US Multiple Choice: Postwar and the Roaring 20s

1. The demand for automobiles in the 1920s

a. Stimulated growth in many other industries

b. Led to a nationwide recession

c. Closed down the steel industry

d. Brought abou the collapse of the suburbs

2. During the 1920s, American farmers as a group

a. Prospered economically

b. Bought larger farms

c. Purchased a lot of stock

d. Suffered economically

3. What was the major result of Henry Ford’s innovative manufacturing techniques?

a. The sale prices of cars went down

b. The sale prices of the average car increased

c. More Americans bought cars from overseas

d. Fewer Americans had jobs

4. What was the condition of America’s economy following World War I?

a. There was a long recession

b. There was immediate nationwide prosperity

c. There was a brief recession, followed by economic growth

d. There was a long, gradual decline in America’s

5. Presidents Harding and Coolidge favored policies that

a. Aided the growth of business

b. Brought about social reform

c. Encouraged activism

d. Discouraged a laissez-faire approach to the economy

6. Under President Coolidge, the concerns of Mexican Americans and African Americans were

a. A high priority

b. Ridiculed

c. Answered with hostility

d. Largely ignored

7. As President, Warren G. Harding

a. Strengthened the regulations on businesses put into place by the Progressives

b. Abolished all regulations on businesses

c. Reduced the regulations on businesses put into place by the Progressives

d. Took no action on economic matter

8. President Coolidge believed the creation of wealth

a. Hurt the disadvantaged

b. Benefited the nation as a whole

c. Eroded personal freedoms

d. Helped America’s enemies

9. Abstract art was an expression of

a. Modernism

b. Victorianism

c. Prohibition

d. Traditionalism

10. Which of these was a major difference between urban and rural lifestyles in the 1920s?

a. Rural Americans had higher incomes

b. Rural Americans had more free time

c. Urban Americans had more free time

d. Urban Americans worked longer hours

11. The “New Woman” of the 1920s

a. Embraced Victorian morality

b. Rejected the notion of suffrage

c. Rejected Victorian morality

d. Began to prefer more modest fashions

12. In 1920, America’s first radio station

a. Closed because few Americans bought radios

b. Was an immediate success

c. Broadcast Al Jolson in The Jazz Singer

d. Put early movie houses out of business

13. What was the largest cultural split in 1920s America?

a. Between northern states and southern states

b. Between eastern states and western states

c. Betweeen young Americans and elderly Americans

d. Between urban Americans and rural Americans

14. Most Americans who opposed the Ku Klux Klan embraced what notion?

a. That the races should remain separate

b. That America was a “melting pot”

c. That immigrants should be deported

d. That David Stephenson should be elected President

15. At its heart, the Scopes Trial was a clash between

a. Biology and science

b. Education and science

c. Evolution and science

d. Religion and science

16. Why was formal education more important for urban Americans than rural Americans?

a. Urban children needed a safe place to stay while their parents worked

b. Urban Americans needed an education to work in factories

c. Most higher-paying jobs in the cities required a good education

d. Only educated people could obtain urban housing

17. Why did so many African Americans migrate north throughout the 1920s?

a. For the milder climate

b. For a chance at a better future

c. To save money

d. To serve in the military

18. Jazz was

a. A musical style created by southern plantation owners

b. A style of art created by African American activists

c. A fashion style that came and went quickly

d. An American hybrid of African American and European music forms

19. The literature of the Harlem Renaissance

a. Explored the origins of jazz

b. Explored the pains and joys of being black in America

c. Is largely forgotten today

d. Argued for the separation of races

20. The sense of group identity created by the Harlem Renaissance

a. Formed a basis for later progress for blacks in America

b. Was lost by the end of the 1920s

c. Enabled African Americans to form their own nation

d. Ended discrimination against blacks in America

21. One result of World War I was

a. The creation of new countries

b. An expansion of German colonies

c. A move toward democracy in Russia

d. An alliance between Germany and France

22. What was the objective of the Red Scare of the 1920s?

a. To limit immigration from abroad

b. To secure civil rights for minorities

c. To protect the nation from Communism

d. To expose social and economic abuses

23. Which statement accurately describes the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s?

a. An organization created to promote African American businesses

b. A movement that sought to draw people back to the inner cities

c. A relief program that provided jobs for minority workers

d. A period of great achievement by African-American writers and artists

24. During the 1920s, the Red Scare, the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti and the rise of nativism were all signs of

