sizes and shapes such as rings, bars, and horseshoes.

There are temporary magnets and permanent magnets.

But an important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

An important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

A magnet has two poles, a north pole and a south pole.

Each magnet produces a magnetic field traveling from north to south that

curves around the magnet.

Unlike poles attract, and like poles repel. The closer the poles are, the

stronger the force.

Electric currents produce magnetic fields.

But an important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

An important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

Our earth, with a nickel and iron core, is a giant magnet that has a magnetic north

pole and south pole.

Scientists theorize that moving electric currents inside the earth create its

magnetic field.

A compass is a magnetized needle that points to the earth’s magnetic north pole.

The earth’s magnetic poles are at least one thousand miles away from the earth’s

geographic poles.

But an important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

An important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.

Just as an electric current produces a magnetic field, a changing magnetic field

produces an electric current.

A coiled wire with an electric current has a stronger magnetic field than a straight

wire with current.

Inserting an iron bar into the coil creates an electromagnet, with an even stronger


Electromagnets are used in electric generators, motors, and simple devices such as

doorbells, VCRs, telephones, and loudspeakers.

But an important thing to remember about magnetism is that it has many useful applications in everyday life.


A legend is a story about an event that happened a long time ago. Usually, a legend has some truth to it, but untruths have often been added through the years. There is a Greek legend about how magnets were first discovered.

Thousands of years ago, an old man named Magnes was herding his sheep. As he walked his sheep through the fields, he climbed on a large, black rock to get a better view.

Something strange happened. The nails in his shoes and the metal at the tip of his shepherd’s staff stuck to the rock! He lifted his feet out of his shoes and left his staff to go tell the townspeople of Magnesia what happened.

They came to look at the mysterious rock. The townspeople were amazed. Magnes then removed his shoes and staff and went on his way. The townspeople named the black rock “magnetite” after the old man and

the town nearby.

Over the years, legends were made up about the power of magnetite.

Some legends told of magnetite having magical powers. Others told of magnetite healing the sick and driving evil spirits away. Sailors told legends of ships made of iron being attracted to magnetite rocks only to be crushed and shipwrecked.

From Teacher Created Materials

Famous Scientists Timeline

L. Ruvalcaba MVSD GLAD 2005

470 BC Democritus Greek philosopher - theorizes about the atom.

Theorized that all matter was made up of invisible particles called atoms. His idea was rejected at the time because it could not be proved. He was even suspected of being insane.

625-547 BC Thales Ancient Greek scientist, Thales, observed that an electric charge could be generated by rubbing amber with a piece of wool or fur, the greek word for electron

1600 William Gilbert English Scientist - first to study about the

lines of force around magnets. He theorized

that Earth was a large magnet and exerted

a magnetic influence (gravity) throughout

the solar system. He was the first scientist

to use the word electric to describe one

object’s power to attract others. He made

the first electroscope, an instrument that

detects the presence of an electric charge.

1687 Sir Isaac Newton British Scientist - Explained how all objects

in the universe, even the planets, move. His laws of motion used math and he made predictions, for the first time. Scientists still consider Newton the most famous physicist ever.

1752. Benjamin Franklin American statesman and inventor. He proved

that lightning was static electricity, invented the Franklin stove, bifocal glasses, and the lightning rod.

1769 James Watt Scottish engineer – made important improvements

to the steam engine, thereby helping to stimulate

the Industrial Revolution. He was the first person

who coined the term, horsepower. The basic

measure of electric power is the watt, which was

named in his honor.

1800 Alessandro Volta Italian physicist. Discovered that 2 metals in

contact could create an electric current. Created the first electric battery and condenser. Invented the electrophorous to show static electricity, a device with two metal plates that can make an electrical charge. Volt (modern unit of electric potential, which is the strength or “electric push” of the flowing charge) named after him

1803 John Dalton English scientist provided proof that atoms

existed. His atomic theory states that all matter is made up of small, indivisible particles called atoms. Atoms of different particles have different properties, but all atoms of the same element are identical. Atoms cannot be created or destroyed.

