Maßnahmenbericht / Activity Report

Activity Report-1

|Project Partner |The Gender Centre for Research and Training |

|Activity Title |Forum on SDGs #5: |

|(as agreed with FES |Undertake reforms to give women equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to ownership and |

|Programme Manager) |control over land: Zainab organization experience – Al Gadarif |

|KuBo Number |20 participants (8) males (12) females |

|Date |9/5/2017 |

|Venue |FES training hall |

|Budget |8.700 |

|Rapporteur |Maha Mutasim Elamin |

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|Context |

|Political / Social / Economic |

|National / Regional / Global |

|The Agenda 2030 offer civil society a new framework to initiate a critical shift away from the current unsustainable development model |

|– obsessed with the market and with economic growth –which has led to growing inequalities, increased the suffering of people and led |

|to the destruction of the environment, including contributing to accelerating climate change. They create an important framework that |

|will help civil society to hold governments and the private sector to account to a greater extent. |

|This could be termed as ‘Sudan SDGs Watch’ to be led and steered by a Gender Task Force(Sudan) |

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|Therefore, the project intends to enable the Gender Centre to implement and follow its plan systematically and with different |

|stakeholders and with different themes and it contributes to enhance the overall aim of the FES which is good governance, promotion |

|and protection of human rights, and gender equality realized in Sudan |

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|Gender Relevance |

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|In 2016, The GCRT addressed and tackled specific areas of concerns in relevant with SDGs#3 with numbers of papers which were prepared |

|and discussed three themes related to gender concerns. |

|Thus, goal # 5 includes women economic empowerment and gender equality and many more indicators were developed accordingly. The theme |

|is comprehensive in nature but challenge remains on how to contextualize and translate it into an actionable framework. |

|Therefore, a broad-based civil society engagement is needed for more than ever before for doing research, building awareness, doing |

|advocacy, monitoring in this area and sharing experiences. |

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|Objective of Activity |

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|Raising the awareness and Popularizing the SDGs framework and the mass media institutions with focus on goal # 5 at national and state|

|level, and promoting CSOs knowledge to expect and watch transformation change and build the capacities of media’s professionals with |

|advocacy skills and plan. |

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|Concept of Activity / Sequence of Activities and Target Group / Participants |

|Symposium, Public event, (Sequence of ) Seminar(s) |

|Decision makers, young leaders... |

|Number of female and male participants and paper presenters, trainers, facilitators, etc. |

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|The forum is the first one with the project of SDGs framework in relation to objective #5 on women and girl empowerment and achieving |

|gender equality. The paper of the forum which was presented tackled and highlighted the economic empowerment of women and introduced |

|Zainab organization experience and identified the challenges of women economic empowerment and at the end the presenter provided a set |

|of recommendations for way forward. The facilitator had led the discussions and outlined the outputs. |

|The participants are activists from CSOs, particularly women organizations, young leaders and numbers of journalists who are concerned |

|with SDGs |

|The total numbers are (20) males (8) females (12) |

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|Topics Discussed / Results/ Recommendations |

|Topics Discussed |

|Publication, Network, Exchange of Ideas, More Knowledge |

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|1 - Presentation of SDGs#5, with its specfic ub- themes -5-7 |

|2- The approaches of the SDGs for women economic empowerment and reaching gender equlaity. |

|3 - The gender dimention of the development concepts and processes. |

|5 - The concept of inequality and discrimination against women . |

|6- Women‘s ownership of lands and means of production elements . |

|7 – The organization of women as dimenstion of empowerement and unions. |

|8 – Agricultural finance implications. |

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|Results: |

|The absence of relationship between the mass media and the CSOs affected the inflow of information and weakness the role of all media |

|instituions. |

|The basic needs of women as peace and security should be the priority when we addressed the SDGs within Sudan context. |

|The Gov. Should put more efforts on identifying the indicators on the proposed SDGs framework, particularly goal#5 |

|Lack of awarness among the mass media institutions and particularly at the govermental one is a big challeng that faces the role of |

|productive women , to advocate and make pressure use it as a national strategic plan |

|The economic violence and discrimination policies affected women at different levels , particularly the productive women at rural areas|

|and this sitaution should lead to a comperehensive legal reform strategy, particularly the disciminatory laws. |

|The role of law at puplic and private atmosphere of women should be addressed and discussed openly. |

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|Lack of information related to the Gov. Document Policy on Women Empowerment . |

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|Statisics and information are highly needed , in addtion to well known resource persons and economic empowerement experts. |

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|Recommendations: |

|1 - A comperehensive advocacy plan of mass media should be supported and monitor. |

|2 - The civil society should take a leading role on developing the SDGs indicators. |

|3 - The policy makers and planners should be trained and capacities built on gender concept and mainstreaming. |

|4 - Capacity building plan shoud be prepared and conducted, particularly at the mass media institutions to engage the senior staff and |

|policy makers . |

|5-Women in informal sector and thier concerns should be included and addressed. |

|6-Agricuitural research should be taken care of . |

|7-Women in the agricuitural sector must be given the means of orduction . |

|8-Pay attention to the financing of women working in the agricuitural sector . |

|9-All laws limiting women ownership of resources must be reformed . |

|10.More research and studies on women access to productive resources should be conducted. |

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Datum / Date Unterschrift / Signature


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