Greek Test Review - Mesa Public Schools

Greek Test Review

Directions: In groups of 4 (ONLY 4), complete the study guide for the test. Each group with the most correct and complete will receive extra credit (up to 5 points). You may use your journals and any class handouts. This is due at the end of the hour. All group names must be on ONE packet for credit.

Humanities: Ancient Beginnings

1. Define History as a “timeline” or a “cycle”

Time line= straight no repeating

cycle= repetition of events

2. What does Objective history versus subjective history mean?

Objective: Facts

Subjective: opinion

Earliest human-what we know (journal notes and textbook pp. 30-41)

3. Describe the art in the Cave of Lascaux and name 3 of the animal paintings found there:

Bison, deer, horse, bull. Oldest known caves & drawings.

4. List a quote from Sis. Wendy about art:

5. Name three of the major contributions from Mesopotamia:

Mesopotamia (Sumer)-

Agricultural living with ditches and irrigation


Religion, worship many gods

Writing was in pictorial (cuneus), did develop syllabic sounds

Literature: oldest known story was Gilgamesh

Marriage was monogamous, formal contract decided by bride’s parents

Wheel as a transportation device (3000 B.C.)

King-priests ruled (built roads and temples, led wars)

Hammurabi established law: tooth for a tooth; based on class system

The Jews-

Came out of this culture, Patriarch Abraham

Practice monotheism

Laws were the Ten Commandments from god to Moses:

Have one God.

Make no graven images.

Don’t take the name of God in vain.

Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

Honor thy father and mother.

Thou shalt not kill.

Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Thou shalt not steal.

Thou shalt not bear false witness (lie).

Thou shalt not covet anything that is thy neighbor’s.

Literature was the “Books” or Bible of history, laws, ethics, and wisdom.

The Arts- Art: cylinder seal; Mother Goddesses

Music: harps, pipes, lyres, and drums

Architecture; temples of sun dried bricks

Temple Plans: Sin Temple Plan (page 49 in text)

Sculptures: Tell Asmar Statues (enormous staring eyes, at prayer).

6. What is Hammurabi’s Law?

■ Hammurabi’s Law from 1760 B.C.

■ The first established law: An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth

7. List 5 of the 10 Commandments: (See question 5)

8. What is the Tell Asmar Statues significance? (textbook page 39)

Large eyes- statues at prayer

Greek Art (journal, Greek packet, Greek Art worksheet, & textbook pp. 50-109)

-- Minoan Civilization (4000-1450 B.C.)

9. What is this art period called?

Aegean art

11. What 2 key words are used to describe this period?

Flexible & Fluid

12. What 3 things were given in notes about the palace of Knossos?

• Complex architecture

• Flowing sewage

• Easy going life style

13. Describe or name 3 Minoan or Mycenaean wall Paintings

• Saffron Gatherer

• Bull leapers

• King/ Priest

• Dolphins

• Navy battle

• The Parisian

• Cup Bearer

14. What do the wall paintings tell us or show us about the Minoans and Mycenaean’s?

How they lived daily life, sports, agriculture, trade.

--The Archaic Period (700-450 B.C.)

15 .What words 2 words are used to describe their model works of art?

Creative & Changing

16. Describe Geometric Art:

Same pattern repeated over & over (circle, square, triangle, or random design)

17. Where or what is Geometric Art most commonly found on?

Pottery/ vases

18. Describe and name a black figure style vase:

Red background with black figure- stylistic & simplistic

Hercules slaying the centaur

Achilles & Panthesilia

19. Describe and name a Red Figure Style vase:

black background with red figure- more life like and detailed

Sabine women

Francois Vase

20. Which came first Black or Red figure?


21. Which one is more life like, black or red figure? How can one tell which is more life like?

Red more detail and style

22. What is The Francois Vase?

Greek Bible

23. What are The Kouros and Korai and what do they look like and who do they represent?

Kouros or Kouri

Nude male youths

Front leg extended for balance

Arms at the side

Uniform in style

Depict Zeus or Apollo

Range in size from a few inches to over 6 ft. tall

24. What is the The Moschophorus and what does it look like?

Muschophorus- Oldest and first known free standing statue

Shepherd holding a calf

The Golden Ages—model works of art (search for the ideal) --Key words of Greek

Flexibility, Inquiry, and Mobility (pp. 83-94)