1819 Hans Christian Oersted Danish Scientist – discovered electromagnetism

He was conducting an experiment with an electrical

circuit and noticed that when he turned the circuit

on and off the needle of his nearby compass would

jump. He concluded that electricity produces magnetism. His discovery became the basis of the electric motor and the electromagnet.

1826 Georg Ohm Made an important discovery about resistance. He

studied the relationship between the amount of

current that flowed through a wire(amperage) and

the amount of EMF that drove the current (voltage).

1830’s Andre Ampere French scientist - Discovered that if he passed an

electric current through a coil of wire, the wire

acted like a magnet. The basic unit of electric

current flow is named “ampere.”

1831 Michael Faraday British Scientist – Conducted an experiment devised

to bring about the conversion of magnetism to

electricity. He imagined that there were “lines of force” stretching out in space from a magnet. He discovered electromagnetic induction, a varying or moving magnetic field produces an electromotive force emf in a nearby conductor, and thus an electric current if the conductor is part of a circuit. Constructed the first electric generator.

1847 Alexander Graham Bell Born in Scotland, emigrated to America in

1871. American scientist and inventor. He found

that different voice tones could vary the electrical

signals flowing in a wire, by the process of

electromagnetic induction. Invented an early

version of the telephone.

1865 James Clerk Maxwell Scottish physicist. Developed the math to

describe electric and magnetic fields and how they

affect each other. He showed that magnetic fields

and electric fields always exist together, so the

field is really an electromagnetic field. Maxwell

also produced a theory about what light is and how

it moves.

1873 Demitri Mendeleyev Siberian scientist devised his periodic table of

elements. He used the atomic weights of elements

and grouped the elements according to similar

properties, such as how they react with oxygen.

This gave him seven different groups of elements.

He made the claim that “properties of the elements

were periodic functions of their atomic weights.”Mendeleyev called this the periodic table of elements because the chemical properties repeated themselves every seven elements.

1877 Thomas Edison American Inventor He invented the phonograph

and the incandescent lightbulb, had more than 1,300 inventions in his lifetime

1881 Lewis H. Latimer African American inventor - He made incandescent

lightblulb last much longer by using inexpensive

carbon filaments.

1893 Nikola Tesla Croatian Scientist – invented AC power (alternating

currents) An alternating current flows alternately in

either direction, and its voltage can be easily controlled. Tesla showed that AC power could be transmitted efficiently at high voltages over great distances. When it reached the points it was to be transferred into homes, devices called transformers could decrease the voltage to safe levels. Tesla invented all the different components of the entire AC system – generator, transformer, transmission lines, motor and lights.

1898 Marie Curie Polish scientist – discovered the element

radium. Famous for her discoveries in field of radioactivity. Discovered that a small amount of radium would destroy human tissue.

1905 Albert Einstein German scientist – Most famous for his theory of

relativity. One of the most famous discoveries in all

scientific history was the amount of energy stored

in matter. If the amount of energy that is stored in

just one pound of coal could be converted into

energy it would produce the amount of electricity the entire world uses in one day.





Katrina Faber, her sister Carla, and their parents are spending Saturday afternoon at the Franklin Institute Science Museum in Philadelphia. “Hey kids, come look at this! It’s an exhibit on Ben Franklin’s inventions. He was from Philly, you know, just like us,” said Mrs. Faber.

“No, he was born in Boston!” Carla quickly added. Mrs. Faber stated that he lived in Philadelphia, Ben’s favorite city, most of his life.

“Wow! This is pretty incredible! Look at all the things he invented. Wood stoves…bifocals…” Mr. Faber exclaimed. Katrina wanted to know what bifocals were. Carla explained that they are special glasses with two lenses. The top is for viewing long distances while the bottom half is for reading. Then Mr. Faber continued to explain how old Ben got tired of switching his regular glasses to his reading glasses that he combined the two and invented bifocals.


Katrina sat down on a bench while her family continued looking at exhibits. As Mrs. Faber started talking about Franklin discovering electricity, Katrina noticed an oddly dressed elderly man. He was wearing a shiny suit with ruffles at the wrists, and his pants went down to his knees. His shoes had silver buckles on them. Still, Katrina was sure she’d seen him somewhere before. “It never happened,” the stranger spoke.

“What?” asked Katrina.

