Cornell Notes Template - Travis Unified School District

Essential Question #10 Lecture Notes

|Topic/Objective: |Essential Question: |

|Causes of the Civil War |What factors contributed to the Civil War between the North and South? (p. 319-409) |

|Reduce & then Recite |Record for Review |

|(Create questions which elicit |Write headings, key words, and vocabulary in colored pencil (or highlight!) |

|critical thinking/Write questions |Take sufficient notes with selective (not too much verbiage) & accurate paraphrasing/Use bulleted lists and abbreviations |

|directly across from the answers in |Correctly sequence information |

|notes) | |

| |Vocabulary: |

| |Industrial Revolution: The change from manual production to machine powered factory production, and brought a transformation in |

| |economy, society, and technology |

| |Urbanization: The movement of population from farms to cities |

| |Abolitionist: A person who wanted to end slavery |

| |Treason: A betrayal of, or action against, one’s country |

| |Martyr: A person who dies for his or her beliefs |

| |North & South |

|Q) Describe life in northern states: |North: Heavily ___________________________ and relied on ‘_______________________’ (No slavery) |

| |Northern states were developing as a part of the global ‘industrial ______________________’, turning to factory production and paying |

| |employee’s wages for work, and investing in developments like canals and railroads to spur growth (______________________!!!!) (p. |

| |319) |

| |During the 1800’s, experienced an influx of _____________________ (mostly Irish and German) who came to northern cities to live and |

| |work- experienced discrimination & racism (p. 337) |

| |__________________________, and life in __________________________________ was difficult- with long hours, unsafe conditions, and |

| |widespread use of child labor (p. 321) |

| |__________________________ (ending slavery), women’s rights, and other _______________ movements developed during the era (p. 353) |

| |Benefited from cheap slave-produced _____________ being used in industrial _______________________________ (p. 342) |

|Q) Create your own: |South: Remained _____________________________ with a reliance on __________________________ |

|______________________________________|Invention of ‘_______________’ in late 1700’s increased cotton growth and production, leading to the south becoming a ‘cotton |

|______________________________________|kingdom’- also created a huge ____________ in slavery(p. 341) |

|____________________ |Profits of cotton meant that the south never developed industrial centers or invested in other industries |

| |Political power controlled by the ‘___________________’- small group of wealthy elite planters |

| |By 1860- about __________________ African-Americans were enslaved (200,000 free) (p. 347) |

| |Lived under ‘______________________________’- special laws designed to keep slaves from rebelling or running away |

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| |Attempts to Compromise |

| |The leading political issue of the 1800’s, was the _________________ and ____________________ balance of slave states and free states-|

|Q) What was the struggle between free |a problem made worse by the nation’s westward expansion |

|and slave states in the 1800’s? |‘________________________’ tensions would increase as a result of a series of political _________________________ aimed at addressing |

| |the problem |

| |Missouri Compromise (1820)- Allowed ___________________ to enter as a ‘slave’ state, and _________ as a ‘free’ state (to maintain |

| |congressional balance)- also extended a boundary west to limit slavery (p. 389) |

| |Wilmot-Proviso (1846)- Passed in the House, and blocked by the Senate, the proviso aimed at preventing _______________________ from |

| |expanding to any territory won from __________________ (Slavery starts becoming a hotly contested political issue) (p. 390) |

| |‘_____________________’ emerges- a political party aimed at stopping the expansion of slavery in the west |

| |Compromise of 1850- 5 main parts (p. 394) |

|Q) Create your own: |California joins nation as a ‘__________________________’ (16/15 free state balance) |

|______________________________________|Divided rest of ‘Mexican Cession’ into New Mexico and Utah territories- slavery to be decided by ‘popular |

|______________________________________|____________________________’ |

|____________________ |Ended slave trade in Washington, D.C. (Congress had no right to ban trade between states) |

| |INCLUDED A NEW, STRICT _____________________________________ (WAR WARNING!!!!!) |

| |Settled a border dispute between New Mexico and Texas |

|Reduce & Recite |Record for Review |

| |Rising Tensions P.1 |

| |Tired of debating the ‘slavery issue’, Congress turned to ‘popular _____________________________’ to try and settle the slavery issue |

| |in developing territories (p. 399) |

|Q) Create your own: |The ___________________________________________ (1854) organized those territories for statehood, and would allow the voters to |

|______________________________________|determine if they would be slave or free territory |

|______________________________________|To critics, it was seen as overruling the ‘Missouri Compromise’- and opened the door for slavery to expand ______________________ |

|____________________ |Pro and Anti-slavery forces flooded into Kansas in preparation of the vote, open violence and fighting between the factions would |

| |become rampant, by 1856, __________ people had been killed in what the media would refer to as |

| |‘________________________________________’ |

| |A debate over Kansas in the U.S. Senate lead to ____________________ Congressman Preston Brooks, beating northern |

| |_____________________ Senator Charles Sumner with a cane ON THE SENATE FLOOR until he fell bloody and unconscious, an attack that |

| |Sumner wouldn’t recover from for 3 years (p. 401) |

|Q) How did ‘Dred Scott’ expand the |Southerners sent Brooks canes as gifts in a show of support |

|power of slavery? |Dred Scott v Sandford (1857)- Dred Scott was a slave who filed a lawsuit after living in northern territories where slavery was |

| |banned- The ______________________________________________ would come down with a ruling with major consequences for the future of |

| |slavery (p. 403) |

| |Scott could not file a lawsuit, because he is a _____________ not a citizen (and is considered _____________________________) |

| |Congress had no _______________________ right to ban slavery in the ___________________ |

| |Ruling, combined with ______________________________, meant no-place in the country could be ‘truly free’ |

| | |

| |Rising Tensions P.2 |

|Q) What was the goal of the Republican|Factions of already existing political parties, banded together in 1854 to form the ‘__________________ Party’- who’s primary goal was|

|Party and who emerged as a party |stopping the spread of slavery to the _____________ territories (p. 405) |

|leader? |In their first election in ____________, the Republican candidate (John C Fremont)- would lose, but the party performed surprisingly |

| |well, leading to southerners being worried about their political control of the country in the future |

| |In a Senate campaign, a young Abraham ________________ would emerge as a leader for the party for his outspoken stance on the |

| |immorality of slavery and the need to stop its expansion (p. 406) |

| |Most feared by southern slave-holders, was __________________________________ by slaves or their supporters, and John Brown’s raid of |

| |Harper’s Ferry in 1859, is considered by many, to be the final event that put us on course for the ___________________________ (p. |

| |408) |

| |_____________________________ was a violent abolitionist, who believed God had charged him with punishing supporters of |

| |__________________________ |

|Q) Create your own: |During ‘____________________________________’, he and his sons were known to have killed 5 pro-slavery supporters by hacking them to |

|______________________________________|death with a broadsword |

|______________________________________|Harper’s ________________ was a federal arsenal in _____________________, Brown and his men launched a raid hoping to gain control of |

|____________________ |the weapons and start and armed slave uprising |

| |The raid was a failure- no help came- Brown and his men were killed or captured, and John Brown would be executed for |

| |____________________, seen by many as a ‘________________’ for the cause of ending slavery |

|Reflect & Summarize |

|In your own words and in complete sentences, write a 5-6 sentence summary paragraph. Your summary should cover the main concepts of the notes, be accurate, and have |

|adequate details. The goal of the summary is to answer the essential question from the reading assignment. |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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