25. Who designed and built The Parthenon?


26. What is the Zeus by Phidias made out of and what does he look like?

Bronze, nude, beard, arms extended also known as the Poseidon

27. What is the other name for the Zeus by Phidias?


28. What does the Discus Thrower by Myron look like and what is he made out of? (p. 86)

Perfect male body, motion, fluidity, muscle definition, made of marble

29. Why the Discus Thrower is considered the perfect ideal of male beauty? (p. 86)

Strength, athlete, muscle, motion

30. What does the Nike of Samothrace or Winged Victory look like and where does she stand today? (104)

headless, armless, wings, flowing gown thrusting herself into the wind. Shows motion and detail. In the Louvre.

31. These statues were originally painted and jeweled? True or false?


Greek Government

32. Who was Pericles and what did he do for the Greeks?

Greek leader. Wise, commissioned the Parthenon. Lead Greece to democracy.

33. Describe the Democracy of ancient Greece:

All male citizens who owned property could vote or voice an opinion.

34. What was the role of women and slaves in Greece?

They could not vote

35. What role did Alexander the Great have in the spread of Greek culture

Spread and destroyed Greek culture.

36. What is the Theory of “The Ideal Citizen”?

37. Who is considered an Ideal Citizen by the Greeks?


38. Who do we consider an Ideal Citizen today from Grecian times?


Philosophy of Ancient Greece

39. Who was Socrates?

Father of Philosophy, developed the dialectic

40. What philosophy did he subscribe to?


41. Why was he sentenced to death?

For corrupting the youth of Athens

42. Who sentenced him?

A court of his peers , 501 people

43. What is The Dialectic?

learning by posing tough questions, exposing weak arguments or ideas, and searching for what is right and wrong.

44. What happens in or what is the “The Phaedo” about?

The death of Socrates

45. What is “The Allegory of the Den” and what is its meaning?

truth changes as you search and study or truth is unraveled in stages and based on experiences of the individual

46. Who is Plato?

Father of Idealism, believed Geometry was the highest form of math, gave us an educational plan for learning

47. What philosophy did he subscribe to?


48. What is The Theory of the Forms or unchanging Forms?

The World of Ideas ( or the Theory of Forms): there are ideas ( the greatest part of existence) and material things ( a lesser part).

A. IDEAS. There is an eternal IDEA or form for everything-love, justice, a horse, a baby, etc. IDEAS are significant and reliable knowledge. (Ideas= Ideal)

B. MATERIAL THINGS flow in and out of reality. Material things are temporary, sensory, and unreliable knowledge. They erode and you have only their idea. (Ex: Humans die and only their idea, or their SOUL, is left.)

49. List 3 traits of Idealism

• A philosophy that advocates that all of truth already exists and your task as a human being is to find the truth.

• Developed from Plato’s ideas (Theory of Forms)

• Force or God created the universe and directs it.

• You must strive continually to learn all there is to learn.

• Rights and wrongs exist and are not changed by situations

• You will be rewarded for doing what is right

• Idealism is optimistic and offers us HOPE

50. What type of Math did Plato believe was needed in life in order to be successful?


51. List the 3 levels of Plato’s education plan:

Plato’s Education Plan

Stage One: Ages 7-14 IRON

Basic Education Laborers

Care of body

Study of myth- religion


Reading and writing

Stage Two: Ages 14-21

Extended Education SILVER

Poetry and music Warriors


Military drill

Stage Three: 21-35

Advanced studies GOLD

Dialectic Teachers

Science Leaders

Philosophy Kings (government)

52. Who is Aristotle?

Father of Realism

Father of science

Learned biology – science from father, physician to King of Macedonia

Student of Plato at the Academy

Wrote drama-The Poetics, science, philosophy, politics, ethics ( only ¼ of his writings remain!)

