TEKS Lesson Plan/Unit Plan - Texarkana Independent School ...

Focus Plan

Texarkana Independent School District

|GRADING PERIOD: |2nd Six Weeks |PLAN CODE: |SS8.3.2 |

|writer: |Ruth Bates |Course/subject: |Social Studies |

|Grade(s): |8th |Time allotted for instruction: |1 class period |


|Title: |Surveying the Land |

|Lesson TOPIC: |Creating a map of the Northwest Territory |

|TAKS Objective: |O1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of issues and |

| |events in U. S. history. |

|FoCUS TEKS and Student Expectation: |8.6 The student understands westward expansion and its effects on |

| |the political, economic, and social development of the nation. The |

| |student is expected to: |

| |(A) explain how the Northwest Ordinance established principles |

| |and procedures for orderly expansion of the United States. |

|Supporting TEKS and Student Expectations: | |


|Concepts |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations/Principles |

| |The student will understand that |

|Map reading |maps are vital tools that can show where historical events took place and how the earth’s physical |

| |features affected these events. |

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[pic]I. Sequence of Activities (Instructional Strategies)

A. Focus/connections/anticipatory set

The teacher will distribute Handout 1 to each student.

The teacher will ask students to identify the map. (an outline map of the U. S.)

The teacher will ask students to outline the states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana

and Ohio without looking in a textbook. (allow 2 – 3 minutes)

B. Instructional activities

(demonstrations, lectures, examples, hands-on experiences, role play, active learning experience, art, music, modeling, discussion, reading, listening, viewing, etc.)

1. Objective: The students will analyze how the Northwest Ordinance established principles and procedures for orderly expansion of the United States.

2. Procedures: Draw and label a map of the states created by the Northwest Ordinance.

3. Modeling: The teacher will refer to a classroom map of the United States

The teacher will select a student to locate the Appalachian Mountains.

The teacher will state, “The mountains created a barrier for westward expansion.

After the Revolutionary War, more and more settlers lived west of the Appalachian Mountains. As the population grew, these settlers wanted to become a part of the United States. However, they were faced with a big problem. The Articles of Confederation had no provisions for adding new states. Thomas Jefferson proposed a plan to divide the western territory into districts that would be self-governing. The district could petition or apply to Congress to become a state when its population reached the population of the smallest existing state.

The next year, 1785, an ordinance, or law, was passed requiring the land in the western lands north of the Ohio River to be surveyed and sold. This was a large area of land and includes the present-day states of: Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. After the land was surveyed, it was divided into townships six miles long and six miles wide. The townships were then divided into 36 sections of 640 acres to be sold at public auction for at least one dollar an acre.

The teacher will distribute Handout 2 – Building Block of America and instruct students to complete the chart. Allow 2 – 5 minutes.

The teacher will use an overhead projector to display a transparency of Handout 2 of the completed chart. The teacher will circle the block with the number 16. Refer students to the notation at the bottom of the chart “16 – reserved for schools”.

Ask the students why four blocks were reserved for Federal Government?

Ask the students to name various types of Federal Government.

C. Guided activity or strategy

The teacher will ask students to identify the four parts of a map. (title, legend or key,

compass rose, scale). The teacher will refer to Handout 1 and ask students to identify the parts of a map included on it. (Response: None. It was only an outline of the U. S.)

Next the teacher will use a computer to project a map of the Northwest Territory.

The teacher will state, “This map has no title, yet the areas on the map are labeled.

The teacher will ask students to identify other parts of the map that are missing. (scale, compass rose, legend or key).

The teacher will ask, “Could you leave off one part of the map and still provide the

necessary information?” (Yes, the scale could be left off)

The teacher will ask, “What information should be included in the legend or key?”

(what each color represents) “What is an appropriate title for the map? Where should

the compass rose be located on the map? Is it necessary to label each of the 13

colonies?” (No. The purpose of this map is the location of the Northwest Territory).

D. Accommodations/modifications

Visually impaired students will be placed at the front of the classroom.

E. Enrichment


A. Description

Students will create a map of the states created by the Northwest Ordinance.

The map must be drawn by the student and not a computer generated copy.

B. Accommodations/modifications

C. Enrichment

iii. Assessment of Activities

A. Description

Students will be evaluated based on class participation. The teacher will perform an

informal assessment as students work independently to draw and label a map of the

Northwest Territory. As the teacher circulates among the students, he/she will talk with

students to keep them focused and on task. The teacher will also answer any questions

and provide feedback.

B. Rubrics/grading criteria

The teacher will explain the criteria for the rubrics.

Surveying the Land - Rubric

|Criteria |Points Possible|Points Earned |Comment |

|Difficulty drawing and labeling map |50 | | |

|Two parts of a map were included |75 | | |

|All four parts of map were included (title, | | | |

|compass rose, scale, legend or key) |85 | | |

|Map was correctly labeled, drawn, neat and | | | |

|legible |100 | | |

C. Accommodations/modifications

D. Enrichment

E. Sample discussion questions

1. Why did the settlers want to organize their lands?

The settlers wanted to organize their lands as states and join the union.

2. How was the land in the Northwest Territory divided?

The land was divided into townships.

3. Is the system of land survey and settlement established by the Northwest Ordinance

still in existence?

Yes, it is still used today.

4. What did the Land Ordinance lead to?

The ordinance led to the sale of large amounts of land and speeded settlement of

the Northwest Territory.

5. The Northwest Territory resulted in how many present-day state boundaries?

Five: Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Michigan

IV. TAKS Preparation

A. Transition to TAKS context

The Northwest Ordinance created a stable and orderly manner in which the Northwest

Territory was settled. The main purpose of the Ordinance was to create a single territory

out of the lands north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi River.

B. Sample TAKS questions

2003 TAKS Question #31

In 1787 Congress established a system for creating new states from western territories –

A through the Monroe Doctrine

B through the Northwest Ordinance

C with the Treaty of Paris

D with the approval of the Three-Fifths Compromise

2004 TAKS Question #31

Under the terms of the Northwest Ordinance of

1787, new states admitted to the Union -

A could not take part in presidential elections

B were considered equal to existing states

C were required to defend Native American lands

D were required to allow slavery

2006 TAKS Question #15

Provisions of the

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

1. Congress will appoint a resident

governor, a secretary, and three

judges to rule the territory.

2. When the territory has 5,000 free

adult males, it may elect a

legislature and send a nonvoting

delegate to Congress.

3. When the territory has a total free

population of 60,000, it may write

a constitution and submit it to

Congress for approval.



Which step best completes the process above?

A The territory may decide to legalize slavery

within its borders.

B The territory may be admitted as a state.

C The territory must allow women the right to vote.

D The territory will be required to pay export tariffs.

Correct Answer to all questions: B

V. Key Vocabulary

ordinance, petition, survey

VI. Resources

A. Textbook

The American Republic To 1877 (pages 192-196)

B. Supplementary materials

Handout 1 – outline map of the United States

Handout 2 - Building Block of America chart

Handout 2 – Answer Key

Rubric – Surveying the Land

Transparency – Sample TAKS questions

Transparency – Vocabulary Terms

Map pencils

C. Technology


Overhead projector

VII. follow up activities

(reteaching, cross-curricular support, technology activities, next lesson in sequence, etc.)

VIII. Teacher Notes

Before making copies of the blank outline map of the United States, label it Handout 1.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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