CHS Social Studies Name: _______________________ Date: __________ Owens Patterson U.S. History SSUSH 17-19: Great Depression-WW2Focused NotesEssential Question: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Word Wall: (Use the terms below in your summaries of the most important ideas.)Great DepressionoverproductioNStock Market Crash Dust Bowl Hoovervilles Court-packing schemeNew DealWagner Act Social Security AcTAlphabet SoupLend-LeasECash and CarryPacific TheaterBattle of MidwayIsland hoppingEuropean TheaterD-Day/Invasion of NormandymobilizationManhattan ProjectRationingRosie the RiveteRJapanese internmentCauses of Great Depression:?Long-term:____________Overproduction____________________________________Stock market speculationBuying on the _________?Short-term:Stock Market Crash (____________)Also known as “________________”Farmers Overproduce:?The widespread switch from horse-drawn to mechanized farm equipment allowed farmers to increase their production of _______.?Instead of making more money though, __________________________, causing farmers to lose money and the inability to pay back farm loans?The result of farmers failing to pay back loans led many small towns __________ to fail, creating a strain on other banksUnderconsumption:?Though more efficient machinery in factories and on farms led to ____________, few consumers had the money to purchase these ______.?The average consumer had very little ____________________________?_____________________ led to lower prices which resulted in the loss of money for farmers and manufacturersStock Market Speculation?In the late 1920s many Americans began to invest heavily in the _______________________________________?Americans invested in __________________ that would allow them to make a lot of money quickly, or lose a lot of money quicklyCauses of the Crash?Speculators were those who tried to make ______________________________________ on the stock market:?Many speculators bought ____________________________________________?Buying on margin means that speculators _________________________ money to buy stocks: this works if the stock price goes up, but is disastrous if the stock price falls ?Many speculators of the 1920s borrowed _____________ of the stock’s valueStock Market Crash:?Oct. 1929?“Black Tuesday”?Sparked a chain of events that quickened the ____________ of the US economy?Americans, fearful of the dip in stocks, tried to withdraw their money from the banks, causing the ____________________1. (L1) What were the main causes of the Great Depression?2. (L2) What problems are caused by overproduction and underconsumption?3. (L3) Of all the causes of the Great Depression, which one do you think was the most significant? Why?SUMMARY:Great Depression:?________________ economic depression that took place from 1929-1941 (beginning of World War ___)?1933: lowest point of the Depression; over ____ million Americans were unemployed & over half of the nation’s banks had failedDust Bowl:?When farmers were unable to pay back their ______, many stopped planting ______?In 1932 a _____________________ hit the Great Plains, turning much of the top soil into dust-with the lack of rain and crops, wind blew the dried soil for hundreds of miles…this was called __________________________.Farming & climate:?New ________________________ made drought conditions worse?_________ originally held topsoil in place but due to over-farming, grass began to disappear & could no longer do the jobMigration:?Families trapped in the Dust Bowl were forced to move out of the ______________?Dust Bowl refugees were known as “________” although many did not come from ______________?Most packed up old trucks & headed towards California, Oregon, or Washington to find ______.Herbert Hoover:?31st President?In office from 1929-1933?Previous Presidents contributed to the stock market crash, yet Hoover was __________ by Americans?Did not recognize the __________ of the situation & did little to help Americans?Believed in _______ governmental involvement to helpHoovervilles:?As more workers lost their jobs, they were unable to pay their _____ or ________ and were evicted?This new class of homeless began to build shacks on the outskirts of cities called shantytowns, or __________________________________.4. (L2) What factors led to the Dust Bowl?5. (L1) Where did most people who fled due to the Dust bowl relocate?6. (L3) Why do you think Americans named shantytowns after the President of that time?SUMMARY:Franklin D. Roosevelt:?