LITERARY ANALYSIS - Petal School District / Overview

AP English Lit/Mr. Kirby Name: Hannah OsowskiLITERARY ANALYSIS DATA SHEETTitle: Heart of DarknessAuthor: Joseph ConradDate of Publication: 1902Sources: History1900s.1515151.literary-devices.htmlheart-of-darkness/fate-free-will-quotes.html Significant biographical details about the author:Born in 1857 in PolandNative language is PolishWrote in English after settling in England, but always considered himself a Pole.Died in 1924Provide a brief synopsis (include exposition, main conflict(s), climax, resolution, and major plot points):It revolves around Marlow and his journey up the Congo to meet Kurtz (who is supposed to be a great man).Marlow takes a job with a company as a sailor, but he sees the cruelty first hand to the people forced to work for the company.They stop at Central Station, which is run by General Manager, who is not a good person, and the ship gets broken. In the months it takes for the part to get in, Marlow’s fascination with Kurtz grows. While Kurtz becomes very ill.Natives are cannibals.On their voyage, they find a hut stacked with firewood with a note saying the wood is for them. After stacking the wood on the steamboat fog rises and they find the boat is under attack by the natives. Someone blows a whistle and they go away.They finally make it to Kurtz and realize that Kurtz has established himself as a god over the naties.Kurtz is very brutal. He has the heads of natives on wooden poles. He also leads these brutal raids for ivory.It turns out that Kurtz had ordered the attack on the ship for the sailors to think that Kurtz is dead so Kurtz was still able to do whatever he wanted.Kurtz disappears in the night and Marlow finds him the next day crawling towards a native camp. Marlow convinces him to get on a boat and they set down the river.Kurtz gives Marlow a pamphlet that ends with, “Exterminate the brutes.”The steamer breaks down and Kurtz’s last words were, “The horror! The horror!”A year after Kurtz’s death, Marlow goes to see Kurtz’s grieving fiancé. She talks of how great Kurtz was and asked Marlow what Kurtz’s last words were. Marlow said it was her name to not shatter her rmation about the period (literary, historical, artistic, philosophical, etc.):Lots of revolutions from governmentsIndustrial RevolutionClass (wealth) was a big factorRacismImperialismIdentify the genre and specify how this work fits its characteristics:NovellaPretty short.Almost a romance in its insistence on heroism and the supernatural preference for symbolism over realistic.Many symbols used within the text.Colonial LiteratureThe frontier and surviving in the wild.Adventure taleTraveling and journey.Cite and quote one example of each:“The sun set; the dusk fell on the stream” (pg. 6).“Swept and ungarnished staircase, as arid as the desert.” (pg. 14).“The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds…seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness” (pg. 113).Identify and explain the use and effect of three literary techniques:Imagery- setting and tone (ominous) A lot of similes and metaphors mostly as more description.Symbolism- a lot for darkness (meaning uneasy, fearful, bad).Cite and quote three significant passages:“I felt I must somehow get there [the Congo] by hook or crook.” (pg. 19).“I began to feel slightly uneasy, You know I am not used to such ceremonies, and there was something ominous in the atmosphere. It was just as though I had been let into some conspiracy – I don’t know – something not quite right…” (pg. 25).“It was a weary pilgrimage amongst hints for nightmares.” (pg. 31). Explain the significance of each passage or explain how it relates to the work as a whole:Marlow feels that he is inevitable drawn to Africa, as if by destiny. This shows the theme of fate. Marlow begins to feel nervous about his trip right after he signs his papers. The two knitting women increase his anxiety as they gaze at him and the other sailors with unconcern, as if they do not care whether he lives or dies. This shows the theme of fear.This passage shows how Marlow, when using the word pilgrimage, implies that his journey was so pure as to be blessed by God. This shows the mindset that some of the people didn’t believe there was anything wrong with their actions towards the natives. Significant QuotesCharactersRecord information for each significant major character in the workNameRole in the storySignificance or PurposeAdjectivesCharlie MarlowKurtzThe ManagerKurtz’s native mistressKurtz’s fiancéThe story is seen through his eyes, he is the main character.An ivory trader for the company.Oversee the company’s activities in the Congo.Kurtz’s mistressThe one Marlow has to go see about Kurtz’s death. Sees everything first-handSomeone everyone looks up to and has respect/fear for. He is also a part of a plot twist.Able to inspire uneasiness in others. Also responsible for the wreck of the steamboat.Shows a bit of Kurtz’s passion for the natives.Shows how other people who did not see Kurtz in Africa still believe the best in Kurtz. Also shows how much Kurtz has changed in his time in Africa. 1.Critical, gullible, na?ve 2. Power-hungry3. Intimidating4. Protective5. Hopeful, optimistic, mourningDescribe the setting(s) and explain its/their significance:The Congo RiverShows the wildness of this place as opposed to the civilizations that England had. Identify and explain the theme(s) of the work:The hypocrisy of Imperialism.As Marlow travels up the Congo, he sees near slavery and other harshness towards the natives.Some say they “trade” with the natives, but Kurtz honestly says that he uses force to get things from the natives.Kurtz also talks about how he treats the natives using “suppression” and “extermination”.Natives are objects to them.Madness because of Imperialism.First used as a device [madness] to engage the reader’s sympathies. Establishes social fictions.Also shows how humans want absolute power because of imperialism.Write at least three questions or topics for class discussion:Conrad describes everything in doubles (evil and good, light and dark, black and white) what is accomplished by doing so?How does physical illness relate to madness?Why does Marlow lie to Kurtz’s fiancé about Kurtz’s last words?Identify and explain key metaphors, symbols, or motifs:The Congo RiverEuropean means of transportation. Marlow related the river to a snake and a snake to danger, meaning the Congo River is dangerous and as unpredictable as sly as a snake.DarknessRepresents the core of our being after we throw off the illusions and comforts of civilization.Also represents evil. ................

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