LESSON 9JULY 30, 2023SUBJECT: Finding and GatheringDEVOTIONAL READING: Job 28:1-2, 12-19BACKGROUND: Matthew 13:44-52LESSON: Matthew 13:44-52MEMORY VERSE: [Jesus] said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” Matthew 13:52 NIVLESSON AIM: To help us better understand Jesus’ parables and the Kingdom of Heaven.INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL STUDY OUTLINEBACKGROUNDDefine the Kingdom of Heaven (God). Use a Bible Dictionary. [The Kingdom of heaven (God) is any place where God abides, His righteousness reigns supreme and His will is done.]Define a parable. Use a Bible Dictionary. (A parable has been defined as: “A simple story illustrating a spiritual truth or moral lesson; an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.”)In this weeks’ lesson, what is the Kingdom of Heaven likened to? Matthew 13:44, 45, 47v. 44av. 45av. 47I. PARABLE OF THE HIDDEN TREASURE (MATTHEW 13:44)In the parable of the hidden treasure, where was the treasure hidden? Matthew 13:44aWhat was the initial action of the man who discovered the hidden treasure? Why do think so? Matthew 13:44bcWhat did the man who discovered the hidden treasure express? Matthew 13:44dWhy is it so much joy when one discover the Kingdom of Heaven (God)? John 15:11Luke 6:23Romans 14:172 Peter 1:10-11What sacrifice did the man who discovered the hidden treasure make? Matthew 13:44efv. 44ev. 44fWhat sacrifices should one make who have discovered the Kingdom of Heaven (God)?Matthew 6:33Luke 9:23Romans 12:1Was the man searching for the hidden treasure or did he come upon it unexpectedly? What should this teach us? Study how the following two Biblical characters found God’s Kingdom unexpectedly: Jacob (Genesis 28:16-17); Paul (Acts 9:1-7; 19:8; 28:31)What does the Bible teach us about our relationship to what we treasure? Matthew 6:19-21v. 19v. 20v. 21II. PARABLE OF THE PEARL (MATTHEW 13:45-46)In the second parable in this week’s lesson, what is the man looking for? How does this man differ from the man in the parable of the hidden treasure? Matthew 13:45, 46a (Read several Biblical Versions of the pearl’s description.) v. 45v. 46aWhat must an individual as the man in this parable do once he/she finds the pearl of pearls, the Kingdom of Heaven? Matthew 13:46bcv. 46bv. 46cWhat does the parable of the pearl teach us about our priorities and values? Mark 8:36-37What does it mean to “sell everything” for the kingdom? Why? Matthew 6:19-21How valuable is God’s Kingdom to you? How can one best show this? Matthew 6:33aIII. THE PARABLE OF THE NET (MATTHEW 13:47-50)What did the fishermen do once the net was full of fish? Matthew 13:48v. 48av. 48bv. 48cWhat does the separation of types of fish represent? Matthew 13:49-50v. 49aThe separation represents - v. 49bThe fishermen represent - v. 49cThe bad fish represent - v. 49dThe good fish represent - v. 50The outcome of the bad fish (the wicked) - What does the “blazing/fiery furnace” represent in Matthew 13:50? Mark 9:47-49; Revelation 20:14-15What is the outcome (reward, blessings) of the good fish (the righteous)? Matthew 13:432 Timothy 4:8What did Jesus ask his listeners after sharing the parables? What was the response? Matthew 13:51Who did Jesus single out and give a responsibility? Matthew 13:52 [Meaning of new treasures and old treasures: Jesus presented the new treasures (New Covenant/Testament). Moses presented the old treasures (Old Covenant/Testament). This group had the responsibility to share and explain both.] ................

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