Wooddale Church Virtual VBS User Guide

Wooddale Church Virtual VBS

User Guide

Thank you for joining us for our very first virtual Vacation Bible School. Our goal is to give your child all the impact and fun of VBS in the safest way possible. We created this guide to help equip you and provide the resources you need to make this year's VBS as simple and effective as possible.

Theme: This year's theme is Rocky Railway: Jesus Pulls us Through! We don't think there could be a better idea to focus on today given all the challenges we face. Jesus' power is there for your family and we want kids to know they can trust Him even when life is challenging.

How Virtual VBS will work: Each day you will have access to a series of videos that walk your child through different "stations." These stations include:

? Sing and Play Express opening rally ? Game Time ? Imagination Stations ? Bible Adventures ? Rocky Wrap-Up

Videos: ? If you want to watch the videos live, visit live at the following times each day (July 20-July 24): o 9 a.m. opening rally o 10:45 a.m. closing ? If you want to watch the videos at other times, they will be available at starting Sunday, July 19 and will remain there for several weeks.

Along with the videos, you should have all the supplies you need to help facilitate each activity in the kit you received. This guide also gives you a detailed description of the games and imagination stations in case you need more detail. Email childrens@ if you have questions.

Your Kit: Your VBS kit contains everything you need for a fun-filled week. Items include:

? Imagination Station activity: Videos to help guide children in assembling the items for each day.

? Bible Buddy: Give this to your child at the end of each day's session. ? Tracking with Jesus Bible book: Your child can work on extra activities to help

reinforce what he or she is learning. ? Supplies: See the games section of this guide along with the game videos. ? Fun surprises

Wooddale Church Virtual VBS

User Guide

Overview of Days:

Day 1 - Jesus' power helps us do hard things. ? Bible story: Ananias helps Saul. (Acts 9:1-19)

Day 2 - Jesus' power gives us hope. ? Bible Story: Paul encourages others in a storm and shipwreck. (Acts 27)

Day 3 - Jesus' power helps us be bold. ? Bible Story: Peter and John teach about Jesus. (Acts 3:1-4:31)

Day 4 - Jesus' power lets us live forever. ? Bible Story: Jesus' death and resurrection. (Matthew 26:17-28:10)

Day 5 - Jesus' power helps us be good friends. ? Bible story: The church is united. (Acts 2:42-47; 4:32-35)

Offering Project:

Each year at VBS we help support organizations around the world who are helping people in significant ways. This year's project will buy sewing machines for women in Ghana, Africa. These women are part of an empowerment program Wooddale Church supports. Girls in the program learn the practical skill of sewing and each receive a machine at graduation. You may wonder why sewing machines? The answer is powerful!

? Sewing machines help them earn income for themselves and their families. ? It helps them pass on the acquired skills to other young girls. ? It helps them become responsible, independent young girls who are able to

provide for themselves. ? It provides continued learning opportunities. ? It breaks the cycle of poverty.

The machines do not require electricity and each costs $100. Our goal is to pay for 14 of them. If our kids hit their goal, Pastor Justin will have something funny and crazy happen to him. You can give by going to give.

Let's help our kids make a big impact on people around the world!

We're so excited to ride the rails with your family at this year's VBS! It will be an epic adventure together as we learn about Jesus' power to pull us through life's greatest challenges. Thank you for partnering with us this year! We'll see you at the train station for our departure on Monday, July 20!

Wooddale Church Virtual VBS

Game Time!


Games are from VBS Loco Motion unless otherwise noted. Each game has been reworked for an optimized `virtual' experience using limited supplies while keeping all the fun! Every game can be played with two or more kids with two interchangeable modification options called Extra Sauce and Single-player.

? Extra Sauce transforms the game into a water game to be played outside.

? Single-player transforms the game so it can be played with only one participating individual.

Games may be played as written or with one or both of the modification options. Families are encouraged to play the game in whichever format fits best for your `virtual' VBS experience.

Wooddale Church Virtual VBS

Game Time!

- Day 1 -

Jesus' power helps us do hard things.

Railway Race

Supplies needed ? 1 Beanbag ? 2 Buckets or bins ? Extra Sauce (water and plastic cup for each child)

How to Play ? Select a starting and ending location and put a bucket or bin to designate these areas that will be called Train Stations. ? Have each child stand side-by-side in a long line with 6-10 feet between each person with the line between both Train Stations. ? Pick one Train Station to be the starting point and place the beanbag into the bucket or bin. ? The children will work together as a team to move the beanbag from one Train Station to the other. Players need to carry the beanbag on their head and may only touch the beanbag to move it from their head to another player's head or to remove/place it into the Train Station's bucket/bin. If the beanbag falls off of a player's head, the line simply starts over with placing the beanbag back at the starting Train Station. ? After a few successful rounds, have children mix up where they're standing in line so everyone gets a chance to be at the front or back of the line.

You may add variation to the game after several playthroughs to make it more difficult. Have all players perform an action while walking to the next player in line. Examples include: skipping, spinning, hopping on one foot or keeping their eyes closed.

Options ? Extra Sauce - The Extra Sauce mod option will need to replace the beanbag with a plastic cup for each child. Pour water into the starting Train Station's bucket/ bin and have the first child fill his or her cup with water. All the other children will have empty cups. Children may place one hand over their head to help balance the cup. The game is still the same but players will need to move water from one Train Station to the other with the game ending when all the water is used up in one bucket/bin and has filled the other bucket/bin. Players may move water between themselves by pouring the water of one cup into the water of another cup. However, players may never remove the cup from their heads, even while doing this action.

Wooddale Church Virtual VBS

Game Time!

? Single-player ? Single-player works as described above except that only one child will move the beanbag between the Train Stations. After several completed runs, have the player try more difficult actions while walking between Train Stations. Increase the difficulty as follows: 1. Keeping eyes closed while walking. 2. Spinning every five steps. 3. Skipping instead of walking. 4. Jumping on one foot instead of walking.

Questions to Ask ? What was the hardest part of the game for you? ? What strategies did you figure out that made things easier? ? What are some things in your life that used to be really hard for you to do that you're better at now?

End Game Encouragement "Doing hard things can get easier. God gave us these amazing brains that learn as we struggle. When we keep trying, we figure things out and gain new skills. Sometimes we get tired of trying, like in our game today. But when we feel like we're at the end of our own power, Jesus' power helps us do hard things!



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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