“I never discovered electricity.” Katrina stared at the stranger and was dumbfounded. “What, you don’t recognize old Ben? Ben Franklin?” Ben said.

“You can’t be Ben Franklin, he was born a million years ago!” Katrina remarked.

“Would you offer him a seat if he were here?” asked Ben. Katrina nodded.


Ben sat down next to Katrina and kicked off his shoes and asked her what they were talking about. Katrina couldn’t believe that he had already forgotten what they were discussing. “Electricity, Mr. Franklin,” she replied.


Ben chuckled and then began to explain how many people thought he discovered electricity however it was the Greeks who discovered it about 3,000 years ago in 600 B.C.E. They weren’t sure how to use it. All they knew was that rubbing amber with a piece of wool would create static electricity. He told her another example of static electricity is when a person takes off their hat in the winter and their hair stands straight up. “That’s electricity?” Katrina asked.

“Sure. It’s just like your TV,” Ben answered. Then Katrina gave Ben a puzzled look and he replied, “I keep up. Here, close your eyes for a second and I’ll show you exactly how I discovered that lightning was made out of electricity.”


When Katrina opened her eyes, she found herself in a living room of a house. There was a paper on the table that resembled a newspaper with date 1752. Ben was there, with his shoes on, sitting in a chair talking to his son named William. He asked him what he was doing for the day and if he wanted to help perform an experiment. She could then hear Ben saying, “It’s going to be a rainy evening. It’s perfect weather for our electrical experiment. Let’s get started.” Katrina watched as they made a kite out of two crossed strips of cedar wood and an old handkerchief. Then they attached a piece of wire to one of the strips. She wondered if they needed her help or if they could even see her.


The two went outside and Katrina followed. She heard Ben tell William how electricity was discovered hundreds of years ago. Yet, nobody really knew what it was, or how to use it, or if it could be used. “Is it magic?” she heard William ask.

“It’s not magic. I suspect it comes from nature. My guess is that lightning is made of electricity. That’s what I hope we can prove tonight. Metal attracts electricity. I think it attracts lightning, too,” Ben said. He then took the kite and tied a large metal key to it. Ben held onto the string as William ran with the kite. A strong wind took the kite high into the air.


“Hey wait! That’s really dangerous! I heard about someone who got hit by lightning on a golf course and got badly hurt! Hey! Can your hear me?” Katrina yelled. Ben and his son didn’t hear Katrina’s warning.

“Direct me towards the darkest cloud, William!” Ben instructed. Lightning was flashing all around them, and finally it struck the wire on the kite. Ben reached for the key and yelled, “Yeow!” A spark flew off the key and zapped him.

“Did electricity travel down the string? Was that spark electricity?” William asked.

“It most certainly was! We’ve done it, William! We’ve proven that lightning is made of electricity!” exclaimed Ben.


“How does this help us?” asked William. Ben put his arm around William and began telling him how he thought he could prevent houses from burning down to the ground that get struck by lightning. He explained that lightning is attracted to metal, and that lightning usually strikes the tallest thing around. Katrina then heard Ben tell his son that if he put a tall metal pole on every house, the lightning would hit the pole instead of the house. “Katrina, it’s time to go!” William said.

“What? You can see me?” Katrina said.

“I said it’s time to go!” William said again.


Katrina blinked and found that she was sitting on the bench at the Franklin Institute. Katrina’s dad was shaking her on the shoulder. “Hey Katrina, it’s time to go! I said, it’s time to go! Have you been sleeping on this bench all afternoon?” Mr. Faber asked.

Carla laughed, “I’ll bet you’ve really learned a lot.”

“I learned plenty today,” Katrina responded. She then went into detail about the story of Ben and his son discovering that lightning was made of electricity and how he put that discovery into inventing the lightning rod.

“Where did you learn that?” asked Mrs. Faber.

“Ben Franklin told me. I mean, I must have read it somewhere,” Katrina stammered. Mr. Faber had then said that it was time to hit the road.


