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|Quote |Same-Sex |Inter-racial|

|This type of legal marriage must be forbidden, said the Republican senator from Wisconsin, “simply because natural instinct |  |  |

|revolts at it as wrong.” | | |

|An organization opposed to this type of marriage claimed that legalizing it would result in “a degraded and ignoble population |  |  |

|incapable of moral and intellectual development.” | | |

|“I believe that the tendency to classify all persons who oppose XXXX marriage as ‘prejudiced’ is in itself a prejudice,” |  |  |

|claimed a noted psychologist. | | |

|A U.S. representative from Georgia declared that allowing this type of marriage “necessarily involves (the) degradation” of |  |  |

|conventional marriage, an institution that “deserves admiration rather than execration.” | | |

|“The next step will be (the demand for) a law allowing them, without restraint, to … have free and unrestrained social |  |  |

|intercourse with your unmarried sons and daughters,” warned a Kentucky congressman. “It is bound to come to that. There is no | | |

|disguising the fact. And the sooner the alarm is given and the people take heed, the better it will be for our civilization.” | | |

|“When people (like this) marry, they cannot possibly have any progeny,” wrote an appeals judge in a Missouri case. “And such a |  |  |

|fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid their marriages.” | | |

|These types of marriages are “abominable,” according to Virginia law. If allowed, they would “pollute” America. |  |  |

|In denying the appeal of this type of couple that had tried unsuccessfully to marry, a Georgia court wrote that such unions are|  |  |

|“not only unnatural, but … always productive of deplorable results,” such as increased effeminate behavior in the population. | | |

|“They are productive of evil, and evil only, without any corresponding good … (in accordance with) the God of nature.” | | |

|A ban on this type of marriage is not discriminatory, reasoned a Republican congressman from Illinois, because it “applies |  |  |

|equally to men and women.” | | |

|Attorneys for the state of Tennessee argued that such unions should be illegal because they are “distasteful to our people and |  |  |

|unfit to produce the human race.” The state Supreme Court agreed, declaring these types of marriages would be “a calamity full | | |

|of the saddest and gloomiest portent to the generations that are to come after us.” | | |

|Lawyers for California insisted that a ban on this type of marriage is necessary to prevent “traditional marriage from being |  |  |

|contaminated by the recognition of relationships that are physically and mentally inferior,” and entered into by “the dregs of | | |

|society.” | | |

|“The law concerning marriages is to be construed and understood in relation to those persons only to whom that law relates,” |  |  |

|thundered a Virginia judge in response to a challenge to that state’s non-recognition of these types of unions. “And not,” he | | |

|continued, “to a class of persons clearly not within the idea of the legislature when contemplating the subject of marriage.” | | |


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