Note Logic: .edu

Douglas Simmons

Group: Dana Price and Ed Vitiello

EMID ES 95, Lehrman

The Laser Harp

The Concept:

The original idea was to build a harp with lasers replacing the strings. Instead of plucking a string the player would break a laser beam, how futuristic. We also wanted to include several other controllers to change other parameters. Some of our original ideas were ribbon sensors to control pitch bend or modulation, switches to change the octave range, and switches to control different background sequences.


Note Logic:

The photocell on the harp sends in controller data values to Max based on how much light is in contact with its surface. With the laser pointers powered on there is a base value coming in to Max, say 25 for example, and when the beam is broken it jumps up to about 98.

So the basic idea of triggering notes becomes simple, play a note every time the incoming value is greater than the base value. However, if any electrical noise causes that base value to fluctuate then a note would be played. To solve this problem a specified value was added to the base value, say 6, to act as a filter and ensure that notes were only being played when the beam was broken.

This is how the original note logic was setup, except there was a major flaw. The flaw is that when your finger breaks the beam, the incoming value is not constant, it fluctuates. Therefore a makenote is triggered every time that number changes, regardless of whether you have removed your finger from the beams path. What the program should be doing is triggering a makenote the first time the incoming value crosses the threshold and not sending another one until the value has dropped back below the threshold.

The code on the right does just that. What it is doing is actually changing the threshold value that the incoming value is being compared to. So when an incoming value is higher than 32 a note is triggered, and the number in the > object is changed to 200. No values from the photocell will be above 200 and therefore the > object will never evaluate true, keeping more notes from being triggered. Then, when the incoming value drops back below the original threshold, 32, the number in the > object changes from 200 back to 32, setting up the code to trigger another note.

This code was then used to control a clocker that would time how long your finger was breaking the laser beam. When the threshold value is changed to 200 the timer starts, and when it drops back down it stops. That timer value is then scaled to 0 to 127 and sent to a bendout. However one key aspect in the scaling is that the output is negative until 800 milliseconds. That way the pitch bend does not start until after you have held your finger in the beam for .8 seconds, giving the player time to move there finger if they do not want to bend a particular note. Also, the switch at the bottom makes sure the value going to the bendout never exceeds 127.

Calibrate Threshold:

The incoming base value for each sensor was not always same. So a sub patch was written so the value of the threshold could be calculated automatically based on the incoming value, instead of having to change each one manually.

LFO and Sustain Button Logic:


When one of the six buttons shown above is hit, it sends out controller data to Max. Each button sends out a different value and that value is then mapped to a musical parameter. When a controller value enters it Max it is compared to see if it fits within a specified range. If that comparison evaluates true then a number, between 0 and 127, is sent out. The code to accomplish this is shown below.

Scale and Octave Selection:

Three buttons on the front of the harp control which scale is being played by the harp. The logic in Max first decides which button has been pushed and sends a bang to one of three lines of code, shown below.


This then triggers those specified numbers to be added to a base note of 60, and this is what gives the final note values for each scale. Shown below are the final note values for the chromatic scale.


To change the octave up and down, the foot switch was simply wired to change the base note up by 12 or down by 12.


We wanted to have background sequences that would accompany the player and could be controlled from the harp. Three sequences were put together in Reason that the player could play over. Buttons on the front edge of the harp control which sequence is loaded and a foot switch on the floor starts and stops the sequences when the player wishes.

Ribbon Sensor:

Originally we wanted two ribbon sensors on either side of the photocells for changing parameters on the fly. The sensors were made of two strips of conductive plastic. Leads were attached to each end of each strip and the strips were taped together, conductive sides facing each other.

However we could not get our homemade ribbon sensors to give us reliable data. All of the output data was extremely noisy, fluctuating between as many as 15 values and the point on the ribbon did not always produce the same number. Two different prototypes were constructed and several different circuit setups with the op-amp were tried only to no avail. We were then forced to scrap the ribbon sensors and replace them with switches.

My Particular Responsibilities:

- Construct wiring for six buttons on either side of photo cells and program logic for buttons to control LFO amount and note duration.

- Program logic to output notes when laser beam is broken and bend note when beam is broken for specified amount of time.

- Construct ribbon sensors and get them to output reliable data. (did not work)

- Program potentiometer knob to control master volume.

- Program foot pedal to control modulation wheel.

- Have pieces of metal for body cut by machine shop.