“I need to get a drink of water first. I’ll hurry,” Katrina said. Just as she was getting a drink she noticed someone carefully studying the electricity exhibit. It was Ben. “Mr. Franklin, your still here. I told my parents about the lightning rod. That was great,” Katrina said. With a smile on Ben’s face, he told Katrina of some other amazing accomplishments during his time. He told her how he formed the first fire department, established the first free library, invented the wood stove, signed the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution. He even went to France to raise money for the American Revolution. “Wow, I can’t even finish all of my homework sometimes!” Katrina said.


“People can accomplish a lot if they believe in themselves and work hard. Nothing is so complicated that we can’t understand it. All you have to do is slow down and think it through carefully. Pretty soon it’ll make sense to you. When I was young there were a million things we didn’t understand about science and medicine. But, I read everything I could, spent lots of time thinking about things. Try it. You’ll be surprised what you might discover.” Ben said. Just then Ben pulled a penny from behind Katrina’s ear and handed it to her. “Here’s a penny for your thoughts,” he said.

“How did you do that?” Katrina was shocked.

“It’s magic,” Ben replied.

“Thanks, Mr. Franklin. Thanks for everything,” Katrina said


That night Mrs. Faber went to tuck Katrina into bed. They discussed the events of the day and their favorite exhibits. As Mrs. Faber went to turn the light off she noticed something shiny on Katrina’s desk and picked it up. “This penny is from 1789. Where did you get this?” Mrs. Faber asked.

Katrina smiled, “An ‘old’ friend gave it to me.”


“Hey kids, come look at this! It’s

an exhibit on Ben Franklin’s inventions.

He was from Philly, you know, just like


“Wow! This is pretty incredible!

Look at all the things he invented.

Wood stoves…bifocals…”

“I never discovered electricity.”

“That’s electricity?”

“Sure. It’s just like your T.V.”

“I keep up. Close your eyes for

a second and I’ll show you exactly

how I discovered that lightning

is made out of electricity.”

“It’s going to be a rainy evening.

It’s perfect weather for our

electrical experiment. Let’s get


“Is it magic?”

“It’s not magic. I suspect it

comes from nature. My guess

is that lightning is made of

electricity. That’s what I hope

we can prove tonight. Metal

attracts electricity.”I think

it attracts lightning, too.”

“Direct me towards the

darkest cloud, William!”

“Was that spark electricity?”

“It most certainly was! We’ve done it,

William! We’ve proven that lightning is made

of electricity!”

“Katrina, it’s time to go!”

“Hey Katrina, it’s time to go! I said, it’s

time to go! Have you been sleeping on

this bench all afternoon?”

“Mr. Franklin, you’re still here.

I told my parents about the

lightning rod. That was great!”

“People can accomplish a lot if they

believe in themselves and work hard.

Nothing is so complicated that we can’t

understand it.”

“Here’s a penny for your thoughts.”

“How did you do that?”

“It’s magic!”

“Thanks, Mr. Franklin. Thanks for


“This penny is from 1789.

Where did you get this?”

“An ‘old’ friend gave it to me.”






Project Glad – MVSD Team 2005

ELECTRONS by M. d’Arnaud

Electrons here, electrons there,

Electrons, electrons, everywhere!

Minute electrons spinning,

Negative electrons attracting,

Weightless electrons repelling, and

Spherical electrons flowing.

Electrons in the circuits,

Electrons around the magnets,

Electrons near the filaments, and

Electrons from the generator.

Electrons here, electrons there,

Electrons, electrons, everywhere!

Electrons, electrons, electrons!


I’m an electrical engineer, and here to say

I study how charges move everyday.

Sometimes I plan a circuit or read a physics book,

Sometimes I analyze how electromagnets look.

Conductors, voltage, and resistance, too

The Electrical Current Bugaloo!

I study electricity and where it flows,

When switches are flipped, well, there it goes.

It travels through conductors often wrapped in insulators,

Currents can convert to light, and cool refrigerators.

Conductors, voltage, and resistance, too

The Electrical Current Bugaloo!

Parallel and series circuits are part of my design

When creating electrical devices divine,

Generators and batteries produce electricity,

And current can flow as AC or DC.

Conductors, voltage, and resistance, too

The Electrical Current Bugaloo!

by M. d’Arnaud

I’M A MAGNET by M. d’Arnaud

(Tune of I’m a Nut)

I’m a magnet, and I’m here to say,

I have a magnetic field around me all day.

