RAE of Light Cluster

R=Ruthven, A=Ayrshire, and E=Emmetsburg,

Which Parish are you signing up for? ____



We are a Cluster of parishes blessed with many talented people!

There are the many ways we can serve God by contributing our Time and Talent.


Each person should fill out a separate form, re-signing for those areas you want to continue. High students are also asked to indicate areas of interest. This is your opportunity to highlight your talents, give of your time, and follow your baptismal call to stewardship.


__Lector: Serve as reader at a weekend Mass. Open to junior and seniors._

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: distribute either form. Must be willing to receive under both forms--. Open to adults

__Weekend Masses

__Homebound communion, 2 times a month

__Care Center communion and do prayer service, once a month.

__Sacristan--Mass Set-Up and take down. To regularly set up for Mass on weekends,.

Usher: Seating people at Masses. Assisting with collections. Men, women, families and teens.

_____weekend, _____Funeral

__Schedule ushers, lectors, Eucharistic Ministers. Music Ministry

__Choir: Adult choir and special occasions. Teens welcome

__Individual song leader: Once a month. Schedule practice with instrumentalist.

__small group: would lead singing with 3 or 4 others.

__Guitar group: Would be willing to start

__Instrumentalist: Providing music for Masses and special occasions. Indicate type of instrument played. _______________

__Funeral choir for Cluster sings for funerals. Practice before funerals

E___Environmental and Altar Care Committee: Decorate the altars each weekend for a month.

___Sacristy work: Help with changing candles, cleaning sanctuary vessels, etc.

__Laundering Altar Linens.

E __Small Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Adult leaders, and youth help for children’s liturgy, ages 4-6, held during Sun. mass.

__Altar Server: Grades 4-10 to serve Mass on a regular basis. Parent and child could serve as well.

__Train Mass Servers


__Prayer/Mass Commitment: Stewardship is a way of life. Make a commitment to extra prayer in your life, or daily Mass for the parish.

RAE___Club 31: Sign up to pray for vocations one day a month. What date of month do you prefer____

__Adoration: Hour of prayer for parish and self

___Attend on first Friday from 8 - noon

__Faith Sharing:

____Serve on the committee that coordinates small faith sharing groups.

___ be a member of a group.

____Lead a group

____Offer home for a small group

___Book discussion group

__RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults):

Cluster For adults interested in knowing more about the Catholic faith, especially those who are not Catholic. Thursday evenings.

___ Be a sponsor. _____ team member

____help with hospitality ____Present topic

__Prayer Chain: Be on a calling tree to pray for

those with special needs.

___Get together once a week and say the rosary: day______ and time____

__Sponsor Couple for Marriage Preparation:

Prepare couples for marriage in a series of meetings in the sponsor’s home.

__Stewardship Committee for Cluster: Help the parish develop its time, talent, and treasure.

Lead the Rosary before Mass

___Weekend ____ weekday

__ Bible Study for Cluster: Would you be interested in a Bible Study? Preference of day___, and time____

___Woman’s Bible study held in E


__Food Pantry Delivery: For Lent and Advent. Help deliver donated items to the local food pantry at Upper Des Moines

___R- Food for families help pack bag packs to send home

__Transportation: Coordinate it for elderly, handicapped, and those who do not drive in getting to Mass.

__Peace & Justice for Cluster: A committee in touch with social issues. Meets as needed.

__Right to Life Committee for Cluster: to plan a few activities each year

__Prayer Shawls for Cluster: make all types of prayer shawls to give to those who are seriously ill.

__Rosary makers for Cluster. Get together twice a month to make rosaries for the missions.

___Advent tree: take a tag and buy the gift asked for. ____ help set and deliver.

____Prayer partners for first Confessions and communion during their preparation time.

____Grief committee to help deliver materials and assist with All Souls service and soup supper

______Help with Soup Supper





cell phone________



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