Organizing a Sports Skills Clinic or Camp – Evaluation

Cumulative Activity #1 - Organizing a Sports Skills Clinic or Camp

Value: 10% of overall mark

Curriculum Expectations covered:

- demonstrate an ability to design activities appropriate for different ages and stages of development

- explain skill acquisition process (i.e. stages of learning, role of feedback)

- describe psychological factors that affect performance

- apply motor learning principles to analyze and teach a skill

To excel at this activity:

- read and follow the instructions closely (and refer to the marking sheet)

- refer to you notes (and text) for info on the recommendations for the age group you select

- you do not have to invent activities for your camp, but you must reference activities you borrow from others (i.e. coaching manuals, internet sites)

- divide the criteria into clearly identified sections (e.g. heading and sub-headings)

- remember not only to outline drills, but also make a section that identifies and explains different skill progression analysis.

Class time for this project: You will have 5 days of class time to work on this project.

If there are extenuating circumstances, extensions may be arranged.

Otherwise, I will collect this project - along with your text - as you enter the examination.

Cumulative Activity #1 - Organizing a Sports Skills Clinic or Camp

Purpose ( To prepare and present a sports skills clinic to one of the following groups

• Elementary school students (primary – ages 6-11);

• Elementary school students (junior – ages 10-12);

• High school students (grade 9 and 10 ages 13-15).

Camp/Clinic ( Clinic Length

Structure ( Option 1: 3 day clinic 12 - 30 minute sessions (plus a mini tournament);

• Option 2: 5 day camp 20 - 30 minute sessions (plus a mini tournament).

( Student/Leader Ratio

• A suggested minimum of one leader for every 10 students (elementary);

• A suggested minimum of one leader for every 12 students (grade 9 and 10).

Camp/Clinic ( Prepare a daily time-table. Include the following items;

Organization ( Registration (organization and administration);

• Objective for the clinic - is the emphasis recreational or competitive?

- is the camp for boys and/or girls?

• Instruction sessions/rotations - skill emphasis (What skills will you focus on?)

- identify all of the drills used to develop skills

- fun competition or scrimmage contests;

• Equipment requirements;

• Break/free time (Lunch);

• Guest speaker???

Activities ( Select five drills to be taught and include the following: (Three drills for 3 day camp)

• Each drill must focus on a different skill;

• Identify the skills to be developed through the drill

(e.g.: footwork-passing-dribbling-shooting-offense-defense);

• Diagram how the drill will be executed;

• Identify the development levels/phases of the participants as they progress in the clinic (rudimentary-fundamental-sports related);

Skills (

• Select a skill that you would introduce and describe how it will progress from

self-paced to externally-paced; (or from closed to open)

• Select a skill that you would introduce and describe how it will progress

through the cognitive, associative and autonomic phases;

• How will you assess the participants motor skills and motor skill development;

• Explain the methods you will use to provide extrinsic feedback to the participants to help them understand their performance of a skill (e.g. evaluation forms, rubrics).

• Identify the motivational tools you will use (games-competitions-awards-prizes);

Advertising ( Prepare a flyer that you would use to promote your clinic which include the following

• Title or name of camp/clinic;

• Date of camp/clinic;

• Location/site;

• Age level/skill requirements;

• Boys and/or girls;

• Camp objectives;

• “Extras” (awards or prizes, guest speakers, sponsorship, special events).

Organizing a Sports Skills Clinic or Camp –Evaluation

Name: ___________________ Clinic: __________________

Use the following scale to determine your results:

Scale: 1: Does not meet requirements

2: Poor – does not show best effort

3: Good – but needs more work

4: Very Good- informative and practical

5: Excellent – meets all requirements (detailed and descriptive)

|Clinic/Camp Organization |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Description of Camp/Clinic Format | | | | | |

|Statement of Purpose/Objectives | | | | | |

|Description of Registration Process | | | | | |

|Time Table (Outlines Daily Activities) | | | | | |

|Description of Skill or Session Rotation | | | | | |

|Identifies Skills Emphasis | | | | | |

|List of Drills to be Performed | | | | | |

|Practicality of Activities for Skill Level | | | | | |

|Activities and Skills |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Age and Skill Level is Identified | | | | | |

|Drill Diagrams (illustrates movement) | | | | | |

|Drill Descriptions (skill emphasis) | | | | | |

|Skill Progression Description | | | | | |

|(e.g. self paced – externally paced) | | | | | |

|Skill Progression Description | | | | | |

|(Cognitive-Associative-Autonomic) | | | | | |

|Method of Skill Assessment | | | | | |

|Use of Motivational Tools/Feedback | | | | | |

|(Sponsorship - Awards - Prizes) | | | | | |

|Use of Feedback Procedures | | | | | |

|Presentation |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Flyer - Promotion (Title Page) | | | | | |

|Layout and Organization | | | | | |

|Neatness, Grammar, and References | | | | | |

|Effort and Creativity |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Goes beyond expectations and includes unique and creative | | | | | |

|ideas | | | | | |

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Note: This flyer will serve as your title page




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