Anjuman-e-Burhani (Toronto) Waaz Iqtebaas

Anjuman-e-Burhani (Toronto)

Waaz Iqtebaas

Saturday, 10th Muharram al-Haram 1431H (26th December 2009)

Today Shehzada Aali Waqaar Janaab Idrees Bhaisaheb Started the bayan at 10:30 AM with relay to Mississauga. He addressed us as:

"Ae Husain ni Shafa'at na hasil karnaar Momineen and those Momineen that are blessed by Allah to cry for and do matam of Husain !"

He described how all Ambiyah from Adam to Eesa, each have gone thru Karbala and have bled there because their blood is from the same lineage as that of Husain, who would be killed here in the future. Eesa nabi in fact burried deer droppings in Karbala as a token of condolence for Moulana Ali whio retrieved them with their pleasant scent intact. Shehzada saheb then relayed his personal experience of doing Imam Husain's ziarat with Aqa Moula (tus) down below the zari and touching his hankerchief to the mud present near it. He said that to this day, that hankerchief has retained that pleasant scent.

Imam Jaffer us Sadiq has said that five people have cried a lot in our entire history:

1. Adam, upon being expelled from Heaven 2. Yaqoob upon being separated from his son Yusuf 3. Yusuf upon being separated from his father Yaqoob 4. Moulatena Fatema upon Rasullullah's death and 5. My grandfather, Imam Zain ul Abideen, after shahadat of Imam Husain! A day did

not go by that he would not cry when drinking water or eating, this went on for 40 years until he passed away ...

The sawaab in doing Husain's ziarat is equal to performing 100 Hajj. Karbala's land is land from Heaven. It has 3 qualities of note:

There is shifa (cure) in its dust (Khak e Shifa) The prayers uttered here always get listened to and Husain's sacrifice on this land has guaranteed the continuation of Imam's presence

on Earth until the day of Judgement

Once the ruler of Karbala out of jealousy, imposed death sentence on every 10th zawwar (person that comes for Ziarat), he was dissappointed to see that the zawwars increased in quantity and desired to be the 10th so that they can get the sharaf of being sacrificed on Husain! He then imposed a 500 dirham tax instead upon all zawwars until such time that a really old and ragged lady came there. She had spent her life's savings to come to Karbala and pay the tax so that she can do Husain's ziarat at least once in her lifetime. This incident touched him and the tax was reduced to 200 dirhams.

Imam Sadiq said to Abu Baseer that "ARASH" (sky) is held up by 8 farishtas who are doing "istigfaar" for momineen (praying for forgiveness of our sins). Syedna Taher Saifuddin saheb has said that there are 7 "Aqools" and "Aashir" for a total of 8 spirits that exist in Aalam-e-ibda (the hereafter) that are doing "istigfaar". In Arabic the reverse of "ARASH" is "SHARA", The carriers of our "Shara" (Shariat: Islamic Rules & Principles) are also 8, the first 7 Imams plus moulatena Fatema, all of whom have also done "istighfaar" for

8929 Bayview Ave Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 3M6 - (905) 882-0052

Ashara Mubaraka 1431H

Anjuman-e-Burhani (Toronto)

Waaz Iqtebaas

Momineen. In Karbala Husain had 8 Hudood (Special Companions) who supported Husain just like the Farishtas support the sky (ARASH). These companions also did "istighfaar" for momineen with Husain on the night of Ashura. If a Momin due to his sins, is still thrown in the fire of hell, our Aemmat have promised to pull him out with their own hand.

Then followed a brief account of various important personalities (Hudoods) from our dawat's history. Moulaya Rajj went from home to home dressed as a begger to advice momineen not to leave the path of their true religion during the cruel reign of Jaffer. Moulaya Abdul Qadir Hakimuddin started the trend of sabil in Moharram, 12 dai's were from among his decendants, Aqa Moula (tus) is the 13th. All of these Hudoods have done dawat's khidmat in various ways, some with knowledge, some with life, some with fortune.

The act of Namaaz indicates three primordial states of Humanity:

Upright position indicates intelligence of man, (skywards) Rukooh position indicates his basic animal instincts (kneeling downwards) Sajda position indicates his ties to the very basic plant life (ground-bound)

On the day of Ashura, Husain asserted the 7 diamats of Islam in the following way:

1. VALAYAT: by offering his companions to leave him and in return gaining even more of their love and support

2. TAHARAT: by cleansing the soul of Hur, by inviting him to join the right path and side with the truth (HAQ).

3. SALAAT: by offering prayers in the battlefield 4. SOUM: by staying hungry and thirsty for 3 days 5. ZAKAAT: by offering his life as per promise to Rasullulah (sa) 6. HAJJ: by having the companions constantly revolving around Husain 7. JIHAD: By sacrificing members of his family to save Islam

There are 3 types of Gunah (sins)

Between Allah and us Between Imam/Dai and us Between others and us

Imam and his Dai have promised to have them all forgiven. Aqa Moula's (tus) following advice was then quoted:

Do not have hope from anyone else but Allah Do not be afraid except from your sins Do not be shy to admit ignorance about what you don't know, then learn it Do sabr (have patience and tolerance) under all circumstances, with Sabr comes

Emaan. Do "isteghfaar" (seek forgiveness of your sins from the rightful guide and leader)

Moula's (tus) bayaan from Ashura was quoted: Husain never hid Imam Zain ul Abideen or his son Imam Baaqir from the enemies in Karbala, yet no one was able to harm them because they were to carry the link of Imamat for all time to come. Today is the day for

8929 Bayview Ave Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 3M6 - (905) 882-0052

Ashara Mubaraka 1431H

Anjuman-e-Burhani (Toronto)

Waaz Iqtebaas

crying, the Eid for crying and day for seeking forgiveness. Even if our sins are as plentyful as the foam in all of the oceans, a tear as small as a fly, when shed over Husain's tragedy can wipe out all of these sins.

When Imam Zain ul Abideen returned to Madinah from Karbala, he accounted the Incident of Husain's Shahadat and sacrifice of all of his family and companions, in front of all the residents and followers, who all did matam of Husain.

Zohar namaaz was prayed and Wasilah given by Shehzada saheb's diwaan, Shaikh Shabbir Qutub Ali.

The Maqtal Majlis started at 2:45 PM and ended at Magrib followed by namaaz, qadam bosi and niaz, with these words from the Shehzada saheb:

"I will tell you what I feel in my heart, it does not feel like I am so far away in Toronto, with your josh and matam I feel as if I am in Marol with my Bawaji Saheb (tus)"!

May Allah grant our Moula (tus) a long and healthy life and give Shehzada Saheb sawaab and khair ajar for bestowing upon us these prescious gems (the Moharram Va'az) directly from our beloved Moulana's (tus) immediate family, under his personal guidance and

training. AMEEN !

Waaz Iqtebaas Written By: Shk Mustafa Bhai Master

8929 Bayview Ave Richmond Hill, ON, L4B 3M6 - (905) 882-0052

Ashara Mubaraka 1431H


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