Grades 6-8-Literacy Center CAP- 2009-2010

Literacy Center

W. T. Clarke Middle School

East Meadow School District

Completed August 2009

Coordinator and Writer: Kristen Almeida

WT Clarke MS Reading Specialist

Table of Contents

|Page # |Content |

|2 |Abstract |

|3 |Rationale |

|4 |Bibliography |

|5 |Planning |

|6-7 |If… Then… |

|8-21 |Literacy Center Inventory |

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The WT Clarke Literacy Center was established in 2007 to serve as a common meeting place for teachers and staff of all grades and content areas. Here the teachers can share ideas and learn more about the Balanced Literacy approach. Throughout the past two years, teachers have been visiting the Center to borrow resources which fit their specific teaching needs. Within this past year, the poster maker has made its debut in the Center. With this innovative technology and with the help of our BOCES staff trainer, Joanne Disken, teachers can now scan and create beautiful posters in an array of sizes to add to their repertoire of tools in the classroom.

The Center’s main goal is to provide the teachers of WT Clarke Middle School with a wealth of resources to build a community of successful readers and writers in their classrooms. Keeping this goal in mind, as well as the District’s commitment to Balanced Literacy and Differentiated Instruction, materials are carefully selected to reach each child’s diverse learning style.


A Literacy Center is a “must” in order for a successful Balanced Literacy program to exist and flourish within a school. Teachers of all middle school grades (sixth, seventh, and eighth) now have a professional room with an abundance of nonfiction and fiction materials to enhance their curriculum. In addition to these materials, the Center now has a poster maker, which allows the teachers to utilize new technology and incorporate life size, visually appealing posters and graphic organizers to enrich their lessons.

This year, especially, an array of professional materials was added to the Literacy Center. Teachers can now refer to reliable resources, which are current and rich with ideas, suggestions, and explanations centering on both the Balanced Literacy approach and Differentiated Instruction. These professional materials have created camaraderie among the teachers of various grade levels and subject areas as several books have become the topic of discussion over lunch or even in between periods. Moreover, the teachers are sharing a common language, referring to both authors of these materials and common terms and concepts they have learned. One particular favorite among the ELA teachers has been The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller. This particular book has inspired many of the teachers and provided them with new ideas to encourage independent/choice reading among their students. This year, above all, the teachers see their students reading by choice, as well as, sharing authors and titles with peers during personal conversations.


Beers, Kylene. 2003. When Kids Can’t Read What Teacher Can Do.

Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Carter, Marcia, Anita Hernandez, and Jeanine Richison. 2009. Interactive Notebooks

and English Language Learners. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Daniels, Harvey and Steven Zemelman. 2004. Subjects Matter: Every

Teacher’s Guide to Content-Area Reading. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Davis, Judy and Sharon Hill. 2003. The No-Nonsense Guide to Teaching Writing.

Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Harvey, Stephanie. 1998. Nonfiction Matters: Reading, Writing, and Research in

Grades 3-8. Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers.

Harvey, Stephanie and Anne Goudvis. 2007. Strategies that Work.

Portland, Maine: Stenhouse Publishers.

MacLachlan, Patricia. 1995. What You Know First. Pasadena, CA:

Harper Collins Publishers.

Miller, Donalyn. 2009. The Book Whisperer. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

September 2008-August 2009

*Collaborated with our AUSSIE trainer, Andrea, as well as Cindy Munter and Melissa Kishegyi, regarding necessary materials to order for the Center. All materials were selected to fit the needs of our students and curriculum in grades 6-8.

*Met several times with Cindy Munter to review purchase orders.

*Ordered materials for the Center such as, Professional Materials, Primary Source Document kits, picture books, wipe off boards, book baskets, etc.

*All materials were then categorized according to content, theme, and genre.

*Once categorized, the books were placed into bins.

*All materials were logged into the inventory on the Excel program for teachers to access.

*Laminated several graphic organizers, figurative language posters, and primary source documents from the Primary Sources series by Teacher Created Materials.