Devised categories as a means of study: logic, physics, metaphysics, politics, religion, literature, justice, and art.

53. What philosophy did he subscribe to?


54. List 3 traits of Realism:

• A philosophy that advocates that there is a scientific order to universe and that these universal laws are constant.

• Derives from the writings of Greek philosopher Aristotle

• God may have created the universe, but no longer controls it

• Your only calling is to be born, live, procreate, and die

• Dying is the end of a biological experience

• To learn you must follow the scientific method

• Truth is based on natural laws

• The survival of the fittest is the dominate law of nature

• Humans are just part of a larger ecosystem

55. List Aristotle’s Theory of Tragedy: p. 96

• plot

• character

• thought

• diction

• music

• spectacle

56. What did Aristotle believe should be used to explain experiences?

Thought the universe was based on things perceived through senses.

Relied on observation or scientific methods for knowledge

57. What is The Golden Mean ?

The “golden mean” or moderation is important in all things.


58. Describe each of the Columns: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian

Doric= flat top & chunky, fluted base

Ionic= scrolled top, thinner, fluted base

Corinthian= Acanthus leaves & thin fluted base

59. Who was the Parthenon dedicated to?


60. What is the Acropolis and what sits on top of the of the Acropolis?

The acropolis is a hill and the Parthenon sits atop.

61. What is the Agora and where is it located?

The market place and it is located below the acropolis.

62.What was the role of Phidias in ancient Greece?

Built the Parthenon and many of the statues in and on the Parthenon. Also created the Zeus/ Poseidon sculpture.

The Religion

63. What does Polytheism mean?

Belief in many gods or goddesses

64.What does Monotheism mean?

Belief in 1 god

65.Who is Zeus and what does he rule over?

King of all Gods and Goddesses, the sky

66. What is Zeus’ symbol?

Lightening bolt

67. Who is Hera and what does she rule over?

Queen of the Gods

68. Who is Athena and what is she goddess over?

Goddess of wisdom and righteous wars

69. What is Athena’s symbol?

The owl

70. Who is Artemis and what is she goddess over?

Goddess of the Hunt and the Moon

71. Name one of the myths discussed in class and give a brief overview of it.





The Role of Myth/Literature to Define a Culture

72. Who is Homer and what is unique about him?

A blind writer

73. What is the The Iliad about?

Trojan War

74. What is the The Odyssey about?

Odysseus journey home


Be sure to know that the purpose of theater was a link to religion and morals

75. Who was Sophocles ?

Greek playwright who wrote Oedipus and Antigone.

76. What happened in Oedipus Rex?

Kills his father and marries his mother.

77. Give the Tragedy and comedy definitions according to ancient Greek:

Comedy= a theater genere of complex qualities involving humor, comedy may or may not involve laughter and may or may not end “happily”. The absurd

Tragedy= a serious drama or other literary work in wchih conflict between a protagonist and a superior force (often fate) concludes in disaster for the protagonist.

--The Poetics by Aristotle (see question 55)

Antigone (know in depth!)

78. What is the Theme of Antigone?

Pride will only stand in one’s way.

79.How does Antigone connect to modern day?

Personal response

80. Who are the main characters?






Chorus & Choragos

81. What is the role of chorus and choragus?

The voice of the people

82. What are some of the major contributions of the Greek Golden Ages to modern day society?

Architecture led the way for sky scrapers, perfection in art, music

83. What is Mrs. Sokol’s first name and which Greek Goddess was she named after (her first name is the Roman Goddess equivalent).

Artemis= Diana

84. Explain Inductive & Deductive Reasoning:

Develops formal logic as a more effective way to finding truths than dialectic

Classifies information into categories for clarity of thought.

Develops Deductive Logic

Logic constructed from general idea being supported by supporting details. Example:

Major premise: All matter occupies space.

Minor premise: A table consists of matter.

Conclusion: A table occupies space.

-Develops Inductive Logic: Collect evidence and draw conclusion.

85. What were the three historical periods of Greek History?

• Aegean

• Archaic

• Golden


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