Wireless Avionics Intra Communications

|[pic] | |ACP-WGF27/WP-28 |

| |International Civil Aviation Organization |2012-09-14 |

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Montreal, Canada 17 – 26 September 2012

|Agenda Item 2: |Development of ICAO position for WRC-15 |

Wireless Avionics Intra Communications

(Presented by John Mettrop)


|This paper proposes a modification to the ICAO position to ensure that any decision is on which frequency |

|band WAIC can operate in is transparent and based on technical evidence that has been reviewed by ICAO. |


At WRC-12 a proposal was made for an agenda item to be included on the agenda on WRC-15 to seek access to spectrum for wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC) systems.

The agenda item was adopted as agenda item 1.17 for WRC-15


The aircraft manufacturers have been studying this issue for some time prior to the last WRC but have yet to bring forward any technical studies in either ICAO or the ITU to indicate the parameters of the WAIC system, which frequency bands are and are not suitable and why.

In order to support this agenda item I and I believe ICAO need to be provided with technical evidence as to why certain bands are or are not suitable to support WAIC and given the chance to undertake their own studies if necessary.

Without information such as technical compatibility studies I cannot see how WG-F can decide how to advise ICAO on whether the frequency bands proposed will or will not cause interference to existing or planned aeronautical systems.

I believe that the ICAO position needs to adopt a safe approach by opposing the introduction of an AM(R)S allocation into existing ARNS bands until it has been proven to ICAOs satisfaction that such an allocation for WAIC would not pose a threat to existing/planned aeronautical systems.

In order to reflect this I propose the attached amendment to the ICAO position for agenda item 1.17.

Recommended action by the meeting

The meeting is invited to:-

• To agree to the proposed changes to the ICAO position detailed in the attachment to this document


WRC-15 Agenda Item 1.17

Agenda Item Title:

To consider possible spectrum requirements and regulatory actions, including appropriate aeronautical allocations, to support wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC), in accordance with Resolution 423[COM 6/22] (WRC-12);


The civil aviation industry is developing the future generation of aircraft. This next generation is being designed to enhance efficiency and reliability while maintaining, current required levels of safety as a minimum. The use of wireless technologies may reduce the overall weight of systems, reducing the amount of fuel required to fly and thus benefiting the environment.

Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) systems provide one way to derive these benefits. WAIC systems consist of radiocommunications between two or more points on a single aircraft; and constitute exclusive closed on board networks required for the operation of the an aircraft. WAIC systems do not provide air-to-ground, air-to-satellite or air-to-air communications. WAIC systems will only be used for safety-related aircraft applications.

The ability to use WAIC communication systems globally is extremely important to the civil aviation industry, but presents a significant challenge given the international nature of air travel. The aviation industry is striving to utilize wireless systems whenfor both system upgradinges on existingcurrent aircraft.

Resolution 423[COM 6/22] calls for consideration to be initially given to frequency bands currently allocated to aeronautical services (AMS, AM(R)S and ARNS) on a worldwide basis. If existing aeronautical bands cannot support the WAIC spectrum requirements, then consider new aeronautical allocations.

ICAO does not supports an allocation to the AM(R)S for WAIC until it has been satisfied through technical studies that it willprovided that it does not cause harmful interference to the existing orand planned aeronautical systems. Any allocation would have to be the AM(R)S and be

ICAO supports an allocation to the AM(R)S for WAIC provided withthat the appropriate level of regulatory and technical protection commensurate with , as required for a safety service., will be ensured.


ICAO Position:

To oppose, until technical studies have proven to ICAO’s satisfaction, the allocation of support, based on results of studies, AM(R)S allocation(s) for Wireless Avionics Intra-Communications (WAIC) systems in frequency bands currently allocated to aeronautical services

If the above condition is meet then the WAIC systems must under the condition they do not cause harmful interference to existing orand planned aeronautical systems.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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