*Created and laminated Them/Me double entry journal posters on the poster machine to be kept in the Center for teacher/student use.


|If You’re Looking For… |Then read… |Literacy Center Location |

|Ideas for teaching organization/skills for research projects |Nonfiction Matters |Professional Materials |

| |by Stephanie Harvey (Chapters 8 & 9) | |

|Graphic Organizers to support readers through a novel |When Kids Can’t Read |Professional Materials |

| |What Teachers Can Do by Kylene Beers | |

| |(see Appendix E) | |

|Models of Reader’s Responses |The Book Whisperer |Professional Materials |

| |by Donalyn Miller | |

| |(pgs. 101-102) | |

|Tips for motivating your students to read independently |The Book Whisperer |Professional Materials |

| |by Donalyn Miller | |

|Ways to support your students with notetaking/organizational |Interactive Notebooks and English |Professional Materials |

|skills |Language Learners By Marcia Carter, | |

|(Guided notetaking/Cornell notes) |Anita Hernandez, and Jeanine Richison| |

| |(pgs. 43 & 47) | |

|“After” reading activities as a quick assessment of a lesson/ |Subjects Matter: Every Teacher’s |Professional Materials |

|Exit slips |Guide to Content-Area Reading | |

| |By Harvey Daniels and Steven Zemelman| |

| |(pgs. 124-125) | |

|Monitoring student comprehension through text coding |Strategies that Work |Professional Materials |

| |by Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis | |

|Test Taking Strategies |Strategies that Work |Professional Materials |

| |by Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis | |

|6th Grade Curriculum: Tips on a Picture Book Study |The No Nonsense Guide to Teaching |Professional Materials |

| |Writing by Judy Davis and Sharon Hill| |

| |(Picture Book Study, pgs181-197) | |

| | | |

|If You’re Looking For… |Then read… |Literacy Center Location |

|Grades 6-8: Writer’s Craft Lessons |The No- Nonsense Guide to Teaching |Professional Materials |

| |Writing by Judy Davis and Sharon Hill| |

| |(Mastering the Magic of Revision, | |

| |pgs. 128-146) | |

|A mentor text to focus on writer’s craft |What You Know First |Memoir Picture Books |

| |by | |

| |Patricia MacLachlan | |

| |The No- Nonsense Guide to Teaching |Professional Materials |

|Grade 7: Tips for a Poetry Study |Writing by Judy Davis and Sharon Hill| |

| |(Poetry Study, pgs. 149-164) | |

|Graphic Organizers for writing and reflecting in all genres |The No- Nonsense Guide to Teaching |Professional Materials |

| |Writing by Judy Davis and Sharon Hill| |

| |(see Appendix) | |

| |Genre |Title |Author/ |Location/ |# of Copies |

| | | |Publisher |Study | |

|Series/Theme | | | | | |

|Ancient China |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: China | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient China |Nonfiction |World History 1600 |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |BC-AD 220: Chinese | |Social Studies | |

| | |Civilization | | | |

|Ancient China |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: China | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient China |Nonfiction |World History 1600 |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |BC-AD 220: Chinese | |Social Studies | |

| | |Civilization | | | |

|Ancient China |Nonfiction |Everyday Kids Then & |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Now: China | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction |World History AD |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |450-1450: The Middle | |Social Studies | |

| | |Ages | | | |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: Renaissance | |Social Studies | |

| | |and Reformation | | | |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: Mexico | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction |Everyday Kids Then & |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Now: Mexico | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: India | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Civilizations Past to | | | |

| | |Present: The Viking | |6th Grade | |

| | |World |National Geographic |Social Studies | |

| | | | | |6 |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: Japan | |Social Studies | |

| | | | | | |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: Peru | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction |World History: |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Prehistory 3000 BC: | |Social Studies | |

| | |Early Humans | | | |

|Ancient Civilizations |Nonfiction |World History: AD |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |600-1500: The Islamic| |Social Studies | |

| | |World | | | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |Primary Sources: |Teacher Created |6th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Ancient Egypt |Materials |Studies | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |PSR World Cultures |Teacher Created |6th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Through Time: Ancient|Materials |Studies | |

| | |Egypt | | | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: Egypt | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |The First |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Civilizations | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |Picture Numbers |World Scapes |6th Grade |1 |

| | | | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |Cairo By Camel |World Scapes |6th Grade |1 |

| | | | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |Finding the Pharoahs |World Scapes |6th Grade |1 |

| | | | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |Queen of Egypt |World Scapes |6th Grade |1 |

| | | | |Social Studies | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |You Wouldn’t Want to | | | |

| | |Be An Egyptian Mummy! | | | |

| | |Disgusting Things | | | |

| | |You’d Rather Not Know | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |6th Grade | |

