God made Women Different From Men

God made Women Different From Men :

What Men Should Know About Women

1. The man must be the protector not the dictator

2. Show appreciation

3. A woman welcomes a change

4. To the woman, her house (taking care of the house) is most important

5. A woman has changing needs and feelings (depending on stage of life, etc.)

6. Women use intuition to make decisions (perception, insight)

7. A woman experiences “premenstrual pressures”

8. Women enjoy varied expressions of love (premature ejaculation, etc.)

9. Women prefer love rather than things (giving without caring, etc. is not enough)

10. Women love to hear “I love you” (men, learn to say it)

What Women Should Know About Men

1. A man is proud to be a man

2. A man loves it when you admire him (“John you look good”)

3. A man shows love in solid things – flowers, etc. (memo – women prefer “love”)

4. His job / to provide for his family – is supreme to a man (memo – house for women)

5. A man wants to come home to a nice wife (clean, smell good, etc.)

6. A man makes decisions through reasoning and calculations (memo – a woman use intuition)

7. A man wants a woman with two ears and one mouth (the dripping faucet, the tattle tale)

8. A man loves / craves sexual expressions of love (sometimes/some men go straight to 3 instead

of 1, 2, then 3)

9. A man desires encouragement – if he is encouraged he will remove mountains

10. No man can resist TLC (Tender Loving Care)


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