Subject- Verb Agreement

Subject- Verb Agreement #1


Directions: First, number your paper 1-25. Next, record the subject of each sentence. Then, record the correct verb choice.

1. The barges on the canal (transport, transports) wheat.

2. The headlights of the oncoming cars (dazzle, dazzles) a driver at night.

3. This vase of flowers (make, makes) a lovely display.

4. The thunder (sound, sounds) like fireworks.

5. Either the Andersons’ children or their dog (has, have) dug this hole.

6. The orchestra (is, are) tuning their instruments.

7. Politics (is, are) one of my dad’s greatest interests.

8. Many a senator (has, have) introduced legislation.

9. Every student in this classroom (is, are) important.

10. Each of the children (receives, receive) a balloon.

11. Five dollars (is, are) the price of this picture frame.

12. Half of this melon (is, are) yours.

13. Seventy-five percent of my classmates (agrees, agree).

14. Twenty-five millimeters (equals, equal) one inch.

15. Linda’s novel (is, are) one of her best pieces.

16. Honduras (is, are) a country in Central America.

17. The colors in this photo (is, are) surprisingly lifelike.

18. Pain, in addition to tiredness, (causes, cause) many accidents.

19. Lions and tigers (is, are) cats.

20. Across the grasslands (sounds, sound) the roars of lions.

21. Of all the students at Union High, few (goes, go) to the opera.

22. Several of my friends (likes, like) broccoli.

23. Every child (has, have) his or her own unique qualities.

24. Here (is, are) the boxes for your project.

25. (Does, Do) Mandy enjoy country music?


Directions: Number 26-34. If the subject and verb are in agreement write “correct”. If the subject and verb do not agree write the correct verb on the line.

26. John Wright has been murdered in his own bed.

27. The local sheriff suspect the victim’s wife, Minnie.

28. Her motive remain a mystery, however.

29. Two women collects a few belongings to take to Minnie.

30. They piece together the murder from a few “trifles” in the house.

31. Two important clues surface – a broken birdcage and a dead canary.

32. Gradually, these people discovers Minnie’s motive for murder.

33. Their next action have surprised many readers.

34. This drama contain some clever twists and turns in the plot.

PART III: Words between Subject and Verbs

Directions: Number 35-44. If the subject and verb are in agreement write “correct”. If the subject and verb do not agree write the correct verb on the line.

35. One day in 1944, Kevin Mitnick, one of the country’s most wanted computer criminals, makes a critical mistake.

36. Mitnick, already under FBI investigation, break into the home computer of Tsutomu Shimomura.

37. Files of a highly sensitive nature is compromised by Mitnick.

38. Shimomura, a computer expert, vow to catch him.

39. Agents from the FBI joins Shimomura to track down Mitnick.

40. A trail of email messages provide vital clues.

41. Calls from two different locations also help the team.

42. Mitnick, a self-taught expert, believe his calls to be untraceable.

43. Shimomura, with his technical skill, pinpoints Moitnick’s exact location in North Carolina.

44. Experts on computer security follows such stories with great interest.


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