____ President?In office from 1933-1945 (served ___ terms)?Believed it was the ________ government’s responsibility to help Americans out of the Great Depression (New Deal)?Created an atmosphere of heavy governmental interaction in ________________What was the New Deal?:?A comprehensive series of _____________________________________ enacted during the Great Depression by the FDR Administration that have become part of our everyday lives today. First New Deal:?FDR’s first _____ days in office (15 bills were passed)?Three goals:1. _________: provide immediate help2. _________: achieve long-term economic recovery3. _________: improve upon the institutions to prevent future depressionsNew Deal Programs:?Bank holiday: ___ day break to allow banks to get their accounts in order?FDIC(Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation) insured bank deposits up to ________?AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Act): ended ____________ & raised crop prices?TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority): created jobs, built dams, _________________, & brought electricity to the ______?CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps): provided jobs for more than ______________ men; replanted forests, built trails, dug ditches, & fought firesSecond New Deal:?Addressed the problems faced by the ________, the _______, & the __________?Created new public works projects?Helped the farmers & protected workers’ ________Social Security Act:?Passed in 1935, the Social Security Act provided:–_______________________________ benefits –_______________________________ insurance –_______________________ payments to the needy–Provided insurance for victims of work-related ____________Social Security Act:?Had many flaws:*did not apply to domestic farmworkers (included many ____________________)*Women received smaller __________ than menPolitical Challenges:?Americans believed that under Roosevelt, the government had too much _______?Thought that the ____________ was running businesses, spending large sums of money, & creating an even larger national debt?Some believed he had not done enough to help the ______________ endHuey Long:?Roosevelt’s New Deal Programs had _______________ including Huey Long, a Senator from Louisiana ?Started “_____________________________________” clubs believing that the government should take money from the rich and give it to the poor ?Wanted to run for President ?Was _______________________________ 1935Court Packing:?The Supreme Court had struck down several of Roosevelt’s programs declaring them ________________________________?In an attempt to control the Supreme Court, Roosevelt sent Congress a bill which would allow him to ____________________________________?This would allow Roosevelt to appoint justices who were “friendly” towards his New Deal policies?After much protest by Congress and many Americans, the bill was ________________ in the Senate.?Roosevelt overestimated his powerEleanor Roosevelt:?Eleanor Roosevelt spoke to many ________ and ___________________ groups and relayed their plight to the President ?Changed the role of ____________ by her active participation in American politics?She was the eyes and ears for FDR. SUMMARY:7. (L2) How did the views of the role of government differ between Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt?8. (L1) What were the goals of the New Deal?9. (L3) In your opinion, which New Deal program had the greatest impact on struggling Americans? Why?10. (L1) Which groups of people were the main focus of the Second New Deal?11. (L1) Why did some Americans criticize FDR’s New Deal programs?12. (L2) Why was the court-packing scheme so controversial?13. (L2) How did First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt differ from previous First Ladies?Origins of World War II: __________ of Americans opposed war when it broke out in 1939Many believed American involvement in World War I had been a _______In order to avoid war again, US government passed the _____________________ (1939): countries at war could purchase weapons from the US but had to pay cash & carry on their own ships; usually benefited the Allies (________________________)Lend Lease Program:Was a program under the United StatesSupplied UK, Soviet Union, China, France and other ________________ with a vast amounts of ___________________________________ from 1941-1945 (Signed into law on March 11th, 1941)This act ended ____________________________________ ______________________ recognized this and in response ordered German submarines to attack U.S vesselsPearl Harbor:Also called “_________________________________” by Japanese Imperial General Headquarters.Surprise attack on ____________________________________; Conducted by the Imperial Japanese Navy _________________ on Japan the ________________.