North and south are my two poles,

When next to other magnets, they’ve got their own roles.

I’m a magnet with magnetic force.

I’m a magnet with magnetic force!

Unlike poles attract while like poles repel,

Attraction or repulsion, it’s easy to tell.

I’m a permanent magnet if I’m strongly magnetic,

If weak, I’m temporary, not quite so energetic.

I’m a magnet with magnetic force.

I’m a magnet with magnetic force!

Electric currents can create strong electromagnets,

And magnetic fields can induce electric currents.

Nickel, cobalt, and iron are ferromagnetic,

Other strong magnets can be natural or synthetic.

I’m a magnet with magnetic force.

I’m a magnet with magnetic force!

I’M A CIRCUIT by M. d’Arnaud

(My Darling Clementine tune)

I’m a circuit, I’m a circuit, where electric current flows.

I’ve got a light bulb and a battery,

Plus conductive wires, everyone knows.

I have voltage from my battery, and resistance in the bulb,

Moving electrons cause a current,

As they flow, spin, and revolve.


Is this a circuit? Yes, ma’am.

Is this a circuit? Yes, ma’am.

How do you know? Electrons are flowing.

How do you know? It has electrical wires.

What else does it have? Light bulbs and switches,

Any other parts? A battery for voltage.

Is this a simple circuit? Yes, ma’am.

Is this a simple circuit? Yes, ma’am.

How do you know? It has only one bulb.

What else does it have? A conductor and voltage.

Any other parts? Sometimes a switch.

What is happening? Electrons are flowing.

Is this a series circuit? Yes, ma’am.

Is this a series circuit? Yes, ma’am.

How do you know? It has two or more bulbs.

How are they connected? In a row.

Give me an example. Holiday lights.

Is this a parallel circuit? Yes, ma’am.

Is this a parallel circuit? Yes, ma’am.

How do you know? It has two or more bulbs.

How are they connected? Branching out in different paths.

Give me an example. The lighting in your house.

Well, now are you through? Yes, ma’am.

Did you tell me true? Yes, ma’am.

And what did you chant? An electrical circuit.

And what did you chant? An electrical circuit.

By Elsa Perini and Marita d’Arnaud


By M. M. d’Arnaud

I don’t know, but I’ve been told,

An investigation’s worth its weight in gold.

A lab experiment is fun to do,

The scientific method’s the way for you.

Sound off…….Meaningful question,

Sound off…….Investigation,

Sound off…….1,2…Experiment!

Start with a question for which you’d like an answer,

And develop a hypothesis, an educated guess,

Determine the variables that can affect the outcomes,

Then list the materials and procedures for your tests.

Sound off…….Hypothesis,

Sound off…….Procedures and Materials,

Sound off…….1,2…Experiment!

Carefully observe what’s in motion or at rest,

Record and gather data as you measure and test,

Repeat your tests, analyze your observations,

Then develop a conclusion for the investigation.

Sound off…….Analysis,

Sound off…….Conclusions,

Sound off…….1,2…Experiment!

MATTER by M. M. d’Arnaud

(Tune of Down by the Bay)

The world’s made of matter.

It has mass and takes up space,

And it comes in different phases,

Like solid, liquid, and gas.

Matter’s made up of elements,

Elements’ units are called atoms,

More than a hundred different atoms on the Periodic Table,

The world’s made of matter.

Our universe is made of matter,

Which can melt, boil, freeze, and evaporate.

Mixing matter can form new substances,

With different properties than the originals.

Early people thought all matter

Was made of earth, wind, fire, and water,

Over a hundred different atoms,

microscopic and in motion,

Make up our universe.


(Tune of The Brady Bunch – Verse 2 & Chorus)

By Kendra Maxwell and Margaret John

Here’s a story

About the states of matter,

It is everywhere in this whole wide world.

It is people. It is water.

It is plants. It is rocks, and it is air.

The states of matter,

The states of matter,

It is solid. It is liquid. It is gas.

I Know a Physicist

I know an accomplished physicist,

An observant accomplished physicist,

An observant accomplished physicist,

Who studies the laws of the universe.

He develops and conducts experiments,

Monitors momentum and motion,

Calculates forces and distances,

And determines the causes of change.

