Project Charter Model Sample

Project Charter Template

The purpose of the project charter is to authorize the project, to define scope, stakeholders, milestones, issues, risks, assumptions, and budget at a high level, and to secure signoff from internal stakeholders.

|Project Identification |

|Name |New Company Website |

|Description |Designing, testing, and deploying a new customer-facing company website that integrates with an eCommerce |

| |platform. |

|Customer |Company |

|End User |Company’s customers |

|Project Manager |Peter |

|Key External Stakeholders |General public; eCommerce vendor |

|Key Internal Stakeholders |Marketing, Sales and Support, Product Manager |

|Key Team Members |Dan – Designer |

| |Development team – 1 frontend, 1 backend, 1 tech lead with full-stack |

| |Shelly-QA/testing lead |

|Project Duration |6 months – April 2020-September 2020. |

|Business case/Outcome (OPTIONAL) |

|Customer sales through our website were down 20% in Q1.Based on the sluggish sales and less foot traffic in stores due to the pandemic, we need to |

|revamp our customer-facing website in time to prep for Q4 holiday sales. Our goal is to integrate with an industry-leading eCommerce platform and drive |

|sales in the holiday season to 50% above normal. |

|project goals |

|Increase sales by 30% in Q4 2020. |

|Have at least 80% of the physical catalog implemented in the new platform by launch and the remaining 20% by Q2 2021. |

|Project Scope |

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|The following items are included within the scope of the project. |

|Website frontend. |

|Website backend. |

|Ecommerce integration. |

|Product catalog. |

|The following items are excluded from the scope of the project. |

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|New customer service portal integration with new website – will be scheduled for Q2 2021. |

|key Project DELIVERABLES |

|Name |Description |

|Frontend |Subparts include landing page, catalog pages, and customer support pages. |

|Backend |Subparts include order fulfillment, account login, catalog integration, and customer service. |

|eCommerce Integration |Integration with an eCommerce platform such as Magento or WooCommerce. |

|Milestone dates |

|Item |Major Events / Milestones |Month/Year |

|Frontend |Frontend cleared by design team and unit testing complete |06/2020 |

|Backend |Backend cleared by design team and unit testing complete |07/2020 |

|Customer Testing Complete |All testing complete |08/2020 |

|Deployment |Website deployed |09/2020 |

|key ISSUEs (KNOWN) |

|Severity (H/M/L) |Description |

| |Vendor coordination limited in Q3 due to other commitments |


|# |Risk Event Description |Time Frame |Probability |Impact |Response Strategy/Plan |

| |Delays could occur due to the use of a |Ongoing |H |M |Train the developers on the new system. |

| |new eCommerce system | | | | |

|critical success factors |

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|Effective integration with eCommerce platform. |

|Successful integration of at least 80% of product catalog. |

|Successful testing. |

|Deployment no later than end of Q3 to prep for holiday season. |

|Assumptions |

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|Vendor support will be available through launch. |

|Project Budget |

|# |Project element |Amount |Funding source/budget |

| |Website Budget |$110,000 |Operating Budfget |

| |Contingency Reserve |$11,000 |Risk Register |

|Total |Total |$121,000 | |

|Signoff |

|Key Internal Stakeholders (listed in Section 1.7) sign here: |

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|Date: |


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