Vocabulary GRADE 5, UNIT 5, WEEK 4 Vocabulary Words





Vocabulary Words


Teach each Vocabulary and Concept Word using the Define/Example/Ask routine.

? DEFINE Approximately means "nearly" or "about." EXAMPLE It has approxi-

mately 70,000 icy objects. ASK Approximately how many hours do you sleep?

? Something that is astronomical has to do with astronomy, the study of space.

The astronomical society held a meeting. What are some astronomical topics?

? A calculation is the result of adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing.

I did a calculation of how big Xena was. When have you made a calculation?

? Diameter is the length of a line passing through the center of a circle or

sphere, from one side to another. Pluto is 1,440 miles in diameter. When might you want to know the diameter of a circle or sphere?

? To orbit is to move in a circle around another object. Pluto and Earth orbit the

sun. What other things orbit the sun?

? Spheres are round three-dimensional figures. Baseballs and softballs are

spheres. What are some other types of spheres?

? Criteria are rules or standards used to judge or measure something. Scientists

used the criteria to make a decision. What are criteria for classifying things as living or nonliving?

? If you evaluate something, you judge or find out the value of it. Teachers

evaluate our essays. Why might you evaluate something before purchasing it?


Practice Reproducible Distribute Practice Reproducible 92. Help students choose the correct answer for approximately. Then have them work individually to answer the remaining questions.

Quick Check

Can students choose the best answer for each word?

If No If Yes

Use the Vocabulary Cards, Visual Vocabulary Cards, Visual Glossary Online, and online vocabulary games for additional practice.

Have students make a list of the words in their vocabulary notebook for use in future writing activities.

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Answer Key: 1. noon; 2. the stars; 3. math class; 4. a basketball; 5. a planet; 6. a globe; 7. beaks and wings; 8. before you buy it

184 Vocabulary Intervention: Section 9



Practice Reproducible V92

Use Vocabulary Words

Circle the best choice for each Vocabulary and Concept Word.

1. Approximately when do you eat lunch?



2. Which of these is an astronomical topic?

the stars

the trees

3. Where do students often make calculations?

art class

math class

4. Which object has a greater diameter?

a marble

a basketball

5. Which has an orbit? a planet

a country

6. Which is a sphere? a globe

a map

7. Which are criteria for birds?

fur and eyes

beaks and wings

8. When should you evaluate an item?

before you buy it

after you buy it

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