She designs electric circuits,

Investigates magnetic fields,

Utilizes inductors and capacitors,

And reads research by other scientists.

I know an accomplished physicist,

Who examines the conversion of energy,

Solves problems about mass and charge,

And speculates future events.

By M. d’Arnaud & MVSD Project Glad Team 2005

Magnetism and Electricity

Home/School Connection #1

Find two objects that you think are magnetic and two that are nonmagnetic.

Sketch and label the objects. Bring them to class tomorrow.

Student’s Name:_______________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature:_____________________________________________________

MVSD El Monte, CA Project GLAD Team 2005

Magnetismo y Electricidad

Conecsiones del Hogar y la Escuela #1

Busca dos objetos que piensas que son magneticos y dos que no son magneticos. Dibujalos y nombralos. Traelos a clase manana.



MVSD El Monte, CA Project GLAD Team 2005

Magnetism and Electricity

Home/School Connection #2

Ask an adult at home to give two examples of matter that they use at home or at work. Sketch and label those examples.

Student’s Name:_______________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature:_____________________________________________________

MVSD El Monte, CA Project GLAD Team 2005

Magnetismo y Electricidad

Conecsiones del Hogar y la Escuela #2

Preguntale a un adulto en casa que te den dos ejemplos de material. Dibujalos y nombralos.



MVSD El Monte, CA Project GLAD Team 2005

Magnetism and Electricity

Home/School Connection #3

Tell an adult at home about the legend of Magnes. Remember to include who, what, when, where, and why in your retelling. Sketch and write your favorite part of the legend of Magnes.

Student’s Name:_______________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature:_____________________________________________________

MVSD El Monte, CA Project GLAD Team 2005

Magnetismo y Electricidad

Conecsiones del Hogar y la Escuela #3

Cuentale a un adulto acerca de la leyenda de Magnes. Cuando cuentas la leyenda incluye quien, que, cuando, donde, y por que. Dibuja y escribe tu parte favorito de la leyenda de Magnes.



MVSD El Monte, CA Project GLAD Team 2005

Expert Groups

Static Electricity


When electrical charges have built up on the surface of an object, static electricity is created. For example, when a balloon is rubbed against your hair, electric charges build up on the surfaces of the balloon and your hair.

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Components (parts)

All matter is made up of tiny particles. Some of these particles carry units of electricity called electric charges. These charges can be positive (+) or negative (-). Most matter is neutral, which means that the number of positive charges and negative charges are equal. Only negative (-) charges can move from one material to another. When charges transfer from one neutral object to another, the first object is left with a positive (+) charge. The second one has gained negative (-) charges. Therefore, it has a negative charge.

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Like charges repel, or push away, one another. Unlike charges attract, or pull toward, each other. Eventually, electrically charged objects will lose their “charge”. These charges may simply leak away slowly into the air. Charges may also “jump” between materials. When electric charges move off of a charged object, an electric discharge takes place. This is called static electricity.

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Contributing Scientists

In 1752, Benjamin Franklin conducted a famous experiment in which he attached a metal key to a kite. Franklin flew this kite during a thunder storm and proved that lightning is indeed static electricity. He showed that lightning occurs when there is a positive (+) build up at the top of the storm clouds. The negative charges build up at the bottom of the clouds. These negative charges repel the negative charges on the ground, making it and any surrounding objects positively charged. Because opposite charges attract, the negative charges from the cloud “jump” toward the closest positively charged object creating a GIANT electrical discharge. This discovery led to Franklin’s invention of the lightning rod. The rod is attached to the top of buildings and is connected to the ground by heavy wires. It is through these wires that the electric charge can safely move toward the ground.

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Today, static electricity is useful in our everyday life. For example, as a form of pollution control, an electric static precipitator is used to charge dirt particles in the air and then collect them. People use products such as hair diffusers to dry curly hair, air purifiers (ionizers), photocopiers and paint guns, all of which use static electricity.

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Adapted from HM Science Discovery Works Gr. 4

Electric Currents


Electricity is a form of energy produced by the movement of electrons. When there is a steady flow of electrons (negative charges) through a given path, an electric current is created. This path that the current travels through is called an electric circuit.

