Megan Raftery 1/10/08

Name: ___________________________ Due Date: _____________ Period: ________


Because of the agricultural transition, societies could sustain larger populations and could become increasingly complex. Thus urban societies emerged in the fourth millennium B.C.E., particularly in the region known as Mesopotamia ("the land between the rivers") along the fertile river valleys of the Tigris and the Euphrates. Some of the world's earliest cities developed and prospered in that region. Mesopotamian prosperity and sophisticated culture attracted many migrants and influenced many neighbors, including the Hebrews, the Phoenicians, and the Indo-Europeans. Some of the characteristics of Mesopotamian societies were

• The establishment of governmental institutions to provide order and stability and to resolve disputes. These institutions evolved into hereditary kingships and, at times, into empires when states sought to expand their dominion to neighboring lands.

• The emergence of social classes as the result of specialization of labor and accumulation of wealth. The agricultural surplus and the accompanying specialization allowed individuals and groups to produce goods of high quality. The desire for these goods, in turn, helped to stimulate trade with other societies, greatly expanding intercultural contact.

• Distinctive cultural traditions that developed including a system of writing that would endure for thousands of years and more elaborate religious institutions than had previously existed.


|Intro |Summarize the Epic of Gilgamesh |

Section 1: The Quest for Order

|Intro |What challenges did Inhabitants of Mesopotamia face in organizing a large scale society? |

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|Mesopot|Define Mesopotamia - |

|amia: | |

|“Land | |

|Between| |

|the |Sumer – who were the Sumerians? How did they grow an abundance of food? |

|Rivers”| |

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| |Semitic Migrants – Who were the Semitic Migrants? What languages did they speak? |

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| |Sumerian City-States – Explain what a city-state is. Why were these governmental institutions necessary? |

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| |Sumerian Kings – What type of power did Sumerian Kings have? What was their relationship with the nobles (wealthy class)? |

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|The |Sargon of Akkad – What impact did he have on Mesopotamia? |

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|Empire | |

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| |Hammurabi and the Babylonian Empire – How did Hammurabi improve upon Sargon’s administrative techniques? |

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| |Hammurabi’s Laws - Describe some of Hammurabi’s Laws. |

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| |Define Lex Talionis – How did this idea differ between social classes? |

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|The |Who were the Hittites? What was their significance? |

|Later | |

|Mesopot| |

|amian | |

|Empires| |

| |The Assyrians – How did they use chariots and iron weapons to their advantage? What were some of their achievements? |

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| |Nebuchadnezzar and the New Babylonian Empire – Describe the capital city. |

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|Explain the political organization of Mesopotamia. |

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Section 2: The Formation of a Complex Society and Sophisticated Cultural Traditions

|Intro |Summarize the changes occurring in Mesopotamia (think SPRITE) |

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|Economi|Bronze Metallurgy – Explain why bronze was superior to copper. How was it made? |

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|Trade |Iron Metallurgy – Who was responsible for crafting strong iron? Why did iron become the metal of choice for weapons and tools? |

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| |The Wheel – How did the wheel benefit the people of ancient Sumer? |

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| |Shipbuilding - What impact did shipbuilding have on trade? |

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| |Trade Networks – Where were merchants trading? What were they trading? |

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|The |Social Classes – Why did social classes develop? Who held top social positions in Mesopotamian society? |

|Emergen| |

|ce of a| |

|Stratif| |

|ied |Temple Communities – What was the role of the priestly elites? |

|Patriar| |

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|Society| |

| |Slaves – where did they obtain slave from? How did slavery in Mesopotamia differ from slavery in 18th and 19th century America? |

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| |Patriarchal Society – In what ways was Mesopotamia patriarchal? |

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| |Women’s Roles – Explain some of the powers that women had in Mesopotamia. |

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|The |Cuneiform Writing – What does Cuneiform mean? Why is it a superior form of writing to pictograms? |

|Develop| |

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|Written| |

|Cultura| |

|l |Education – What was taught in established formal schools? |

|Traditi| |

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| |Astronomy and Mathematics – How was astronomy related to agriculture? What did they use math for? |

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| |The Epic of Gilgamesh – What themes were explored in this story? |

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|Read the Sources from the Past article within this section titled “Hammurabi’s Laws on Family Relationships”. Summarize the social status of women. What rights |

|did women have? Not have? |

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Section 3: The Broader Influence of Mesopotamian Society

|Hebrews, |The Early Hebrews – Who were they? How were Abraham and the Hebrews influenced by Mesopotamian culture? |

|Israelites| |

|and Jews | |

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| |Migrations /Settlement in Palestine – Describe how the Israelites ruled Palestine. |

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| |Moses and Monotheism – how did Moses’ teachings differ from earlier Hebrew traditions? |

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| |Assyrian and Babylonian Conquests – What impact did the Assyrians and Babylonians have on the Hebrews and Palestine? |

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| |The Early Jewish Community – Which elements enabled the Jews to maintain a strong sense of identity? |

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|The |The Early Phoenicians – Describe the political organization of the early Phoenicians. |

|Phoenician| |

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| |Phoenician Trade Networks – Where did the Phoenicians trade? What did they trade? |

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| |Alphabetic Writing – How did the Phoenician alphabet differ from cuneiform? What effect did it have on literacy? |

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|Explain how the impact of the Phoenicians, Hebrews, Assyrians and Babylonians. |

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Section 4: The Indo-European Migrations

|Indo-Europ|Indo-European Languages – Which languages display similarities? What explains this linguistic coincidence? |

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|Origins | |

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| |Indo-European Homeland - What was the original homeland of the Indo-European speakers? Describe their lifestyle. |

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| |Horses – how did the domestication of horses benefit the Indo-European migrants? |

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|Indo-Europ|The Nature of Indo-European Migrations – Which factors led to the migrations? |

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|Expansion | |

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|Effects |The Hittites – Describe the achievements of the Hittites. |

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| |War Chariots – Which two technological innovations are the Hittites responsible for? |

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| |Iron Metallurgy – How did the Hittites improve upon Iron metallurgy? |

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| |Indo-European Migrations to the East – How far east did some Indo-European Migrants reach? |

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| |Indo-Europeans to the West – Into which western areas did Indo-Europeans migrate? |

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| |Indo-Europeans to the South – Where did the Aryans migrate to? |

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|Explain how the Indo-Europeans help us understand the movement of people from 3000 – 1000 B.C.E |

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