| | | |David Stewart |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction | | | |15 |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |Matt’s Cairo Caper |World Scapes |6th Grade |1 |

| | | | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Egypt |Nonfiction |PSR World Cultures |Teacher Created |6th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Through Time: |Materials |Studies | |

| | |Hatsheput | | | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |Heroes and Monsters of|Evslin, Evslin, & |6th Grade |53 |

| | |Greek Myth |Hoopes |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |The Greek Gods |Evslin, Evslin, & |6th Grade |24 |

| | | |Hoopes |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |Aphrodite & Demeter: |Doris Gates |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Two Queens of Heaven | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |A Fair Wind For Troy |Doris Gates |6th Grade |4 |

| | | | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |Athena: The Warrior |Doris Gates |6th Grade |9 |

| | |Goddess | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |Zeus: Lord of the Sky|Doris Gates |6th Grade |5 |

| | | | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |Heracles: Mightiest |Doris Gates |6th Grade |1 |

| | |of Mortals | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |The Book of Myths |Amy Cruse |6th Grade |6 |

| | | | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |Tales of the Greek |Roger Lancelyn Green |6th Grade |5 |

| | |Heroes | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |The Tale of Troy |Roger Lancelyn Green |6th Grade |2 |

| | | | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths |The Adventures of |Bernard Evslin |6th Grade |1 |

| | |Ulysses | |Social Studies | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |Jason and the |Will Osborne & Mary |6th Grade |22 |

| | |Argonauts |Pope Osborne |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Fiction/Myths | | | | |

|Ancient Greece |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: Greece | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Nonfiction |World History 1250-300|National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |BC: Greek Civilization| |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Nonfiction |Everyday Kids Then & |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Now: Greece | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Nonfiction |Primary Sources : |Teacher Created |6th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Ancient Greece |Materials |Studies | |

|Ancient Greece |Nonfiction |PSR World Cultures |Teacher Created |6th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Through Time: |Materials |Studies | |

| | |Socrates | | | |

|Ancient Greece |Nonfiction |PSR World Cultures |Teacher Created |6th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Through Time: Greece |Materials |Studies | |

|Ancient Rome |Nonfiction |Civilizations Past to |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Present: Rome | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Rome |Nonfiction |World History 500 |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |BC-AD 500: Ancient | |Social Studies | |

| | |Rome | | | |

|Ancient Rome |Nonfiction |Everyday Kids Then & |National Geographic |6th Grade |6 |

| | |Now: Rome | |Social Studies | |

|Ancient Rome |Nonfiction |Primary Sources: |Teacher Created |6th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Ancient Rome |Materials |Studies | |

|Ancient Rome |Nonfiction |PSR World Cultures |Teacher Created |6th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Through Time: Julius |Materials |Studies | |

| | |Caesar | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |PSR World Cultures | | | |

| | |Through Time: Ancient| | |6 |

| | |Rome | | | |

| | | |Teacher Created |6th Grade Social | |

| | | |Materials |Studies | |

|Ancient Rome |Nonfiction | | | | |

|Colonial Times |Nonfiction |Around the World in |Jean Fritz |7th Grade Social |30 |

| | |100 Years | |Studies | |

|Colonial Times |Nonfiction |And then What Happened|Jean Fritz |7th Grade Social |28 |

| | |Paul Revere? | |Studies | |

|Colonial Times |Nonfiction |Shh! We’re Writing |Jean Fritz |7th Grade Social |11 |

| | |the Constitution | |Studies | |

|Colonial Times |Nonfiction |Susanna of the Alamo |John Jakes |7th Grade Social |10 |

| | | | |Studies | |

|Colonial Times |Nonfiction |Voices from America’s |National Geographic |7th Grade Social |11 |

| | |Past: Colonial Life; | |Studies | |

| | |The Adventures of | | | |

| | |Benajamin Wilcox | | | |

|Revolutionary Times |Nonfiction |Voices from America’s |National Geographic |7th Grade Social |5 |

| | |Past: Blue or Gray? | |Studies | |

| | |A Family Divided | | | |

|Western Expansion |Poetry/Picture Book |Rough, Tough Charley |Verla Kay |7th Grade Social |10 |

| | | | |Studies | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Henry's Freedom Box: |Ellen Levine |7th Grade Social |5 |

| | |A True Story from the | |Studies | |

| | |Underground Railroad | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |American Commun-ities |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Across Time A | |Studies | |