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Electric currents travel easily through various forms of matter such as water and metal. These materials are called conductors. Metals such as gold, silver and copper are good conductors of electricity. Materials that are poor conductors are known as insulators. Wood, rubber, plastic, glass and cork are a few examples. Copper wires that are used to carry electric currents are coated with rubber. This rubber serves as an insulator. The insulator helps maintain the strength of the electric current within the wire and it also protects us from receiving an electric shock.

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Components (parts) / Contributing Scientists

Electricity flows through Direct Current (DC) and Alternating Current (AC). In a direct current, electricity flows continuously in one direction. Electric cells and batteries for flashlights are examples of DC. Thomas Edison’s first power plant could only transmit Direct Current (DC) power over one square mile. It was transmitted through thick dangerous cables. Edison’s direct current power was not safe for homes, schools or buildings because it produced too much voltage (amount of electricity) at once.

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Nikola Tesla, a Croatian physicist who came to America, found a solution to Edison’s problem. Tesla discovered that an Alternating Current (AC) could transmit electricity more efficiently at high voltages over great distances. In an Alternating Current (AC), the electricity flows one way around a circuit and then quickly switches back around in the opposite direction at a rate of fifty times per second. Tesla taught Edison about AC and explained that the voltage could easily be decreased to safe levels through transformers for daily use. The electricity in our homes and schools is AC.

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Computers, video games, TVs and radios all rely on components that control, change and manipulate electric currents. In fact, we depend on electric currents to supply energy to just about everything we use in our daily lives.

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Adapted from HM Science Discovery Works Gr. 4



An electromagnet is a powerful temporary magnet that is made when an electric current passes through a wire coiled around a piece of ferromagnetic material, often an iron core. In an electromagnet, electricity is used to create magnetism.

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Components (parts)

When an electric current moves through a wire, the wire becomes surrounded a magnetic field. The magnetic field of the current is comprised of concentric circles, centered on the wire and lying in the plane perpendicular to the current. By tightly winding the wire many times around the magnetic field becomes stronger and more concentrated. If this is done around a cylinder, a solenoid coil with a magnetic field similar to a bar magnet is created. When an iron core is placed inside the wire coil, the magnetic field is strengthened, and the result is an electromagnet.

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Interesting Facts/ Contributing Scientists

One can find the direction by using the right hand rule. By pointing the thumb on your right hand along the direction of the current, the fingers curl in the direction of the magnetic field. The scientist, Ampere discovered that the magnetic fields of two parallel currents cause an attraction between each other.

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An electromagnet is similar to a natural magnet is some ways. First, they both attract materials that contain iron and certain other metals. Next, they both have north and south poles. Electromagnets also have magnetic fields.

Electromagnets and permanent magnets differ in several ways. First, the strength of an electromagnet can be controlled by changing the amount of current flowing through the wire coil. Next, an electromagnet can be turned on and off. Finally, the connections of an electromagnet to a dry cell (battery) can be switched to make the current reverse directions. A compass will show that the poles of the magnet have been reversed. This reversing of poles explains the operation of electric motors.

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Contributing Scientists

Until 1819, everyone believed that magnetism and electricity were completely separate. In 1819, Danish physicist Hans Oersted discovered that an electric current passing through a wire caused a nearby compass needle to deflect, or move.

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Electromagnets have many useful applications. Enormous, strong electromagnets are used in recycling plants to separate cans made of steel from those made of aluminum. Our homes are filled with items that use them. Doorbells, telephones, VCRs and cassette players have electro-magnets. When a doorbell is pressed, a circuit closes and the electromagnet pulls on a hammer which strikes a bell. Electric motors rely on electromagnets as well. These motors run clocks, fans, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners and hair dryers.

Electric Circuits

Definition and Properties

For electricity to be useful, it must flow through a continuous, open path. This path along which negative electric charges can flow is called a circuit.

The flow of electrons in a circuit is similar to the water flow in a pipe. The circuit gives the electrons a path in which to flow. The amount of electricity in a circuit depends upon current, voltage and resistance. Current is the rate of the flow of electrons. Voltage is the force that causes it to flow. Finally, resistance is the property that slows or stops the flow of electrons.