–Resulting into the US entry into ___________________________.14. (L1) What position did the U.S. hold at the start of WWII?15. (L2) How did the Lend-Lease program end American neutrality?SUMMARY:War Mobilization:To prepare the country for war Roosevelt created the _________________ to help regulate the switch to war time productionThe automobile industry switched to almost exclusively making _______________________________________Rationing:With the onset of WWII, many challenges confronted the American peopleRationing of _____________________________________ were commonAmericans were asked to ________________________ on everythingRole of Women: Over _________________________ women took wartime jobs in factories or took the filling role for men 3 million women volunteered with the _________________________; And over ________________________ woman served in the militaryThe most famous _________________________ tool used to draw women into the workforce was “_____________________________________” African Americans:Hoped the war might provide ______ & help their _______________Many joined organizations that promoted equal rights (__________)Nearly 1 million joined the war effort but served in ______________ unitsA.Philip Randolph:A. Philip Randolph marched to D.C. to fight for ______________________.Establishing protections against __________________________________.Tried to pressure the government and President __________ into equal rights for everyone to be in the Military.FDR’s Response:Tried to persuade Randolph out of it.When persuasion failed, Executive order 8802 was issued, barring ________________________ in defense industries and federal bureaus.The ___________________________ Act required all contracts of Federal Agencies have a provision stating not to “discriminate against someone of a different race, color, creed, or nationality in reasons of employment.”When this occurred, the March was ______________________________.Japanese Internment:Relocation and Internment of approx. _________________________ Japanese American citizens.Japanese Americans who were too close to the Pacific Coast b/c the government afraid of _________________.Referred to as “______________________________________________”FDR authorized the Internment with Executive order 9066 on February 19th, 1942–Allowed Military commanders to designate exclusion areas for Japanese American “_______________”.16. (L1) In what ways did the U.S. mobilize or prepare for war?17. (L1) What role did women and African Americans play in WWII?18. (L1) What role did African Americans play in WWII?19. (L2) How did Executive Order 8802 impact African Americans who served in the military?20. (L3) Do you think the government was justified in placing Japanese Americans in internment camps to protect national security? Why?SUMMARY:U.S. in World War IIEuropean Theater:Fighting was primarily _________________________________Large scale ____________ raidsMore countries involvedGerman soldier tended to _________________ when defeat was apparent______________________D-Day:The landing of the Allied invasion along the beaches of ________________, FranceAKA ________________________________ and Neptune during WWII (June 6th 1944)Conducted in two phases: –__________________- landing of 24,000 British, American, Canadian, and Free French airborne troops. –________________________ landing- of Allied infantry on the coast of France Mass numbers of casualties on both sides, an ________________ Victory!Fall of Berlin:Final Chapter of the destruction of _______________________________. (April 16th, 1945)______________________ 20 armies (Russia)–6300 ___________________ and 8500 ________________________Russia arrive in _________, ________ had committed suicide, unconditional surrender of _________Pacific Theater:Fighting was primarily at ____________ or launched from sea; Island hopping & island invasions____________________ and island invasionsBattle of Midway: Was the most important _______________________ in the Pacific in WWIIJune 4-7 1942, approx six months after _____________________________Major win for the U.S, as they defeated the _________________________Caused irreparable damage to the Japanese FleetLed to the beginning of “_______________________________________”Island-Hopping:Counter-offensive strikeCapture specific __________________ to take _________________ away from the elite Japanese pacific fleet.Gen. MacArthur - Commander of Allied forces in the SW PacificManhattan Project:We wanted to beat the _____________.More _________________________ fightingJapanese land soldiers & __________________ would fight to the death_______________: August 1945–Develop the bomb and create enriched Uranium before the Nazis did.Manhattan Project–$2 billion (______________________)–30 different sites. 10 on __________________ (Project Name)Made it for __________________….. Turned into a weapon of ____________________.–We dropped 2 on Japan in the cities ______________ and ______________–This totally devastated their country.21. (L2) Why was D-Day considered the turning point of the European Theatre?22. (L2) Why was the Battle of Midway considered the turning point in the Pacific Theatre?23. (L2) Why did the U.S. used the strategy of “island hopping”?24. (L2) Why did the U.S. decide to drop the atomic bomb instead of invading Japan on land?SUMMARY: ................

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