Abbie KreunChapter 15 Quiz:Read the causal argument, "Why Should I Be Nice To You?" (pg. 392-399) Answer the Analyzing the Reading questions on page 391. (10 points)In coffee chains, employees are seen as part of the corporation. Good service is expected because employees are like a part of a machine in that customers expect to get the same experience every time. This is made even more difficult because these chains are constructed in such a way that employees deal with each individual customer for an average of a half a minute each time - They are one big assembly line or machine. Coffee chain uniforms also project the idea that the employees are the subordinate. In these ways, working at a coffee chain is worse than a regular service job.On page 397, Raine writes, “I found that people were more likely to be annoyed than touched by any reference to my having a personality”. The very next sentence, she switches back to using the subject of barista workers as though she and they are one in the same. Another example of mixing it up with technical and informal language is when Raine writes about her time in the chain gain and then transitioning into talking about baristas on page 399. She mixes them to show how easy it is to turn an individual into just another one of the masses. The employees are representing their company. Anything that goes against the norm could slow down production, upset the assembly line, or possibly upset a customer. Coffee shop employees are expected to be the subordinate- do as their told- and in this way accomplish tasks efficiently.Yes, I worked as a waitress at a diner in my small town, and I am also a bank teller. I can see the difference when working in the drive up at the bank in comparison to working in the lobby. At the drive up, individuals are in a hurry, and we as employees are expected to accomplish our tasks fast. We all work as a team in the drive up. When in the lobby, each teller has their own work space. The customer only deals with one employee at a time. In this way, I see similarities. She might have put it in the conclusion to leave her readers with something to think about. It is also her solution the problem of coffee chains. If, as an employee, Raine feels that she is being trodden upon, she uses witty- and potentially rude- comebacks to let others know that she is an individual. She has found that this is a way to maintain her humanity. I think that it seemed a little out of place as a conclusion. It covered the correct aspects of a conclusion such as summarizing and bringing a new thought into the mix, but it seemed cut off from the rest of the article. ................

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