a. The benefits of new technologies

b. The start of the Great Depression

c. A rising fear of foreigners

d. The return of normalcy

25. What was the major goal of U.S. immigration laws in the 1920s?

a. To increase immigration from Southeast Asia

b. To establish equal numbers of immigrants from all nations

c. To attract wealthy and well-educated immigrants from Latin America

d. To restrict immigration from Southern and Eastern Europe

26. One cause of suburbanization in the United States during the 1920s was increased

a. Overcrowding in cities

b. Economic opportunities in rural towns

c. Emigration from the United States

d. Economic reliance upon agriculture

27. Actions such as those shown in the picture above helped bring about

a. The decision in Plessy v. Ferguson

b. The decision in Brown v. Board of Education

c. The 19th Amendment

d. The 26th Amendment

28. In the early 20th century, many African-Americans moved from the South to cities in the North. This “Great Migration” helped stimulate a flowering of artistic talent by African Americans in New York known as the Harlem Renaissance. One way in which the Harlem Renaissance was significant was that it

a. Reduced racial tensions in the northern cities

b. Led to a decline in activity by the Ku Klux Klan

c. Led to a relaxation of restrictions on African-Americans in the South

d. Contributed to the recognition of African-American culture

29. What was the effect of Jim Crow Laws?

a. Racial segregation was required by law in southern states

b. Native Americans were moved onto reservations

c. Restrictions were placed on business monopolies

d. Women were denied the right to vote in national elections.

30. The early 20th century saw a significant northward migration of African-Americans. During the 1920s, nearly 400,000 African-Americans settled in New York, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. Many lived in large cities such as New York, Philadelphi and Chicago.

Which would be an ECONOMIC effect of this migration?

a. The Harlem Renaissance was able to spread

b. Jim Crow laws were abolished

c. The Ku Klux Klan prospered in the North

d. There was more competition for jobs between whites and blacks in the North.


31. Actions taken by organizations such as those shown in the photo above helped bring about

a. The decision in Plessy v. Ferguson

b. The decision in Brown v. Board of Education

c. The 19th Amendment

d. The 26th Amendment


32. This cartoon could be used to support the thesis that opposition to women’s suffrage was

a. Based on unemployment statistics comparing men and women

b. Stronger among women than among men

c. Stronger in western states than in eastern states

d. Based on stereotyping of women’s roles

33. Although the 14th Amendment to the Constitution extended the rights of citizenship to “all persons” born or naturalized in the United States, discrimination on the basis of gender still existed throughout much of the country during the late 1800s. Which was a consequence of this discrimination?

a. The end of the military draft for women

b. The growth of the women’s suffrage movement

c. The beginning of sit-ins to desegregate lunch counters

d. The continuation of efforts to end university admissions quotas.

34. What economic factor primarily contributed to the movement of African-Americans from the South to the North in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

a. Greater employment opportunities in urban areas

b. Increased imports from newly-acquired U.S. territories

c. The availability of free land under the Homestead Act

d. The need for agricultural workers to feed a growing population

35. The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1919, prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.

In terms of the evolution of the Constitution, the ratification of the 18th Amendment represented

a. A decrease in the powers of Congress

b. An extension of federal power into activities formerly regulated by states

c. A limitation on the powers of the federal government to regulate interstate trade

d. An increase in the power of the state courts to hear prohibition cases

36. The United States Constitution is a living document that changes over time as a result of amendments and Supreme Court decisions. How did the Constitution change as a result of the 19th Amendment?

a. The voting rights of women were expanded

b. The civil rights of Native Americans were restricted

c. The civil rights of African-Americans were protected

d. The voting rights of property owners were expanded

37. The Red Scare was a period of

a. Severe economic depression

b. Widespread support for group promoting international anarchy

c. Great growth in art, literature and music

d. Persecution of people suspected of holding anti-American political views.

