Oral Arguments


Schedule of Oral Arguments


Thursday, December 13, 2018

Arguments commence promptly at 9:30 a.m.

Courtroom, RDB 1009

Stinnie v. Holcomb, No. 18-0526

On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

Issue Presented: Whether Rooker-Feldman deprives federal court of jurisdiction over action challenging the constitutional validity of state law providing for suspension of driver’s license for failing to pay court costs or fines imposed after a criminal conviction.

Before: Morgado, C.J., and Fox and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Raymond Boyle

Counsel for Respondent: Federica Vergani

Americulure, Inc. v. Los Lobos Renewable Power, No. 18-0428

On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit

Issue Presented: Whether district court decision refusing to apply state anti-SLAPP statute in diversity action is subject to immediate appellate review under the collateral order doctrine of Cohen v. Beneficial Indus. Loan Corp.

Before: Karborani, C.J., and Van Mehren and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Kathleen Leon

Counsel for Respondent: Payton McCann

Bergrin v. United States, No. 18-0126

On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

Issue Presented: Whether criminal defendant may, as a constitutional, statutory, and prudential matter, appeal district court judgment finding him incompetent to stand trial and dismissing charges against him.

Before: Garcia, C.J., and Leon and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Matthew Fox

Counsel for Respondent: Elizabeth Tavares

Trump v. City and County of San Francisco, No. 18-1227

On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Issue Presented: Whether municipalities’ constitutional challenge to executive order restricting the grant of federal funds to co-called “sanctuary cities” that fail to assist in enforcement of federal immigration law is ripe for judicial resolution.

Before: Roig, C.J., and Sanz de Acedo and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Sarah Morgado

Counsel for Respondent: Nathalie de Almagro

Love v. Lanuza, No. 17-0428

On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Issue Presented: Whether a federal court may extend the private cause of action of Bivens v. Six Unknown Agents to a claim against an attorney of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement for falsifying evidence in an immigration proceeding.

Before: Gordon, C.J., and Sanchez and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Payton McCann

Counsel for Respondent: Federica Vergani

In Re United States, No. 18-0303

On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

Issue Presented: Whether court of appeals erred in declining to grant writs of mandamus against district court order denying motion to dismiss lawsuit alleging that United States, the President of the United States, and federal agencies and officials had contributed to climate change and order denying motion to stay all discovery in the action.

Before: Boyle, C.J., and Tavares and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Mario Sabates

Counsel for Respondent: Amaia Sanz de Acedo

City of Grand Rapids v. Johnson, No. 17-1227

On certiorari to the Supreme Court of Michigan

Issue Presented: Whether a municipality can be liable under Monell v. Dep’t of Social Servs. for police conduct taken pursuant to a municipal policy or custom that authorizes, but does not require, officers to engage in specific conduct.

Before: Sanz de Acedo, C.J., and Vergani and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Kathleen Leon

Counsel for Respondent: Carolina Sanchez

Coleman v. Labor and Industry Review Commission of Wisconsin, No. 18-0515

On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

Issue Presented: Whether consent from the plaintiff to resolution by magistrate judge is alone sufficient to give the magistrate authority under 28 U.S.C. § 636(c)(1) to issue a final judgment resolving a case on the merits.

Before: Vergani, C.J., and Sabates and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Shaina Van Mehren

Counsel for Respondent: Annasofia Roig

Savage v. Oglesby, No. 17-1028

On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

Issue Presented: Whether prosecutorial immunity protects state’s attorney who created a racially hostile work environment for a police officer during a trial-preparation meeting and retaliated against that police officer for complaining about that racially hostile environment by refusing to call the officer as a witness in any future criminal cases.

Before: Leon, C.J., and McCann and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Amaia Sanz de Acedo

Counsel for Respondent: Allison Gordon

Holland and Lexington Nat’l Ins. Co. v. Rosen, No. 18-1028

On certiorari to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

Issue Presented: Whether individual plaintiff has personal standing and plaintiff insurance company has third-party standing to challenge constitutional validity of state law eliminating monetary bail as a mechanism for ensuring the presence of accused persons at trial.

Before: de Almagro, C.J., and McCann and Wasserman, JJ.

Counsel for Petitioner: Lauren Garcia

Counsel for Respondent: Payton McCann


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