| | |Home-steading | | | |

| | |Community of the | | | |

| | |1880’s | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Seeds of Change in |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |American History A | |Studies | |

| | |Struggle for Equality | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Travels Across |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |America’s Past The | |Studies | |

| | |Midwest: Its History | | | |

| | |and People | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Voices from America’s |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Past: Missions and | |Studies | |

| | |Ranchos | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Seeds of Change in |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |American History The | |Studies | |

| | |Great Migration | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Seeds of Change in |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |American History The | |Studies | |

| | |Industrial Revolution | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Seeds of Change in |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |American History | |Studies | |

|World History |Nonfiction |American Communities |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Across Time | |Studies | |

| | |Communities Across | | | |

| | |America Today | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Voices from America’s |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Past: Our New Life in | |Studies | |

| | |America | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |People Who Changed |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |America: Votes for | |Studies | |

| | |Women | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |People Who Changed |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |America: The Civil | |Studies | |

| | |Rights Movement | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Seeds of Change in |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |American History The | |Studies | |

| | |Age of Inventions | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Voices from America’s |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Past: The Roaring 20’s| |Studies | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Seeds of Change in |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |American History: | |Studies | |

| | |Immigrants Today | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Seeds of Change in |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |American History: | |Studies | |

| | |America Enters World | | | |

| | |War I | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Travels Across |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |America’s Past The | |Studies | |

| | |Southeast: Its | | | |

| | |History and People | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |American Communities |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Across Time: An | |Studies | |

| | |Immigrant Community of| | | |

| | |the 1900’s | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |Travels Across |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |America’s Past The | |Studies | |

| | |Southwest: Its | | | |

| | |History and People | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |American Communities |National Geographic |8th Grade Social |6 |

| | |Across Time: A | |Studies | |

| | |Suburban Community of | | | |

| | |the 1950’s | | | |

|World History |Nonfiction |The Wall: Growing Up |Peter Sis |8th Grade Social |10 |

| | |Behind the Iron | |Studies | |

| | |Curtain | | | |

|World History/ Civil War |Nonfiction |The Brothers' War: |J. Patrick Lewis |7th Grade Social |10 |

| | |Civil War Voice in | |Studies | |

| | |Verse | | | |

|World History/ |Nonfiction |The Secret of Priest's|Peter Lane Taylor |8th Grade Social |10 |

|Holocaust | |Grotto: A Holocaust | |Studies: Holocaust | |

| | |Survivor Story | | | |

|World History/WWII |Nonfiction |Battling in the |Susan Provost Beller |8th Grade Social |10 |

| | |Pacific: Soldiering | |Studies | |

| | |in World War II | | | |

|World History/WWII |Nonfiction |Dear Miss Breed |Oppenheim |8th Grade Social |10 |

| | | | |Studies | |

|World History/WWII |Historical Fiction |Tough Times |Milton Meltzer |8th Grade Social |10 |

| | | | |Studies | |

|Memoir Holocaust |Nonfiction |No Pretty Pictures |Anita Lobel |8th Grade Social |1 |

| | | | |Studies | |

|Memoir/ |Nonfiction |Behind the Secret |Nelly S. Toll |8th Grade Social |5 |

|Holocaust | |Window | |Studies | |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Magic School Bus: |Joanna Cole |6th Grade Science |6 |

| | |Inside the Earth | | | |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Uncovering Earth's |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

| | |History | | | |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Stars and Galaxies |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Earth, Sun, and Moon |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |The Oceans Around Us |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Introduction to |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

| | |Weather | | | |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Weather and Climate |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Volcanoes and |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

| | |Earthquakes | | | |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Exploring Space |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Extreme Weather |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Rocks and Minerals |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Earth Science |Nonfiction |Wonders of Water |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |Introduction to Energy|National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |Machines Make it Move |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |The Mystery of Magnets|National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |Understanding |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

| | |Electricity | | | |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |Acids and Bases |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |Using Force and Motion|National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |The Magic of Light and|National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

| | |Sound | | | |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |Chemical Changes |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |Newton's Laws |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

|Physical Science |Nonfiction |Matter, Matter, |National Geographic |6th Grade Science |6 |

| | |Everywhere | | | |

|Short Text |Fiction |Dare to Be Scared |Robert D. SanSouci |Fiction Read Alouds |7 |

