Viola (Cesario)


| | | |

|Orsino |I:i:1-6 says it when he is thinking about |people that you know who |

| |Olivia |think they are so cool, and |

| |I:i:33-41 Learns that Olivia is mourning |HOT |

| |her brother | |


| | | |

|lonely, desperate for |I:i:1-6, says it passionetley | |

|love, cocky, narcissist |I:i:33-41, says it very excited, and like he is really desperate for Olivia| |

| |to fall in love with him | |

| |I:iii:36-38 |Actions |-fun loving, easy to get along with |

| |“I’ll drink….drink in | | |

| |Illyria” |-drinks a lot |-bad influence on people around him(alcoholism)|

|Sir Toby | | | |

| |I:iii:9-12 |-tries to introduce Sir | |

| |“confine! I’ll confine…own |Andrew to Oliviia | |

| |straps” | | |

| | | | |

| |I:iii:12-13 | | |

| |“That quaffing and….be her | | |

| |wooer” | | |

|alcoholic |-1st quote said in a humorous yet at the same time serious|-life is too short, enjoy it |

| |manner, making fun of his own downfall | |

|- jovial | |-shouldn’t try and force people to like |

| |-2nd quote says he doesn’t want to behave well, and will |eachother |

| |continue to drink | |

| | | |

| |-3rd quote said in a serious manner; kind of like a | |

| |warning | |

| | | |

| |-actions show he’s drunk often | |

| | | |

| |-tries to introduce Sir Andrew because he has money | |

|Part |Functions |Actions |Connection |

| |I:V: 234-239 |-mourns for her brother| |

| | |-Falls for Ceserio |Does not remind us of any one person. |

|Olivia |I:V:279-288 |-Rejects Orsino | |

| |I:V:159 -160 |-Talks to the fool | |

| |I:V:102-107 | | |

| | | | |

|Attributes |Mannar |Level |

| | | |

|-Vanity |-7 years |You want what you can’t have. |

|-stuck-up |-personality | |

|-girl |-made a fool | |

|-cruel |-makes excuses | |

|Feste the Fool |I: v: 67-68, “The more fool |- not afraid of |- he thinks he has more power |

| |Madonna, to mourn for your |-punishment |than what he really has |

| |brother’s soul being in heaven. |makes fun of Olivia |-stand-up comedian; quick |

| |Take away the fool gentlemen." |-confused why Olivia is mourning|comebacks |

| | |her brother | |

| |Shows that he is smart | | |

| | | | |

| |I:v:5-6 Not afraid to say the | | |

| |truth | | |

|-has courage |-he says things very calmly | |-do not fear anything |

|-witty |-in control of the situation | |-move on from bad experiences |

| | | |-take risks |

| | | |-state your own opinion |

Sir Andrew


- Very dumb

- Friendly

- Out going

- Lack of social skills

- Geek, looser

- Ditzy


- Speaks many languages

- Rich

- Tells Sir Toby to talk to Olivia for him

- Doesn’t realize that Sir Toby is using him


- I:3: 49-50 “good mistress Accost, I desire better acquaintance-Shows that Andrew is stupid- does not know manners


- I:3:79-80 “…But I am a great eater of beef and I believe that does harm to my wit.”


- I:3:86-87 “what is pourqoi”? “Do or not do? I would I had bestowed that time in the tongues that I have…” Pretends to be smart but is not


- Trying to “woo” Olivia

- He’s friends with Sir Toby

- Dumb

- Dances


- Acts feminine

- He’s very awkward

- Reminds us of a clown or flower

- Cinderella – man – version

|Malvolio | |Actions | |

| |I : v: 71-73 –Shows that|-Malvolio is humouring the fool|-Malvolio seems arrogant |

| |he does not like the |-Malvolio gives Cesario excuses|-Reminds me of the butler from Richie |

| |fool |for him to leave but he wont |Rich |

| |I : v :134-140 |-Malvolio describes the |-He isn’t very nice |

| |He is trying to make |physical characteristics of | |

| |excuses for Oliva not to|Cesario | |

| |talk to Cesario | | |

| |I : v : 151-156 | | |

| |Description of Cesario | | |

| |Manner | |

|-arrogant |-he says everything with an attitude |-don’t be mean to others |

|-cocky |-he isn’t very nice to people |-don’t be conceited |

|-strict |-he looks down on people that he thinks are below him | |

|-self centered (conceited) |-he is mean to the fool | |

|-stereotypical butler | | |

|Maria- Olivia’s Chambermaid |I:iii:3-5 |-She proves how stupid Sir Andrew|-Good person |

| | |is |-Rude at times |

| |I:iii:27-31 |-She makes fun of Sir Andrew |-Keeps people in line |

| | |-She’s Olivia’s Chambermaid | |

| |I:iii:65-66- Smart |-She tells Sir Toby that his | |

| | |actions are effecting Olivia | |

| |I:v:1-4- Strict, Scolding Fool |negatively | |

|-stubborn |-Treats Sir Andrew like an idiot |We should learn to stand up for|

|-sense of humour |-Treats Olivia like a god |what is right, which is shown |

|-sarcastic |-Treats Sir Toby like a brother |through how Maria is strict |

|-devoted |-Keeps things in order |when she needs to be in order |

|-rude |-Strong work ethic |to get what needs to be done, |

| | |done. |

|Viola (Cesario) |I:II: 51-55-desperate. Is willling to disguise |Actions: |

| |her self to work for the Duke |-she was ship wrecked |

| | |-she pretends to be Eunich (a man who has been |

| |I:IV: 40-43- Falling in love for the Duke |castrated) named Cesario |

| | |-she serves Orsino as Cesario |

| |-Orsina orders her to convey his message of love |-Viola falls in love with Orsina creating a love |

| |to Olivia |triangle |

| | |-talks to Olivia about Orsino’s love and tries to|

| | |convince her to give Orsino a chance |

| | |-Olivia falls in love with Viola (Cesario) |

|Attributes |Manners |Levels |

|-cunning |-captain helps Viola |-you have to work hard if you want anything |

|-helpful |-she disguises herself as a man |-you cannot predict the future |

|-convincing |-Orsina orders her to convey his message of love | |

|-intelligent |to Olivia | |

|-masculine features |-Viola accidentally makes Olivia fall in love | |

| |with her (as disguised as Cesario) | |


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