8-1 - Manzanita Elementary School

Chapter 8 Q and A

8th grade History


1. What did the belief that people could improve themselves and their society lead to?

2. What is meant by “free will?”

3. Describe the Temperance Movement.

4. Why did Horace Mann want to reform education?

5. In the mid-1800s, where were most public schools located?


1. Describe the American Colonization Society?

2. What is abolition?

3. Who are abolitionists?

4. Who was Frederick Douglass?

5. Describe the Underground Railroad?

6. What was the fear of Northern workers about abolition?

7. Timeline of the Antislavery Movement.

- 1803 Ohio became first state to ban slavery in its constitution

- 1804 every North state pledged to end slavery

- 1817 American Colonization Society was established

- 1829 David Walker published Appeal: to the Coloured Citizens of the World

- 1830 only 1,400 Africans migrated to Liberia from the American Colonization Society

- 1831 William Lloyd Garrison launched abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator

- 1839 John Quincy Adams proposed Constitutional Amendment to ban slavery

8. How did the goals of the Antislavery Movement change over time?


1. In 1820, what was life like for women?

2. What is significant about Sojourner Truth?

3. Why did some reformers turn to the issue of women’s rights?

4. What is the Declaration of Sentiments? What’s its purpose?

5. What is women’s suffrage?

6. Describe the women’s rights movement.

7. What’s significant about the year 1860 for women’s rights?

8. In the mid-1800s, what could a woman earn, in terms of education?

9. Give two examples of advances in education for women.


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