|Short Text |Nonfiction |You Be The Detective |Marvin Miller |Nonfiction Read Alouds|8 |

|Short Text |Nonfiction |You Be the Jury |Marvin Miller |Nonfiction Read Alouds|6 |

|Short Text |Nonfiction |The Rescuers: Kids |Allan Zullo |Nonfiction Read Alouds|6 |

| | |Who Risked Everything | | | |

| | |to Save Others | | | |

|Biography |Nonfiction |Jeanette Rankin: |Gretchen |7th Grade Social |10 |

| | |Political Pioneer | |Studies | |

|Biography |Nonfiction |Patience Wright: |Pegi Deitz Shea |7th Grade Social |7 |

| | |America's First | |Studies | |

| | |Sculptor and | | | |

| | |Revolutionary Spy | | | |

|Biography |Nonfiction |Giants of Science: |Kathleen Krull |Biography |10 |

| | |Marie Curie | | | |

|Biography |Nonfiction |Nothing But Trouble: |Sue Stauffacher |Biography |10 |

| | |The Story of Althea | | | |

| | |Gibson | | | |

|Biography |Nonfiction |Campy: The Story of |David Adler |Biography |10 |

| | |Roy Campanella | | | |

|Memoir Novel |Realistic Fiction |Missing May |Cynthia Rylant |Memoir |5 |

|Memoir Novel |Nonfiction |Abracadabra Kid- A |Sid Fleischman |Memoir |5 |

| | |Writer's Life | | | |

|Memoir/Novel |Fiction |The Summer of the |Madeleine L'Engel |Memoir Novel |5 |

| | |Great-Grand-mother | | | |

|Memoir/Novel |Fiction |Marley and Me |James Grogan |Memoir/ Novel |5 |

|Memoir/Novel |Nonfiction |Farewell to Manzanar |Jeanne Wakatsuki |Memoir Picture Books |5 |

| | | |Houston & James D. | | |

| | | |Houston | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | |My Dadima Wears a Sari|Kashmira Sheth |Memoir Picture Books | |

|Multicultural |Nonfiction | | | |10 |

|Novels |Fiction |Hoot |Carl Hiaasen |Fiction |10 |

|Novels |Fiction |Among the Hidden |Margaret Peterson |Fiction |9 |

| | | |Haddix | | |

|Novels |Fiction |Chasing Vermeer |Blue Balliet |Fiction |9 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |What I Know First |Patricia MacLachlan |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |When I Was Little |Jamie Lee Curtis |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |Bad Dog, Marley |John Grogan |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |My Secret Bully |Trudy Ludwig |Memoir Picture Books |8  |

|Picture Books |Fiction |The Relatives Came |Cynthia Rylant |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |A Family Vacation |Dayal Kaur Khalsa |Memoir Picture Books |8 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |Tales of a Gambling |Dayal Kaur Khalsa |Memoir Picture Books |8 |

| | |Grandma | | | |

|Picture Books |Fiction |Now One Foot, Now the |Tomi de Paola |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

| | |Other | | | |

|Picture Books |Nonfiction |The Milestones Project|Steckel and Steckel |Memoir Picture Books |9 |

|Picture Books |Nonfiction |Hairs Pelitos |Sandra Cisneros |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |Alexander and the |Judith Viorst |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

| | |Terrible, Horrible, No| | | |

| | |Good Very Bad Day | | | |

|Picture Books |Fiction |She Come Bringing That|E. Greenfield |Memoir Picture Books |8 |

| | |Little Baby Girl | | | |

|Picture Books |Nonfiction |I Love You Like Crazy |Rose Lewis |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

| | |Cakes | | | |

|Picture Books |Fiction |My Mom's Wedding |Eve Bunting |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |The Forever Dog |Bill Cochran |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |Joseph Had a Little |Simms Taback |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

| | |Overcoat | | | |

|Picture Books |Fiction |The Gardner |Sarah Stewart |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |Remembering Grandpa |Uma Krishnaswami |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

|Picture Books |Fiction |Wilfrid Gordon |Mem Fox |Memoir Picture Books |10 |

| | |McDonald Partridge | | | |

|Picture Books |Fiction |When I Was Young in |Cynthia Rylant |Memoir Picture Books |5 |

| | |the Mountains | | | |

|Picture Books |Nonfiction |Thank You Mr. Falker |Patricia Polacco |Memoir Picture Books |3 |