38. Which factors were the major causes of the Red Scare and the Palmer Raids, which followed World War I?

a. Success of the Communist Party in congressional and Presidential elections

b. Race riots in Los Angeles and the revival of the Ku Klux Klan

c. Failure of the United States to join the League of Nations and the unpaid German war debts

d. The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia and the workers’ strikes in the United States

39. Based on a study of the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, which conclusion is most accurate?

a. The Bill of Rights is not intended to apply to foreigners

b. Racial and ethnic hostilities are effectively checked by adherence to due process of law

c. Internment of suspected criminals is necessary during wartime

d. Nativism and racism sometimes override the ideals of constitutional democracy

40. Which is true of the Red Scare of the 1920s?

a. It jeopardized the rights of individuals suspected of un-American activity

b. It occurred during times of economic depression

c. It addressed the issue of increased government bureaucracy after a world war

d. It led to the imprisonment of ethnic minorities during wartime

41. Which is true of the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti?

a. It dealt with nativist fears of foreign influence in the United States

b. It was started by concern that the United States would sink ito a depression

c. It was a public reation against organized crime

d. It was a grassroots movement to gain equal rights for minorities

42. After World War I, why did American farmers fail to share in the general economic growth of the United States?

a. Many immigrants were settling in the west and competing with farmers

b. The Federal Government reduced the number of acres on which farmers could grow subsidized crops

c. Farmers could not produce enough to keep up with demand

d. Overproduction and competition caused falling prices

43. The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s was a period when African Americans

a. Left the United States in large numbers to settle in Nigeria

b. Created noteworthy works of art and literature

c. Migrated to the West in search of land and jobs

d. Used civil disobedience to fight segregation in the Armed forces

44. Public disregard for Prohibition and for laws prohibiting gambling indicates that

a. The American film industry has great influence on public opinion

b. The system of checks and balances does not work

c. Attempts to legislate public morality may be met with strong resistance

d. American citizens have little, if any, respect for laws

45. The 1920s are sometimes called the “Roaring Twenties” because

a. Foreign trade prospered after World War I

b. The United States assumed a leadership role in world affairs

c. Political reforms made government more democratic

d. Widespread social and economic change occurred

46. Which events best support the image of the 1920s as a decade of nativist sentiment?

a. The passage of the National Origins Act and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan

b. The Scopes trial and the passage of women’s suffrage

c. The Washington Naval Conference and the Kellogg-Briand Pact

d. The growth of the auto industry and the Teapot Dome Affair

47. In the United States, the decade of the 1920s was characterized by

a. A willingness to encourage immigration to the United States

b. Increased consumer borrowing and spending

c. The active involvement of the United States in European affairs

d. Major reforms in national labor laws

48. In the 1920s, the Immigration Act of 1924 and the Sacco-Vanzetti trial were typical of the

a. Rejection of traditional customs and beliefs

b. Acceptance of cultural differences

c. Increase in nativism and intolerance

d. Support of humanitarian causes

49. After World War I, which factor was the major cause of the migration of many African Americans to the North?

a. The start of the Harlem Renaissance

b. Increased job opportunities in Northern cities

c. Laws passed in Northern states to end racial discrimination

d. Federal Government job-training programs

50. A result of the Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s was the

a. Restoration of buildings in New York City

b. Increased recognition of African-American writers and musicians

c. End of racial segregation laws in New York State

d. Appointment of several African Americans as presidential advisors

51. “The business of America is business”

-President Calvin Coolidge

By making this statement, President Coolidge was expressing his support for

a. Higher taxes on corporations

b. Banking regulations

c. Democratic socialism

d. The free-enterprise system

52. Which action is an example of nativism in the 1920s?

a. Widespread violation of Prohibition laws

b. Efforts to improve living conditions for Native American Indians

c. Passage of laws restricting immigration

d. Provision of credit to farmers

53. Which economic practice became significantly more widespread during the 1920s?

a. Governmental regulation of business

b. Stock market speculation

c. Dependence on government welfare programs

d. Reduction of tariff rates

Use the poem below to answer question 54.

“I, Too, Sing America”

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.

They send me to eat in the kitchen

When company comes,

But I laugh,

And eat well,

And grow strong.


I’ll sit at the table

When company comes.

Nobody’ll dare

Say to me,

“Eat in the kitchen,”



They’ll see how beautiful I am

And be ashamed—

I, too, am America.