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Components (parts)

There are three types of electric circuits. The simple circuit is the easiest to build. It begins with a source of electric charges such as a battery (dry cell). A light bulb or other device is then connected to the cell with one copper wire while another copper wire connects the bulb or other device back to the cell.

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Another type of circuit is a series circuit. In the series circuit, the same materials are used along with additional light bulbs and a power switch all strung in a row, much like holiday lights.

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The parallel circuit is the third type of electric circuit. The same materials are used, but they are connected differently. In a parallel circuit, each bulb or device is directly connected to the battery thus providing each bulb with its own path for electricity to flow to it. Parallel circuits are used in our schools and homes. A switch controls the flow of electricity through the circuit. When the switch is open, the current cannot flow. If the switch is closed, the current can flow.

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Contributing Scientists

Thomas Edison is primarily responsible for the distribution of electricity to factories, offices and homes. In 1879, while living in New Jersey, Edison worked on perfecting the electric light. He spent two years searching for the proper filament to provide adequate resistance. After over 7,000 attempts, he succeeded at inventing the electric light bulb. In 1882, Edison and his colleagues had cables installed to neighboring cities in order to distribute electricity to them.

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Electric circuits have enabled us to carry out many of our everyday tasks. Our cities, homes, businesses and schools are all supplied electricity through circuits. It is because of these circuits that we are able to light up dark places, watch TV, play video games and store food in our refrigerators. We have truly become a world dependant on the inventions and discoveries of physicists!

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|Major Concepts |What is it? |Its Properties |How to Construct |Inventions & Inventors |Interesting Facts |

| |An object that |-north and south poles |-attraction and |-Maglev train |-shepherd named Magnes |

| |attracts, or pulls on|-more objects |repulsion activity |-magnet |discovered lodestone in |

|Magnets |certain materials |-stick things together | |-compass |Ancient Turkey |

| |mainly iron and steel| | |-screw driver | |

| | | | |-can opener | |

| |The area around a |-caused by spinning |-build a compass lab| |-always have a north and|

| |magnet in which it |moving electrons | | |south pole |

|Magnetic Force Field |exerts its force |-concentric circles | | |-Earth has a magnetic |

| | |-weak electron force | | |force field |

| | |away from magnet | | | |

| |A build up of charge |-two objects that are |-rub head with a |-electrostatic |-lightning bolt strike |

| |in one place |attracted to each other |balloon |precipitator charge |tallest building on |

|Static Electricity | |to balance their |demo |dirt particles in air |Earth |

| | |electron | |to be collected |-Lightning rod |

| | | | |-air purifier charges |-Ben Franklin |

| | | | |air with static charge | |

| |Continuous flow of |-AC or DC |-demo electronics |-Thomas Edison | |

| |electrons around a |-Conductors & insulators| |-Nikola Tesla | |

|Electric Current |circuit |-magnetic field | | | |

| | |generated | | | |

| |Path around which an |-simple circuit |-make a series |-switches | |

|Types of Electric |electric current flow|-series circuit |circuit & a parallel|-overhead projector | |

|Circuits | |-parallel circuit |circuit lab |-car window | |

| | | | |-holiday lights | |

| | | | |-wiring in homes use | |

| | | | |parallel circuits | |

| |Powerful temporary |-electric current |-simple |-doorbell |Electro-magnets are used|

| |magnet made by |generates a magnetic |electro-magnet |-earphones |in recycling plants to |

|Electro- |wrapping a coil of |field |lab |-VCRs |separate aluminum cans |

|magnets |wire around a piece |-current determines | |-Electric motors |from steel ones |

| |of iron |strength of magnet | |-Electric generators | |

| | |-can be switched on or | |-Hans Oersted | |

| | |off | |-Ampere | |

| | |-poles can be changed | | | |

| | |-magnetic fields of | | | |

| | |parallel currents | | | |

| | |attract each other | | | |

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| |Definition |Component Parts |Its Properties |Contributing Scientists |Applications |

| | | | | |Interesting Facts |

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|Magnetic Force Fields | | | | | |

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|Static Electricity | | | | | |

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|Electric Circuits | | | | | |

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|Electromagnets | | | | | |

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