|Poetry |Poetry |Joyful Noise: Poems |Paul Fleischman |Poetry |5 |

| | |for Two Voices | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |If I Were in Charge of|Judith Viorst |Poetry |5 |

| | |the World and Other | | | |

| | |Worries | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Feelings |Aliki |Poetry |1 |

|Poetry |Poetry |Another Very First |John Foster |Poetry |8 |

| | |Poetry Book | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |A Kick in the Head: |Paul B. Janeczko |Poetry |8 |

| | |An Everyday Guide to | | | |

| | |Poetic Forms | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Home to Me: Poems |Lee Bennett Hopkins |Poetry |8 |

| | |Across America | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Poetry for Young |Scholastic |Poetry |8 |

| | |People: Carl Sandburg| | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Poetry for Young |Scholastic |Poetry |8 |

| | |People: Robert Frost | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Poetry for Young |Scholastic |Poetry |8 |

| | |People: Robert | | | |

| | |Browning | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Poetry for Young |Scholastic |Poetry |8 |

| | |People: Langston | | | |

| | |Hughes | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Poetry for Young |Scholastic |Poetry |8 |

| | |People: Emily | | | |

| | |Dickinson | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Poetry for Young |Scholastic |Poetry |8 |

| | |People: William | | | |

| | |Shakespeare | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Poetry for Young |Scholastic |Poetry | 6 |

| | |People: American | | | |

| | |Poetry | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |A Moon in Your |Michael Spooner |Poetry |1 |

| | |Lunchbox | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |The Dream Keeper and |Langston Hughes |Poetry |4 |

| | |Other Poems | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Honey, I Love and |Eloise Greenfield |Poetry |3 |

| | |Other Poems | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |The Rose in My Garden |Arnold Lobel |Poetry |3 |

|Poetry |Poetry |Hailstones and Halibut|Mary O’Neill |Poetry |7 |

| | |Bones | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |The Best Poems Ever: |Edric S. Mesmer |Poetry |1 |

| | |A Collection of | | | |

| | |Poetry’s Greatest | | | |

| | |Voices | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |Poems and Rhymes |Childcraft |Poetry |1 |

|Poetry |Poetry |The New Kid on the |Jack Prelutsky |Poetry |8 |

| | |Block | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |It’s Raining Pigs and |Jack Prelutsky |Poetry |1 |

| | |Noodles | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |The Random House Book |Jack Prelutsky |Poetry |1 |

| | |of Poetry for Children| | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |A Light in The Attic |Shel Silverstein |Poetry |1 |

|Poetry |Poetry |Where the Sidewalk |Shel Silverstein |Poetry |1 |

| | |Ends | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |“If You’re Not Here, |Kalli Dakos |Poetry |8 |

| | |Please Raise Your | | | |

| | |Hand” Poems About | | | |

| | |School | | | |

|Poetry |Poetry |If Kids Ruled the |Bruce Lansky |Poetry |7 |

| | |School: More Kids’ | | | |

| | |Favorite Funny School | | | |

| | |Poems | | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Unwrapping the Read |  |Professional Materials|1 |

| | |Aloud | | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Using the Writer's |  |Professional Materials|1 |

| | |Notebook in Grades 3-8| | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |How to Write Your Life|Ralph Fletcher |Professional Materials|1 |

| | |Story | | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Practice with a |Debbie Diller |Professional Materials|1 |

| | |Purpose: Literacy | | | |

| | |Work Stations for | | | |

| | |Grades 3-6 | | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Nonfiction Mentor |Lynne R. Dorfman & |Professional Materials|1 |

| | |Texts |Rose Cappelli | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Nonfiction Matters |Stephanie Harvey |Professional Materials|4 |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Writing a Life; |Katherine Bomer |Professional Materials|5 |

| | |Teaching Memoir | | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |The Book Whisperer |Donalyn Miller |Professional Materials|5 |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Interactive Notebooks |Marcia Carter, Anita |Professional Materials|5 |

| | |and English Language |Hernandez, and Jeanine| | |

| | |Learners |Richison | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Subjects Matter |Harvey Daniels and |Professional Materials|5 |

| | | |Steven Zemelmen | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Blending Genre, |Tom Romano |Professional Materials|5 |

| | |Altering Style | | | |

|Professional Materials |Nonfiction |Nonfiction Matters |Stephanie Harvey |Professional Materials|5 |


Literacy Center Inventory



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