— Langston Hughes, 1926

54. This poem was a literary contribution from the

a. Abolitionist movement

b. Progressive Era

c. Prohibition movement

d. Harlem Renaissance

55. The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s can best be described as

a. An organization created to help promote African-American businesses

b. A movement that sought to draw people back to the inner cities

c. A relief program to provide jobs for minority workers

d. A period of great achievement by African-American writers, artists, and performers

56. What was the major reason American farmers failed to obtain a fair share of the economic prosperity of the 1920s?

a. Crops failed due to poor weather conditions

b. The government controlled food prices

c. Farm crops were overproduced

d. Banks refused to lend money to farmers

57. Which statement most accurately describes conditions of American farmers during the economic boom of the mid-1920s?

a. Shortages of fertile land and farm equipment lowered farm income

b. Overproduction helped keep farmers from participating in the prosperity of the times

c. Subsidies and other government programs dramatically increased farmers’ incomes

d. Higher prices for farm products resulted in higher standard of living for farmers

58. What was a major result of Prohibition in the United States during the 1920s?

a. Restriction of immigration

b. Growth of communism

c. Destruction of family values

d. Increase in organized crime

59. The economic boom of the 1920s was primarily caused by the

a. New economic policies of the League of Nations

b. Development of new consumer goods industries

c. Advent of advertising on radio

d. Elimination of barriers to international trade

60. During most of the 1920s, which group experienced the most severe economic problems?

a. Owners of small family farms

b. Workers in the automobile industry

c. Bankers in urban centers

d. Entertainers in the field of radio

61. During the 1920s, controversies concerning the Scopes trial, national Prohibition, and the behavior of “flappers” were all signs of disagreement over

a. The return to normalcy

b. Traditional values and changing lifestyles

c. Causes of the Great Depression

d. The benefits of new technology

62. A major goal of the immigration acts of the 1920s was to

a. Allow unlimited immigration from Southeast Asia

b. Assure equal numbers of immigrants from all nations

c. Favor wealthy and well-educated immigrants

d. Use quotas to limit immigration from southern and eastern Europe

63. Which event of the 1920s symbolized a conflict over cultural values?

a. Election of Herbert Hoover

b. Transatlantic flight of Charles Lindbergh

c. Scopes trial

d. Stock market crash

64. The data in the chart above support the idea that the immigration laws of 1921 and 1924 were primarily designed to

a. Stop illegal entry into the country

b. Admit skilled workers

c. Encourage immigration from southern Europe

d. Reduce immigration from specific regions

65. The United States adopted immigration policies shown in the chart above mainly because of

a. Pressures from nativists and labor unions

b. Hardships caused by the Great Depression

c. Prejudices generated during World War II

d. Threats from other nations to stop migration to the United States

66. Which pair of events illustrates an accurate cause-and-effect relationship?

a. Sacco and Vanzetti trial(ratification of the woman suffrage movement

b. Rebirth of the KKK (formation of the Populist Party

c. Red Scare(demand for limits on immigration

d. High food prices (start of the Great Depression

67. Much of the economic growth of the 1920s was based on

a. Increased trade with other nations

b. The production of new consumer goods

c. Rising prices of agricultural products

d. The rapid development of the West

68. The failure of national Prohibition led to a public awareness that

a. Crime rates decline when the sale of alcoholic beverages is banned

b. Economic prosperity encourages social conformity

c. Unpopular laws are difficult to enforce

d. Geographic conditions affect law enforcement

69. National Prohibition, as authorized by the 18th Amendment, stated that

a. Americans must be 18 years old to purchase alcoholic beverages

b. Only imported alcoholic beverages would be sold

c. Alcoholic beverages could be sold only in government-run stores

d. the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages was banned

70. Jazz was born in t his southern city.

a. Chicago

b. Orlando

c. Dallas

d. New Orleans

71. Which is NOT an EFFECT of Prohibition?

a. There was disrespect for the law

b. Bootlegging occurred

c. There was wartime hostility towards German American brewers

d. There was a growth of organized crime

72. The movement of African Americans from the rural south to the urban north was called what?

a. The Long Walk North

b. The Great Migration

c. The Harlem Renaissance

d. The Temperance Movement

73. Because his house was damaged by a bomb, he led raids against alleged anarchists, communists, and socialists.

a. Bartolomeo Vanzetti

b. A. Mitchell Palmer

c. Marcus Garvey

d. George Gershwin

74. This is the 19th Amendment.

a. Prohibition

b. Suffrage for Women

c. Presidential inauguration moved to January

d. Repeals Prohibition

75. The movement that favored the interest of “natural born” Americans over that of immigrants

a. Nativism

b. Temperance Movement

c. Black Nationalism

d. Immigration Act of 1924


Choose the best answer for each question and mark the corresponding letter on your scantron. 75 points.


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