Greetings to all:

Say Yes To Life

Institute For Unlocking Human Potential

11512 14 Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta T6J 7A3

“To share the age old wisdom with all and to provide the opportunity for everyone to experience life at its fullest and challenge everyone to Dare to Dream Big to realize their full potential”

N. Pas Paskaran npaskaran@

Volume 3 Issue 1 January 2004


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Wishing you a harmonious, joyous, fruitful and prosperous year. May you be blessed with a life of abundance beyond your wildest dreams. Never doubt it. It's possible for you. You deserve it. Welcome it and accept it into your life.

The quality of our lifestyle is determined by our current philosophy of life - meaning our outlook to life. Our outlook to life was shaped by the family background, the school environment, the people we interacted with, all our experiences, the media, the books we read, the talks we listened and religious upbringing.

For many, their current philosophy was determined in their early childhood and in early youth. Thereafter, we tinker this philosophy as a result of our own experiences and it doesn't change dramatically, unless we make a conscious choice to expose ourselves to the ideas of great men and women.

Our current philosophy of life determines what we'll try, do and pursue; how we interact with people and our relationships with loved ones. It shapes our state of health and wealth; our view about money; whether we will take risks or not; whether fear controls our life or whether we mastered our fears; whether we penny pinch and have Scrooge mentality or are generous. Thus, our current philosophy determines the quality of our lifestyle and shapes our destiny in life.

Over the last twenty years, many authors and speakers have contributed to my current philosophy of life. Their impact on my values, beliefs, attitudes, expectations and thinking have been dramatic. I am grateful to all of them for sharing their unique insights to life.

In this issue, a collection of the Words of Wisdom of many are presented. To name a few: David Schwartz, Napoleon Hill, Clement W. Stone, Dale Carnegie, Norman Vincent Peale, Dennis Waitley, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Mark Victor Hansen, James Redfield, Tom Pierce, Swami Yogananda, Leo Busgalia, Og Mandino, Jim Rohn, Mike Mcferty, Shakti Gwain, Stephen Covey, Ken Blanchard, Tom Peters, Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi, Arnold Patent, Earl Nightingale, Claude Bristol and many more. These words of wisdom have guided my life over the last twenty years and have become part and parcel of my life philosophy.

I hope, you will gather insights on how to live our lives effectively and enjoy the abundance and prosperity that life has to offer.

With Best Wishes for a Successful Lifestyle.


Keep the mind on the things we want and off the things we don't want.

If we have everything to gain and nothing to lose by trying - by all means try.

Dare to thing big. Dare to aim high.

Do it now and get it done with.

If we believe we can, we can.

Go the extra mile.

We get more of the behavior we reward and more of the behavior we punish.

All achievements and all earned riches have their beginning on an idea.

Anything in life worth having is worth working for. Anything in life worth working for is worth praying for.

Greatness comes when we develop a burning desire to achieve high goals.

Every heartache, every disappointment, every setback has within it a seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

Definite of purpose combined with positive mental attitude is the starting point of all worthwhile achievements.

It often takes only one idea followed by action to turn failure into success.

What the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.

Regardless of what we have been or what we are, we can be what we want to be if we act with positive mental attitude.

Defeat may be a stepping stone or a stumbling block depending on whether our attitude is positive or negative.

Belief is the basic mind power which turns concepts into realities.

Everything matters in its time and place but ultimately noting matters.

We cannot change our destination overnight but we can change our direction tonight.

It is not the direction of the wind that matters but how we set our sails.

To that which we give energy expands and grows.

And from that which we withheld energy decreases and diminishes. Give energy to what we want and withhold energy from what we don't we want.

If we have to give a tip, always give the higher amount.

It's not that it is expensive; it's we can't afford it.

Formal education will give us a living. But self-education will make us a fortune.

When we work on our job, we will make a living. If we work on ourselves, we will make a fortune. Work harder on ourselves than on our job.

If we fail to plan, we are planning to fail.

Learn to be happy with what we have while we pursue all what we want.

Work to live rather than live to work.

Setting goals will enable us to design our lives rather than live a life by default.

Neither can we spend major time on minor things nor can we spend minor time on major things.

Spend our time and effort on the 'vital few' rather than the 'trivial many'.

What is holding us back is not what we are but what we think we are not.

When we do more of what we are doing now, we will get more of what we are getting now.

Ideas are tools for living.

It is not so important to do things right as to do the right things right.

Lead a balanced life. Set goals for all areas of our lives.

We are all too busy clearing our jungle. However, once in awhile, we must climb to the top of a tree and ask the question, "Am I clearing the right jungle?" Otherwise, at the end of our lives, we may realize that all our lives that we have been clearing the wrong jungle.

We can have whatever we want but we can't have all we want.

Do the thing that we fear and the death of fear is certain.

My commitment is to the truth as I see it today and not to consistency.

If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams and endeavors to live the life which has imagined for himself, he will meet with success unexpected in the common hours.

Thoughts are the ancestors to our actions.

The circumstances in our lives reveal who we are.

If we are going down the wrong road, we don't need motivation to speed us, we need education to turn us around.

For every gain there is a loss. And for every loss, there is a gain.

Work joyfully and peacefully, knowing that the right thoughts and right efforts will inevitably bring about the right results.

We must learn to apply all that we know so that we can attract all that we want.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day. While failure is the result of simple errors and poor choices repeated every day.

In order to have more than we have got become more than we are.

If we know what we want and we want it badly enough, we will find a way to get it.

The success you are enjoying today is the result of the price you have paid in the past.

The best motivation is self motivation. The guy says, "I wish someone would come up and turn me on" What if they don't shop up?" We've got to have a better plan for our lives.

Miss a meal if we have to, but don't miss reading a book. The book we don't read won't help.

Success is not to be pursued. It is to be attracted by the person we become.

Opportunity never walks in through the front door. It always knocks on the back door.

Lady luck must be wooed into our lives.

At the end of each day, we should play back the tapes of our daily activities. The results should either applaud us or prod us.

There are some things that we don't have to know how it works. The main thing is that it works. While some people are studying the roots, other are picking the fruits. It depends which end of this you want to get in.

Little progress is better than no progress.

We need a lot of powerful long range goals to get us past short term obstacles.

Obstacles is what we see when we take the eyes off the goals.

A pessimist is one who sees difficulties in the opportunities. And the optimist is one who makes opportunities out of his difficulties.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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