Summary of What Harp Does:

- When laser beam is broken a single note plays

o if beam is held broken for longer then .8 seconds the note will bend

- Set of six buttons changes LFO amount at six discrete settings

- Set of six buttons changes note duration at six discrete settings

- Three buttons on front face select between three different scales

- Three buttons on front face select between three different sequences

o foot switch on floor starts and stops sequences

- Knob on front face controls master volume

- Foot pedal controls modulation wheel

o wheel set to control filter frequency

- Foot switches change range of harp up one octave and down one octave

Some Pictures of Final Product:

[pic] [pic]


Hardware and Wiring Appendix:


The Laser Harp is built with 12 photocells, 12 laser pointers, resistors (for divider circuits) and assorted switches, pots and push buttons. Power requirements are 5Vdc at 500 Ma. Controls are shown below:

|Front Panel Controls |Floor Controls |

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|Harp Controls | |

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|12 photocells for generating notes by breaking the beam of light | |

|with your finger | |

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|left side 6-switch row for controlling note duration | |

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|right side 6-switch row for controlling LFO amount | |

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Wiring Information

|Control Name |Type |Cable Pair |wire size |Cable Color |Doepfer Connect |MAX Control |

| | | |(awg) | | | |

|Analog Control Signals |

|+5 VDC |+5Vdc Power |blk/white1 |22 |blk -> red1 |5VDC |n/a |

|GND |Ground |blk/red |22 |black |GND |n/a |

|PC-1 |photocell/note 1 |brown/white |24 |brown/white |JP1-9 |ctlin 8 |

|PC-2 |photocell/note 2 |white/brown |24 |white/brown |JP1-12 |ctlin 11 |

|PC-3 |photocell/note 3 |green/white |24 |green/white |JP1-4 |ctlin 3 |

|PC-4 |photocell/note 4 |white/green |24 |white/green |JP1-7 |ctlin 6 |

|PC-5 |photocell/note 5 |blue/white |24 |blue/white |JP1-10 |ctlin 9 |

|PC-6 |photocell/note 6 |white/blue |24 |white/blue |JP1-5 |ctlin 4 |

|PC-7 |photocell/note 7 |orange/white |24 |orange/white |JP1-2 |ctlin 1 |

|PC-8 |photocell/note 8 |white/orange |24 |white/orange |JP1-6 |ctlin 5 |

|PC-9 |photocell/note 9 |yellow/blk |22 |yellow |JP1-1 |ctlin 0 |

|PC-10 |photocell/note 10 |yellow/blk |22 |black |JP1-8 |ctlin 7 |

|PC-11 |photocell/note 11 |blue/blk |22 |blue |JP1-3 |ctlin 2 |

|PC-12 |photocell/note 12 |blue/blk |22 |blk |JP1-11 |ctlin 10 |

|VC-1 |volume control 1 |blk/orange |22 |orange |JP1-13 |ctlin 12 |

|VC-2 |volume pedal |brown/black |22 | |JP1-15 |ctlin 14 |

|VC-3 |not used (spare) |n/a |22 |n/a |n/a |n/a |

|MC-1 |left 6-switch row |brown/black |22 |brown |JP1-14 |ctlin 13 |

|MC-2 |right 6-switch row |brown/black |22 |black |JP1-16 |ctlin 15 |

|Digital (Switch Input) Control Signals |

|PB1.C |PB-1 Common |blk/red |22 |red |JP6-COM (+5V) |n/a |

|SW-1 |1 of 3 seq select |black/white |22 |white |JPx-3 note |notein 2 |

|SW-2 |2 of 3 seq select |black/white |22 |black |JPx-1 note |notein 0 |

|SW-3 |3 of 3 seq select |black/green |22 |black |JPx-5 note |notein 4 |

|SW-4 |1 of 3 scale select |black/green |22 |green |JPx-7 note |notein 6 |

|SW-5 |2 of 3 scale select |red/green |22 |green |JPx-11 note |notein 10 |

|SW-6 |3 of 3 scale select |red/green |22 |red |JPx-9 note |notein 8 |

|SW-7 |Play/Stop | |22 | |JPx-13 note |notein 12 |

|SW-8 |Octave UP | |22 | |JPx-2 note |notein 1 |

|SW-9 |Octave DOWN | |22 | |JPx-15 note |notein 14 |


(1) 5VDC doepfer signal is connected only to the volume pedal floor switch.

All other 5V power is from an external supply.


|Harp Photocells and Front Panel Volume Control |

|[pic] |

|Harp left side 6-button switch row |Harp right side 6-button switch row |

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|Front Panel Switches |

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|Floor Switch and Volume Pedal |

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10k pot

ctlin 12



1K ohm

ctlin 11



1K ohm

ctlin 3



1K ohm

ctlin 2



1K ohm

ctlin 1



1K ohm


+5 VDC














Chromatic Scale


Scale Select

Sequence Select


not used

Diatonic Scale

Load Song #3

Load Song #2

Load Song #1

Power On/Off

Scale Select

Sequence Select


not used

Diatonic Scale

Blues Scale

Load Song #3

Load Song #2

Load Song #1

Power On/Off


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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